11 October 2023 1:47
As a regular Transit rider, I find most of the drivers respectable, they are considerate of the passengers. Waiting for them to be seated before going forward. Then there are the "others" about 40 percent, who just take off like their tales are on fire. They lurch forward, you'd best be hanging on or get tossed into other passengers or end up on the floor. The same goes for stopping the bus, more drivers are well versed at slowing down, making a smooth stop. "Others" believe in going as quickly as possible and slamming on the brakes. These drivers should try standing during a routine route to experience how hazardous this is. Another deterrent is the rough shape some/most of the city streets are in. Thanks for asking me to post for the London Transit Commission.
09 October 2023 6:10
Terrible bus service. Always late. Weekend busses are even worse, considering the smaller ammount of ridership.
With creeping near 500,00 people, they had better get their act together.
I've lived in Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto.
All of whom share no bus services. However, they do know how to be available and on time!
29 September 2023 8:11
If you haven't lost your hearing or don't have earbuds, avoid the bus as much as possible! There's constantly teens blasting music, cursing and talking vulgar loudly, and saying things about you just because you're on the bus and can't stop them. They will pull out their cell and video record when confronting them.
25 September 2023 10:09
Seems like their drivers either aren't consistently trained or have no accountability and so they race each other to finish their route to get extra breaks. What this means is that because a very significant amount if not most of the drivers are not bothering to maintain their schedule, and so you'll have to wait an hour for one bus and then see three of the same bus passing each other (which they shouldn't ever be doing in the first place). They'll claim it's due to construction, but it's always been an issue regardless of present construction. They'll claim it's due to administrative staff shortages and positions they can't fill, when the only job openings they have are for mechanics. Ultimately there are many obstacles the LTC faces, that compound with their poor administration and lack of accountability, and the result is a transit system so unreliable it's nearly rendered useless for many. Hopefully people who do rely on these busses enter our city council to push for change.
17 August 2023 17:18
Waited around 30 minutes more under sun today for 16 number bus at Adelaide at Windermere 89 stop. The great bus finally appeared (I respect it has to face traffic and other so many issues) it then slowed down and stopped ahead of the bus stop area and when we were approaching towards entrance the driver suddenly drove his bus without letting us in.
May God give that driver all what he/she wants in their life.

I am writing this review from 19 number bus, the driver of this bus left the first corner (hasting) he had to turn from and then took turn from ahead and may his almighty save the patience of those who are waiting in the bus stop which this bus just left.

Carelessness at height!
02 August 2023 12:22
Horrible, inconsistent hours of operations, and inconsistent bus routes that are poorly maintained and up-to-date leaving you standing next to a stop at times with no busses.

Recently my final straw was when my monthly bus pass expired on the 31st and needed to go home after my shift the time being 12: 09 on the first. I asked the driver if I was still allowed to embark.if not, I'd gladly take an Uber home. The driver said fine, closed the doors and drove. Amedetly started yelling and causing at me for the past 2 stops then I asked to just get off the nearest stop and apologized. I felt incredibly humiliated as he didn't stop cussing at me until I got off.

I can say I sort of sympathize with him being irritated, as a Mcdonald's manager I can partially synthesize with many out-of-hand situations on a shift. But this does not excuse the degrading harassment I had to injure a simple no from the beginning would have suffice. Dumping all that frustration on me is not appropriate. With the yelling, I barely said anything I didn't feel safe at all.all for a bus pass I'd renew the next day.

If this is how they operate and treat their guests then I'm sure it won't be long until another more appropriate company takes over such as Presto. Let me know when they come, until then I feel safer without using the London transit commission. I will not be renewing my pass!
12 July 2023 19:08
June 29th, 2023

My experience for the bus today not so good. It seems that number three and number five don't show up on time today. They are the slowest drivers in the fleet. This is not good for passengers who need to get to their appointments or to get to work on time. I think they should improve on their scheduling or higher faster drivers who can make the schedules on time in my opinion. It does not work out well despite the construction. It's not so good right now.
06 July 2023 7:45
The staff here are very quick in assisting. I went to buy a smart card. It took around 2 mins to get the job done and staff is patient in providing info
09 June 2023 20:22
Very inconsistent mode of public transport. Buses consistently leave earlier or later than expected.
22 May 2023 17:24
London Transit bus terminal. Keeping all busses running on time that Londoners can rely on.
30 April 2023 5:33
Rainstorms, snowstorms, ltc will leave you stranded in it all! I have had drivers close the door on me in minus degree weather, drive away (ahead of schedule) from me in pouring rain.i can always anticipate that when it's severe weather i'm going to have to brace for the elements for an additional 10-15 minutes because the scheduling is always so off.it's always frustrating to be waiting forever on the next bus- but even more so in severe weather- especially when all busses are 10-30 minutes behind the times scheduled on their LIVE apps.today in the snow storm i got ghosted by all the busses on my route.i understand busses being cancelled because of weather, but why is there no updates at all to their site and live scheduling? Overall, the main critique would be for ltc to be accurate with its scheduled times.
16 April 2023 9:11
I had the misfortune of riding London Transit this week, route 13 in particular. The female 50'ish driver allowed the bus door to close in my face and wasn't going to open the door for me to board for some unknown reason. We had direct eye contact with each other and although I tapped the glass, she made a conscious decision not to open the door. Once she finally decided to allow me entry (I am not a transient nor do I smell of any foul odours), she did not apologize; no, she chose the "silent treatment" instead of good customer service skills. I said: "Really! " upon paying my cash fare. She was even ahead of her due GPS arrival time because after I boarded, she idled at the stop for approximately 1 minute longer.
I penned the LTC an email to file a formal complaint and have not received a response. Recently on an afternoon with poor road conditions from slush, a different driver cut across 2 lanes of traffic to cross the road. That driver had a Yield sign in their lane and I had the right-of-way with no stops signs nor traffic lights directly in front of me. Fortunately I used defensive driving to avoid t-boning the bus. Most likely that bus was behind schedule on its GPS. Like what the h*ll LTC?
27 March 2023 6:07
Had a great experience with operations supervisor M. Barnett. It’s impressive to note that operations supervisors are humble, personable and kind. LTC is growing in the right direction. Cheers.
27 January 2023 14:46
The public bus is not a library. Don’t treat it as such. There is no Shh signs. Use your voice. Watch your video on full volume. Its a public bus. Until they put up a sign to stay quiet you can make as much noise as you want as long as it’s not very loud.
24 January 2023 10:42
I recently had a great experience with London Transit. I needed to take the bus to get to an appointment, and the bus arrived on time and was clean and comfortable. The driver was friendly and helpful, and made sure I got to my destination safely. I was impressed with the level of service provided by the LTC, and would definitely use the service again in the future. Overall, I would highly recommend the LTC to anyone in London looking for a reliable and convenient way to get around the city.
16 January 2023 20:53
Today, I met a bus driver who was friendly with good customer service skills and made my trip safe and secure.
01 January 2023 21:36
Always a pleasant experience with topping up a bus pass for the month. Very clean permisses and the staff are knowledgeable. Their there to help with all your public transportation needs. Try a bus pass this month. 95$ will get you unlimited access to Londons own LTC buses any where in London they travel. Student and senior pass available. Call and ask if your not able to come down to Dundas and Richmond. Northwest corner right across from Mr Sub. Luv MalcomStay strong London
18 December 2022 23:12
Its so comforting to know that when their buses mow down someone's pet the driver doesn't even stop to see what they actually hit could of been a child. It's disgusting to know they offer to pay the vet bills but then turn around and not do what they promised.
17 November 2022 3:11
I took the 13 from Masonville this morning at around quarter to seven, I'm new to this city and have no idea where to get off for the stop I need (I needed the via Rail station). I asked the driver politely before getting on if he knew this bus went to the via Rail, in a very annoyed huff and tone, he said "Yes it does. " My bag is pushing almost a hundred pounds, and there's a couple with a baby behind me, the driver didn't put down a ramp for either of us.

Then about halfway through the trip I get anxious about missing my train, so I went to the front and asked him if I could be told when we're close to the train station at least, and again he gave a VERY annoyed sigh and eye roll and said" Yes sure fine, but it's YOU who has to pay attention.this isn't my job! " The irony is right after he said that the bus speakers went on about how we should ask our driver about the stops and routes if we need help. Wow.

I take the bus because I need to, not because I want to. This company needs employees with a better attitude who actually do their jobs with no guff instead of being grumpy and miserable because it's morning.disappointing.
17 October 2022 23:07
The most unreliable transit service and always consistently late. Always a gamble on whether the bus is ever on time or even shows up at all.
20 September 2022 16:10
Easily the worst bus service. Drivers will just drive past you when you're clearly at waiting at the stop, 70% of the bus drivers I've encountered are rude, and glare at you like you're the problem, half the time the buses are either super early or very late based on the schedule which makes getting from point a to b unpredictable. Also leaving stops late because they're staring at their phones when they're already behind as it is. They seriously need an entire overhaul.
16 September 2022 0:58
Buses are alright. Today the driver didn’t even announce the stops, so I missed mine completely and had to get off and Uber to work.

(For context, they announced the first stop after I got on, and then didn’t for the next 8 STOPS)
02 August 2022 18:02
Fix yourselves.the only kind of reliable this service is is reliably pathetic. 1 star is too generous.
02 August 2022 16:33
A perfect mixed bag. No two days on the bus are the same, but the drivers are always on your side.
14 July 2022 8:43
Bus drivers are unaware of detours and two of them told me that the 12 would be coming to the stop I was at and was just running late. Waited 45 minutes and then had to walk 20 minutes to get to the next closest stop in the 35° heat. By that time I had missed it and it was going to be coming again in 30 minutes. Decided to walk all the way home instead wasting more of my time
30 April 2022 11:19
The customer service managed to kindly hold my phone for 7 whole hours while I was at work and forgot it on the bus and returned it to me safly and made sure it was mine, I've had alot of bad experiences with london city transportation in the past due to other passengers causing a commotion but when it comes to customer service they really do care about there clients, thanks ltc
29 April 2022 11:57
The bus drivers have been great with my Autistic daughter when she hasn't used her pass properly and the one time that I had it, they let her in for free. Kudos to you LTC
28 April 2022 3:26
Every time when I take 17. This bus always get delay. Because of this bus I missed my another bus infront of my eyes. Driver without any reason stop bus for 8 minutes. This thing happen every time. Please them be on time
26 March 2022 17:53
I have had some wonderful and caring drivers while using public transit and I have also had some bad ones. I have had drivers take off while I'm standing at the bus stop, not show up at all or show up extremely late. Yesterday I had a number 10 bus driver not show up at all and leave me standing in the bitter cold for two hours. He only showed up when I was far away from my bus stop. This happened to me several times. I thought that I was going to freeze too death. I was on the other side of the street from Food basics on Commissioners and Wonderland. LTC is a great company but some of their drivers could improve. A few years ago before Covid, I was riding the bus on my way home from work when an old person sped in front of the bus and the bus driver slammed on his brakes and sent everyone flying. He never apologized.
11 March 2022 21:48
Please teach your drivers especially Canadian drivers that how to be kind and respect others.
I feel very bad today that one driver insulted me like anything.
I wish this will not happen to anybody in the future.
If you show kindness you will get it back when you need
28 February 2022 18:11
Some wonderful drivers, and, as in everything, the odd not so wonderful driver. Tonight, I had a wonderful driver. I took route two home at twelve thirty and forgot my phone. I waited for him to come back around and when he did, he was genuinely relieved to see me and return it.
Thank you sir! I greatly appreciate it
10 February 2022 11:48
Wierd weekend hours, Staff is nice at this location. The downtown location the staff is a little crass but all and all alright.
13 January 2022 5:25
Buss drivers are friendly most times, the downfall is the inconsistencies of their service. HAD busses go off route and no heads up.so I get off thinking it's going to a different area then normal, just to have it turn back to original route after I get off in 9 degrees in a rain storm. Very very ignorant on the company's behalf
17 August 2021 8:40
I find the website fairly straightforward and easy to use. When I've used the in-person counter on Dundas I've always had pleasant helpful staff. The busses have always run pretty true to the schedule with busses themselves clean and in good repair. Only complaint is the drivers. Too many are just plain rude and just as many drive a bus like a formula one car. Excessive gunning it away from a stop and overly hard braking for any stopping required. I've literally rolled down the aisle after being caught off guard with a sudden brake pump. There are some fine drivers here but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule.
23 July 2021 12:07
Web app is difficult to use, never accurate, sometimes shows buses not running, buses come off schedule
12 June 2021 10:53
Is there a reason why some of your drivers wear a mask and some won't? That little shield they have isn't protecting them or the passengers. LTC please get your driver's to wear masks so we can protect everyone
11 June 2021 6:49
Bus drivers must wear masks, great.
LTC needs to enforce all Passengers entering buses to wear one as well.
NO masks, NO ride! Simply as that.
07 June 2021 15:36
Was waiting for 17 bus to arrive at argyle mall this about 1: 14 a dundas was sitting there but I usually take the 17 when the 17 arrived I asked how long they would be here he said 10 min cool bit the I looked at my transfer and it was done at 145 so I walked over to the dundas to ask when he would be leaving the looked at with the most perturbed look and said what does it matter. I paused and said well I asked the question didn't I he looked at his console and said 1 1/2 min I proceeded on the bus only to be a bit miffed wondering why this man was so rude.
06 June 2021 22:46
I have purchased a monthly bus pass each month for the past 3 years. I take the #7 Wavell from argyle mall every day without exception. I forgot my bus pass for the first time today (one of those days!).
The driver refused to let it slide and told me 8 can not get on the bus, he then allowed 2 others on the bus who also had no money, These 2 people happened to also be from the same part of the world as the driver.
Absolutely disgusting
24 May 2021 14:55
Too far to walk from chalkstone to busstop for tbe 4b back to the mall. Always miss it. Wait forever for next one. Extend route down exeter to lens mills.
12 February 2021 12:47
If I could give these guys 0 stars, I would. Apparently it's okay for the buses to drive past the stop while people are at the stop waiting. On top of that, the bus doesn't even show up half the time, making others late to work. Plus most of the bus drivers drive too fast or too slow, taking out curbsides, and hard on the breaks. And this isn't including all the covid rules that have been broken either. So after taking the bus for only 4 months, I can honestly say the bus system is a joke.
08 February 2021 22:05
The service is okay right now. Some bus drivers are friendly some are not 4 out of 5 for that however the real time bus info is buggy it lags and does not work I prefer the paper schedules than the real time bus info but they removed the paper schedules due to COVID 19 in which I understand to protect the people who ride the bus and work at the bus depot so I rate 0 for the real time bus info. The smart cards are good but sometimes the card reader does not work I prefer cash or tickets but most people are paying with a smart card in which is a safe way to pay a fare so 3 out of 5 for the smart cards. I hope they put back the normal schedules when COVID is over.
05 January 2021 17:12
Horrible bus service; too often the bus doesn't arrive or is late. I've noticed this problem the most with the 5A and 5B bus. The schedules are a joke; I am able to walk home in the hour it would take standing around waiting for the bus + the drive there.
15 November 2020 20:12
The drivers of route 93 are very unprofessionals, I was waiting at stop number 2033, when bus arrived, driver of the bus just ignored us and didint stopped the bus at stop.
Is this the way of treating the residents?
11 November 2020 12:45
I've had three instances over the past month where buses were more than an hour late on a service that's supposed to arrive every 30 minutes. Out of the 10 or so countries I've lived this bus service is by far the worst.
23 October 2020 12:14
Terrible people. I lost my expensive sunglasses while travelling in london transit and called their customer service. The reply shocked me:
"Due to Covid, we are not collecting any items in lost and found except wallets"

Really! Then they should ask themselves "why are we even collecting fares in terms of coins? ! "
Total hypocrisy. You better break your stuff or throw it out of the window but don't loose it in London transit! Extremely unprofessional and irrational people.
14 October 2020 9:38
Ticked off that I had to leave the bus and take a cab because the bus driver decided to take a 15 min break, which would have made me late for work.
03 October 2020 9:14
Kudos to LTC for maintaining service during the Pandemic.these new routes and some of the new faces of the LTC need alot of improvement
29 September 2020 23:10
So inconsistent with their schedule, especially the #30 bus. I spend more time waiting for the buses then what my actual route would take.
23 September 2020 20:15
I've lived in 6 Cities in my life and this is by far the worst bus system I have ever seen late buses are common some times it feels like a bus went missing from the route sooo unreliable. They make people late for work that's not ok.
01 August 2020 23:11
Busses are constantly late, and I've had multiple drivers drive by me when their bus was empty just because I wasn't standing up. Also, they're not enforcing their social distancing "rules", when busses are getting busier now. I asked someone who wasn't wearing a mask, nicely to move because he sat directly beside me, and he was refusing to even though there were open spots everywhere else. I can not risk being sick because my spouse is immunocompromised. Please for the love of God just make wearing a face covering or mask mandatory
25 July 2020 3:48
Mostly good experiences although a couple of bus drivers were not very nice. I was 9 months pregnant and had an expired transfer.you'd think the bus driver would let it slide, nope. I was nice and asked if he would make an exception as I was tired and had no money to extend my trip, he kicked me off the bus. I of course became upset and called him an a-hole.his response "now Im really not going to let you stay on this bus". Wow. I replied "you already kicked me off you weren't going to let me stay on anyways". I got off and being pregnant I was very upset so I threw a penny at the bus window.he then slammed on the brakes and proceeded to call the police.wow, what a waste of their valuable time. I left.
I saw him again on a different route a few days later. I had the fare and paid, he acted like nothing happened and so did I.no grudges held I guess but still I would let a tired 9 months pregnant woman ride the bus even if her fare expired.
29 June 2020 17:18
Please for the Covid-19 the bus drivers have the protection they need be considerate with people that doesn't drive or can't afford a car. Don't stop working! You have face masks and face shields, gloves, carry your own hand sanitizer or alcohol spray, lysol wipes! Do wherever it takes! Open the windows of the buses to improve air circulation, let them drive the long buses which increase the social distancing with people! Thank you for your service and God bless you all! Please make mandatory for public in general to wear face masks when riding buses!
18 June 2020 0:10
Bus drivers are awesome & have been "essential" workers in my opinion, during this globalpandemic, COVID19 time! ~
25 May 2020 5:23
Just bad service, buses are always late drivers have bad attitudes, fare is too expensive. Seating is crowded and buses are dirty
21 May 2020 0:14
Bus line 27 drivers have always been very polite to me and complete the tie downs for my wheelchair with a smile.
17 April 2020 2:57
The London Transit can be described with many words but I feel one word describes it the best; horrendous. Buses never show on time, some do not show up at all. Drivers are unpleasant and discomforting, I've even been kicked off because one didn't want to "drive me anywhere" and began shouting for EVERYONE to get off and get to the next bus, which we all had to wait for, of course. Extremely unprofessional and lackluster services with poor communication skills and overpriced fares. If you ever have to be anywhere, hope you're willing to wait an eternity for a bus that may not even show. I'd rather be harrassed by a Uneeda Cab driver.
11 April 2020 20:29
Please stop changing the #10 schedule. You've changed it 3 times since September. Now you'll be changing it again in April. Instead of having some "planner" decided what's best for the service. Get them out of their cushy office and get input from the people who take the bus. Ask drivers what the peak times are. Add extra buses in the morning and mid afternoon when the schools get out. You raise the prices but fail to improve the schedules and service.
07 April 2020 4:39
Never show up on time or never show up at all! Sit around when ur in time schedule and make people miss their buses they need to catch! Wanna charge us more money but u still can’t get ur bus system up and running on time!
31 March 2020 23:21
Poor service all around. Some drivers are good but others expect people to magically teleport to where they stop, regardless of where enclosures are, or they pull away immediately. The number that just ignore people is insane and don't be surprised if times change with no notice.
26 March 2020 23:42
I'm curious as to what exactly this "enhanced serive" they've upped fees in order to provide entails, as I wait 30 mins in the cold with my 3yr old to come home from the doctors in a Wednesday afternoon. Twice in the last month I've also had to wait 45mins for a bus in the evening (once at 7pm, once at 9: 30) because the bus that was SUPPOSED to come just didn't shoe up
17 March 2020 4:56
The 94 express eastbound doesn't even stop at Dundas and clark? Enough said. Most drivers are nice and helpful!
11 March 2020 9:37
They just don't care. Customer Relations is an oxymoron st LTC
The only good people at LTC are the drivers.
29 February 2020 6:46
I was caught off guard by the price increase at the start of 2020, but I won't be purchasing a bus pass going forward. At $81, the value-to-service offered already seemed grossly disproportionate, and the extra $14 to offset the loss of a provincial tax credit is a hard pill to swallow.
29 January 2020 8:57
I don't take the bus as much now especially since the bus rates went up, it's not cheap. I only take it when I really have to. I stopped buying tickets and bus pass early last year because it was wasting my time and money.
27 September 2019 17:13
Busses are never on time for fanshawe.

When they arrive on time they sure never leave on time because drivers need to stop and vape 2/3 times a route.
27 September 2019 6:49
I visited Paratransit staff here. They are the best and most friendly and helpful people. Paratransit is a wonderful service.
16 September 2019 0:32
We live on bus transportation and it's necessary in our life's. The timing of departures are still not the greatest but I am sure is going to improve. Like customer service and the bus drivers are kind and helpful. Overall we anjoy riding on LTC.
12 September 2019 6:21
Waited close to 45 minutes for bus and 1 driver forgot to change number when I called was supposed to be there at 20 passed the hour but it wasn't poor service for a town with a big university
11 September 2019 17:10
06 September 2019 19:29
Not sure if this is the right place, but had an LTC bus speed through a crosswalk I was crossing with my 1.5 year old son, he had his window down and I said real nice, to which he hung his middle finger out the window. Totally unacceptable and childish, wish I had gotten a bus number. Right in front of Hudson’s bay at white oaks mall.
15 August 2019 11:38
I moved to London a few years ago and I unfortunately have had multiple issues with the London Transit system that have not been resolved to this day. It takes 30 minutes to go anywhere around London. The fact they run every 20-30 minutes sucks. We need more buses running, every 15 minutes. The major problem is unreliability. There has been more than one occasion where the bus is either late or a complete no show. I have been late for work, events, and missed appointments. I cannot afford to keep relying on cabs or uber. There must be something done about this. It's unacceptable, this is effecting people's lives. I have also noticed they are removing bus shelters that are perfectly fine and putting new ones! What a waste of money! Whoever is in charge of that should be re-evaluated, they clearly have no logic or sense of budgeting whatsoever. If anything they should be building more bus shelters at other designated bus stops that do not have any at all! If people are complaining obviously the system in place is not working.
02 July 2019 2:04
Not very happy with the bus timings. It’s understandable that buses get late for any reason. But many times, they depart 2 to 4 mins earlier than the scheduled time. Why don’t they wait for 1 or 2 mins
08 February 2019 23:06
Just one start! Because I need to by bus to school, but! Twotimes the bus didn't stop, so I need to go to school on feet! It make me late for school

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