17 December 2023 23:16
I really love this centre, I took my Dad there and everything went well. Good staffs, excellent health service.
23 October 2023 19:58
Receptionist was the most rude individual i have ever met in my life.very unnecessarily condescending.made the environment very unwelcoming.
21 October 2023 9:06
Very upset today, they didnt seem concerned, my blood pressure was 160/104, feeling pounding in my head, feeling lightheaded, they didnt care, i said to nurse i hope i dont have a stroke and she said i hope you dont have a stroke in the next ten minutes! Absolutely upset as i trusted this place and recommended to everyone. Im in bed now took another blood pressure pill and hope i will be ok. I trusted this place and im so disappointed today.i honestly felt so uncated for. I looked at the paper they gave me, it said tiredness and short of breath, i also have chest pain and pounding pressure in my head, i will be informing my doctor how they let me go with no advice for my extremely high bp.im so upset. If i die tonight in my bed, its on them!
16 August 2023 1:03
Unprofessional and unorganized, went here because my doctor from a walk in clinic told me to go to the urgent care center to get a medical condition dealt with.

When I arrived at the urgent care center the lady at the triage with the long dark hair and a lighter attached to her lanyard was really rude to me. Why would you be rude to someone who is visiting an urgent care center is beyond me.

After wasting nearly 4 hours of my time
They told me that they were unable to do anything and that I need to get a letter from the doctors office to come back to the urgent care center the blonde lady doctor was also rude to me.

The urgent care called my clinic to confirm if they had indeed sent me to urgent care, the clinic lied to the urgent care saying they didn’t tell me and then both the urgent care and clinic collectively gas lit me.

The Canadian health care system is a joke thanks to people like this.

Don’t waste your health or time coming here.

I’ll be going to the urgent care beside trillium hospital now in Mississauga from Hamilton just so they can do something for me without having a “doctors letter”.

It’s urgent care …. I’m a Canadian who pays taxes and has a valid health card I should be able to walk into urgent care and get help not be gaslit after 4 hours.

I kept telling urgent care that the clinic sent me here but the same dark hair lady kept on being adamant on me lying. Who would lie about something like that?

Thanks for wasting my time I’ll never return here and I’ll make sure I don’t let people come to your circus
29 June 2023 13:33
Why don't they get a better doctor. Sounds as though there is a god like complex happening. You're there to perform a job. If you can't do it properly then quit.
09 June 2023 16:15
Not too bad of a wait. Opens at noon. So do not go early especially if it's raining or cold weather. Security will not let you in regardless of circumstances - apparently, even if you are in a power wheelchair.
31 May 2023 19:14
The register nurses are kind but the nurse taking ya to the room is rude and seems to be hating her job. Told me I shouldn’t bring my kids here and take them to McMaste Childrens Emergency. I asked if all ages were welcome in this clinic, she said yes and I told her this is what I chose to do and I am aware of the wait times. Please, STOP making people feel unwelcome and try to humiliate them especially in front of their kids. Your job title in this facility does not make you any more smarter not special than anybody. Doctors never treat people poorly yet this sour lady felt entitled of educating me how to parent!
Being kind is not that hard!
19 May 2023 7:21
I had a terrible experience here. The nurses at triage were wonderful, I forget her name but I spoke to one of them who has a son that rows. The doctor - examined me for 2 seconds and told me that my infection looks viral. I asked to get a strep culture because I felt very off, I felt like this was not viral. She refused to provide one and sent me on my way. I specifically went on a Sunday night because I had a lot planned for the following week and did not want to find out days later that it was in fact strep. I wanted to get it out of the way ASAP. So, after waiting 3 hours I went home. 2 days later I still felt terrible and went to a different place. They did a strep test no questions asked and alas it was positive. This place was a massive waste of my time and affected my quality of life for the following 2 days without diagnosis.
30 April 2023 2:14
I have been here multiple times and almost every time has been an absolutely horrible experience. Although wait times are long I completely understand that it’s a challenge they face and they are trying their best but the care they provided wasn’t great. They made accusations that I was lying about who my specialist was and previous scans I was sent for because they couldn’t find it in there new systems. Yet I had proof as I pulled up the scans on my phone and they refused to look at them. Another time they accused see me of only going there for medication which was a lie, I was laying there crying while a doctor laughed at me telling me there was nothing wrong. I left there because they didn’t do anything and after waiting to get into my doctors office I later found out I had an injury and needed surgery which I revived. They have treated me very poorly and belittled me. Being a young woman they assumed that because of my age I couldn’t have these medical issues as it usually happens to older adults and they disregarded me on several accounts. Yet in reality, despite my age I face medical issues that many don’t associate with someone in there early 20s. Sadly, sometimes I need medical assistance and my doctors office is very busy and they have told me to go to this urgent care specifically, so I don’t have any other choice, yet they get mad at me. They need to stop and ask themselves if they want to be treated that way. No matter who the person is, no one deserves to be treated like this. I understand they are understaffed and over worked but that doesn’t give them permission to treat patients so horribly.
17 April 2023 16:27
I have been reading through these reviews and I can see a pattern! They are not very good with treating children properly. I was there yesterday and had a very bad experience with the doctor. The nurses were good, But the doctor was SO condescending. I’ve been a nurse (emergency and ICU and public health) for over 13 years. Dr Jeremy was condescending and completely invalidated my point of view regarding my child’s illness. He didn’t even believe she had a fever because she had a blanket on! Really? A blanket is what caused her fever of 39.6 (40 at one point) for the last 5 days and counting? I’m unsure if he is colourblind as well because her ears are clearly red and inflamed inside and her hearing has completely diminished over the past week. She hardly can eat or drink. She plays for one hour and then she is listless for hours after. But he says it’s normal for a kid to have a viral fever for 7-10 days…
11 April 2023 17:20
After registration at the urgent care, the nurse who was taking my kid’s further information was acting like we were wasting her time: she suggested us could have gone to children’s hospital and save time- fair enough, good to know as first time parents taking their 2yr to a hospital. Then when she needed to clip a monitor on my son’s finger, as I was trying to keep him still and corporate- she violently grabbed and pin down his arm. I was shocked and didn’t know how to react. I am not sure why she acted that way, total lack of professionalism and basic human empathy. So if you would like to receive care without being treated like this, avoid this place.
06 April 2023 0:35
3 hour wait. Staff polite.but clearly stressed. Only one doctor. Mr. Ford should be ashamed of himself.putting our healthcare and its workers care
in jeopardy
27 March 2023 0:39
Nurses Robyn and Jan (e) treated me very kindly and so did Dr Jeremy. They worked diligently with the tools at hand and provided care in a time efficient manner while respecting the dignity of the sickly.

Please let the nurse called Karen know that patients' allergies do not need to be broadcasted across the room. We all didn't need to know of the codeine and penicillin allergies of a particular patient nor why some folks were there. Medical confidentiality is a right in Canada and not for public disclosure. Also, when people are unwell there is no need to rush questions like this Family Feud. Sometimes confusion due to ailments, phonetics, or various factors play into the patient's state and an answer takes a literal second or two to roll off the tongue.
01 February 2023 5:53
After traveling abroad I had a rash, sore throat, persistent cough and ear pain. They made me wait for 5 hours for the doctor to look at me for 2 seconds and tell me "nothing looks wrong here" before storming out without another word. I am now waking up the next day and cannot hear out of one ear so I will be going to the hearing clinic where I will have to pay out of pocket to get my ears checked. Thanks canadian Healthcare system for wasting so much of my time.
28 January 2023 9:38
I was in and out within about an hour. The nurses were so friendly and helpful. Doctor was efficient and nice. Really good experience.
11 January 2023 0:27
Multiply any estimated wait times by 4-5 and you've got the basic experience down (Ontario understaffing at work).

Doctor is no nonsense, straight to the point, which is great. Don't be offended at no bed side manner, the understaffing leaves little room for that.

Place is cold, ask for more blankets to make the long wait less miserable.
05 January 2023 18:53
Couldn’t be more pleased with this place! Extremely nice staff, I was well taken care of, felt safe, and was in and out just a bit over 2 hrs after all tests etc. Very clean, and overall just a good experience. Turns out I needed surgery for my gallbladder so was sent to General Hospital. Thank you so everyone that helped me!
17 November 2022 23:42
Nothing urgent about this urgent care! I hate having to come here! If you have other options use them! Nurses/receptionist also have no customer service skills!
15 November 2022 9:44
Absolutely disgusting service I had today. My little sister has asthma and was having severe chest pains to the point where she couldn’t breathe, some kind of infection. She was literally crying and having a full blown panic attack which is not like her at all and I ask the lady at the registration desk today to if I could have some water for the poor girl and she just shrugs like she couldn’t care less and says we have to wait for the nurse. She continued to stay waiting no water and nothing like it’s fine to be in pain from not being able to breathe. Urgent care lol what a joke. Only came here because it was the closest place I could rush her too from school and was hoping to get her seen sooner than a hospital and they weren’t even that busy.
26 October 2022 15:01
I went in with what I thought was Covid. They paid Cab fare to Jervinski. Where it was found through blood work not to be. Very caring staff.
08 October 2022 10:28
I took my 6 month old son here Satuday, 4 days ago. Wait time was short and the staff were nice and friendly. The doctor checked his ears, throat, and chest diagnosed my son with croup. By Tuesday morning, 2 days later, my son had a double ear infection and a throat infection. It was so bad that my family doctor couldn't believe urgent care missed his ear infection. I will NEVER go here again.
01 September 2022 2:50
Ridiculously slow got there before they opened and wait to see any one was still over 2 hours got irritated and walked out this place use to be better
But is becoming just like the majority of health care in Canada …. Pathetic especially with how much in tax we pay for it. Also don’t bother with asking me to fill out a formal complaint. If everyone did there jobs as if they cared about there job there wouldn’t be complaints don’t be lazy and cheap hire more doctors this is an urgent care yet a regular family doctors office has more doctors on site
22 August 2022 6:07
Shame on them, having a medical center with only one doctor!
I've been here for 4 hours with no doctor
09 August 2022 10:45
One of the worst experiences - they should take the word “Urgent” out of the name. Be prepared to wait up to 5 hours for a simple x-ray.
16 June 2022 18:10
Always been a great experience, I usually get in and out in half the regular time (pending more major patients so still expect a wait at the worst case)
But I prefer going here to most other walk in and urgent care
12 June 2022 14:13
Waited 4 hours to see a doctor who didn’t even tell me what the problem was with me. Wanted me to pay for a note, still wouldn’t take debit and didn’t give me the note. Seem too nonchalant to be a proper medical Center in Ontario. Real shame
28 May 2022 12:54
They are schizophrenic team. The entire place has one doctor, how it could be an urgent care center? Five hours of waiting the mister! Imagine a doctor who cannot choose proper wording to describe his services, shall you expect rightful treatment from him? Horrible place, avoid it!

Medically speaking, I met with a youngster doctor who forgot to take basic class in physics. I went there because the microwave was blown against my face and neck after I opened its door. Two of the burns are clearly second degree; but because that youngster didn't receive enough education; he cannot understand that the radiation could burn the second layer of the skin and keep the first intact.

The youngster didn't understand that the microwave emits microwaves, near-infrared and infrared radiation; thus, he cannot understand how such a penetration could happen. The youngster didn't understand that the heat is infrared radiation. He fully relay on his daddy doctor.

The youngster tried to make a friendship with me; instead of medically serving me! He spoke in Arabic; and stated he is from Oman. But I am sorry Mr.youngster; I have to report you and your daddy to the CPSO! Oman will proud of you!
26 April 2022 14:30
Cannot thank the wonderful people who work here enough. You are treated with care and respect every time.
18 April 2022 1:53
Be prepared to wait.

This is an urgent care centre, and not just a walk-in clinic, meaning that they triage the patients and serve those who are most in need. It's not first-come, first served. So bring a book, something to watch, a travel game, something to do, as you could be there for a long time.

We were through the initial screening very shortly and waited in the main waiting room for about 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, we were moved to a room (more like a stall separated by curtains), and that's where we waited for the next 3.5 hours to see a doctor. My son had some difficulty breathing. It wasn't ever to the point where he couldn't breathe at all, but we wanted to have it checked before it got worse.

Staff were, for the most part, friendly and sympathetic. We understand that many are overworked and are burning out after the stress of the pandemic over the past two years, but it was still difficult for my son when we asked a nurse after about 2 hours whether they had any idea when we would be seen and we were given a very curt "No". Despite the difficult working conditions, other staff still found the kindness to acknowledge us later, saying "You've been here for a while, haven't you? ". Even though there wasn't anything else they could do, just that simple acknowledgement went a long way.

It was a long wait, but I am glad that we eventually saw a doctor, and ultimately, at the end of the day, my son got the care that we sought.
25 March 2022 22:08
I got there at 9: 05AM on Sunday morning on a long weekend. Only waited in line outside for 10 minutes. I think I was only the 4th person in line for urgent care, everyone else in line was apparently going for Covid swabs. By 9: 40 the doctor was seeing me, and by 10: 20 I was leaving! I had a painful giant burst epidermoid cyst that needed to be cut open and dealt with, and Dr Jennifer Tang (?) was fantastic and made sure she used enough lidocaine and kept me calm. By 1PM I got my followup call for wound maintenance - I was worried that I had forgotten to take a form with me, but they obviously took care of it for me.

I do know the taxi drivers complained about the parking machines there, apparently they don't work well, so there was gridlock in the parking lot as people were trying to leave. I suggest you avoid the parking lot. If you just need a swab, park somewhere else and walk in.

Security staff, registration, triage, intake nurse, postop nurse, and the doctor were all great, and I'm thankful I didn't have to sit at a hospital emerg all day.
17 February 2022 7:33
Taiwan medical service is the best in the world. Most patients would be entertained within 10 mins once you walk in the clinic. Besides you may choose whichever speciality you would like to consult without going through family Dr who always abuse by their authority to sick people.
08 February 2022 5:33
If I could give it zero stars I would. I had a stroke and this place diagnosed with me a migraine and sent me home. Went directly to St Joes instead and spent the next 13 days in hospital. DO NOT go here if you think you have a real emergency. Go here for a sprain or stitches only
24 January 2022 19:12
Worst place ever, was lied to about information. Send to another hospital waited for another 6 hours and then was turned away. Horrible doctor
20 January 2022 23:59
The administrating staff were super friendly and helpful. The doctor, not so much. Refused to listen to my daughter’s medical history and requests. Left without determining if there was an actual infection.
19 January 2022 10:10
Be prepared to wait a while to see a doctor. This facility is in no way, “urgent” in any sense of the word.
Even if your 1 year old has a bad fever, they will make you wait in a crowded room for 3-4 hours to see a doctor.
The security personnel certainly leave a lot to be desired in the way of curtesy, and politeness.
Try somewhere else, if you can.
17 January 2022 17:06
This is the worst urgent care. My sister went in With abdominal pain and chills and the nurse asked how long have you had this and my sister said it’s been for few hours and then the nurse replied saying “why are you coming now, we can’t do anything for you”. However, they took her in and put her in a room and told her to take the clothes off and wait until the doctor comes.she waited for almost an hour and half with no doctor. She was freezing the whole time and almost fainted. No nurse checked up on her inside the room for the whole hour and a half. What a shame? What if she passed out in the room during this time? Bad care
11 January 2022 8:55
You're better off walking to another town to get treatment. I am especially disappointed in the professionalism of the security guards. The phone directory also needs to be improved as it is not very useful at all
08 January 2022 12:34
An awful place to go if you're sick or injured. In addition to watching a doctor walk throughout the facility for 30 minutes without a mask in the midst of the pandemic, they "treated" my son for a broken ankle. They sold him a $200 "walking cast" and told him to see an orthopedic surgeon. A week later, the orthopedic specialist told him that he SHOULD HAVE HAD A CAST. I guess they need the sales. Don't trust them, don't seek help here.
Update: Hamilton Health Care's customer service department contacted me, asked about these issues, then never contacted me again. With care this poor, a fake customer service system is just icing on the cake.
30 December 2021 3:16
You are not feeling well when at Urgent Care; however, the systematic order of operations was effective and calmed my eagerness. My 9am (ish) ticket #11 was at first window within 25Mins (Approx. 2-3Mins/client assessment, not rushed). At second window within 20 minutes (near same client time without being rushed). Inside waiting room approximately 10 minutes until first sample is requested. Bed assigned, blood work and image scan by 11: 00am (2hrs.since entered). Doctor's assessment made; now 3hrs.wait for results. Results confirmed and I am discharged. All staff including Dr Shipp-Dey were courteous, polite, tolerant, professional. Thank you
20 December 2021 2:43
Complete buffoons, you'd be better off just walking your injury off. If you're really sore, take some ibuprofen or bathe in some voltaren.
18 December 2021 0:11
Horrible experience.terrible customer service skills from the ladies at triage and behind the doors.
27 November 2021 1:49
Fiance just tried to go in now, he recently had his wallet stolen so only has the paper from service ontario. They refused to see him! Told him to come back once he gets some identification.
09 November 2021 19:56
Waste of time for a blocked ear don't go here they'll just say use drops and see a doctor lol. I thought they "were" doctors.you can't flush out an ear quick?
31 October 2021 22:30
Wonderful clinic with kind and caring doctor who was treating my special needs teen today. Wait time was reasonable. Total time there was 2 hrs 25 mins for stitches. Would go again if necessary.
22 September 2021 7:30
I actually had a very easy time here, in and out in 3 hours and professional nurses and Doctors. Many people were complaining about the amount of wait time but its a Urgent Care Center and most of those people had walk-in issues. Admins could use some bed side manner work but hey, Medical admins am I right.

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