07 December 2023 2:39
I lived at this property for a duration of two years. I greatly appreciate the team as it is exceptionally clean, well-maintained, and up-to-date. Prior to my decision, I thoroughly read through various reviews from other tenants. It appears that some individuals who tend to find fault in almost everything have shared their criticisms. Nevertheless, the management and supers consistently strive to ensure that the property is in its prime condition. It is unfortunate that certain individuals still manage to find reasons to be critical.
23 November 2023 4:59
Lived there for little over two years. The units are fine, not the best layouts but they are new. Interestingly (because it is a new building) our balcony window kept freezing inside during the winter, they repaired it several times to no avail, we were told it was 'normal' Ottawa weather. In over a decade in Quebec this only happened in old houses or improperly insulated windows.
There are several security issues and they will make them the tenant's responsibility, sending emails about not letting strangers in, and failing to communicate about break ins (garage does not have a fob but garbage room does). Finally, because it is not rent controlled beware of arbitrary rent increases, that will depend on how friendly you are with the admin office. The admin staff is highly unprofessional. Would not recommend.
06 October 2023 20:24
The two people who were showing me the unit were completely unprofessional and rude and unhelpful when we went to our viewing in Lunen Haus. I know one of the people was named Poonam, I don’t know the name of the other person as we had only spoken to that person over the phone.
Poonam clearly had no idea what she was talking about and couldn’t understand a single question I was asking her.
In addition, at one point I called Poonam to ask her a question about the application. Instead of answering me she gave the phone to the second person who was ridiculously rude and condescending.
06 September 2023 19:17
I lived at Lunen for nearly three years. I never had a problem, and loved the atmosphere. Location was great, staff were always super friendly, and the community within the building really made it feel like home. I will miss it.
20 August 2023 4:59
The apartments are okay and most of the custodial staff is nice, but the management absolutely does not care about the safety, security or well-being of the residents. There are only 2 elevators to service the 16 floors of apartments in the north tower, with outages being common and recently both elevators just stopped working for days.

Break-ins continue to happen as management only pays for a 3rd party security service to do a 5 minute patrol a few times overnight, and management consistently failed to tell residents that security was compromised. Unfortunately, one of the break-ins ended up with my e-bike being stolen out of the "secure" storage room. Management was completely unsympathetic and said I should've kept my bike in my apartment, despite the rules stating that bikes cannot be kept inside apartments. This rule was also enforced, with other tenants getting written notices if they had kept bikes on their balconies.

Random drivers keep parking in the through-road and management makes no effort to tow them, leading to huge amounts of congestion because it only takes 2 cars to decide they're too important/in a hurry to find a parking spot
17 August 2023 21:40
I start by saying we live in the north building its quiet here and the people are friendly enough. There's a man here that keeps the building spotless, he must love his job he always has a smile and a hello. We like him alot.the maintance men keep the place in tip top shape.the ladys at the front office are amazing at everything they do to maintain this place to keep it a healthy safe spot to call home.they are fantastic wonderful people
11 August 2023 9:50
Even after making almost $100k annually, you guys rejected my rental application for 1 bedroom apt? Like seriously! You guys didn’t even let me know the reason for rejection. Pathetic and racist management
01 May 2023 2:16
North Tower opens mid 2021

1) Poor managment team with little regard for safety.

2) Installed a pool and fooseball table costing almost 10k during the top of covid in the 3rd quarter of 2021. Still no first aid kit.

3) Being told to continue working when the building is sitting at almost 85% humidity. The body stops being able to cool it self at 95%

4) Being asked to service an elevator when both the super as well as the cleaning staff are not qualitied to do so. This was minuites after the proper repair staff left the property. The super didn't want to call them back. This resulted in a cleaner getting shocked by the elevator car. Zero regard for the injury was shown by the super. This was caught on the elevator camera.

5) Being asked to clean the locker rooms that are filled with carbon from the parking garage with only a covid mask as PPE. This can cause Lung disease and the supers didn't care. It was a constant push from the supers for this task to be done with little to no protection.

6) Zero social distancing during covid. The office girls were jammed into a small room with no ability to social distance. This did cause multiple covid instances within the Office. This was also the case with the supers. They were given a small office with 2 desk beside eachother.

7) Only after the elevator shock did a proper first aid kit be installed and whimis trainning be issued to cover their behinds. Almost 6 months after the building was opened. This kit was kept in the supers's office and was not accessable by staff without a key. A key not all staff had. It was also at this time an eye wash station was given.but not installed till almost a month later.

8) Almost 6 months after the building opened was an eyewash station installed in the cleaners rooms.

9) It took begging to get a proper vacuum to clean the towers. It was expected at the start for one person to vacume over 70000+ sq feet weekly. On top of preppining units and cleaning common areas. This is span over 16 floors.

10) superintendants were tasked with dealing with the equipment within the garbage room. This quickly got dumped on the cleaning staff as they would rather have coffee in their closed door office. It was deemed to "gross" for them to do. This meant that the cleaner were tasked with disconnecting the bins and moving them for pick up. When approached, they said it was always the job of the cleaners. However this was not communicated at any point. It became a, "I'm too busy" can you do it and quickly changed to "it's your job" This was on top of the already mentioned 70000+ sq feet of building as well as a 2 story parking garage.

Rental opperations will always come first with this company. This mentality is driven from the top down with many staff molded to this mentality. Nice people that were amazing to be around turned into something completely off putting. They prioritize tenant needs over simple opperational and safety needs. The place is nice. It is well maintained but with little regard to any personal costs to the staff. No one should be asked to fix something they are not qualified to do. It was only after all the saftey issues thaty they moved to cover their behinds. A pool table took priority over saftey. Over an eye wash station. Over a first aid kit. Oh and the super that asked the cleaner to help with the elevator, he just got his first aid training weeks prior. As a place to live, sure. If you are okay with substandard treatment of low end staff. This place is the place for you.

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