20 February 2023 6:37
Je suis tellement désappointé avec le service a la pharmacie. Je suis cliente depuis plusieurs années et j'étais très satisfaite au point où je dirais que le service était excellent. Les deux dernières fois que je me suis présenté ont été tellement décevante. La première fois difficultés a trouver mes médicaments et deuxième fois peuvent même pas les trouver. Porter plainte avec la gérante Carole encore plus insultant en ce qui concerne le service a la clientèle. Sa réponse est que je sois patiente et que c'est de ma faute que j'ai pas passé plus tôt pour ramasser les médicaments. Wow
11 February 2023 18:59
HORRIBLE pharmacy! I called to have my mother’s medication renewed and also requested to speak with the pharmacist because my mom was given a new medication and i wanted to make sure there was no interaction with her other medications. I was put on hold for 10 minutes only to be told the pharmacist doesn’t have time to speak with you and will call you back later. This isn’t the first time that this happens or i show up to pick up my moms medication and nothing is ready! Very rude staff and completely unprofessional! I will be transferring my mother’s file and never return here!
09 October 2022 15:24
Not a safe place to shop.
If the security sensor on your item is not scanned right expect a secruity guard to chase you, grab you, tell you to empty your pockets. Also expect security to chase you down onto a bus or into your car if you were carrying an item in the store from another retailer that they don't even stock. Loblaws is a safe place to fill prescriptions, as long as there is no security guard there they have a no touch policy even if loss prevention stops you, you can ignore them and have nothing to worry about as long as your honest and paid.
10 September 2022 19:00
So annoyed with this location as a canada post provider. They make up their own closing times all time if they aren't busy, they just shut it down early.
25 July 2022 18:52
I would love to say they were good but just the opposite took forever and was rude and horrible I HATE this place and that from someone who doesn't like the word
10 July 2022 7:06
Un bon service a la pharmacie mais au supermarché c'est archinul, l'agent de sécurité m'a beaucoup dérangé en me suivant tout le temps juste parce que j'avais mon cartable avec moi en sortant de mon travail, c'est honteux de traiter les clients de cette manière, tellement il m'a mis mal a l'aise que j'ai quitté, dernière fois de rentrer dans ce magasin, vraiment honteux
28 June 2022 4:42
I have been shopping and filling prescriptions at this location for about 3 years. Everyone is always so friendly and helpful. Really good sales also with many opportunities for bonus air miles.
11 June 2022 9:22
Il faut éviter le service du comptoir postal, et Postes Canada.
Le personnel de cette succursale est respectueux à l'égard de la clientèle.
25 October 2020 10:29
Lots of signage in place and sanitizer is available at the door. Cashiers are protected by plexiglass screens, but are not always wearing their masks properly. The security guards at the store do not observe social distancing, and also do not wear their masks properly. Pathways are marked but largely not followed, however the store seems to not get too busy so this is a minor issue.

We recommend that store management be more strict with their mask protocols.

COVID-Safe Ottawa reviews local business' compliance with recommended COVID safety protocols in order to help Ottawa find safe places to shop.
26 September 2020 8:33
Relatively good prices on medicine and baby supplies if you buy jean coutu brand.foods overpriced but that's most drug marts, main complaint is long line ups and rude cashiers.
25 July 2020 5:21
En tant que cliente, s.v. P, veuillez voir à renforcer les mesures de distanciation à cette succursale. Le 28 mai, à 14h17, j'étais au comptoir caisse à payer, et soudainement, un client a violé mon espace en se précipitant à côté de moi pour déposer des bouteilles de Coka sous prétexte qu'il avait mal au dos. Ceci est un comportement inacceptable. La commis s'est excusée, néanmoins en tant que pharmacie, et en période de crise sanitaire, il demeure de la responsabilité de votre établissement de vous assurer que la clientèle soit en sécurité, et puisque avez un garde de sécurité sur place il serait préférable qu'il puisse y voir.
20 July 2020 18:56
They are not helpful and waiting times are very long. They are not sympathetic and very disorganized, Had just been diagnosed with diabetes and had questions regarding insurance and technician was very rude. Basically said they didn’t care if she changed pharmacies.
30 June 2020 22:47
The service is actually quite good here. Pharmacy, in particular, takes very good care of my dad, a senior citizen. The reason I'm getting it three stars is because I was in today and decided I needed not only to pick up the medications for my dad, but to see if they had any face masks available. They did. They were charging $2 per basic face mask. It seemed expensive, but I didn't have time to shop around. I looked online when I got home and noticed that it should cost less than a dollar, pretty much anywhere else in Ottawa. That to me, appears to show that this location is gouging people for face masks. I was comparing apples to apples and a box of 50 face masks at Walmart was $38. Less than a dollar each. I certainly hope this was a mistake, although I I'm pretty sure the pharmacist was quite clear about the cost. But, hopefully they will address this immediately and not take advantage of people who simply want to do their part to help flatten the curve.
01 June 2020 12:00
Called the pharmacy and before I could say one word, the man that answered told me to hold. Instead of putting me on hold, he hung up. He does not know how to use the telephone. He should not be working there. Give him a job stocking shelves instead.
31 May 2020 4:20
Negative experience every time I come here. The vitamins are double the price compared to shoppers drug mart. Everything is generally over priced compared to shoppers. Then at the pharmacy they tried to charge me for my medication when I'm covered by ODSP. Haven't been charged in 6 years of being on my medication. They were just trying to make extra cash. They said its because I dont have private insurance.why would I need private insurance if I'm on ODSP. They then gave me my medicine no charge after arguing. But if I actually owed money then they wouldn't have handed it to me for free. What scammers and to do tht during covid19 that's non sense. If this pharmacy trys to charge u extra. Dont pay it! They are disshonest. My medication also wasn't ready 2 days after the fax was sent.
21 April 2020 10:43
I went to the post office to pick up my medication. I had a track number saying it was ready for pick up. The grey haired lady behind the counter said they did not receive it yet. So, I waited until the next day, same lady said they didn't have it. I asked if there was any way of knowing where it was. She said no. The day after that, I had this other girl who said she was able to locate the item, just by looking at her computer. I wish there was better training for these people. This was medication I had to do without for 3 days.
25 January 2020 1:13
Rudest pharmacists I've ever met at this location. It's like they don't want go do their job. Asked for assistance with cough medicine yesterday and had the worst experience ever, I won't go back to this location.
29 December 2019 12:03
I've had a few bad experiences with the pharmacist and pharmacy staff - I would not recommend going there for pharmacy services. They often make mistakes, and they're very rude.
03 December 2019 19:00
Pharmacists and technicians take FOR EVER for your prescription, no matter how much notice you give them, they will make you do their work and call around to fix their mistakes on your prescriptions, the staff will follow you around as if you stole stuff.

Stuff is cheap and disorganized. Missing items all the time just a poor maintanent place and a bad rep for Jean Coutu out there.

To avoid.
They suck.
23 October 2019 21:23
Came there and dropped my off my resume. I don't mind if I don't get the job. Its the fact that I went there a least 3 times in person to try to talk to the manager and she wasn't available for me. They even said they would call me and never did. If you say you're gonna do something a least try and do it. I'm not mad because I didn't get a job there. I'm mad on how they treated me like a nobody.and some random stranger. I'm not blaming the manager but this is reflectng bad on the managing system they have there! #worstjobapplicationever
18 October 2019 5:50
Tu passe chez jean coutu pour prescription bon service tu ai bien informé de ta médication un nouveau médication prescrite la pharmacienne vous approchent et donne une consultation produit hygiénique, médical et billets de loto poste canada à un comptoir en arrière et quelque grinotine bon bon, lait passer faire un tour.
15 October 2019 3:44
Y’all make French guy working 7: 30 on Friday sept 20th is as absolutely useless. He was working for Canada post. I cannot believe someone would hire this man. If I own this business I would fire him in a heart beat.
11 October 2019 1:37
Badly trained staff: Tried to purchase enveloppes and the cashier instantly lost her patience and raised her voice at me before I even said a word. Apparently you cannot purchase anything from the post office section when Canada post is closed, however the items are accessible and there is no signage saying otherwise.
17 June 2019 4:58
PHARMACY, always half to wait at the counter to get serve. There is about 5 workers and they see you but they don't care to make you wait. They treat you like you are nothing plus I'm on break and I spend my hole break standing there. One of the pharmacist is rude. Plus the security guard keep watching playing peekaboo with you, make you feel very uncomfortable. I'll be changing pharmacy. Don't need that stress.
03 June 2019 1:08
I walked in and a woman immediately asked what if i needed anything. I said no and carried on with my shopping. The entire time I was there a security guard kept following me and interrogated me about what I was buying. I felt very uncomfortable and decided to leave.
24 March 2019 5:34
Seems to always be some sort of problem when passing here. Sometimes cosmetic department is closed off. Other times the line up will be long with only one cash open. I have seen multiple robberies in here while I am with children. Not the best convenience store.
26 February 2019 2:08
Customer service doesn’t exist here. Price in-store for dental floss was higher than what was posted on their website, for their own location. I mentioned this to the cashier who called someone over. Her coworker didn’t care and said the price in-store is what applies. All this over 40 cents.
07 January 2019 13:31
A few months ago, i went to the post office in the back of the store. I asked for a pre paid credit card. In stead i was given a game card. When i asked what this was, i told that it was a prepaid credit card. It was not that at all. It was a game card. I paid a hundred dollars for nothi g.

I asked to see the manger, Vanesa. I spoke to her. She tried many of times to see if she could get the card to work. She could not use it for anything.

One of the sales person took me into the back to look it up on their computer. It was a game card.

I asked for my hundred dollars back. Vanesa told me that the money was not refundable. It even said that on the card.

I told her that i that was not what i asked for.

She told me that i asked for this.i told her that i did not. That was why i went to the court house to sue the store.
When i got there, i was told that it would cost me ninety give dollars just to fill. That is ehy i fid not sue. Believe me. If it was less money to fill, i would have done it.

They spoke french to each other when i was there. I only know a few words in that lanuage since i was raised in toronto.

Bad place to go, but their tode goes on sale alot. That is the only thing i will buy there.

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