05 October 2023 15:43
Merix financial has been the WORST company to deal with. DO NOT get your mortgage through them. Even if the rates are better. We tried to pay out our mortgage and this company has LOST a bank draft for thousands of dollars. There has been zero communication and we have not received any call backs from management. Very unprofessional and no way to contact the same agent. Worst service we have ever experienced.
02 October 2023 20:58
Worst mortgage company to deal with. I’ve had a mortgage with them for 8 years and have had nothing but rude representatives and difficulties from their customer service department.

More recently I am trying to pay out my mortgage and they made me mail them a bank draft for 75k which THEY LOST in their mail room. Now I’m trying to sell my house and I’m out 75 grand still and can’t get my mortgage paid out.

Stay far away
06 September 2023 22:00
Would not recommend. We are coming up to the end of our 5 year term and we have been calling each year to increase our minimum payments (can't do it online - you have to call). I noticed that our last increase in payments was not reflected online and called to find out why. After many questions from me and rude behaviour from the person I contacted, it was explained to me that this latest increase was applied as a "prepayment" and the other increases were just increases to the payment. They also explained that any increase in payments is permanent and can not be reduced and that I'd need to show proof of financial hardship to reduce the increased payments. This was never explained to me when I called to increase the payments previously. I'm not sure why this latest increase was applied as a 'prepayment' and the other increases were not. How can they do this without explaining this to the customer? The person I dealt with was rude and condescending. Looking forward to finding a new lender when we are up for renewal.
05 September 2023 22:19
Absolutely Unprofessional. Avoid if you don’t want to loose your hard earned money and time by calling them over and over. They will just keep transferring your call but not give valid justification. They will find every single way to withdraw extra payments from your account and upon investigation they will ask you for all sort of documents but even after submitting all the documents, your money will never be returned Infact they will refer that it’s part of their “So called rules” that are written by them to steal money. Never going back…!
02 September 2023 17:54
2 days before closing Lendwise refused to release the fund because they said house has aluminum wiring, causing so much stress for me and my wife.
If they have issue with aluminum wiring in house then why would they approved my mortgage on initial stage?
they released the fund after a week on condition of putting more down payment and added 28k in my mortgage to replace the aluminum wiring and only gave me 4 months to replace it
Even they hold 28k with lawyer and instructed my lawyer only to release once the work it done.how can I start replacing work if you guys hold my money?
I never recommend this lender to anyone. Please stay away if you don't want unnecessary stress and don't want to compromise your mental health.status on 07 sept 2023:
Now wire replacement work is done and i provided all photos csa certificate and inspection report to lawyer and he sent it to lender 1 week ago but still they are not responding anything to release the fund now i am having really hard time as i spent my all saving in wire replacement work and now i don’t have any money in hand and they are not releasing my fund…. Really garbage company this is….

please avoid this lender in any case if you want peace of mind because they are creating unnecessary trouble.thank you lendwise for giving me hard time once every thing is complete and all settled i’ll move my mortgage to other lender for sure
26 August 2023 4:14
I've been with Merix going on 13 years. In the beginning dealing with Allison was awesome. She was very Friendly, professional and helped anyway she could. I always and only dealt with her. She moved up, and any other time I called I found them very rude and ignorant. When time for renewal I dealt with Selena who after the second time talking to her, needless to say I refuse to talk with her again.
It's funny when you want info on your mortgage they can't call you back, (with never missing a payment) or they are as rude af. But if you missed a payment they have no problems calling you every day! I'm not impressed or happy at all with Merix.
10 August 2023 11:12
À éviter. Les avantages d'une banque en ligne pour un prêt hypothécaire étant des plus bas taux d'intérêt et des frais moins élevés en cas de remboursement anticipé, premièrement leur taux sont les mêmes qu'une banque traditionnelle.ensuite, les frais pour remboursement anticipé sont exorbitants. J'ai dût rembourser mon hypothèque de 5 ans avec 8 mois restant et je dois payer 5
fois le montant de mes versements mensuels, se qui est complètement absurde. Au final tout se que j'ai eu comme expérience avec les banques virtuelle c'est une difficulté à les rejoindre a chaque fois que j'avais besoin d'informations et un frais démesuré pour changer d'emprunteur pour revenir au banques traditionnelle suite à mon déménagement
02 August 2023 23:00
WARNING about MERIX Financial
Over 2 yrs ago I changed the payment date.resulted in a NSF because Merix messed up. They forgave the fee. A year or so later I renewed the mortgage-they said nothing. Now, again over 2 years later, they said they are reneging on forgiving the charge. They said they are doing it to others too.

We attempted to file a complaint with Consumer protection.

Consumer protection will not take this on because it's a private matter and advised talking to a lawyer. I'm sure Merix knows this. In essence they get to scam their customers and the dollar amounts, individually, prohibit pursuing the matter legally while being a windfall for Merix.

Next stop Marketplace. If this happens to you please reach out to Marketplace or/and any other public source available to you.

Follow-up to Merix Replay, I did call customer service twice.
1st time was after I got the initial text notification that I would be charged.was told I WOULD NOT be charged.
2nd time I was told that even though it was years old and had been waived they were charging us and we were not the only ones this was being done to.

Going forward: MERIX can call me with a solition to the issue or I WILL move the mortgage, at renewal, and make sure everyone (including Mortage Brokers/perspective borrower) knows of my experience.
26 July 2023 11:02
AVOID. Customer service is beyond awful. It is impossible to reach anyone to discuss my mortgage. I have left multiple emails and phone messages for a week and have heard nothing back. A good interest rate is hardly worth having zero customer service and being stressed out trying to contact someone with zero response.
19 July 2023 9:08
Merix has been suggested by Multi-Prets. The interest rates were interesting at that point, however we do understand now that the service is more important than the rates and their service has been a big disappointment. We were told that we would receive a call back and we never did. We called back and we were transferred after which the line cuts off. So don't get attracted by their low interest rates as once you have an issue and need a solution, there is none whatsoever provided by Merix.
05 June 2023 22:05
WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY AT ALL. This company is shady and their customer support will not deal with any issues. I just paid off my mortgage and they keep calling from Payment Solutions to say we owe them money. I have talked to SO MANY customer service reps over the last few weeks and none of them can figure out why we owe any money. Our last statement from Merix and their online portal show a ZERO balance. I am suspecting fraudulent activity and will be reporting Merix to the FSCO.
23 May 2023 18:55
By FAR the worst customer service experience of my life. I have my mortgage with Lendwise, which is a Merix company, and they've apparently outsourced the management of their mortgages to Paradigm Quest. I've been trying for TWO MONTHS to make an adjustment to my mortgage, over 40 emails (mostly ignored), dozens of phone calls (my mortgage specialist has not ONCE answered her phone), and I honestly have no idea if I'm anywhere close to getting this process done. If you value your time and your sanity, do not do business with this company.
28 April 2023 3:11
My dealing with Ken pertaining to a recent issue with my mortgage was amazing. He was very professional, knowledgeable, passionate concerning his work, and made me feel that my issue (s) were not taken lightly. I would not hesitate for a moment if an opportunity to do business with him in the future. @MERIX Financial this individual is doing amazing with and provided a very high level of customer support.
19 April 2023 21:15
My experience attempting to port an existing mortgage with Lendwise was awful.
Firstly, the representative assigned to our case, Melissa Boutin, was horrible at her job. I’m so shocked she’s in this position. She was 15 minutes late to our initial call, and when I confirmed that the meeting was scheduled to start 15 minutes prior, she didn’t acknowledge or apologize for her tardiness. So incredibly unprofessional. Melissa was lazy, cold, unmotivated, and unhelpful. I understand Lendwise is obligated to do their due diligence and ensure no fraudulent behaviour is occurring, but they went as far as contacting my financial advisor saying that the financial statements and signed letter from him were “of concern”, suggesting that I had forged the documents and his signature. I find it comical that all of the replies to people’s poor comments is followed up with, “please email your concerns to our complaints department”. They don’t answer those emails! After Lendwise spend 2 months asking for more and more documents from me (despite already having an existing mortgage that increased by 1000/month with ZERO late or missed payments), I finally shopped around. Was pre approved by 4 major banks within 2 business day (for a way bigger loan!). BUYER BEWARE. Don’t make the same mistake I did and stick with a major bank when applying for a mortgage.
17 April 2023 11:37
7 days before closing they canceled the mortgage, causing so much stress my wife ended-up at the hospital, if my life depended on it I would never deal with this company again who has no regard for the pain and the suffering they can cause on a family. I would think long and hard for anyone thinking going with them even if they were to provide the best rate in the world, trust me not worth the pain.
30 March 2023 18:56
Never have I ever encountered a company that doesn’t give a dam about their customers like Merix financial. Your customer service agents are clueless, negligent and they will say anything just to get you off the phone. When it comes to renewals, your mortgage specialists have an attitude and seem to intentionally delay processes so we pay extra.seems very obvious that they are instructed to do this by your management team. I know I am not the only one that suffered with your company.even though you are not a BBB accredited company there are other ways to complain about what you guys are doing.this is not constitutional nor fair or just.
22 March 2023 0:19
Poor communication during mortgage lending that almost jeopardized the purchase. They pulled out on possession day despite buyer meeting all conditions stipulated.

Deal with them at your risk.
21 March 2023 11:50
Terrible company and even worst management and customer service.they seem to drag renewals and intentionally reply late so they collect a higher interest.if you are still looking for options run and go with anybody else, if you are an existing customer and suffer like the rest of us speak up, my mom just spoke to a reporter and shared all the communications.speak up to end this.these companies take advantage of self employed and new comers.they prey on the vulnerable.
10 February 2023 21:35
One of the worst experiences of my life, was dealing with this company. I'm incredibly grateful not to feel like I am held hostage any longer by them.consumers beware!
08 February 2023 16:46
16-years with Merix, management refuses to offer competitive HELOC rate. Think twice before you sign up with them
29 January 2023 20:22
This bank is unable to close it's own deals due to absolute poor processing capacity. They clearly need more hires. My house sale is falling through because this bank is taking more than 5 days to send documents they received over two weeks ago.

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