14 January 2024 10:10
Was here over 20 hours on Jan 6/7 2024. In agony with an urgent abdominal condition i am STILL struggling to get addressed. Triage chooses ONE symptom from a *drop down menu* and will choose the thing on that menu that “fit what’s going on with you best. ” Even if it’s misleading, downgrades your urgency by 19 hours and almost gets you killed.
The two nurses at the front overnight are extremely inexperienced with intestinal blockages and prolapse issues and need education to remember that their job is to DO NO HARM.
I asked for the head nurse- she went and talked to staff but never spoke to me.
I called the montfort client care people to inform them- got a call back on a day afterwards where i was too weak to speak and asked to be called back… crickets, so here i am.
Avoid this ER. Many nurses don’t understand english- you won’t be offered food or water for over 20 hours if it’s a long wait and lord help you if you can’t get yourself from point A to point B- they force you to do it.

I was way worse off when i left.
20. Hours and wasnt even examined by a dr. Not one person checked for a blockage.

I will jump out of any ambulance that tries to take me to the montfort in future- just over the attitudes and nastiness of the nurses as i retched and they smiled and stood there doing nothing- didnt push me back, just walked away.
And i have a walker at home.

If i could rank this place lower, i would
04 January 2024 16:11
Absolutely amazing. Our son was admitted to icu and the most caring staff we could ever imagine.
30 December 2023 12:34
The worst service was at Monfort. We went via ambulance got checked in trade says at 1pm cleaning up and bed and will take you in ambulance left at 10: 30pm we get called in must have been a dirty bed to take 9 hours to clean. Asked for pain meds 3 nurses said we are coming an hour later no one came went to another nurse she’s like on my way in a min 2 hours later no one came when I got upset then one nurse says we gave pain meds when u came at 1 and it’s a 1 time thing? ! I asked what’s taking so long for dr to come we waited 13 hours she replied we had a lady dying and 3 doctors had to attend to her, I was like ok so how long do we wait her reply was your welcome to go home, I asked if she can estimate the time we will still wait after 13 hours her reply was you can leave we aren’t holding you against your will.
24 December 2023 8:14
06 Jan 24 evening/night shift at the ER. Outstanding! Everyone was so nice and so compassionate. I got triaged 5 minutes after arrival. X-ray done in the first hour and saw the ER Dr.no more than 30 minutes after. Thanks to all the ER staff.
22 December 2023 4:45
The ICU were great. Prompt and caring.
The regular ward staff were a little less than great. On the whole my partner was well looked after. Food not so great.
21 December 2023 7:56
Met my favorite friend Kyle at Monfort was the best hospital for friendship and healing Merry xmas Monfort hospital
12 December 2023 17:44
Back in September of 2017 I was hospitalized for severe viral meningitis and I was transported to the ER via ambulance. I was taken right away but my experience in the ER was horrible. I passed out and awoke to residents trying to do a spinal tap and was being held down in a very uncomfortable position by a male nurse. They failed to do the tap 3 times before the neurologist took over and I passed out. When they waited for results I was placed in a isolation room no one was talking to me when I came to and a nurse came in to help me go to the bathroom then yelled at me for flushing. I had no idea what was going on until I was put into the ICU. The ICU team was wonderful and I was there for 2.5 days. I then was transferred to the floor where the dr who took my case didn’t even bother to read my chart and flatly said “so what are you here for exactly? ” I was rarely ever checked up on the two days I was there no one helped me to a shower or encouraged me to walk around. On the last day they told me they needed the bed and I was well enough to leave. My ride wasn’t available until the afternoon and they said we will pay for a taxi. They unhooked me and had me walk out and I had to walk to the taxi bay. I hadn’t walked in days and I was disoriented and dizzy. Ever since then I have had a crippling fear of hospitals and how I was treated there. I will never go back there even if my life depended on it because it did once and the care was horrible.

They also put me in a room with a patient who clearly was suffering from mental illness of some sort but they didn’t take it seriously when I awoke to her at the end of my bed prattling on about how the bathroom was unsafe. The nurse just moved her back and that was all. She came back to my bed again and again nothing was done. Do not go here!
12 December 2023 10:25
While the wait was estimated at 17 hours while I was there, the green zone actually moved rather quickly in comparison. I was triaged at 3: 30am, and was informed during triage that the green zone wasn't open until 8am, and the nurse suggested coming back around 6am, but I decided to just stay in the queue and wait there. Once the area was open I was sent for xrays within an hour or two, seen and treated and discharged by around 2pm. The nurse did mention other zones were moving more slowly as the zone I was in was mostly quick assessment and discharge things (stitches, etc).
The doctor was amazing, thorough, and allowed me to make the ultimate final decision about a minor procedure or to wait and see if medication was enough of an intervention. I decided on the procedure, and he never made me feel pressured to choose otherwise, and was happy to do what was asked. When the nurse came to bandage me up she also sent me home with a dressing change so I wouldn't have to go to the store this evening as she knew i worked before going in and couldnt really walk after the procedure. We also had a chat about how difficult it is in the ERs, for both patients and staff, and how she sympathizes with everyone.
This was my first experience in the Montfort ER and if I ever need to, I think it will be my first choice. The wait is worth the patient care.
Little hint, they keep it pretty cold in there, so wear cozy layers and maybe bring a blanket as they have few available. But they do have phone charge stations and snacks in the vending machines in the ER area for the longer overnight stays like mine.
12 December 2023 6:20
15hr+ wait time for ER, like I know it's an ER but 15 hours? Seriously? I'll just die in the comfort of my own home thanks. I don't need to be sitting there sobbing in pain while the nurses can't or refuse to help.
07 December 2023 9:05
First time all waiting rooms are full and hallwayshave wheelchairs and chairs. And all full. What is going on? Why is it so hard to be seen in the emergency department? 11hr wait on screen and goes to 9hr30m and back up to 11 hrs wait. Just leave it at 12 hr wait and never change it. Cause it doesnt matter. I understand the overworked staff (and thank you very much for front liners. I do not want your job) but why do sick ppl have to wait to be seen? What has happened to our medical system? Why do sick ppl wait so long? Its crazy.
04 December 2023 17:09
Je donne mon avis en tant que visiteur et sans assurance. Je suis rentrée aux urgences avec une douleur aux intestins et on m a facture 1198 CAD avant de passer à l examen. J ai voulu abandonner car je vous que c est une arnaque mais on m a dit que je dois payer 1075 CAD rien que pour la prise de température et tension. Après les radios et les analyses j ai du attendre 14 heures pour que l infermiere raciste faisant passer tout le monde avant moi, m emmène au médecin qui me dit en cinq minute que je n ai rien que des gaz aux intestins. J ai quitté l Hopital vers 5 am avec un post it sur le quel le médecin m a prescrit un medicament. Aujourd’hui j ai toujours cette douleur.voici ce que je n ai pas aimé mais ce que j ai aimé c est la solidarité des couples canadiens dans la salle d attente et des parents avec leurs enfants dans ces moments difficiles. Des conjoints au service de leurs épouses et des épouses au service de leurs mari. Des mamans au service de leur enfants et un papa au service de sa fille. Une longue attente plein d emotion, d échange et de sagesse que j ai eu le plaisir de payer.
02 December 2023 3:47
Emergency staff is very caring. Equity based hospital. Treatment in a timely manner. Clean and sanitized. French and bilingual staff is a bonus. The medical devices are up to high standard. Best hospital experience I have had in Ottawa. ️️️️️
01 December 2023 9:02
I loved the service and there is a wide variety of very polite and empathetic professionals. I was hospitalized for several days and the treatment was very pleasant and pleasant. I felt at home. The nurses are little angels. I hope God takes care of them and protects them all. I know that Not all of us have the same expectations since they are different experiences, but my opinion is that sometimes you have to put yourself in someone else's shoes and not judge in advance. I would like to bring flowers and chocolates to all the nurses.
26 November 2023 20:43
If I could rate this hospital 0 stars I would… lack communication, knowledge and just general well being of their patients. THE WORSE HOSPITAL IN OTTAWA DO NOT GO THERE

Montford hospital sent my grandmother who has lapses in her memory (not diagnosed dementia- cause god forbid we do that if we can’t even call the family) home without a call to the family. She is so confused. She has no idea how she got home or that she was even home. She thought she was still at the Civic hospital! This is the 2nd time in 3 months the the montford hospital sent her home without any contact to family!
26 November 2023 5:44
This hospital will KILL YOU!
First visit, the triage nurse was very condescending and A LIAR. I sat in the waiting room BLEEDING and she treated me as if I was drug seeking due to me being First nations. Got tired of bleeding & being humiliated in the ER so i went home, only to come back a WEEK later because symptoms were still the same. This same triage nurse KICKED a homeless man out for asking for water while making snide comments about how he was only there for drugs and that he couldnt sleep there. Also saw a patient who got HIT BY CAR treated the exact same way by the same nurse. Their nurses LACK EMPATHY and should NOT be doing a job where reassurance and empathy are involved.
Waited 6 hours to see a doctor where I was put into the ER hallway in a wheelchair while suffering from blood loss and vomiting but people with pulled muscles in their calves got seen first? The nurses WATCHED as I threw up everywhere and because they decided to WATCH instead of hand me a proper throw up bag, a couple of gentlemen had to get me one OFF THE FLOOR! I lost almost half my volume of blood waiting, I still dont feel any better and still suffering. After finally getting into a room, they told me I was LOW ON THE PRIORITY LIST DESPITE SUFFERING FROM BLOOD LOSS. I only had ONE nurse kind enough to listen, I had to press the call button 6 TIMES just to be told a nurse would be with me only for them to never come. Discharge papers were never brought to me, they just told me my family was here and that I could leave. No discussion about the previous blood work they had taken, all we got was a "follow up with your family doctor" and shoved out the door.
Seeing so many other reviews stating how mistreated they were, I hope this review saves someone's life UNLIKE Monfort Hospital.
If you dont want to die at home, this hospital is the one to die for!
and NO, I will not be contacting your patient feedback line and will be in contact with a lawyer, The Ministry of Health, the CPSO and the CNO so they can shed light on why this hospital has so many negative experiences. Id advise others to contact the Ministry of health as CBC News will be hearing about this too.
21 November 2023 14:28
A big shout out to Hernestine (the RN) who went above and beyond to ensure my father did not have to wait at the Urology clinic. She took time away from her lunch break to let Dr Wong (who was also amazing) know that we had gone to the wrong area, and were 40 minutes late, and made it possible for us to be seen right away. Two thumbs up and a very grateful patient. Thank you so much for your warmth and kindness
21 November 2023 11:09
Not enough words to express my gratitude. People who are working here at the intense care are angels.
They were treating us so very well, with a lot of respect. So many attention and care. Doctors whom we met are professionals. Answered all of our questions and did their best. Sincerely thank you! Best of luck
12 November 2023 9:46
Pathetic treatment at Emergency. I am in healthcare and have worked 20 to 30 hour shifts. There is zero excuse for reception treating people like they are interrupting a texting session. My father is 87 years old with severe Parkinson’s. The lack of care for the most vulnerable people in our society is truly a frightening look at this generation’s future. Our healthcare system is broken which is so obvious when walking into the Montfort
12 November 2023 8:53
This is by far the worst Hospital in the city. My dad has a number of health issues a serious lack of mobility and strength and has been to this Hospital a few times over the last 2 years. Everytime the experience gets worse, the Doctors have been amazing in particular the Infectious Disease doctor (most recent reason he was hospitalized) however 99% of the staff here PSWs orderlys Nurses are absolutely atrocious. They do not belong in healthcare. Its been a week and no one has bathed or showered him even a sponge bath he says a psw comes in with a bucket throws a towel at him and tells him to wash his face himself. Last week I asked someone to come help him with a bowl movement and was told "cant you do it yourself" um no my dad has very little strength and mobility and I am not strong enough to move him. The last two days his whatsapp was not working I managed to figure it out but the hospitals public wifi was not working. Its the only way he can speak to my brother in France. When i went to the desk to ask if there was something i could do one of the staff said no if it doesn't work cant help you so I asked if there was someone else that could or somewhere else i could go to ask for help. Her English was terrible so I asked to speak to someone else who's English was better. She was clearly offended by that because she kept sitting there making rude comments saying theres to official languages eh. How come you don't speak French she kept repeating it and after a few minutes of this I said whats your name i want to speak to your manager to lodge a complaint. She kept going on and on would not provide her name so guess what i took her picture. Finally after that the floor nurse came she was a little nicer but not much. She did however tell me i could go downstairs to the information desk and they could further help. She did provide the employees name and gave me a managers name and number to speak to. However later on the same floor nurse saw me in the hall (they were helping my dad with a bowl movement so I stepped out of the room in the hall) my phone was clearly pointed at the ground I was texting several people. She said you cant use your phone here since you took a picture of the nurse I said this is a public place and I am texting you cannot tell me what to do and she tried to usher me out of the hall. I ended up just ignoring her. Obviously this is a place where our loved ones are and it is emotionally difficult for their loved ones. Show some compassion. This Hospital is terrible. Sorry to be racist but all the black employees are incredibly rude no compassion how would they like it if our loved ones were there. This is how you want them treated disgusting. I pray for everyone you never have to be admitted here. Absolutely atrocious dont go into healthcare if you have no compassion. If something happens to my dad here you better believe I will not hesitate to sue for lack of care
09 November 2023 14:33
A loved one was recently admitted to Montfort Hospital and I have to say that this was probably the worst hospital experience of their and my life. And that is saying a lot, given the abysmal health care in Canada.

I had been very concerned about my loved one and had been trying to get one of their nurses or a doctor to just tell me how they were doing. That was all I wanted, to an update on someone I was worried about. I called the hospital and the ward multiple times and, for some reason that I absolutely cannot comprehend, this seemed to be an insurmountable request from anyone at this hospital. One nurse I spoke to when they were just admitted was very nice, but couldn't offer much information at that time.

Then I had the misfortune of trying to get an update from two other nurses on the ward. One just seemed way too busy and hadn't even spent any time with them yet, so had no information to give me. I called back later in the day and the response was the same. Actually, she told me, "They know their name". That was the update I got. How specific and comforting. She also said that a doctor might call me back if they felt like it. Also, very helpful.

The next day I tried again and that day's nurse also had not yet spent any significant amount of time with my loved one and she could only say, "They're fine with me". She said the doctor might call me later. Eventually I called back because it had been two days and I was very worried at this point, because no one would tell me how they were doing. That same nurse once again just said they'd ask the doctor to call me. This time, I almost begged for an update, I asked if they were eating or sleeping or did they seem happy and ok. The nurse hung up on me and then told the doctor that I'd verbally abused her. Trust me, it would have been very tempting to do so, but I was cognizant of my language. But I was insistent, I just asked if anyone could please just tell me something.

I'll say that again. A nurse in a psychiatric ward hung up on a concerned family member who was just asking for an update on an elderly loved one that no one had yet given after 2 days in this horrible place.

I did, though, then receive a call from their doctors, who were actually quite kind, knowledgeable and empathetic.

The family member did not feel safe, heard or cared about during their stay, either, and have been very traumatized since their discharge. This part is not my story to tell so I won't go into it any further.

And finally, when they were discharged, they were sent home without their health card, medications that they'd been told to bring with them, and the cash that they had brought with them. They do not live anywhere near the hospital, so getting back there is nearly impossible, so bye-bye to all of that. They did say they'd mail the health card, but given the way this place is run, I'm certainly not holding my breath that they'll ever see that health card again.

I have emailed the hospital and have left a message at their complaints department and have not heard back from either.

It's almost like this horrible, trauma-inducing institution has a big staff meeting every morning where they encourage their employees to be as dismissive and incompetent as possible. If that's the case, Montfort, you're doing a bang-up job.

Also, I am not naive enough to expect that this review will change anything (such as taking any steps to ensure nothing like this happens to anyone else, disciplinary measures for the incompetent nursing staff, returning the items that were not sent home, etc.), but I needed to write this anyway, in case someone reads it and makes the decision to seek treatment elsewhere. Mind you, I won't be surprised if there's a response here at some point saying how sorry they are and to call their customer service number (even though I have and they won't call back), which seems to be this hospital's standard response to the complaints that I've read, instead of actually trying to improve their service and care.

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