11 November 2023 21:33
Don’t go here! This place needs to be shut down. The animal cruelty that you see with your own eyes is heartbreaking. I can’t imagine what we don’t see happening. The bears are unweight and begging for food. The tanks are dirty and too small for the smalls. Let your children see these animals thriving in the wild. Don’t let them witness this suffering. Trust me. I cried after I went here and I will never go back.
19 October 2023 20:29
Came here in 2022 summer. Kiska was still alive, but already sluggish as she swam around in circles. The belugas were adorable, and the animal show was a delight to see. They hold them in different periods throughout the day. All the animals were all fantastic.

However, much of the park consists of walking and the rides are only those that kids would have fun with. The park is obviously trying to transition, but the animal shows (unfortunately) are still its best feature.
13 October 2023 3:05
Sad! More than 15 dolphins and whales have died here since 2020, this is shocking! They should not be locked up like this to suffer. Shame on you! This is so outdated now! Sick company
15 September 2023 3:36
If you think you will see marine life and enjoy dolphin shows. Then don't waste your money on this it's not worth 45 dollors. At best 15 dollors should be the ticket because there are no dolphin shows due to some govt restrictions. All we did was walk saw few animals in captivity and wasted some time.
14 September 2023 9:44
Awesome place so much fun. The rides are amazing. Dragon mountain ride, star voyager and the Sky screamer rides are amazing. They even have a splash pad it's amazing
27 August 2023 14:42
Le show était très plate. Il n'y a rien qui c'est passer, juste des explications sur les dolphins. On a marcher et prix le train toute la journée. Le site n'est pas bien entretenue. Les enfants ne se sont pas amuser. Ont a été très decu.ce n'est pas comme quand il y a 5 ou 10 ans.
15 August 2023 18:56
In my opinion they had to many dolphins together. Some had scratches on them. Terrible. Not worth the price and the park rides are run down.
12 August 2023 22:16
Complètement désastreux, pour le prix c'est complètement une arnaque, une fraude. La plus part des manèges sont fermer. Un gigantesque parc pour rien du grand n'importe quoi!
22 January 2021 20:32
Extrêmement déçu! Les tarifs sont extrêmement chers contenue de l’offre de services et de produits! La moitié des manèges pour enfants très ne fonctionnaient pas. Les animaux avaient l’air de souffrir de déshydratation. Ils ne semblaient pas être des plus en santé. Il fait marcher une éternité afin de se rendre aux manèges d’attractions pour adultes. Et le jour que nous avons choisi pour essayer le skyscraper il était fermé. Et aucune mention ne nous en avait été faite. Alors prévoyez une poussette si vous avez des enfants et prévoyez d’emmener une glacière car ils changent le double voir même le triple pour une boisson ou autre nourriture. Vous devriez passer votre tour et garder votre argent pour la dépenser ailleurs! E-
27 November 2020 20:17
Theres a terrible place in Ontario
Where an orca swims all alone you know
The bear and deer need more care
Nobody looooves marineland.
26 November 2020 2:29
Never been there and I will never go there. This place is a terrible theme park where they hold poor sea creatures hostile in miniscule tanks and force them to do useless tricks for money and crowd amusement. Please, do NOT support this cruel business, if you wish to visit this place, you are only fueling the cycle of greed and animal abuse! Think twice before visiting this trashy park! No one loves MarineLand!
21 November 2020 6:06
WHY IS ZERO STARS NOT AN OPTION? Such a sad out dated poorly maintained place. I truly feel sorry for the beautiful creatures. Make it in to an amusement park and transport the creatures to a sanctuary where they will be well taken care of
18 November 2020 4:26
En temps normal j’aurais mi 5 étoiles mais pendant cette pandémie ni aller pas toute les attractions sont fermer le bassin de béluga est sur le point d’exploser l’es pingouin ne sont pas la
14 November 2020 11:27
Not much variety of land or sea animals. The rides are closed and hence not much to do. The price of ticket doesn't do justice to the number of activities.
They could at least add educational shows for all the animals that they do have. It was quite deserted and not much entertaining
02 November 2020 6:19
A great place to visit for the entire family. We went there last week and although the rides were closed, we had a great time watching the dolphins show, Belugas, Orcas and the black bears.
31 October 2020 16:22
My family and I have been to marineLand twice this year and it is a beautiful park. The grounds are well kept despite Covid. The tanks are well maintained and I believe that do great in conservation and the animals seem very happy. They have a better life then some people.

On our second visit we pulled into the parking lot and some protesters who were just off the property were yelling at us and harassing us. I believe in the right to protest however they were braking the law by using words such as abuse and cruelty also by using loud bull horns they and saying we were bad people for taking our son. During our visit everything looked perfect nothing was wrong with the park.

I also believe in making up my own mind and making my own decisions. This park is great for the whole family and taking your kids. I will not bow to someone else’s opinion. Who I might add was making our family feel very unsafe.
Fortunately the park ensures that the protesters could not come on the property.

This is a wonderful place but remember think and decided for yourself about this type of park and respect other people’s point of view don’t harass them.
22 October 2020 20:07
On a payé le plein tarif sans bénéficier des activités, on plus de ça on attendu jusqu'à 15h, après ça ils nous ont dit d'attendre jusqu'à 17h il y avait des femmes, des enfants, et des personnes âgées qui restaient debout sans pitié. Ces gens ne pensent qu'à remplir leur caisses.
Finalement, nous étions déçu.
14 October 2020 9:54
There is huge killer whale, you can watch above the ground, to see it breath the water into the air, and watch it below the ground, watch it swimming straight to your face, same setting for a group of adorable belugas, they jump out water, watch you right in front of face, very playful, there is a roofed stadium with scheduled show, sea lion, dolphin, amazing shows, signature sky screamer free fall tower on top a hill, deer park inside a castle, kids amusement park, kids friendly rollercoaster, you can feed and touch the belugas at Arctic cove, and taking pictures/videos with them, kids like these stuffs
10 October 2020 6:27
The place is nice Covid-19 gateway. Thanks to the high ticket prices and closed rides it really felt empty for Sunday. We enjoyed feeding animals, taking pictures and a show. We were just happy this place was allowed to stay open.
25 September 2020 0:32
Pas tout le monde de qui aime Marineland. Les spectacle est bien, mais les bélugas fond pas grand chose.
Beaucoup trop d'espace vide pour un si grand parc.
Dans mes souvenir d'il ya environ 30 ans c'était mieux mais pas remarqué beaucoup de changements.
13 October 2019 22:05
Splash pad a great improvement. Dolphin show was only 20min and parts of wale areas were closed. Children were very disappointed they couldn't get closer to the deers to feed them.
12 October 2019 22:04
Run down, nothing's changed since the last time I was there 13 years ago. A lot of walking for very little entertainment. It's time to move on from these kinds of places. Only went as a tour guide for visiting family and would not go there again.
07 October 2019 15:57
It was wonderful place to have alots of fun with family and the skywheel riding is totally amazing. If you got time just view there shows, they are more than awesome
06 October 2019 18:10
August the 20th eight working rides and six not wtf your park already sucks for rides you need to fix this staffing problem you have asap or close the doors

Better mark your smoking areas like not just on the map a sign be great instead of guessing those garbage looking things just is not good enough also family part you need benches infront of the Viking adventure ride like the others have also try fixing your rides cause you don't have enough to have any down to be real.

Hawk one and bee down two days in a row now maybe try getting someone to fix them faster and maybe think of investment in water rides for the park

Find that kids fall alot in the splash pad even when just walking my daughter 10 fell twice walking asked to leave saying it's dangerous not sure maybe shoe should be worn some kind of shoe hate to see a kid fall hit a head off one of those water features.

Oh and change photo on web page of walking with the deer for you can't do that so why is it posted like you can have to stand behind a gate and get one free hand full of food to feed threw it.

Aug 20 half the rides down you already don't have enough rides like wtf there was six down not good you guys will be closed soon
05 October 2019 12:05
Where to begin? For a family of 4, it cost us $200 +tax to see an almost abandoned park. Several of the rides did not work, animals looks malnourished, grounds were dirty and you hardly see staff around for assistance. Only see them around marine life. We were hoping to see the famous orca but was closed. Aquarium oddly looked like a fish store. The 20min dolphin show was somewhat interesting but they could have done a lot more, especially for the price paid. Their commercial is definitely deceiving. Looks a lot more fun on tv than in reality unfortunately. Very disappointing.
30 September 2019 9:30
My family and I always love visiting Marineland. After our visit today, I am a little less inclined to come back again. While we enjoyed all of the rides and the short lines (we went on a Wednesday), I witnessed 3 different staff members berate guests at the park. One staff member named Charlene yelled at a mom trying to get to her family in a lineup at a kiddy ride. The mom didn’t speak English and couldn’t understand why she was being reprimanded so harshly in front of everyone in line. She was accused of line hoping and asked to leave. I tried to explain that she was just a mom getting to her kids, but it was no use. The mom left humiliated and clearly confused. Another staff member who was driving a train yelled at a guest for entering the train in the wrong part. She left in tears. Then while exiting the train my husband was scolded for exiting the train and not waiting for the attendant to open the door for him (no signs to explain this). I think what was most unsettling was the disrespectful tone of voice these employees used to communicate with guests. I’ve never experienced anything like it. Some staff etiquette training is much needed!
29 September 2019 20:57
Terribly run facility. The only redeeming quality are the rides for the kids once you get on them through their hidden queues. Their Stadium set up for their shows is completely mismanaged leading too long wait times to get in or out. The trains run on a random schedule and sometimes take un- authorized breaks or breakdown while you're riding. I went to a first aid station and was immediately turned away by the staff that stated "we're busy in here" without any triage or even a question of what it was wrong. BTW he was treating a female staff member who did not appear to have any serious injuries. And finally why does a marine park have a deer farm inside of it? The poor animals looked catatonic as they ate kibble handed out to kids to feed them.
22 September 2019 3:12
Nice but nothing has changed in the last 10 years. They added the 'polar splash' but that's pretty much it. The rides are exactly the same and the shows have only gotten worse. They remove the killer whale show and the dolphin/sea lion show is just plain awful. There is always a ride or two out of service. We went today and 3 rides were out of service. There was a forth ride where the breaks were not working while we waiting in line. But don't worry, there are no safety concerns. If they see anything small broken, they immediately fix it and not let anyone on the ride.
21 September 2019 16:36
Way over priced for what they offer. Half the rides were shut down, cant walk through the deers anymore.seagulls over run everywhere! Cars driving through the park.the place was a mess.
15 September 2019 8:56
Where should I start. It was my daughter's 3rd birthday, we wanted give joy and spent some family time in marienland. She was so looking forward to it. This place doesn't offer much for the little ones. Except the small Waterpark. The rides are for older kids and adults. At the entrance they told us the park is closing at 8pm.but when we went to the wale place, they refused to sell us tickets, and we went at 6.02pm. 2hour before closing time. We even said, it's our daughters birthday, and they said '' we don't care, we good. '' How rude is this? !
The tickets was so overpriced for what u get inside. We payed 50$ for 4 people. And it's so not worth the price. Rude staff, dead park. Not enough entertainment for the little ones.
They used to have a place where u could play with the dears and feed them. But now the place is closed to Idk reason. All u can do it stand at the gate and look at the dears. So poor. Overall, I wouldn't recommend the place to anybody who wants to come with little kids. Go to Africa safari, they have much more to offer and the ticket is also very reasonable.
13 September 2019 4:51
It was a great place for kids! The dolphin show was great. This place will soon turn in to amusement parks with only rides and water park with few fishes. It will be interesting if they can use AI and robotic whales to give the illusion of these dying creatures.
09 September 2019 17:56
The park was amazing except for one thing,
The polar splash. The floor is very slippery when wet even if you are walking. Also they should add a pool or some thing to make it more enjoyable for older people. Otherwise all good things to say.
08 September 2019 5:42
Nous sommes allée à marinland avec mes enfants et mon mari.malgré que j’eta Prise avec ma conscience j’y suis aller quand même pour réaliser mon rêve d’enfant. Je me souviens d’avoir vue l’es commerciaux à la télévision en étant enfants et mes parents n’avaient pas le budget pour y aller. Bref j’y suis aller en voyant les dauphins et l’orque j’ai pleuré. La magnifique orque semble si triste. Elle est magnifique mais clairement pas heureuse et manque beaucoup d’attention. Je me retournerais pas a ce parc.
05 September 2019 19:10
Family enjoyed the rides and the waterpark there. They have a cute small train there to help with moving around the park but it's not very big and the wait time is long. As the season progresses they will need to add more trains to move people around the park.the gentlemen that drives the train is very helpful and tries to answers your questions
02 September 2019 20:38
Nous avons bien aimer notre visite au parc.
Malgré que certaine attractions était ferme et que les animaux n'avait pas trop l'aire dans leur assiette. Mais on peu pas les blâmé! Le prix est très élevé pour le nombre de choses a faire et a voir mes pour des gens qui on des enfants un peu turbulent ce parc est idéale. Cars vue qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de gens les enfants son plus facile a localiser et de plus il n'y a aucune attente pour les manège.
02 September 2019 6:48
1 STAR for the Pizza part at the food court! The young white lady has so mean face when we buying pizza. Horrible service that is mixed up the day! 4 STARS for Marineland!
29 August 2019 20:17
This is a nice place to go with your kids and have a lot of fun. Kids loved the dolphins show even though it was short.
Consider staying from opening to closing considering the tickets prices.
Bring a lot of snacks if you have kids food a bit costly inside. A lot of fun rides included with tickets purchase. Disappointed I had to pay extra for interactive session with the Whales. Feeding the birds and fishes was fun as well.
21 August 2019 23:21
Toujours une belle journée en famille avec beaucoup d'attractions. Il serait bien qu'il y ait plus d'abrevoirsun peu partout dans le parc, les prix d'entrée est très cher.
20 August 2019 5:18
The only worthy attractions are - 1) The Dolphin, Sea Lion, Whale & Walrus show 2) Patting and feeding the whales at the Arctic Cove (additional pay for this). There are other Cove areas but they all have the same whales everywhere. The rest of the area is filled with rides (some are free rides). You can also see deer, bear, etc (thought this was Marineland for aquatic mammals, but this turned out to be a zoo!)
19 August 2019 23:01
There is no place for keeping clearly sentient social animals in captivity in this day and age. Marineland and their ilk are outdated relics of an old crule world.
07 August 2019 14:19
Different from when I went as a kid in the 90s. I know time changes but it was a little disappointing with the visit. Biggest con was the slippery services for the splash pad area (wear swim shoes parents and kids). Surprised their wasn’t more wipe outs when we went. Probably more soft areas for grip is needed. Dolphins and seal show was good the one positive. Keep an open mind, to the people who haven’t gone yet.
02 August 2019 16:18
I did not enjoy the experience when I was there. Too much walking was required. There weren't enough fun rides for the children in our group. We weren't impressed by the food either. Killer Whales are very social and it was sad to see that Kiska is all alone. I'd prefer to give it zero stars.
29 July 2019 1:38
Very outdated and old.the rides were ok but the rest of the park was boring especially near the animals that came to a dead end.the employees treated the animals well.the amount you pay to get into the park you should be able to touch a dolphin for free.we wouldn't go back.
24 July 2019 16:21
Seeing the marine animals was pretty cool, the park is stretched out over a large area so be prepared to walk lots as they only have 1 passenger shuttle for the entire park. I honestly thought that for all the hype they would have had more on the go for rides and such but no luck. 1 decent thrill ride and 1 good roller coaster.the 1 thing I seen on my way out of the park is the real reason for such a low review.the "train" shuttle was at a stop picking up passengers as I was passing by, the man running the shuttle denied a handicapped lady access to the shuttle because of the space her wheel chair would take up saying that other people would want the space. I believe this lady should have had higher priority than the other people that were simply waiting for a lift to save a few steps. I'm my opinion it was shameful. If anyone in power reads this he event I'm speaking of took place on July 16th 2019 at apx 6pm beside the smoking area at the picnic park.
22 July 2019 20:10
Was truly traumatized by the conditions of the deer, I’ve heard that the marine life was abused but the deer literally look like zombies.

I can’t stop thinking about how sick they looked, makes me so upset. I grew up in farms and have seen a lot, and this wasn’t like anything I’ve seen. Those animals need serious help.

I went here years ago for a school trip and it was just as deplorable, how is this place still open?
19 July 2019 10:49
Disgusting place to bring children to show them animals, mammals and fish not being properly taken care of, neglected and abused in despicable facilities. A Canadian embarrassment, hopeful to be shutdown as the countless incidents of lack of regard for the captive unfold over time.
02 February 2019 1:13
Wish I could give it less than 1 star, this place is awful. The animals are treated horribly behind the scenes, the only reason this place is still in business is due to oblivious tourists. Tear this garbage down and PLEASE relocate the animals somewhere where they'd get the proper care they need.
18 January 2019 1:18
Il manque un peu d'amour à cet endroit et si vous y allez pour les manèges, vous serez déçus. Les manèges sont biens mais il n'y en a pas beaucoup. Les spectacles aquatiques valent le détour. Le personnel est sympathique, vous pouvez amener votre repas et le stationnement est gratuit.
24 December 2018 22:46
Great adventure park. See animals and unlimited rides in one admission. $5 more than one day ticket gets you season pass. They allow you to bring your own food. Huge parking lot.

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