01 February 2024 18:02
Galen weston is a greedy jerk. He makes record profits while prices go up and nobody can afford to live. I hope galen weston falls into an active volcano
05 September 2023 23:12
Absolutely horrible employer. Worked for them part time for a few weeks and have never recieved my pay. It's been about a month and still nothing. They've also lost me as a customer. The law in Ontario requires employers to pay employees on time, therefore their business practices are illegal, and obviously unethical. The labour board will get me my money though
23 August 2023 7:06
Fix your PC Plus program. I should not have to contact you each time an offer does not work. This seems to be particularly a problem at shoppers, so much so that the staff asks you to complain to head office hoping enough angry people will help fix it.
04 July 2023 19:12
To begin with why is Loblaws cutting off the greens off beets and secondly what is done with the greens
10 June 2023 5:10
Been trying to reach a higher up for a week. To no response. I bought nitrile gloves that were stained in the box. With what looks like other bio matter on them too. Some of the gloves look redyed. This was an issue during the height of the pandemic where bloody gloves were being resold. The lack of quality control and the amount of negligence this corporation has is astounding.
26 May 2023 23:19
Price gouging, bread price fixing, and store front propaganda.

Eat Loblaws corporate executives.
25 May 2023 10:17
This Loblaw companies distribution centres employees are the worst and very lazy in Canada. We drivers deliver goods there and we have to wait for 8 to 10 hours to get released from there even if you go before appointments time. They don’t even respect drivers at all. Dogs are respected well then we drivers.
Our bed wishes will destroy them. I urged public to stop buying from their all stores. They need lessons.
They don’t deserve any star but without one you can’t review.
Thanks to all who read and follow.
15 May 2023 6:46
Another corporation that only cares about profit. This company continues to increase prices, hitting high quarterly profits and not caring about how the majority of Canadians are struggling to make ends meet.
10 May 2023 13:45
This company steals. Their PC Optmum program is a joke! They stole a lot of points from me last fall and I tried over and over to have them correct the situation but you cannot get someone to respond properly. Its always an automatic response. I was on hold for 45 minutes and talked ti someone who had such a strong accent I could not Understand what she was saying for most of the conversation. In the end I gave her my email so she could send me a confirmation that the point problem would be corrected. I have three emails all showing different point balance! I finally tried to cancel my membership and I can’t even do that without getting stupid responses that have nothing to do with my request. Watch your points. There is a blog online that features PC Optimum members across Canada who had points stolen. (no wonder they show profits! They steal from their own customers).
If I could I would rate them -0!
19 April 2023 12:02
Beautiful place, everything newly renovated,
technology up to par
Great people, nice environment
Would come back again
20 December 2022 0:46
They are price gouging on childrens medicine! I bought childrens advil for $19.99 yesterday and Walmart is selling the same thing for $8.77. I will be reporting this to all news outlets and Consumer Protection. You should be ASHAMED!
02 December 2022 22:09
Don't be so cheap with your employees! My daughters perks were taken off just to cut costs she's one of the hardest workers in your Starbucks at zehrs
14 November 2022 8:38
I ordered to ship to an address but they sent it for pick up. They gave me 5000 pc points for the inconvenience but it’s not even redeemable until I spend money at their stores because you need a minumum of 10000 points to use them. What an insulting compensation.
28 October 2022 3:10
As a senior I am not liking all the 2 for prices. Bread 2 for 7 I don't need 2 as I have no freezer and would spoil on me. That is just one example. So I QUESS I will take my business to a store where I can get sale price on 1. Many seniors I've talked to share my thoughts.
10 October 2022 8:07
Hi folks please dont get a financial card or worst a credit card from President President's Choice Financial because you will never pay it because they have huge interest on it and they want only recovry business to work with them…worst financial decision i ever make is to be with them as a costumer
15 August 2022 17:24
Dear Mr. Weston,

A 3 month ordeal trying to deal with Loblaws, Superstore, PC Express and PC Optimum. Enough is enough!
Good Day, Mr. Weston
I have been a customer of Superstore in Nova Scotia for many, many years and I have an issue that needs resolution from someone outside of the call centre environment.
In April, I received an email from PC Express stating that if I booked my grocery order online, and spent more than $75.00 using my PC Financial Master Card, I would receive 25,000 PC points. To date, and after several (4) phone calls to your call centre I have yet to receive my points. Speaking with several "customer service" reps who informed me that my PC Express had to be linked to my Atlantic Superstore account, linked to a PC Optimum account and linked to my PC Master Card.etc.etc. Well, all of these are linked and to date, I have yet to receive my points.
On the first call, your representative told me that she would send me an email whereby I would take a screen shot of my receipt and she would assist me with my issue; I did not receive an email. On a followup call, I was told that my issue would be sent to someone else that would be able to resolve the issue. On my fourth call, I was told that a supervisor would contact me. A supervisor did call, but I was unable to take the call at that time. So, I called back and it was the generic number for the call centre, and I was told by the rep.that he had not transfer my call to the supervisor or did not have a direct phone number for the supervisor; such a waste of time. What kind of "customer service" is that? Please, counsel your supervisors when calling a customer that they leave their name and a direct number. Now I have to wait for a supervisor to call me again, and if I happen to miss that call, around and around we go again. Well, I am not going around again. The time I have spent dealing with this issue is not really worth the 25,000 points, however, I did my part in good faith, I would request that Loblaws does it's part in adding the points to my account. I spend several thousand dollars at Superstore each year, and although that might not mean a lot for your bottom line, to me as a customer, if I am not getting the service that is touted by your company, then I will spend my little bit of money elsewhere. This has been a very frustrating experience for me, and I want it to end with the resolution from Loblaws.
As a customer, I did everything that was needed to do to get the points advertised by your company and I have had to jump through hoops, and yet, I still do not have the points. Why does a "valued" customer of Loblaw group have to go through so much to get the points proffered? Is part of the Loblaw company practice to give customers the run-a-round, in order to wear them down, so that they will just give up?

A totally frustrated customer,

Karl R. Lange
30 December 2021 6:46
I ordered a product from on marketplace on November 20 and then had a delivery date for November 25th. The product never even left the warehouse. Customer service asked if I could wait till the 8th of December but there is still no movement on my product and it's December 3rd. So disappointed, can't believe I even waited this long to never see any movement of my product. I will never buy anything from the Marketplace again and I'll be sure to spread the word.
08 November 2021 5:30
On the evening of September 18 2021, I shopped at the Midland Ontario Canadian Superstore to buy avocados for my breakfast the next morning. Every one of those 6 avocados were moldy and black inside. I took pictures of them and my receipt in hopes of sending an email to customer service with pictures attached. The loblaws email address found online is unmonitored but the message i received from their automated response gave a link that contains a web contact method. I completed my complaint but noticed there was no option to include pictures. I waited a couple of weeks but never received a reply. I phoned their contact number (I hate phone conversations because I'm hard of hearing) and spoke to an employee who identified himself as Yash. He took my details and complaint and told me I would get a response in 3 to 5 business days, but nobody contacted me during that time frame. I called again and spoke to a rude (man) employee self identified as Jesse. He listened to my concerns and said customer service will contact me when they felt like it. To date, nobody from Loblaws/PC has contacted me. I just wanted a refund for the inedible spoiled avocados but I couldn't keep the decaying fruit in my home until I returned to the store and a taxi fare to and from the store to return the avocados for a refund is in excess of $20 so obviously its not practical.
22 October 2021 5:02
Goal is to inconvenience customers that need bags for groceries
Went to self checkout and there was no bags to put groceries in
They are going to inconvenience customers so they will stop using bags. I will shop at stores that don't mind when I bag my groceries
16 March 2020 14:04
Hi Guys,

Today I would like to share one of the worst interview experience of my life. Interview is a that stage of life where we present ourselves to the people who are the medium of entry to the organization where we are being interviewed. Like 'first impression is the last impression' stands out for the candidate; similarly it is applicable for the recruiters. A recruiter who is responsible to hire talented individual for the organization should also have decent personality to deal with the candidates.

I applied for a role at #Loblaw and got shortlisted- invited for phone interview and first in-person interview. After which I got a technical task to do and submit (which I did). After few days, I was invited for the second interview for which I was notified to prepare the same case study that I solved and submitted by the talent acquisition personnel. As an exciting candidate, with lots of aspirations I went to attend the 2nd interview and I have no words to explain the kind of disrespect and bad experience I came across. First of all, interviewers didn't had enough time as per the time slot, then why they invite me? It is not nice that you have invited a candidate and leave the interview in first 5 minutes (one of them left in first 5 minutes). It is totally disrespectful and shows the bad attitude towards the candidate.
The another issue was one of the recuriter was playing with the phone and some people came and ask to leave the room because they reserved it. Surprised? I was also shocked to see the bad coordination in one of the top companies like #Loblaw in Canada. Furthermore, I was asked why you didn't solve this n that? The questions which were not part of the task given to me. In addition to, if the first interviewer was happy with the solution I gave for case study, why they were making the situation worst and giving me instant stress. They were so rude and were telling me ''Don't tell me, It's me who designed the case study". O wow, I didn't knew that top companies like #Loblaw do not taught 'Communication ethics' to their employees.
However, despite of the uneasy situation, I was giving them the right answers.

I still wonder today-' Is it the way interviews are being conducted at Loblaw to harras the candidates and disrespect them? '

Honestly speaking, it was the worst interview of my life not becayse I was not qualified enough but because of bad treatment that I get there. But I am happy that I get to know about the dictorial environment at #Loblaw.

#Loblaw #LoblawCompaniesLimited #LoblawCanada #InterviewatLoblaw #DictatorRecruiters #WorstRecruitmentexperienceatLoblaw #Recuriterswithbadattitude #mistreatmentatloblaw
03 January 2020 5:59
I introduced my product to Loblaw Co.but I had to buy a shelf in their stores for the min cost of $40000 and the cost wasn't refundable. I was hoping for the big company like Loblaw I could have my product in their store as a trial for sometime to see the feedback from costumers.but I was a small Co.and couldn't pay the non refundable cost.it was very disappointing
22 October 2019 23:28
Best place to work in Canada! Work life balance.friendly environment.lots of scope to be up-to-date in new softwares/ technologies related to work and to be skilled as professional.
12 October 2019 17:52
Terrible place. The staff pretty much ignore you when you walk by. So much for customer service. My biggest beef is that they support The Mobile Shop which rips people off. I have requested that they remove all The Mobile Shop locations from their stores (ie. "Fake" Canadian Superstore.nothing "Real" about it). It's all about the $$$ folks.
02 September 2019 15:49
Our optimum account was hacked and after countless hours on the phone they still won’t give back the 68 thousand points. Staff extremely rude and we are done with any loblaws or Zehrs store. As well we are changing our drugstore from shoppers to another druggist for our prescriptions. My wife and I are both seniors and were treated like dirt. There is a scam going on with optimum points card and the powers to be won’t acknowledge it. Goodbye and goodriddance loblaws and zehrs.
08 August 2019 18:12
Probably the most vile Canadian retail conglomeration. Never waste time writing to them about any of their retail brands if you have a problem - they could care less. Canada is a captive market and that is taken advantage of to an extreme degree by Loblaws Companies. They are a success due to being more or less a monopoly and for very little other reason.
14 June 2019 8:21
Illegally fixing the prices of bread for over 10 years. Thanks to the Weston family, I couldn't afford to feed my family with bread. By the way, the family who owns Lobalws also owns No Frills, ValuMart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Holt Renfrew, and many other Canadian franchises. This is the best example of people's greed. Thanks Galen Weston.
08 June 2019 2:42
$12M handout from Trudeau Government is unacceptable. Did this money come from the bribes Justin has received himself or from tax payer dollars? Something is not right
14 May 2019 19:56
Avoid Loblaws on Rideau St in Ottawa! Go to Metro just next door!
It is always short on stock on the basic items (eggs, meat.) and offers below standard service. They have a bakery and meat counter but don't ask for a specific amount of meat ; all their meat is prepackaged Head office orders. You wonder why they have a meat counter and employees available there.
This store also applies age discrimination by offering discount days for students only and refuses to do the same for seniors.
The only good thing about it is the underground parking and the pharmacy staff which is always helpful. Thank god we have Metro next door!
08 May 2019 13:46
Tried calling for online support and was placed on hold for over two hours when the wait was 20mins. When I called again, the employee was condescending and rude. Horrible experience.
18 April 2019 9:34
PC Optimum, a great place to work, high quality President's Choice products, socially and environmentally responsible and getting better everyday - Loblaw is a great company to work for!
20 February 2019 11:04
I use to like this location but things have changed. Purchased a precooked chicken and it was raw in the middle. They handled the situation very poorly and even reached out to Loblaws. They said there would be a response from the franchise however there was none. Complete fail on their part. They have zero control over the franchises.
03 February 2019 18:10
Another degenerate company that only hires part-timers while raking in billions and expects the government to pick up the slack for its employees' benefits and underpayment. Unacceptable.
01 February 2019 12:52
The customer service people at PC Mastercard lied to me about upping my credit limit. They emailed me asking to raise my credit limit, I agreed, and then when i called a few weeks later they lied to me and said they never sent me an email. After holding forever, another customer service rep said the last rep had LIED to me because their systems were down. My question is. Do all the customer service reps lie to their customers when their systems are down? If so, this is NOT a company i want to deal with!
13 January 2019 8:09
Your manager Lidio

Is unstable needs to learn how to speak to people has no customer skills or people skills and poor mannerisms

I can’t believe he holds the position like that in a retail business

Shame on you.you can not speak to people in that manner shame on you
19 October 2018 18:01
Huge building. Huge parking lot, some test public test dring in parking lot.cust9mer friendly staff. Good head office.close to highway 401.
23 August 2018 15:30
As we all know Loblaws is parent company of Nofrills. I bought a piece of salmon from Nofrills at 5710 Main St, Whitchurch-Stouffville from the moment I brought the salmon home we opened it to package it and place it in the fridge but there was the nasty smell of the rotten fish. I took it back to the Nofrills and confronted the on site general manager about the situation and he said we cannot accept this return. I told him i have paid for this product and its rotten and cannot feed it to my family.it is very disappointing for a multi-million dollar company that do not want to accept that their product is rotten and in return blaming the customers for it. I am attaching a picture showing my receipt and the product.
I would never ever go back to this store and will never make this my mission for everyone to know what is going on in this company.
I would suggest Loblaws to investigate this store as i was going through the comments of this store i realized i was not the only one who was looked down at because of my race in this store.

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