18 December 2023 10:04
My review is based on the FUNCTION of this office as it serves it' purpose in the community.

Excellent helpful staff.
15 December 2023 23:09
Dear Mr. Mendicino,
Thank you for your unwavering support of Israel. There are not many politicians who are willing to stand up for the only legitimate democracy in the middle east. The fact that Trudeau voted in support of the UN resolution for a ceasefire is shameful. He is essentially allowing Canada to support a terror organization. Thank you for seeing this situation for what it is. It is nothing more than a corrupt antisemitic body now called the UN voting for the destruction of Israel and the eradication of all Jews everywhere. This is what would happen if there was no one like you to stand in their way. Thank you too for trying to fight the antisemitism that is now rampant on all our university campuses. The universities are a disgrace to higher learning. When lies that instigate hate are propagated in our post-secondary institutions by the very professors who should know the difference between truth and fiction, what chance does our society really have? We stand behind you. May you continue to have the strength to battle on.
06 November 2023 5:14
Settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing are not Canadian values.there shouldn’t be an MP that believes that what Israel is doing is just.
20 October 2023 1:30
Complete Toolbox!
Totally Incompetent!
Makes a complete blunder of anything he touches. The next Federal Election cannot come soon enough. Canadians are completely
P O'd with the Liberals, it will be a landslide for the Conservatives. The Lying Liberals will be a few back benchers for a very long time!
24 September 2023 5:11
The Mendicino firm, specifically Michela, was an incredible help in our PR process. They support us in reaching out to IRCC and making things happen! Thanks, guys for all your hard work.
02 August 2023 17:14
The only honourable thing you can do now assuming you have a soul is to apologize to the victims of Bernardo and step down. This country doesn’t need you holding us back, resign!
20 July 2023 10:41
Dude is as crooked as the come. Mendicino should be in the dictionary as opposite of trustworthy. Watching him lie over and over was hard to handle. Being removed from his position was long overdue. Get out of politics and corrupt something else man.
06 July 2023 15:16
This guy knew about Paul Bernardos transfer three months before it happened, and then claimed to be shocked when it happened,

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