11 January 2024 3:33
Very caring staff! I had my surgery on January 8th and nurses Daniel, Anna, Lana + all other nursing staff in G6 area and the recovery room were SUPER caring, thoughtful and attentive. I had to stay in the recovery room for 6 hours for a second procedure and throughout that time I saw them show equal amount of care to all patients that went through the recovery room that day. Same goes for my amazing surgeon Dr Dale Sigesmund! Thank you for making us all feel safe and cared for when we were in a vulnerable state!
09 January 2024 22:20
My 88 year old mother broke her leg and had a minor heart attack in mid-December. Her 3 day experience in Emergency was like war time care. It was post apocalyptic.
Her first doctor misread her x-ray report as being fracture free, and so she was transferred to gurneys for heart tests and had her diapers changed on the regular with no leg brace, leaving her in constant excruciating pain for a week. When they finally re-imaged her leg and found the fracture, thus realizing the doctor's errror, she was traumatized and set back in her healing.
Now my Mum has been lying in bed staring at the bathroom door for going on a month. No stimulus, no TV. She is not comfortable with a laptop (I suppose they assume everyone has one).
The nurses and PSW's are understaffed and tired. A doctor (they rotate weekly) pops in once a week or so with little or no info. My Mum is getting very depressed. We visit her for hours every day but still the time weighs heavy, and they won't transfer her to rehab until she can bear weight on that leg. That leg gets weaker every day.
My Mum's physio happens maybe 3 times a week, and consists of her being transferred to a wheelchair and left for an hour. The physio department extension has no voice message or voicemail, so it's hard to catch up with them so I can determine my Mum's physio schedule and be there to get her off of her floor to people watch in the lobby and get Tim Hortons or something. This stimulus is key to her recovery.
In the meantime we've been informed that the convalescent care place we're waiting for her to be transferred to may never have a bed for my Mum. This makes Michael Garron her convalescent care. Lord help us all.
How will she ever get to rehab? In the meantime she's hanging in but becoming increasingly fragile. It feels helpless for all of us.
22 October 2023 17:32
Canadian health system has completely failed. No one is in charge of controlling disrespectful hospital staff anymore. They are freely and without any fear, disrespect you, humiliate you, abuse you, and basically violates all your rights. Where is all our paid taxes have gone to? To the garbage bin? We need them back now. We have not been paying taxes to receive this terrible service and for our rights to be violated. This type of attitude from Ontario's hospital staffs are not acceptable and must stop immediately. All reviews under any Ontario's hospitals clearly indicate this and those responsible for this mess must be removed from the hospital ASAP, tomorrow is late. There are so many experts are seeking for a job, remove the violators from hospitals and use those who are really deserved to have these jobs, those who really care!
21 October 2023 10:38
It's a great hospital if you come prepared! Bring things to keep yourself occupied and comfortable. Expect to have to wait for many hours if you don't have an immediate life threatening issue.

The emergency department areas are sparse and can get hectic. But most importantly the staff are all amazing and do the best they can with dated resources in a crowded area. They are tired and stressed because it's a rough job, but they really want to help everyone, so try to be polite and respectful and follow their directions.
The biggest issue are other patients who are rude and demanding. The staff tries their best to accommodate everyone fairly. You get service in order of most life threatening, as it should be. It doesn't matter if you have been wanting longer, someone with a worse problem will go first. But it seems there is always at least one person who only has a small issue and expects to jump ahead of the order by being loud and in the way. They don't allow those people to jump ahead no matter what, so those demanding patients are just slowing everything down for everyone.

The overnight hospital rooms are newly renovated, clean, and very comfortable! The staff are amazing there too, though they are stretched, so expect to also have to wait for things sometimes. There are lots of great services available for patients, if you ask for them. For example, there is a lovely pet service that will bring a therapy dog by on Thursday who will cuddle up to you and make you feel happier for a little while. You just have to ask for it ahead of time.
There is no in-room TV, the TV is in the patients lounge. The rooms have modern medical equipment, and very comfortable beds with electric adjustments. But otherwise they only include the bare basics. Remember, it is not a hotel. So again come prepared, or ask someone you know to bring you things, and you will have a nice place to receive care and recover. Tip: Having your own pillow from home helps a lot.

Overall I felt very well taken care of during my times here, and would immediately choose to come back to this hospital the next time I am extremely unwell.
19 August 2023 11:17
A notch below average, definitely needs a lot of improvement in service time and communication with procedures and nurses
24 July 2023 15:39
The worst hospital experience ever! I went there with my family cause all of them were sick. The first nurse who asked us questions was just so loud and wasn’t listening to our problems but instead making up her own thing. The wait time was more than 3 hours and when we finally were called in, there was no doctor for the first 30 minutes. When asked a nurse about it, she said the wait time for the doctor is 3 hours! Someone just barged in to ask when the doctor will come cause he has been waiting for more than 2 hours and his name was not even called. Imagine finally hearing your name called but then you get to know that the doctor isn’t there at all and you gotta wait more. I just left without meeting the doctor cause I have other work to do! Wasted my time
23 July 2023 19:45
At 12 noon the 83 year-old patient arrived at the Emergency unit of Michael Garron Hospital, formerly known as East General Hospital, with pains in his enlarged abdomen. After registration, he had to sit on a chair in the waiting room for 3 hours before he was taken for a blood test. He then had to wait an additional 3 hours for the Emergency doctor to see him. Six hours after arriving at Emergency the patient was seen for 5 minutes by a young doctor, probably a trainee, who told him that he would be sent for an Ultrasound and CT scan. A few minutes later the doctor returned and informed the patient that the ultrasound service was closed for the night and he would have only a CT test. At about 9 pm a staff member took the patient to the CT scan area, but had to try several rooms before he found one open. After the CT scan was taken, the patient was brought back to the emergency area but still had to sit on a chair. He complained that he had abdominal pain and needed to lie down, and he was finally taken to a room with a bed. He was told that a hospital specialist would come to see him and would decide whether to admit him for more tests, due to his history of heart and liver problems, (the patient had previously been admitted to the Michael Garron Hospital 1 ½ years earlier for liver problems). But he had to wait for 2 more hours before the specialist came.

There was no supervisor or coordinator at the Emergency area station. Several staff were at computers, and others were coming and going, but no one could tell the patient anything. Finally, at 11: 15 pm (eleven hours after the patient arrived at emergency) a young internist doctor came to see him and admitted him for more tests. The patient was kept overnight in a room in emergency, but no nurse got him dressed in a hospital gown or checked to see if his intravenous fluid drip was functioning, which it wasn’t. Not until 11 am the next day was he transferred to a room on the 3rd floor of the hospital.

In conclusion, the Emergency Department at Michael Garron hospital is dysfunctional and lacks effective organization and management. There are not enough Doctors with experience to deal with the patients in a timely and dignified manner. There is no accountability for the low level of service. The staff is hired and paid by Ontario taxpayers to serve the public, yet little effort is made to make patients comfortable. Patients cannot complain, yet there are signs on the wall stating that if a person “misbehaves”, the hospital staff have the right to remove him/her from the hospital. I am wondering is there any accountability in this Emergency Department? Does anybody care to read and evaluate all the complaints and ratings from the patients and what is it done to improve the healthcare service? The head of the hospital should spend a day in the Emergency area to see the low quality service the patients receive.
19 July 2023 10:33
We had an appointment at 10: 30 am and we registered at 9: 45am and we are waiting from 3 hours but still we don't know who is coming to ask about us or not many of people are came after us they done but.
27 April 2023 23:46
Emerge diagnosed me with a rare diagnosis in only 1.5 days, with only mild symptoms (the surgeon says she’s only seen 4 cases of it in her 20 year career). I was there 2.5 days total, slept in a private room with a private washroom both nights, and received constant diligent and kind service. In only 2 days, they referred me to a specialist at Toronto General for major surgery later this spring. I could not have received better care, 10/10. The food was also pretty good for hospital food!
26 April 2023 4:39
I am very grateful for the tender care the staff at Michael Garron Hospital provided to a family friend of mine during a time of need. Thank you to everyone involved. The love and compassion you show in your work does not go unnoticed!
09 April 2023 20:48
A mixed bag in terms of quality depending on the ward. The older, general wards are crowded and outdated, providing a lukewarm hospitalization experience. But the newer, specialized ones are clean and generous and feel like the best experience one could ever have.
13 March 2023 1:01
Injecting meds to the wrong patient!
Read your charts properly, that is your job. Thank god it was only pain meds, it could’ve killed him.
Don’t go there…
05 March 2023 8:28
Not a very big fan of how this hospital is running. Staffs are mostly rude (with the exception of a few), they don't treat patients with absolute care and most of the times I hear the staff putting nicknames and talking bad about the patients in there.
10 February 2023 1:26
The healthcare workers in this hospitals honestly baffle me. MGH somehow managed to gather up and recruit all of the worst excuses of 'healthcare workers' Canada has ever seen. When I picture somehow who works at a hospital, with patients who are in pain, I expect someone understanding and accommodating, and most importantly; polite. Nope, the nurse, receptionist, guide and doctor were all the least useful, most entitled and rudest people ever. I would use other words to describe these individuals if you know what I mean, but I want y'all to actually see this. I don't know if y'all took a bet to compete for the worst services or what person is in charge of this Mickey Mouse excuse of a hospital. I was not surprised to see the two star review before I wrote this and even that feels a little too generous.
25 January 2023 8:55
Was in ER for heart related issues (takes all day, 90% of which was me sitting there) during which they have to change my room because the moniter for my heart and oxygen levels wasnt working, and the one they replaced it with was broken as well and would not stop beeping, the nurse told me to put it on mute whenever it would turn back on (I will say the ER staff were very helpful and nice though), get released and they made an appointment with the cardiologist for me, told me it was a phone call appointment and STRESSED NOT to come in, I wait 3 weeks for this appointment, get 2 confirmation calls by bots saying not to come in and the doctor will call me (the last call 2 days before my appointment) and now it's 4 hours after my supposed to have been called (they never called, I had to call there desk and find out they aren't doing phone call appointments, which I didn't even want to begin with) and was supposed to come in but I got no email or phone call about this, and now I have to wait 3 months for a new appointment with the cardiologist FOR MY HEART! Absolutely ridiculous.
18 January 2023 10:12
Probably the worst service I've seen in my life, where every patient must wait at least seven to nine hours to see a physician.
17 January 2023 10:15
As a doctor, I say this hospital is not doing well.
No patient confidentiality is maintained there.
I was there last night bec my father had high blood pressure of more than 240 mmhg with hypertensive symptoms and doctor in the emergency told us why u came in the hospital.
I don't know who hired such kind of doctors who don't know hypertensive urgency and emergency. Hope I could report ministry about this hospital
25 September 2022 12:47
One of the fracture clinic receptionists was not helpful and not willing to help. What the lady does at best was to give patients trouble. Once she forced my mom in wheelchair to leave the waiting room with the excuse of her wheelchair blocking walking path. We could not understand how a wheelchair parked along the wall with other chairs could block the way. So we confirmed with another receptionist and got OK with where we were. Second time, we just booked the follow up appointment and then realized the date was miscalculated. We were just waiting in line to correct the date. The same lady came right to us. To my surprise, she was not to offer help but accused us not pointing out their miscalculation at the first place. Then she walked away. I understand working in a hospital could be stressful but patients should also be treated with respect not a tool to let out your frustration. Not to over interpret, we were the only Asians there and the only ones treated that way.
19 September 2022 5:41
Its so bad. Im going there because i have to much headache but im wait 5 hours there, its to muchhh cold.you going this hospital more than sick you back home.only 2 dr overnights and very busy ‍️
16 September 2022 11:33
I just had hernia surgery today and I'm home and doing great. I love the doctors and nurses at Michael Garron Hospital, wouldn't go anywhere else.
13 September 2022 14:41
I have relied on this hospital a lot over the past 10 years, since we moved to Toronto. I had outpatient surgery here in 2014 (the OR was pristine, and Dr. Ornstein rocks!). I gave birth to my daughter here in 2015 (we had a wonderful experience, and I highly recommend it. Dr. Brill and all the staff were amazing). My husband broke his hand and went to the ER here in 2018; he was referred to a hand specialist, and Dr. Beber was very good. I have taken my little girl to the ER for high fever, and aside from the long wait (which exists as every ER I’ve been to now), the care we received was great.
I see a lot of reviews about horrible service at the ER, but that issue goes beyond the hospital. I have yet to go to any Toronto ER and get treatment in less than 4-8 hours, and sometimes more (including Sunnybrook and Sick Kids). But when it comes to MGH, the staff are attentive and they provide excellent care.
08 September 2022 23:07
The Emerg Dept totally rocks. Everybody there was so nice and professional, and they even called me a cab to get home. Of course my medical condition was resolved in just a few hours, relieving my discomfort.
25 August 2022 5:24
This is the worst hospital I have even been, not even in a third world country you have such ling waiting time. Nurses are rude and their only response is “I don’t k know when will you be seen but you need to be patience”. How a person in pain can wait for 5 hours?
The doctor didn’t even seen the lab results and prescribed me an antibiotic That is not working.

If I could give them a cero rating I would.
17 August 2022 9:44
My 14 month old son had a procedure done there today. Can’t thank the doctors, surgeons, nurses and all the staff involved enough. You all are amazing and we have the utmost respect for what you all do day in and day out. Second time being there including the day he was born. He’s back home and happy as ever. Thank you MGH paediatric unit! ️
04 August 2022 8:18
Came to the emergency room in the morning, ended up staying the whole day until midnight due to staffing issues. The nurses seemed to have no idea of the management system and were obtained with limited knowledge. Horrible experience.
21 July 2022 7:54
The ER has become sickening. I was assaulted by security for asking for bloodwork when the ER dr on duty dusted me off after I had chest pain. I was just saying f it and started to leave I bent over to pick up my things suddenly this nfl wannabe guard is dragging me out my arm and says he is the guy they get when someone is resistant. So yeah my review definently went to 1
04 July 2022 13:22
Over 15 hours in the emergency and no one can give a time line for medicine doctor. First one said 2 hours and that turned into over 5 hours. By the time we said that’s enough, my moms symptoms were gone and at that point not sure what exactly doctor would be looking for? We were tired and hungry and they didn’t even have anything to offer. Over 15 hours waiting for a doctor and no doctor able to make time, must be ground breaking news. I mean even in a third world country don’t even do that and I know that for a fact. They should not call it Emergency more like Non Urgency. I would strongly advice not to visit ER at this location.
03 March 2022 19:29
Kind but overworked nurses. It is 8: 40am and I've been waiting to see a doctor since 4am. The person who is "first in line" has been here since 3am. No doctor to be seen.

The worst part is that there are no beds in the rooms, so we only get a chair.

I have never been to this hospital before, and don't plan to again.
16 February 2022 19:45
I gave birth at this hospital on August 7,2021. The triage nurses were awful. They had so much attitude. The first nurse on shift seemed so annoyed at the most simplest of questions. Luckily, I fell asleep while in labour due to my dose of morphine and gravel. The second shift nurse was even worse. I was alone for most of the time but my daddy came for a couple of hours to support me. But once he left my contractions started shortly after. I called the nurse in to my bed space 4 different times; telling her each time I needed to push. I had said one time “you don’t understand I need to push “and she responded with “I’ve been working this job for over 20 years, I do understand “ I would call her back into my bed space continuously telling her I needed to push and she kept telling me that the more time she wastes responding to me the less time she has to get my birth room ready. She had a horrible attitude and refused to listen to me when I was telling her that I was ready to push. It was a very traumatic experience; being so young and alone giving birth. And then to have the nurses belittle me was the cherry on top of the cake. If this hospital does other people the way it did me I believe it should be shut down. I hope that those nurses get what they deserve. Even if that’s a freaking vacation
03 February 2022 14:21
Went in yesterday for 14 stitches in my hand. Staff was amazing and very friendly. I was out in under two hours. It was amazing!
25 January 2022 14:30
The only time you get any help at this hospital is if you contact management. Our sister has been at this hospital for a month now.
The ICU staff as most ICU's are fairly helpful. Cindy, Fergus, Heidi and another Male nurse, George? And Dr. Chan, Are amazing.the rest, including a Dr. Warner have absolutely no clue how to deal with family and come across as unfeeling and dismissive.
Our sister has now been moved to a ward. Patient care is totally substandard.
The hospital itself is old and needs major renos to rooms.not just the obvious hallways. Our experience with two separate wards is frustrating and quite disturbing.
08 January 2022 0:31
Alvin was such a great doctor asks all the right questions and took alot of care in treating my foot sprain! Great job!
07 December 2021 14:56
I called the hospital the front desk transfered me to emergency. I asked this rude lady at emergency a question about ENT doctor, she could give me a proper reply to which when I repeated my question she just hung up on me. Very irresponsible and inhuman way of dealing with people who are in pain.
04 December 2021 17:04
They made a appointment for my day surgery September 21, i was already on IV and prep. To my surprise they canceled the surgery after 8 hrs of waiting, no explanation, just told me to come back
29 November 2021 15:19
I was here yesterday at Emergency and although the drs were good and some nurses were friendly, this was a totally disorganized and chaotic experience. I was there for 6 hours and had to keep checking up on if I'd be seen, if the results were in and I initially was put in a room with another man while being admitted. They don't have enough staff and it shows. Many people asking to be discharged because they were waiting too long and weren't being seen. Maybe people moaning, elderly waiting in beds, and a high police presence. Totally did not feel like Canada. The nurse said to. A little compassion can go a long way, the staff/nurses seemed so burned out. Either way I thank them for their services.
13 November 2021 16:35
While I was a patent there, 2 time's & both for major Organ illness, Drs and staff, saved my life? Very Thankful
12 November 2021 9:28
Just had a covid test at Michael Garron. In and out within 5 minutes or possibly less. Efficient, quick and staff was friendly!
10 November 2021 13:02
Hey Michael Garron

I was there today in your emergency ward I was expecting to wait I was expecting total turmoil and chaos with this covid pandemic. The wait might have been a little longer than normal. The chaos and turmoil that I expected and feared did not exist.

If your over worked tired and burnt out, and I am not sure how you would not be You never showed it. KUDOS! I have never been treated better. YOUR all FREAKIN FANTASTIC


09 November 2021 11:58
Needed some ER attention this week and it was my first opportunity to experience and now to thank all the front line staff including the Dr, nurses, registration, and cleaners who were all so kind to me and I honestly cannot believe how hard everyone works there. Thank you to all staff at Michael Garron hospital.
30 August 2021 20:04
If you love your health or your family please avoid this hospital. Not recommended it all. Specially nurses treat patients like slaves
23 August 2021 17:40
Half of these doctors are very lazy, my soon 11 years old at 10.00 still waiting until 2.00 o clock in the morning.and they talking.
It's a shame
23 August 2021 7:35
Generally, in canada healthcare system is poor. They need more education and experience from another countries. 2 days ago I have been in this hospital emergency service cause I got second shot (covid vacine) and cant breathe, high temperature, was very sick. Waiting 2 hours no doctor, I told I dont feeling good, I want see now doctor. I felt my dead in that time. And some one try me helping and after security guys attack to us. Its horrible hospital. Finally I was fainting on the ground. After 10 min when open eyes feeling little better. And then back to home.
06 August 2021 20:27
Although I dislike speaking ill of any hospital, as they heal ppl. I feel compelled to do so now. I recently spent time, at this hospital. I was so mistreated, diet wise, medicine wise and treatment wise. I have post traumatic stress syndrome as a result. The call bell was even totally ignored at one stage. I suffered a 24 hours approx severe migrain attack and was refused pills for it. I was up awake for 3 days on top of that. The staff were what I would kindly refer to as sadisically brutal. I am still suffering as a result of my treatment there. They did NOT alleviate my fears and pain which were extream. I could say a lot more such as who hired such monsters? 1 may have been o.k. But every single other one were like a pack of wolves, I literally felt my life was in danger. Go to another hospital as this one is really bad at least it was to me. I speak the truth. On the other hand in case I forget they did catch? I think something serious or treated it after. The facts vary.
28 July 2021 9:33
I would put 0 stars if I could. I arrived here around 2pm to have my daughters ear checked out. I waited 3 hours to be told I have 11 more people in front of us. When my daughter asked how many people the nurse was very rude to her. Also there was someone taking their mask off and coughing all over the place. When I told staff they did not do anything about it. I felt unsafe.
15 July 2021 0:33
The worst hospital I've ever been to. The one star is only because of the nurse who was super nice to me
06 February 2021 12:16
Today I took my daughter to the emergency at Michael Garron to get her wrist checked out after a fall and I just can’t say enough about the amazing service we received! Starting with the triage nurse, the gentleman at registration and then the nurses and doctors in the fracture clinic. This isn’t our first experience there and each one has always been very good! Thank you to the staff in our hospitals who work tirelessly, especially right now! We appreciate you!
01 February 2021 14:23
The staff have amazing patience for some seriously ungrateful patients. Patients start complaining and putting down the staff because they are not fast enough for their convenience, yet the staff remain calm, polite, and patient with them, very professional despite being overwhelmed.
26 January 2021 22:57
Horrible experience had a miscarriage got there at 2: 30 left at 9 didn’t even give me a fresh pad
23 January 2021 11:47
Frustrated experience. I visited the emergency as my son 2month old was experiencing skin manifestations like eczema and petechiae. I and my wife arrived at 1am and waited 1 hours for triage and registration. Once I drop the papers at the nursing station we waited for 2 hours to be called. The nurses lack professional communication and they didn't wear a glove and started checking the vitals of my son and with the covid I expected more vigilance. The nurse doesn't even know how to take the weight of the baby and she gave me a wrong low weight number. Then we waited 4 hours to be seen my a doctor. The doctor ordered bloodwork and ultrasound and he told us the ultrasound start at 8am in the morning. The nurses were unable to get his blood pressure and they keep on inflating the cuff without a break 4 times. Imagine my son is only 2montha old. Another nurse come to do the bloodwork and she never introduce herself, no greeting and she just started doing her thing. Nurses suppose to be more professional, show empathy and compassion but Michael Garron has nurses who lost all that. As we were waiting for the ultrasound then at around 730am there was shift change and another nurse told us that baby ultrasound to be done at 3pm. It is a complete lose of communication among the nurses and staff. I would suggest if you can avoid visiting this hospital unless you want get treated unprofessionally.
19 August 2019 21:43
I am truly grateful for their service and there is no wonder people who got cured here chose to spread their love like ones involved in Super Sophia project.

We took our 3 year old for a major dental procedure and had to do it under general anesthesia. We were scared and sleepless the whole night until we met the staff at pediatric section who received us into their children play area. My kid had fun time there and the fasting period flew by before anesthesia.

Dreaded moment came, when we had to send him to the operation room. It turned out to be a sweet moment when he got well with the nurse and took off happily into the operation room. It was a heart warming moment.

The Peri Anesthesia team were friendly and kept us updated while we were waiting for him. Some staff did look grumpy but they offered help and stayed supportive till the end.
11 August 2019 23:12
Ridiculous that the water fountain is turned off but the Pepsi dispenser conveniently placed 20m away has nice cold Aquafina available for $3.75 (4 if using debit)
11 August 2019 11:33
Such useless people dont listen to the main problems, takes forever to do anything and puts me through tests that shouldnt be applicable to my symptoms. Takes hours upon hours for a simple blood test.
06 August 2019 4:04
I was there for my 1 year old daughter yesterday. She had woken up around 1130 PM and her face was swollen. We rushed her to this so called hospital and thats when I found out how unprofessional this hospital is.
We were in emergency and were told we had alittle bit of a wait after seeing the nurse.we were told me could either just go home or wait in the waiting room. My daughter at this point was SCREAMING and the hospital was freezing.
In the waiting room we saw a man that was maybe 70 years old and was coughing blood into a rag, and they kept telling him he had to wait.just like everyone else. To shield my daughter from either sickness or just plain terror (dont get me wrong, its not the elderly mans fault, that sould have been priority and should have been taken in to see someone right away) I walked out of the waiting room and found a bed. I didnt even ask at this point but my daughter was screaming and I needed to lay her down. HOURS went by and I asked what place in line we had. 8th. Not too bad, she said the doctor was moving quick. Come to find out there was ONE DOCTOR doing all patients in two areas of emergency and taking about 20 minutes each to chart the patients and talk loudly on his cell phone.
My husband and I finally put my daughter to sleep and her swelling had went down a bit.we fell asleep. I wake up an hour and a half later and ask again " what place are we" 6th. I ask her " so in almost two hours hes done 2 people? " She and her coworker both look at me (one of them too busy on facebook to really care whats going on) and say hes reassessing people. Two people an hour? Okay. Wait a few minutes to find the doctor talking to another staff member about boats.this goes on for about ten minutes before he heads back to the computer for another 30 mins. He sees a man that is clearly drunk asking for percocet.gives the man eveything he saked for, including the 3 Valium he needed to " get by" (oh yeah the doctor has all conversations with all patients in the waiting areas)
FINALLY we see our doctor at 6am (a little more than 6 hours for an 18 month old with a swollen face) the swelling has gone down, with just her her eyelid purple and swollen. The makes a joke that all we had to do was come hang out at emerge for her to feel better.then tells me to get me to get her attention from different sides of the room so he could sees the whites of her eyes. I stand in the right side of the room so she would shift her eyes, but from pure exhastion she doesnt respond. So the doctor tells me " oh well shes not looking, you must not be that interesting" i understand this may be a joke, but 6 hours later we are not friends like that.

He tells us its not not that serious but if we get pink eye she has pink eye.


I brought my daughter to her family doctor and shes very ill, and not what the doctor at this hospital said AT ALL.

If you dont want to waster your time, go to another hospital.
05 August 2019 9:22
Dr. Hany Sawires and his assistants are great!
They are professional, friendly and efficient. I took the colonoscopy with them today at the East General Hospital in just half an hour, and I don't feel anything after I wake up, then they told me it's done. Just can't say enough about them. Thank you so much!
01 August 2019 6:11
If you end up in their Emergency Department and want a guarantee to luxury treatment which might include "your lips are turning blue; would you like a blanket Sir? " or "can we go someplace quite so I can use my stethoscope and actually hear something? ", there's a simple trick to getting Cadillac service: do everything you can not to appear as someone seeking narcotics. The public-sector employees in Michael Garron's Emergency are so completely jaded by the countless dregs who arrive only to scam a bit of hydrocodone for their "cough", that by simply stating at the start of each encounter "I'm not here for drugs; I'm sincerely very sick", you will have doctors and nurses running to help.
28 July 2019 1:48
Please please please do not go to this hospital. People walk in alive and leave the hospital dead. Someone needs to do something about this hospital management doctors and nurse. The worst place you can ever be. They diagnosed my grandmother wrongly and a weak later she passed away. We have seen people who came with one problem & left with the other. Try to avoid this place at any cost even for delivery for new babies!
27 July 2019 13:45
One of worst hospital in the GTA doctors are having pizza in the back instead of looking after overwhelming patients nurses are just sitting at the stations pretending to be busy doing nothing if you go to ER make sure you have time to spend cause itll take minimal 12 hours
23 July 2019 2:59
It almost 3am and we been here since 10: 30pm. To be honest, nurse came by twice, 1st time took blood, and 2nd time redid a ECG test. If u going to pay $45 ambulance service, better ask for somewhere else. Yes all Emerg are similar, if u can avoid this hospital. AVOID. My biggest mistake.
06 July 2019 19:29
Terrible service. First time waited 4 hours no treatment nor medications. Today I'm here for the same purpose just came for a referral and still have to wait 4 hrs. Please don't come here go somewhere else.
30 June 2019 13:54
Enzo and Dawn have been amazing caring for my Mother. Empathetic, caring. They go above and beyond every time. Just can't say enough about the quality of care they provide. Both on H7 and B2 floor.
29 June 2019 3:14
This place is absolutely terrible.

I took my mom here when she was complaining of stomach pains. She has an aaortic aneurysm and the hospital was aware of that. The intake nurse decided it wasn't serious enough and sent her to the green zone. My mother started puking and just writhing in pain.when I told the nurse how her condition had worsened I was told the doctor will see her when her turn comes up. When she was finally seen by a med student, I heard her point out to the nurse that you could feel the aneurysm through her stomach. My mother got moved to the red zone. She was located right in front of the nurses station. She wanted the curtains wide open so I left them open for her. The doctor wanted to talk to myself and my siblings about the options because there is no vascular surgeon at this hospital. When we returned about 15 minutes later we walk through the door to see that my mom was white as a ghost as she had passed away. The doctor looked at the ECG and she had died 11 minutes earlier. That meant that the nurses had ignored all the buzzers and the tones and didn't even bother to look up to see someone had passed away. Now there is nothing they could have done but I really wish they could have shown the respect to anyone going through that.it also wasn't fair for other families that were in that area because you didn't have to have medical training to know my mom had passed away.

The nurses who work on the ward floors do an adequate job. They don't go out of their way to do anything extra.

The nurses that work in intensive care are absolutely amazing. In my dad's case he was in an adult diaper and the nurses would change that. That did not happen in any other area of the hospital.

Palliative care is the absolute worst. For those of you who don't know what it is, people get put there when they have 30 days or less to live. In my dad's case they had posted a sign that he needed to be checked on every 30 minutes. The reason for that is he didn't have the ability to call out or ring the buzzer. This never happened. That was all for show. They would check on him every 4 hours. If you have a loved one that needs to go in this unit, I have heard that Bridgepoint Hospital is the way to go. We were there around the clock to be the voice for him. The nurses computers face outwards on this floor. So you actually get to see the fact that they are just clowning around on YouTube, Facebook and such. It really is atrocious. I wanted to post a couple of pictures for you about how bad the service is in this unit but there is a photography policy and I don't want to get in trouble for that.

I will say that there is a Doctor Phillips that was on this floor and he was really amazing. He discussed everything with us when he was on duty and my dad was on this floor.

Although we've always gone to this hospital, I think in the future I will be looking to go elsewhere when I need to go to the hospital. I am still in shock at the fact that my parents were denied dying with dignity.
28 June 2019 20:15
I had a pre-OP appointment the doctor came in right away and the nurse comes in and say that's she is going for a lunch we were waiting there for the nurse for over an hour. You should book appointments accordingly so patients aren't waiting for you to have your lunch. Take your breaks not at the patient's expense
27 June 2019 10:48
Worst experience every time i go there. Everytime i go to emergency with my wife for her medical complications because of her diabetes, we have to wait for hours. We were there last night 9: 30pm and came back at 5am. Worst hospital in the world.
26 June 2019 16:53
Worst hospital in the world. My uncle is dying and needs surgery fast to drain water in his lungs that’s also in his liver. He’s got stage 4 lung cancer and aids plus a failing liver. He’s been there since 4am yesterday they keep saying their going to do surgery and drain the water but it’s been two days now no surgery at all. They didn’t even give my uncle a pillow as they said they don’t have any, they also said they were going to put him in a different room nothing. He just wants to go happy and comfortable and this hospital is doing the complete opposite. This is beyond sickening how they could treat patients like this there. Shut this hospital down now
18 June 2019 3:20
Wait times are horrible. Staff, looks like they are busy but not taking care of patients. Patients are ignored. My wife was almost been sent home after surgery with blood pressure 180/120 till the doctor came in. Nurse Nicole is with attitude and in rush to discharge patients. I had to put blood pressure monitoring thing back on my wife's arm and no nurse came back till I asked them to check if I put that thing properly.
14 June 2019 20:58
This review is regarding the ER department at Michael Garron.

My husband had a very long wait at Michael Garron, as can be anticipated at any ER across Canada. Due to fatigue and a sense of hopelessness, he left without being seen after 6 hours on a Friday night, only to return the next day out of desperation for treatment. The option of forgoing any medical assessment was more worrisome than the long wait required when we decided to revisit the ER. Saturday he was assessed, treated and released in 9 hours.

We left the hospital with no clear answers to my husband's issue, but felt assured he had been properly monitored and assessed, and were clear on our follow-up instructions.

Despite this timeframe and outcome, my husband and I found the process, nurses and doctors we encountered during our ER visits to be efficient, attentive, caring and communicative.

Expectations must be managed when visiting any hospital ER in Canada, and self-advocacy (or someone to advocate on your behalf) is a necessity when navigating any aspect of our health care system. Our system is definitely challenged and strained to a tipping-point, but within these parameters I found the care we received from the staff at Michael Garron to be excellent.

During our time in the ER (and reflected in some reviews here), I was dismayed by how many patient complaints and demands I heard directed towards the staff. I realize that a visit to the ER is a stressful event (as it was for us), but choosing to direct frustration at the staff only compounds the time challenges of those trying to manage and treat patients, and adds strain to the already fraught atmosphere of the ER. In addition, the anger and anxiety that accompanies the lack of acceptance of the wait-time reality is counter-productive to one's own health concerns or those of loved ones, and denigrates the efforts of the staff therefore exacerbating the issue.

Energy should be directed at lobbying our politicians, voting conscientiously and demanding sound healthcare policy and budgetary spending, rather than complaining to the nurses, doctors and support staff who are doing their best within the strained system that is their everyday workplace. My general observation while visiting this ER was that the staff were doing their best, worked effectively in an often-complex revolving team environment and respected the work they did and the patients they were there to serve. I saw less reciprocal respect from patients.

Visiting an ER in this country currently requires a heavy dose of managed expectations on wait time, but we should remain proud that the standard of care we receive by the front line workers once you are in the system is high.
29 May 2019 21:05
The staff at the NICU special care nursery are amazing took good care of my baby. Thank you everyone.special Thanks to dr. Tara Mac Leod and Dr Popovic.love Lilly
29 May 2019 16:02
If you are not going to die within 15 minutes, do not go to ER department in this hospital. There were 4 female nurses, one male nurses, and two doctors at the back during a night shift. This tall blonde female nurse is extremely rude and treat you as if you came to hospital to beg for money. I saw them making faces behind patients back, laughing and talking without doing anything very often, and sorting patients order based on who they prefer (saw a perfectly healthy looking patient walking in and out of the hospital in an hour while I had to wait for 5 hours to see no doctor). I left the hospital as soon as I saw one of the doctor saying, “I am taking my break for two hours”. Except for one or two nurses in the front, all other nurses are pretty much useless. Most of their jobs can be automated with computer system.
If you have bunch of patients waiting to hear you are not going to die anytime soon, please just send them back home then send medical record to their family physician. Why make them waste 6-8 hours to hear, “It is not urgent, please go and see you family doctor”. I am surprised that this hospital is still operating. I really hope they privatized all health care system. These doctors and nurses think they are working hard but they are not. If you go to Asia, all hospitals are privatized, staffs are extremely efficient and friendly, waiting time is usually less than an hour in ER, and treatments are affordable. Reduce income tax by 10% and please privatize the health care. Give option for citizens to buy government supported insurances for $100/year that covers 80-90% of the costs. We need to get rid of these crooks who don’t care about patients well being but only want to fill their hours and get paid to go home. Privatization is the only solution to get rid of low quality hospitals.
29 May 2019 7:28
This is the most absolute worst hospital I have ever encountered in my life. There’s more security guards then doctors. More police officers then nurses. If you want a quick resolution to your medical condition, your better off taking a Tylenol than wasting time at Micheal Garron. If you would like your family member/loved one to be treated as though they’ve been incarcerated, this is the spot.
Not even worth the 1 star.
15 May 2019 2:49
Worse. Waiting off houers. The Nurse looked at ny child without gloves. She gave the vomit pill from my son mouth with bare hands. The doctor when he came to see him, he did not even look at him, he only told us he have virus. And we talk about a child who has continued vomiting. A lot of pain belly. And when we return home raised a fever 39 and began to have diarrhea. And they did not do a test in the hospital but only a thermometer and a pressure. It was acceptable that this happens to a child who is so disturbed that she has to eat 24 hours. At the moment I am home. I wait to see how is going with the fever! Health issues must be accountable, especially when it was a 4 year old! The worsted hospital. Unacceptable health system! Iam very disappointed!
21 April 2019 8:08
The Staff in Green zone and in Emergency just want to have their shift over and go home, they connect you to instruments that are supposed to monitor your vital signs and if the instrument picks up something abnormal then it starts beeping - but it doen't matter how loud or for how long it beeps, no one will come to your help, and when you go to tell them they just simply say "Yes I Know"
The resident physician tell us that Dr Pinto the cardiologist have been paged to come and see her and after 2 hours of wait they said she went home we need physicians who are more responsible not irresponsible.
I will make it simple for everyone if you need to go t a hospital in Toronto, there are a few good choices, For cardiac care go to Saint Michael, for cancer to Princes Margaret, for Pediatrics there is no place better than Hospital for Sick Childrens and for all other issues Toronto General or Mount Sinai or Sunny Brook Hospital NOT this one. They sent my wife home after she had clear signs of a heart attack and then she came back becausr of another attack and it took thr next morning until she saw a cardiologist. If i didnt live so close I would have gone elsewhere.

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