27 April 2023 20:46
Stay FAR FAR away from Minto. This company is awful. You’ll be buying a home just to cry in it all day if you chose to go with Minto. The quality of the homes are terrible. That’s because they hire trades on the cheap and have no regard for the safety of the home occupants. They are slow to make necessary changes and love to play the blame game with homeowners. The employees, just like management are incompetent.

If you want to have a home and be happy with said home, STAY FAR AWAY from Minto.
24 March 2023 11:40
I am a former contractor for 17+ years, I did framing, trimming and backfinish for a lot of Minto job sites.
I created Bent Nails Inspections in 2017 to start to show home owners the true crookedness of every builder.
In all my time in construction Minto is the only company I walked off 4 sites for.
I refuse to have my company name associated with any company that treats their customers the way they do.

Here’s a example of today’s inspection, I’ve done 4 in this area:

Here’s a family new to Canada, they bought a new build
They were fed lies after lies and left sleeping next to mold growing for 8 months.
The Minto workers said they had to fix a “pipe” that was leaking in the attic that was causing this issue leading to outside? Here’s a photo of the roof with a red circle round the bath and area in attic, I don’t see a pipe in the attic and not on the roof, do you?
Even better, no tracks in the insulation to that corner. I recommended and gave them numbers to lawyers.breathing mold long term effects:
Exhaustion, sensitivity to light and unexplained weight gain and hair loss are going to have an impact on your mental health, but other symptoms of long-term mould exposure have also been documented. Some cases have reported insomnia, confusion, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression and loss of appetite.

All this because they make you think HRV’s in your bathroom is a brilliant idea, Minto just recommends it for a juicy $$$kickback$$$

Roger Greenberg doesn’t care about your health, or issues like this wouldn’t be 17+ years long.

How do you think he made his billions, by playing saxophone and being an honest businessman?

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