28 October 2023 7:38
Please read before enrolling into any program that requires placements (like nursing for example). Niagara college is horrendous for their placements and you literally need to quit your job and free up all of your time to do placements here. Under the same breath the school still expects you to pay money to go there and pay for your transportation to get to placement everyday for 40 hrs a week.
Your placements are unpaid and they are also random (so your location and hours are chosen for you). They will place you so far (as far as Grimsby) and expect you to pay transportation like a taxi or uber if they make you work at 5am when buses do not open. They will not switch you or accommodate to your job, transportation or your children. Please be careful going here. Many people in my class have to drop the program 1 month before graduation because they are unable to make it to their very far placement locations because buses do not run at their location. Or they are dropping because they cannot afford the hundreds of dollars in gas or uber to make it to their far placement. Make sure you have a car, no job, no kids and no life before enrolling into Niagara College. Be prepared to drive about 1 hr or 2hrs to your placements as well and spend all the money you have on gas with no job because your hrs in placement could change any time so you cannot even make money to pay for it all. So yeah be careful enrolling here please.
19 May 2023 20:20
I cannot understand how this college has such good reviews since my partner has had the worst experience of his life, he started a career in early childhood education and because of the bad information given by advisors and the government delays she cannot finish it (the advisor In a very bad manner, he told him to leave or study something else, but it didn't help at all) The solution was to change his career, of course, everything is money for them.and when changing careers, the help provided by the university is nothing.

Please, especially internationals, try to avoid at all costs this institution that plays with people's dreams and money.
28 February 2023 22:56
I don't know about other courses, but I suggest no one go here for nursing programs. They are holding me hostage and are risking my entire semester of work just because I forgot to do hand sanitization before wearing mask during my demo for my RPN course at this college. It's would fair to call it a fail in only that subject but failing me for the entire semester which I tried so hard and failed? 6 months is a very long time. And as far as I know, no other colleges have rules as useless as this one. Please avoid. I agree with every other people that they are only after your money.
19 January 2023 6:48
The office admin, Shelby was awful. As a young person trying to navigate a new life in 2015, she was not helpful and super rude.
07 December 2022 7:37
Awesome school with dedicated teachers who want you to learn and succeed. Thanks Julie & Dave!
03 August 2022 19:50
This is the worst college ever. It doesn't help students at all, they just keep on failing so that to get money from students. I am now just so confident that what so ever hardwork I do, how so well I write I gonna get zero for no reason so that to be they can earn more
02 August 2022 4:39
This not reputed college for international students. Always find a way to looted the international students. Beware of these type of colleges.
29 July 2022 9:32
Terrible college. I’m advising everyone not to go here. They don't care about students academic progress and success. They just like to take your money. The nursing program is terrible. They don’t tell you before you give them tuition what you must do before you pass. Be aware the Professor that determines whether you pass the program in the end decides your future. He shows discrimination and Bias towards students. I made it to the end and the professor fails me on something I shown I can pass and then let’s other students move on that make the same mistakes. I am thousands of dollars in debt from this college and no career to show for it now. If you try and address concerns to them they completely ignore your concerns. They don't admit any mistakes they make. In term 2 I appealed due to being treated bias and won. They let me proceed to the end and failed me just to take my money and then the Professor stated to me in an email that I would benefit from repeating the term and then failed me again. The professor also insults students disabilities, the way they look, their clothing and intimidates them and creates unnecessary stress. Be aware of the nursing program there it’s terrible they are failing so many students. The sad thing is I did not expect this to happen to me as I worked hard and had actual nurses tell me I was meant to be a nurse that I worked with in placement and many of them also did not have anything good to say about the College. I am sorry I ever gave them any money and went there. I have been treated so bad.
17 July 2022 10:27
Your students pay a massive amount of tuition for what this college offers. The bare minimum is bus pass because almost every single program has field placement. 10 rides for a month are 45$, 160$ for an unlimited 30 day pass. THIS IS DISGUSTING, DO BETTER NIAGARA COLLEGE. You also have a mass amount of international students whom already pay triple the amount of regular tuition to attend and you do not even offer bus passes for people to get around the region? Especially when your program calls for FIELD PLACEMENTS. The reasoning and whole video behind why you do not have bus passes is just a bunch of rambling. Covid is over the pandemic phase, give these kids transit.
13 July 2022 0:56
Like the other posts stated, this business (can't even call it a college/school), only cares about money. Profs plays favourites and decides who they want to pass based on this system.

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