04 February 2024 2:16
Minto boasts about constructing 100,000 houses, but it's intriguing to delve into the statistics regarding the number of families rendered homeless due to Minto's actions or lack of action. My own family is among those who faced homelessness, and we're aware of at least a few dozen families experiencing similar hardships. What's particularly astonishing is Minto's lack of accountability; they display zero responsibility for the adverse impact on families like ours. It's disheartening to witness large corporations sheltering themselves behind contracts that only safeguard their interests, making every effort to evade accountability for their actions.
Minto, where are you now? The predicament we find ourselves in is a direct consequence of the misleading information provided by your lawyers and customer service representatives. I have thoroughly outlined the situation to the head of your customer service, yet there seems to be no accountability for your company's actions. I hope you personally experience the same hardships that you have imposed on us. It appears that you may not fully comprehend the profound impact your actions have had on numerous families who placed unwarranted trust in you.
23 January 2024 10:48
These builders should be held more accountable for their mistakes, especially when trying to pass the blame onto the city. Some people have been waiting 2.5 years for these to be completed, with last minute delays down to their own incompetence regarding subdivision applications. How are you able to build 400+ homes and not already have subdivision approval? What a joke.

Being such a big builder, how could they let people know only DAYS in advance when they're still missing the following:

- Registration of the Subdivision Plan
- Registration of the Subdivision Agreement
- Release of Pin's by the LRO
- Deposit of A reference plan
- Part Lot Control By-Law
- Release of inhibiting order
- Registration of Parcelization transfer

The copy-paste responses to the other reviewers below should tell you everything that you need to know about this builder.

Wouldn't recommend to anyone looking to move out to the Kanata area. Avoid Minto!
21 November 2023 14:13
- Sales agent does not feel like sales agent, no smile, full of attitude, smile like they are making fun of you.not sure if they were treating me differently because of my race or it's their normal attitude.
-Lie or hide important information.
-Not very pleasant experience to deal with sales agent at Kanata office.
-I have been to Barrhaven center also and some information is shared by the agent for barrhaven houses but Kanata sales guys were not ready to disclose similar information for Kanata house saying we do not share it's our policy.
-They won't show you in model homes what you will get in default, model homes are full of upgrade and they are not even close to what you get in default.and they won't show you what you get get in default.before purchase I asked them if I can get chance to see what will be provided in my house and agent told that you can only have meeting with design center apprx 6 months before closing. In reality as soon as I booked the house next week I get email from design center to schedule my appointment. Why can't you let buyer see what you are selling them in price quoted.after all it's one of the largest financial decision. Help them to make informed decision.
11 November 2023 7:57
If you ever work with a guy named Greg Howell, this guy a total jerk does shoddy work and is clueless when dealing with customers< stay away from Minto
02 August 2023 18:53
Minto sales need to put down their arrogance. You definately need more training about how to treat your customer well while being proud of your homes. You never offend people when they are making their decisions. For sure, they need more time and especially during high interest situations. After all, you are not a car dealership.
14 February 2023 0:00
Minto building company deals with the worst subcontractor companies ever. I hope the Minto owner sees my review because I will show he/she the many many pictures and emails I sent to the high-level management. I need to ask you, Minto owner, do you have a censorship for customer complaints or NOT?

Can you please contact me? I am waiting for your response.
05 February 2023 1:50
So far we have not had a good experience. They have delayed our closing date by four months (which is not so out of the ordinary) but they do not maintain any communications with us. We have emailed their design center four times across a year and have not gotten any firm updates for when we can expect to receive an appointment time. We are now less than four months from our new closing date and haven't gotten any replies to our emails. Their customer service could use some serious work.

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