02 January 2024 7:52
JDN has been communicative, professional, and has worked diligently with any inquiries I have had over the past few years. I would recommend their services.
24 December 2023 3:26
I would highly recommend JDN property management! Efficient, friendly, knowledgable team members dedicated to helping throughout the landlord experience.
25 November 2023 1:48
I wish there was a negative star rating option. Avoid JDN at ALL costs. They take advantage of students who are unaware of their tenant rights. Tate and his team are untrustworthy, repairs are never done properly, and we have been lied to about different things.

I could go on for a long time with all the issues I've had with JDN and Tate, but I will speak about the main ones. Firstly, when we moved in, the house was extremely dirty, I don’t think the previous tenants or JDN made any effort to clean up before we moved it. One of our bathrooms had a serious mold issue, I have attached the pictures of the mold. We should have avoided the apartment completely but us being young students and excited to live together waved the condition of our apartment when we moved in. When I finally realized the celling was covered in mold not just the paint deteriorating, I contacted JDN about the Issue and Tate and JDN downplayed the issue. While at the same time me and a few of my roommates were having respiratory issues because of the air quality in the apartment due to the mold and lack of ventilation The following is the email response I got from Tate after expressing my concern over this serious health concern,

“The first thing I should point out is that it's almost certainly mildew and not mould. People see brown or black patches and assume the worst. I've been through this many, many times. It's almost certainly mildew. Resolved by simply cleaning. Additionally, most forms of mould are no more dangerous than the mould outside. The outside world is full of mould. Few moulds actually make you sick or have any adverse effect on the human body. In fact, many, are beneficial. People also tend to get sick for a lot of reasons, including 'self fulfilling prophesy'. We tend to convince ourselves of things with limited evidence, and our mind and bodies just run with it. ” -Tate

Essentially, he was telling me that the black substance covering my bathroom was simply mildew and could be “beneficial” for me, the audacity amazes me still.

After this JDN sent painters to fix the “mildew issue” by planning to paint over it to hide the problem and told me that it had been inspected and wasn’t mold. I happened to be at the apartment the day they “inspected” the bathroom, and no one came in or out of that apartment, Tate blatantly lied to me that it had been inspected.

The apartment has structural issues, the metal railing on our balcony is not up to code and the deck is falling apart. Every time I contact JDN to fix something, it is never done property and ends up causing more of an issue the second time it breaks. Maintenance guy is very nice and pleasant but doesn’t do a very good job at repairs. At this point I’m surprised they are still in business as I have heard many other people having issues with JDN.
31 January 2023 4:04
Theryve been all wonderful especially theresa they’ve worked with us thru hard times and have been great!
16 January 2023 17:28
It's crazy trying to find a place, I can't believe it. Not that it has anything to do with this company at all, I have only had good experiences with JDN, specifically Tyler, super friendly and helpful and a really great contact.
05 December 2022 8:21
Terrible property management company! JDN will ignore your complaints. We have mice and were told to buy our own mouse traps and take care of it. We have rodents in our kitchen ruining our things, which is also a safety hazard! We have messaged multiple times about our issue and get left on read. I do not recommend renting a place from them
04 November 2022 8:00
Tate and jdn is the most toxic management company I ever deal with.

1) He has a one year contract which I never had in my entire career in real estate.
If you brake the contract he wants u to pay out the contact before u sell your property.as I’m in that process right now. Where he wants to put a lean on my property’s so I had no option to pay out the contract today. Cuz I wnat my sell to be smooth and Tate is making this process toxic.

2) They charges 7 % to manages property’s but has no contractors to help manages deals to get renovations done. This is very unethical.

3) beside the 7% he charges to manage your deal. In the one year contract it’s hidden he’s charges another $%8 on all renovationss on top the bill.

So if the bill on driveway cost $30k, u have to pay him %8 on top of the bill which cost $2,400. I never had this ever on a management company.

I will stay away from this company at all cost. Forget all the positive reviews I’m affirmative he paid ppl to make fake reviews.
20 October 2022 9:30
We've had some issues, which were handled reasonably. Jeff has taken the time to sort any issues out with us.

Over the years they've improved substantially.
17 October 2022 6:16
In my opinion. Tate MacMillan is the largest problem with this company. He bullies threatens and tries to scare tenants into complying to his will with no legal standing. If the tenants make valid complaints they are told they are not valid.therez nothing wrongor it's not Jdns responsibility.
Upon being told not so nicely that he (tate) did a horrible job at property management he retaliated with insults threats and lies to the entire building! Nevermind threatening theft of tenants personal property.
Tate and jdn should be the ones facing legal action for inappropriate conduct and for being extremely unprofessional nevermind not doing any type of actual property management!
12 May 2022 6:15
After 2 years of tenancy we're left stranded in student home without a working fridge. This ongoing problem has resulted in 4 students losing a full fridge of food 3 TIMES. Finally we are left with an empty space in the kitchen where the fridge once was, with an indication that a new one will come after 2+weeks of no fridge. I am aware that JDN cannot omnisciently control fridges, but some promptness or due diligence in suppling a standard quality replacement is at a minimum deserved, instead my roommates and I have received no acknowledgement for the $1000+ food loss STUDENTS have had to front.
05 April 2022 11:57
I have had an excellent experience with JDN so far. I did face some minor issues in the apartment but they were promptly resolved by Tyler, who has been very helpful from the start.
09 March 2022 9:57
In applying for an apartment with JDN, although it did not turn out for the one I was looking at, I found all my interactions with them to be professional, courteous, and extremely responsive. Being in customer service myself, I understand how difficult serving customers can be, and here in London there are some horrible landlords - I would highly recommend looking at JDN's offerings when searching for a new place to live.
05 March 2022 23:32
JDN is by far the best property management company I've ever dealt with. They're professional, kind, courteous, and have made the renting process easy and painless. In an industry where it's all too easy for property managers to take advantage of and abuse their tenants, JDN is like a breath of fresh air!
We never have to wait more than a couple of days (usually within a few hours) for service calls and Tyler is always so quick to respond to any questions we have about our unit.
28 February 2022 16:43
Not a tenant but a prospective one.

Was informed our application was accepted for a new building.

They took our last month rent deposit, invited us to a “approved applicants only” showing of the building to have us pick units, request move in days, and get measurements of the space.
Today they inform us that we do not in fact get an apartment even though all communication suggested otherwise.

Now, because I was planning to move from 3 hours away, I transferred my job to London, and I don’t have a place to live anymore.

Completely unorganized and unprofessional service.
05 January 2022 19:39
Recently put in an application for a rental. After application vetted was told I was not eligible. Myself and my partner have owned homes for the past 25 years. We have never not paid our mortgage. We have an excellent credit rating. More than 1/2M dollars and we are not eligible.what is that about. Application was confusing, and company did not ask for clarification,
29 December 2021 14:22
I was a tenant of JDN on Sarnia road from 2018-2021.
The day I moved in, I stood outside the door of the unit for 15 minutes, trying to get ahold of someone in the office, as they gave me the wrong code for the door (although each of us living there had told them repeatedly that the code they were giving was incorrect, new tenants were initiated into the unit for the next three years by waiting at the door for someone to let them in).
Viewings for perspective tenants were often done without notice. Management would send an email blast to SOME of us living there, but never everyone. The company's representative also arrived late upon multiple occasions, leaving the perspective tenant on the doorstep of the unit with their phone glued to their ear, trying to get ahold of whoever was supposed to meet them (who would never answer the phone).
Maintenance with JDN was a true nightmare. Their disrespect went so far as to ignore our request for a repair on the upstairs toilet for 7 days (only responding after our second toilet also broke). Once they replaced the upstairs toilet and repaired the main floor toilet, they requested that we stop flushing "sanitary napkins and toilet paper", or they would charge us for the next repair. That's right. They requested we stop flushing TOILET paper and suggested we get a special trash bin for used TP to sit next to the toilet.

JDN's refusal to respect students as legitimate tenants is abhorrent. I would strongly advise students who cannot afford better than JDN (like myself, for those three years) reread their rights and keep the company on their toes.

You deserve better.
15 November 2021 22:28
Dirty and disgusting was how we found 131 Rowehampton in London when we arrived on time to move my 18 yr old son. Seems the that JDN did not preemptively inspect the property and rumour has it that 11 people were living in the house intended for 5. One of the other parents spent 1.5 hours cleaning the bathroom and it was still gross and dirty. All of this plus cockroaches and a water leak on move in day. Today we also just received word that the internet is not available for the next few days.good thing college students have no need for internet.cigarette butts littered the ground in front and garbage left on the lawn in the rear lawn. We will be serving the landlord a bill for all of these problems and our time to clean up this awful mess
10 November 2021 15:12
JDN is fantastic. They are very professional, helpful and respond to our concerns right away!
Highly recommend!
17 October 2021 13:40
I’ve had good but also very not good experiences; this is likely on par with any other property management company.
26 September 2021 5:36
Gross misuse of trust. False advertising. Absolutely dishonest. Expects tenants to live in squalor. I warn everyone who sees an ad to think twice. DONT DO IT no matter how good if looks. They don't care at all about their properties. Take it from someone who moved in during a pandemic, on good faith and knows they took full advantage of the ltb backlog. 1. Cockroaches that they were well aware of and yes i have evidence of that, and it took about 3 months to get them permanently dealt with. 2. Mice that they were well aware of took nine months and countless complaints to deal with. 3. Mouldy, peed on (by previous tenants dog), mouse dirt stained and torn carpet (when we moved in) that they claim running a broken carpet cleaner over was enough. My daughter has actually been sick multiple times due to the conditions of this property. PLEASE dont let your family or loved one be hurt by this dishonest company because they simply DONT CARE about their tenants.all they do is collect rent and do minimal effort repairs to simply legally cover their butts. They dont provide clean good properties. It is disgusting and they expect everyone to pay full rent to live in absolute squalor. The photographs below are the photos of the "freshly cleaned" unit we moved into. Its an uphill battle but we won't stop fighting and with legal enforcements picking back up i will be at full force. But please spare your family this heartache. I was assured up and down itd be clean and necessary repairs would be made prior to us moving in. So even if they promise those things they wont do them.
25 September 2021 7:32
I see Jeff has likely asked a friend, "les Herron", to replace the most relevant review, so I will fix. Threatening students with SLAPP lawsuits in ONTARIO? I'd be careful Jeff! You operate a business that advertises to be the best when you're AT MOST (as evidenced by your ridiculous responses), a two bit wannabe gangster. Every liked review on your page is 1 star for a reason. To those who care, at a MINIMUM, I suspect Jeff is in direct violation of section 52 of the Canadian competition act for the misleading manner in which he advertises his business. Not to mention an 8 year old can tell your "5 star reviews" are complete bogus. Apologize to those who feel wronged! Do Better! Own up to your mistakes, make the proper concessions, and be better for it. That is what a professional five star worthy business would do. My expectations are low however, considering terrible reviews have been left since the inception of JDN and nothing seems to change. Rent at your own risk, many better reviewed options in London, no need to accept poor treatment from these people.
19 May 2021 9:10
My daughter was sent an email from JDN Property Management pressuring her to send two months rent and her personal information, BEFORE she would be given the lease to sign.

05 April 2021 2:25
I would not recommend renting a property from JDN. A few staff were good, but others were unprofessional in their work. They offered minimal support to tenants. When I offered feedback (they asked me for feedback), they were defensive and unwilling to hear the feedback to improve their service. I'm sure they will respond to this post asking for feedback, however that is just for show. Truly disappointed with my living situation while under JDN management. I would never want any of my family or friends to live in one of their buildings. One example is they changed the website without updating tenants – locking us out of accounts. They were slow to repair a broken window in the kitchen in the middle of winter. Also, watch out for unjustified charges they will put on your account.
25 March 2021 22:29
Would not recommend this company. Extremely unprofessional, Rude, not will to work with tenants. Property not cleaned and maintenance requests don't get completed.
03 January 2021 22:09
I've lived in a house managed by JDN for a little over two years now. As a first time renter who was very intimidated at the thought of renting in a big city, they are pretty great. You hear so many horror stories of awful landlords and property managers, but JDN is different.

Every issue I've had, despite how frustrated I've been (and sometimes how rudely I've expressed that frustration - sorry JDN), they've helped me solve quickly and efficiently. It may not have been as timely as I would have liked but they do manage many properties, and patience is key. Having said that though, anything that was considered an emergency, such as when the pipes of the kitchen sink cracked and I had water leaking into my basement room, they took care of very quickly. That particular incident, they came in and looked at it within an hour of my sending in the maintenance request. It was a HOLIDAY and they came that fast!

When I first was trying to move to London, the original building I was going to move into ended up being sketchy. That's the best possible word to describe it. Just not a good situation, and I decided not to take it, despite only having 10 days left before I had to move. A friend found JDN and suggested we give it a try after I had contacted what felt like hundreds of people renting out rooms with no replies. JDN showed me 3 different rooms available within two days of contacting them.

I've spoken with Tate and Theresa at length with most of the issues I've had. Both of them have been very helpful and explained things to me in a way I could understand without being patronizing, which is VERY rare when dealing with anyone in a landlord/management position. They're very kind and always willing to assist when they can. There's also a tall maintenance guy who usually wears a baseball cap. I don't know his name but he's one of the nicest men I've ever met.

They aren't perfect. I've had a couple of issues, but all of them can be boiled down to either party using poor wording accidentally or getting heated. It happens, and that's okay. They're human and they're trying their best - and their best is pretty great.

Overall, I've enjoyed my time with JDN. My room is nice, maintenance issues are taken care of quickly, and the staff are easy to talk to. I recommend them!
28 December 2020 14:24
JDN Property Management has done a great job for the last 9 years. I have never had an empty room or unpaid rent. When maintenance is required they have always responded quickly and communicated well. Jeff and his Team are good at what they do. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for a property management company.
27 December 2020 9:25
As a real estate investor and landlord, JDN is a fantastic property management company. If you want to be sure your investment is well looked after and your tenants are provided with responsive service then JDN is your best bet.
24 December 2020 12:07
I have 1 rental with 2 units. I made the switch from managing it myself to JDN and it's been a great experience. I have dealt with Jeff at JDN for 2 years. At first I checked what he did and how much he was spending on upkeep/etc, and after a while I found him to be trustworthy and good at what he does.now, I spend spend almost no effort and am so happy I made the switch to JDN. Thanks!
19 December 2020 3:11
JDN has been my property management partner for 3 years now and it has been one of the best choices I've made for my investment property. Their full service allows be to be completely hands off and worry free, allowing me to travel ~8 month of the year. Thanks JDN!
18 December 2020 18:28
I spent 3.5 years in London living in JDN Property Management Team rentals. I couldn’t have been happier with their professionalism, responsiveness and care. No matter the situation they were quick to respond and get someone to the house and they always showed compassion and consideration. Honestly, I truly couldn’t have been happier with them and I would recommend them to everyone looking for a place!
18 December 2020 13:06
I've been working with JDN for over a year. They do an excellent work.
Communication is very good, they respond to my emails or questions very quickly. Tenanting service is excellent, they tenanted 3 units for me with great tenants, no issues so far. I would highly recommend
JDN Management to anybody who is looking for a good and reliable Management Company. For out of town landlord, this kind of service is a dream. Andrew
29 November 2020 14:20
Great property managers. Always a heads up before they need to spend your money. Fair pricing. Nothing but good things to say. Highly recommend. Thanks Jeff.
27 November 2020 22:38
I have been working with Jeff and his team for 10 years. I like the transparency of the online maintenance requests. They are very responsive.
26 November 2020 8:41
I had to make a second account so that they would not try and contact me personally to take down the review, as they seem to be very invested in that rather then the time that they should dedicate to there units. I rented from JDN for a year as a student and I do not recommend for any student! Toward the end of my lease there was constant "Showings" for new residents which is understandable. However, they didn't inform us on about half of the viewings, in one incident I was wearing my pj's and opened my door to several people standing at my doorway viewing the unit! Completely unprofessional. They constantly sent emails toward the end of August telling us to get ready to leave or sign the new lease. They sent out emails every month demanding payment even if the payment was already paid.on top of that we waited several weeks for a maintenance guy to come whenever there was an issue. In on instance there was no hot water and we had to wait 2 months for someone to come fix it! The landlord Toby is completely unprofessional and is rude. He didn't even show up when I was originally going to view the unit. Which I should have noticed was one of the many red flags that JDN propriety's gave! If you are a student find somewhere else and save your time!
24 November 2020 10:31
Not the best to rent from. Period. Not even considerate about anything. Make you pay rent when you don’t even live their, due to circumstances that you have explained but do not come to an agreement on. Never take action, very VERY clumsy people, houses are never cleaned properly. Would not recommend.
21 November 2020 7:49
We put our home for rent thinking it would be a long process.
JDN quickly found us a tenant and took care of all the details!
They continue to take care of all the details for us without any headaches.
We are pleased with the services at JDN and the friendly staff.
18 November 2020 22:25
As a long term tenant of a property managed by JDN, I have always been very satisfied with all aspects of their business. Any concerns are dealt with immediately and the office staff and owner are extremely helpful and professional. Scheduled maintenance for furnace filter exchange and smoke detectors are timely and appreciated! I would not hesitate to reccomend JDN to future tenants and anyone looking to protect the investment of their home and have it rented and managed through this business.
17 November 2020 19:39
Don't believe any of the reviews except the negative ones. Tate MacMillan will threaten to sue for defamation if he knows who posted the review and he'll order you to take it down (many other reviewers are also saying this and I can confirm it's true). I rented with this company last year. There were several occasions where they'd fail to inform us that people were coming in to check out the unit. They also take unnecessarily long to respond to service requests, having taken 7 days to respond to mine. I dreaded my experience renting with them and I don't recommend anyone rent from this company. The fact that they'd rather threaten to sue people for "defamation" (even though the reviews are truthful) instead of taking responsibility and trying to improve should be red flags to any potential renters.
13 November 2020 23:10
I've been renting with JDN for 2 years and I'm very satisfied with their service. Out of 6 places I have rented in the last 5 years in London, JDN has for sure offered the best service I've had. They always respond to my emails/calls within a day and they are very reasonable people who will try to work with you as best as they can. They have a small office in London which gives a friendly, small business vibe as opposed to the larger, less friendly, corporate-like agencies.

Are they flawless? No, no one is. There were a few occasions here and there that they didnt respond as promptly as I would have liked or maybe forgot to contact me about something, but I'm aware that they have many other current and future tenants whose needs require attention and it can be challenging to keep up (just like any other job).

My 2 years in the same building and I was always treated with respect while, of course, treating them with respect too. They've always been friendly and accommodating. Would definitely recommend renting from JDN!
26 October 2020 18:40
By far one of the best places I've ever lived in, management has bin very helpful with work orders and well as very fast on getting us fobs for access, I recommend their properties)
20 October 2020 15:52
Hi my name is anthony williams I just move to london was have a hard time finding a place until I found Jen property's with them its was easy and them staff's was very nice and helpful in recommend them very nice people
05 July 2020 19:28
After 9 months of renting from JDN I can say that without a doubt I will never be renting with them again and do not recommend them at all.

We had issues with them from the moment we moved in. Our unit was disgusting upon move in day even though they claimed they had professional cleaning services in the unit.
- The basement fridge was full of mold
-There was mold on the drywall in the laundry room (which they came to spray weeks later but is still visible and gross to look at)
- lightbulbs were missing all over the house, and vent covers broken

They addressed the problem with the fridge within a decent amount of time but lightbulbs took longer as they kept forgetting the right light bulbs and in the end they only replaced the ones in the living room and there are still missing ones in the kitchen but I have given up bringing this up to them.

We had a flood in the basement they fixed the flood within a reasonable amount of time but we had to fight to have them replace flooring in the carpeted bedroom that was affected.it smelled of mold seemed to be common sense to replace it but apparently not.
When they finally agreed to replace the floors they took 18 DAYS to actually come in and do them which left my roommate sleeping and living on a couch for 18 DAYS with no rent discount or offer for relocation to a different unit while this was being done. To top it off they left this big pile of old carpet and trash in our backyard for months and then tried threatening us with a garbage removal fee when they finally came to clean it up.

Our washing machine broke and they did come to check the issue fairly quickly and told us we would have a new one within a week. Over a week passed by and still no washer. We had to call them to ask what was going on and there was a delay in shipping which is fine but a call to tell us that it would be longer than a week would have been appreciated.

The only person in this company that has spoken to us like we are human beings is Tyler the maintenance guy.
12 June 2020 0:53
JDN Property Management office staff are very professional. They answered all my questions professionally and politely. I had so many questions regarding the property and they were very patient in listening to every word I said, and precisely answered all my inquiries. I was really impressed and I will surely recommend their services to all my friends!
31 May 2020 0:38
Landlord review: When we took over our property in 2018 JDN was already the property manager. This was our first rental property and first time dealing with any property management company which has definitely turned us off of them in general. We eventually mutually agreed the relationship was not working.

They had misplaced laundry rental keys, done shotty previous repair work, and many tenants complained about the company and their responsiveness. JDN actually told us they were ignoring one tenant because she complained about everything but she finally went direct to us when we went and introduced ourselves to tenants. The cleaners they hired apparently had keys to units (according to a tenant so may be untrue) and the cleaners continued coming even after we told JDN we did not want them there so there is definitely a lack of internal communication. I will say, after tenant moved out their cleaner did a great job cleaning in preparation for a new tenant (although this was more miscommunication as we were getting the unit so cleaning was unnecessary)

We renovated a unit from top to bottom and wanted to list it for rent at a certain price. They told us this price was not realistic due to our other clientele (whom they chose). They listed it anyways. "Their" ad was a copy and paste from four years ago with the wrong price and old pictures. We brought this to their attention and they simply took current pictures from my ad which is fine but for some reason still did not update the price or description. We finally found a tenant (at our price from our fb ad) which they then wanted to be compensated for because they made an ad and claimed they took the time to do so and take pictures. LOL.

When we finally ended our relationship they gave us the keys which were just an utter mess and unorganized. So many keys that went to nothing and multiple unlabeled keys for each unit. We ended up having to knock on each door and ask that they let us try the keyring of 20 or so keys. They also had very unorganized documentation for us regarding n4 etc.and had not properly issued notices to increase for 2 units so we were delayed in the increase.

The billing is also way more confusing than it needs to be. If you have to give me details instructions on how to read a bill than something is wrong. We had to email on numerous occasions for bill errors (charges for pest control that never happened) and honestly just confusion.

Overall, as newbies we don't have anything to compare them to, but went with them based off of reviews. Jeff did waive some fees that were brought up by us that were fair game we were not aware of so we did appreciate that. In general we were truly disappointed. I'm not sure if some of the disorganization and improper repairs could be blamed on the previous owners, however even without that into account we were unhappy.
08 April 2020 3:14
Sorry that there's no lower rating so I had to pick a one star!

JDN took over a week to post my place and they made errors in the post that I had to get them to correct.

They didn't show it in over a month! I was spending so much money paying for the empty space that I posted it myself, showed it to multiple people one day later, screened and secured suitable tenants on my own in less than a week!

JDN then wanted to get paid for doing NOTHING. They have not even sent me the invoice they claim to deserve, because they do not know how to work! They did steal my keys though; which is probably the only action I saw them take. I had to pay for new ones for the tenants.

29 March 2020 21:13
The property manager Tate Macmillan is the only reason why I'm revising this review. We were scheduled to have a phone call at a later date because I was busy. However, I received a lengthy, and quite slamming email today from the OWNERS of the management saying to take down my review within 24 hours because it was "untrue and defamatory" - which it definitely was not if they just had a conversation with me and talked about it. I ended up calling Tate after this email because I was very annoyed at the owner's accusations of my review being invalid. Tate called me to discuss the issues I was having and was super kind and considerate of the situation. He explained to me the miscommunication between everyone in this whole mess, and I understood why things went down the way they did. But, that does not excuse the original unprofessional-ism. I would've bumped the review to a 3 star had the owners not intervened. But, nonetheless, I am at peace knowing that there is someone in the company that actually cares, is professional, and reasonable. I trust that things will be better from here on out. Thank you, Tate.

Literally take a look at the reviews and see which ones have the most likes (hint, it's the 1 star reviews)

Overall, the service is okay but had a lot of issues with things like plumbing, detectors, and paint jobs before entering the house. However, they do respond to service requests quickly. My issue is when the agent is super passive aggressive and tries to rush you into terminating leases when it is your right as a tenant not to. And then responds to emails where you can tell he's annoyed and doesn't care at all about you, but just getting leases signed. Very frustrating.
07 March 2020 16:44
Theresa was AMAZING, she helped me within a day and the communication was great. I appreciate the last minute accommodation! Xx
06 March 2020 13:47
Great people to work with. Service has been prompt! Very good communication-honest and fair! Everyone I have met at their office or had emails with has been personable, friendly and professional. Highly recommend.
01 June 2019 8:18
I have been renting with JDN Property Management for 6 months now and the experience has been great! The staff is extremely helpful and has a very quick response time when it comes to any questions or concerns I may have. Their online tenant portal makes it very easy to submit service requests, and any concerns are responded to and dealt with in a timely manner. Communication with tenants on upcoming inspections, entering of units, etc.is prompt and efficient. I would highly recommend JDN to anyone looking to rent in London. They are a great company to deal with and their rental prices are more than fair.
01 June 2019 1:38
This was my first time renting with JDN and I had an amazing experience with them. Their portal makes it very easy to submit service requests and they are very quick to respond and deal with any concerns. JDN is also very good with communication and always are sending emails notifying tenants of upcoming inspections, room tours etc. I would like JDN in the future to be more diligent with snow and ice removal during the winter, but other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed renting through JDN.
28 May 2019 22:37
We started renting with JDN from August 2018 and have had an overall great experience with them. Even if there are issues with the unit or house, the moment a work request or email is sent I know that it will be dealt with. JDN has fixed/replaced appliances, plumbing issues, garbage on the front lawn, etc all within a very reasonable time (often even within the same day). They even provided us with a snow plow (truck that came in whenever there was a large snowfall), a salt bin, and a constant supply of salt during the winter months. This was not part of our lease yet they provided this free of charge.
14 May 2019 5:54
I've been renting from JDN for almost two years now, and l am very happy with them as my landpeople. I've had a couple of things come up and l am able to email them and they promptly have taken care with the issues. As well as some emergencies come up where l am able to give them a call and the maintenance was able to fix it right away.
The staff I have talked to have also been very friendly.
09 May 2019 6:12
We had a flood at our house, which was not at all JDN's fault. We were forced to find some temporarily accommodations. Tobi picked us up and showed us a few options which was amazing and even helped us move our stuff, all free of charge and on top of that we got some rent back.
30 April 2019 1:22
Really good company; communication is no issue and I have no issues with the location that I live in. I'm close to campus and whenever an issue rises, it gets sorted out as soon as possible. Recommended company if you're seeking a nice place close to Fanshawe College.
26 April 2019 6:52
Awful service. They do not take care of their parking lots in the winter, and I have fallen numerous times. When calling in to ask if they can salt their parking lot, since it was an ice rink, they said it was not their problem. I had to taxi to work twice. It may not be in the rental agreement to take care of this, but it is creating an inhabitable place to live, and they have no care, specially if someone got hurt.
25 April 2019 11:28
Would give 0 stars if I could, I will never rent off JDN again. They don't treat you like people or care about your well being just want your money. Anyone thinking about renting a property off these guys I would recommend looking elsewhere.
17 April 2019 11:40
JDN has been very unhelpful when responding to emails regarding sublets. They stopped responding to emails and it took an entire month to even get the process going. Very frustrating and inconvenient to deal with, I sent many emails and called multiple times. Very inconsistent service!
14 April 2019 21:56
I owned a rental property in London for 12 years, the last 8 of which I was living outside of Canada. I want to thank JDN for your service over those years. Even though I've lived in another country I always felt it was in good hands. JDN always went above and beyond, ensuring that the safety and comfort of my tenants. I would highly recommend.
14 April 2019 14:58
My future roommates and I just signed our lease today! The whole process was super easy and helpful; we had the smoothest experience imaginable. Thank you JDN!
26 March 2019 12:25
JDN Property Mgmt offered pre-authorized debit which is so much better and faster then post dated Chq, less hassle for everybody. JDN is extremely professional and very advanced. We are very impressed with their service

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