16 January 2024 17:58
In 2021, we were desperately searching for a fee-only advisor who would mentor and help us to develop a customized financial road map. I had followed Jason extensively in his published work with the Financial Post, Money Sense, and Canadian Money Saver. I was so impressed with his ability to break down complex financial jargon and loved what appeared to be a warm approachable charisma! Our consultations with Jason led to a 35 page report that included an examination of everything 'under the hood. ' A detailed analysis of our investments, retirement planning, tax considerations, insurance needs, estate planning, and even advice on how to support our adult children in their financial beginnings. The report outlined specific achievable tasks that we could apply to fine tune our financial plan. We have met with Jason annually since 2021 and always leave those consultations inspired and routinely with financial suggestions that we had not previously considered. The greatest gift that has come from our consultations has been the assurance that we are on-track.this is truly a priceless gift. So if you are a Canadian who is struggling to find your financial way and are looking for an advisor whose only job is to focus on what is best for you, then look no further! We can't thank Jason and his team enough for being part of our financial journey!
Jodi and Warren
05 January 2024 1:18
Nearing retirement, my husband and I faced some complex financial decisions. I wanted someone who would look at our entire financial picture in an unbiased manner. I feel we were very fortunate to find Nancy Grouni at Objective Financial Partners. She has been able to address our concerns and answer the questions in a professional and caring away. By providing a clear roadmap to accomplish our goals, she has created peace of mind surrounding a transition which was causing us a lot of anxiety. It is so good to know that she is there as a resource going forward and to help with the implementation of our plan. I cannot recommend her services more highly. Thank you Nancy!
04 September 2023 9:36
I highly recommend Nancy as a caring, knowledgeable and professional advisor. Speaking as someone who is not financially savvy, she has been incredibly helpful and kind in navigating me out of my prior FA and aiding me to establish my own financial freedom. There’s no bias, just the truth. She is resourceful and approachable. I wish I’d had her input years ago (so does my wallet)
02 August 2023 6:37
My husband and I are so grateful to Jason for the financial advice/insight he provided. I was very impressed with how thorough he was when going over our financials, asking several questions in order to cover all the bases and make sure there wouldn't be any stones left unturned when planning for our retirement. I love his conservative approach, unlike others who may want to paint a pretty picture and give false hope. He is clearly extremely knowledgeable in this field and I highly recommend his services. I found that his competence is only matched by his welcoming and warm personality. Thanks again Jason!
11 April 2023 7:52
My spouse and I have had sound financial advice from Jason Heath on several occasions. Our initial meeting was to determine when we could retire, what our retirement would look like and steps we could take to be tax-efficient. Jason prepared a detailed road-map for us which has been our guide ever since. Most recently, we went to Jason for a “tune-up” to make sure that we were still on track. Jason eased our minds and gave us direction on tidying up our financial portfolio. We find Jason to be kind and thoughtful and his advice pertinent to our situation.
15 March 2023 22:47
After many failed or lacklustre results from years (!) of prior efforts to get a solid, objective financial planner in OUR corner, we were thrilled to find Andrew Dobson through Objective Financial Planners. What set Andrew apart, in addition to OFP's truly objective, client-centred approach, was how he truly LISTENED to us, reflected back what he heard, and then designed scenarios that matched to our goals, including some scenarios we proposed as well. It was an iterative process, and the trust only grew over the course of our engagement. In the end it was the most educational, helpful and outcome-oriented financial and retirement planning analysis, advice and (!) game plan we'd ever encountered. For the first time, we truly felt *confident* about our retirement goals, plans and (!) options to get there. I would recommend Andrew's services unreservedly.
05 March 2023 11:46
We have enjoyed working with Nancy Grouni and very much appreciated her personal approach to financial planning. She assisted us with a comprehensive financial plan and knowledgeably explained in detail our plan and how to execute it.
We would definitely recommend her for any financial planning needs.
02 March 2023 19:01
Working with Brenda at Objective Financial Partners was a fantastic experience. She delivers precisely on the promise of the company name - a very objective financial perspective wrapped up in a collaborative and outcome-driven process.

She asked thorough and rigourous questions in getting an understanding of our goals and was patient in answering our own numerous questions. She gave objective points-of-view, always referring back to data, both recent and historical. This data-driven approach, combined with direct experience and a client-centric manner got us to a great place - a sound plan we have the greatest confidence in.

Our only regret is not engaging Brenda sooner. We highly recommend her.
02 November 2022 1:10
The financial industry is not easy to navigate, particularly to find good, sound and neutral financial advice. We had heard of Objective Financial Partners several times, and then found Nancy Grouni! From the very first time we reached out to her, and still till this day, she has consistently been extremely knowledgeable, thorough, kind, and compassionate. She put us at ease right away, and we have found comfort in her sound and experienced advice. Thank you Nancy for setting us on a sound financial path. We are grateful for the time you spent with us, and look forward to continuing to work together.
21 October 2022 21:07
My wife and I contacted Nancy Grouni when we were deciding on retirement. Nancy created comprehensive plans covering each year, for each us of us individually as well as both together. These helped us not only to retire with confidence but also to feel much better equipped to handle the challenges of this rapidly changing world. Nancy takes a holistic approach which we appreciate. It is a pleasure working with her and we look forward to our meetings. We are happy to recommend Nancy to anyone interested in getting help with financial planning.
17 August 2022 12:30
We had a great experience working with Andrew Dobson of Objective Financial Partners Inc. We had questions about retirement, selling our home and/or adding a rental unit and taxes. Andrew was able to take our information and run a number of scenarios for us. Best of all, his detailed explanation of each possibility left us able to make sound financial decisions with the confidence of knowing we were heading in the right direction. I can't thank Andrew enough for all of his efforts. Best of all, he has followed up to see if we had any further questions he can assist with. He is now our "go to guy" for all of our financial questions in the future. Thank you Andrew!
06 April 2022 0:30
Nancy was of incredible assistance to me in creating an action plan for my finances both in a short-term and long-term context.

I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking in-depth, nuanced insights into their financial circumstances provided with intelligence, clarity, professionalism, and a positive attitude.
31 January 2022 18:14
Having had some disappointing experiences with one of the major banks I was searching for a fee-for-service financial planner for my parents. After having a consultation with Objective Financial Partners we were contacted by one of their financial planners, Andrew Dobson, who proceeded to work with us. Andrew was incredibly professional and a pleasure to work with. We chose to have a comprehensive financial plan prepared in order to gauge my parents preparedness for retirement. Andrew was thorough, patient, and detail oriented. He took the time to answer my parents questions and to ensure they understood all the elements of the financial plan. The plan itself greatly aided my parents in understanding their current financial situation and how their finances would evolve as they settled into retirement. It provided the understanding and reassurance I was hoping to find for them. We are all very pleased with the service that Andrew provided and could not recommend his services more. Thank you Andrew!
26 January 2022 11:42
Working with Subodh on our retirement plans has been a great pleasure. He has been remarkably supportive, bending over backwards to explain things clearly and to connect us with needed resources. In sum, our experience with him has provided us with a tremendous sense of confidence and security. His timely professionalism and (always kind!) help has been tremendously valuable. Our only regret is that we did not solicit his services years ago! Highly recommended!
09 December 2021 10:57
Working with Brenda Hiscock to do a financial plan for me and my partner was one of the most worthwhile expenditures we have ever made. We thought we were in a good position but with Brenda's thorough process and depth of knowledge, we now have a detailed plan and
the confidence we needed to pull the trigger on some long awaited goals - like buying a vacation property and early retirement! Brenda was excellent in explaining the pros and cons of various scenarios and providing guidance on a variety of options. I felt like I had a trusted and knowledgeable financial guru in my corner and the outcomes of this financial planning process have literally changed my life. I highly recommend this process for anyone who would like to move from a "gut feeling" of where they sit financially, to a solid plan with which to make confident life changing decisions and I highly recommend Brenda as a skilled professional with a caring personality who derives joy from helping people use this knowledge to fulfill their dreams. I wish I had done this years ago. Thank you again Brenda!
15 November 2021 17:16
Our experience with Objective Financial Partners has been really excellent. In particular, we needed a strategy for how to approach our finances, not a bunch of products to buy, so we are grateful for their 'advice only' approach, and tailored solution for each client.

Nancy is knowledgeable, clear and personable, and was able to help us figure out how we can be best positioned to make wise decisions and to have a solid, usable plan for retirement. She was encouraging, and helped us to feel more confident and capable in our financial decision-making.
14 November 2021 23:50
My family and I have worked with Objective Financial Partners for about 15 years and we continue to be impressed by the level of insight, professionalism, and value that we receive. As our financial needs and questions have evolved over the years, so has the advice provided by Jason Heath, Andrew Dobson and the rest of the team. They continue to provide tailored advice to our situation, context and key financial questions. We have referred extended family and friends who have a variety of financial needs - and in each case the result has been a positive one. As someone that likes to dig into the details on these things - I have always been impressed by the depth and analysis underpinning the advice I have received - there is nothing generic about the advice or answers I have gotten. Of course their objectivity and independence are highly valuable to me and I am confident that I can trust the advice I have received over the past 15 years. Above all, they are a pleasure to work with - responsive, professional and insightful. Would recommend Andrew, Jason and Objective Financial Partners without hesitation.
14 November 2021 4:54
I worked with Brenda Hiscock to create a financial plan focusing on debt repayment, home purchase and retirement planning. The plan that Brenda created was clear and attainable. I generally find financial planning to be overwhelming, but Brenda patiently and clearly explained every step in the plan. She is timely and responsive by email, and generally lovely to work with. I would highly recommend her services.
12 November 2021 19:03
Very detailed & thorough. Went above and beyond to make sure I was happy with and understood the projections. Thanks so very much for your patience and understanding in walking me through the numbers.
30 October 2021 1:04
Our experience with Brenda at Objective Financial Partners has been top-notch. Friendly, easy to understand, and sensible advice. Highly recommend.
17 October 2021 21:11
We worked with Nanci Grouni on an initial "decumulation" plan in 2019 and recently updated that plan with her in 2021. As I will be retiring in 2022 we wanted to get advice about how best to withdraw our financial assets and plan to liquidate our real estate assets in a tax efficient way to fund our spending needs in retirement, without being pressured to buy investment products. Nanci is a fee for service financial advisor and so, while she was able to recommend services provided by others when we asked, she was only selling us her expertise.
Nanci is a careful and thoughtful professional. She is a good listener and provided advice that was responsive to our needs. We derive great comfort from seeing how our decumulation strategy is forecast to play out over the years given different scenarios and feel well-advised on matters such as when we should begin receiving CPP, when to convert RRSPs to RRIFs, and when and how to take money from an investment holding company.
The peace of mind that we get from having updated reviews of our financial plan is well worth the effort and cost. I feel that we get excellent value and service from Nanci.
17 October 2021 6:39
Objective Financial Partners has been infinitely helpful in assisting my young family with short and long term financial goals as expats living abroad. Brenda in particular has worked tirelessly to help us set up our financial goals and has been incredibly helpful, offering advice on a wide range of subjects! All of the staff are warm, friendly, and work tirelessly to make sure we are getting the assistance we need. Honestly can't say enough good things about this company!
01 October 2021 1:54
Andrew and his team knew their stuff. Andrew got to the point and was succinct with his advice regarding capital gains, RRSP contribution room and how to manage both with respect to the sale of rental property. He helped reinforce the good practices I have implemented and suggested some tweaks where required. Just what I needed.
30 August 2021 10:54
Working with Nancy Grouni and Objective Financial on our retirement plans has been a great pleasure. She has been remarkably supportive, bending over backwards to explain things clearly and to connect us with needed resources. In sum, our experience with her has provided us with a tremendous sense of confidence and security. Her timely professionalism and (always kind!) help has been tremendously valuable. Our only regret is that we did not solicit her services years ago! Highly recommended!
21 August 2021 15:16
I had the pleasure of working with Jason, and even more so with Nancy, as they prepared a financial plan and investment analysis and review for me. Both were incredibly approachable and thorough, going above and beyond to answer my questions and prepare a plan that allowed me to get the clarity and information I needed to make the financial decisions I was seeking to make. I highly recommend them as wonderful people to work with for anyone who is looking for quality financial planning and investment review & feedback.
10 August 2021 17:01
Brenda provided us with a detailed and comprehensive retirement plan that simplified a complicated set of circumstances and enabled us to make a life changing decision with confidence.
09 August 2021 11:47
Working with Nancy was such a pleasure! She is extremely knowledgable and explains things in a very patient and easy to understand way. I'm in my thirties and was looking for guidance for my investments and a financial plan for retirement. Nancy gave me so much information of all the variables you have to think about when making financial goals and the reports we went over have really given me an empowerment of knowing what my money is doing and how best to make it work for me.
Working with her is a truly invaluable experience!
05 July 2021 12:09
We contacted Colleen Derrick in March 2021 to develop a decumulation strategy so that we could minimize our taxes during retirement.

Colleen conducted a thorough analysis of our retirement income projections and provided us with two scenarios for drawing down our RRSPs. During our discussions, she was extremely helpful in answering all of our questions. Based on Colleen’s excellent work, we are now in a better position to handle the decumulation process during our retirement.

We appreciated Colleen’s friendly and professional approach and would highly recommend her.

14 June 2021 5:34
Working out my retirement plan with Nancy was a pleasure. Her knowledge and expertise were evident right from the start. She took time to truly understand my particular needs and desires in retirement. No cookie-cutter approach here. It is refreshing to find a planner who is focused on my best financial outcome, and not theirs. This is because Nancy is paid by fee, and not paid through product sales or commissions.
Nancy promptly presented me with a plan that I could easily follow and fit my goals. She was quickly available for follow-up conversations, or to clarify points that I forgot. I am extremely pleased with her work on my behalf.
10 June 2021 19:49
For the past three years it's been our pleasure to work with Carlo at Objective Financial Partners. To sort out our best retirement plan, we discussed various financial scenarios with Carlos (ie whether to sell an investment property, income splitting, ideal RSP and TFSA contribution amounts, buying equities, etc) and as complex as things got, once he walked us through his prepared reports, it was clear which decisions were best for us to make. Knowing that Carlos is not attached to an investment company or bank that wants to sell us something is also a big plus for us. Our annual meetings with Carlos provide us an opportunity to continue to "fine tune" our financial plans. Overall, we find the value of investment advice provided significantly outweighs the reasonable cost of the service. Highly recommend.
31 May 2021 18:59
I am very pleased I chose Nancy to help me plan my financial strategy for retirement. Nancy's personable manner, and experience, put me at ease right away. She is adept at explaining the process, and helping to clarify my goals and needs. Her explanations are presented with great care. They are clear and complete. I never felt rushed or uninformed. I can confidently say that the experience could not have been better.
13 January 2021 20:52
We highly recommend Objective Financial Partners. Nancy Grouni is extremely knowledgeable, thorough and clear, with a calm easy manner that puts you right at ease. Her roadmap is detailed but not overwhelming. She gives unbiased advice and it's clear the client's interests always come first.
27 December 2020 22:09
We have been working with Jason for a number of years now. His advice is always well thought out, impartial and thorough. We appreciate that he often presents options for our consideration, with pros/cons and, most importantly, no pressure to go in any particular direction. He often brings perspectives that we haven't considered. We appreciate having a comprehensive financial plan that is tailored to our lifestyle and updated annually or as circumstances change.
20 December 2020 7:58
Have worked with Objective Financial Partners for years. They offer wonderful, personal service where you are clearly treated as a client rather than an account. They are quick to respond to inquiries and have provided us with a long term plan to show us options on how to best achieve our goals. Jason and his team are top notch and we highly recommend them.
03 December 2020 3:27
Have had a great experience all around. Worked with Nancy. She is very responsive and very helpful. I really like the fact that her advice is unbiased. I manage my own investments and it is nice to have a professional to help guide me in the right direction.
02 December 2020 7:21
Super thorough, realistic retirement planning with quick and comprehensive follow up. Easily understandable and accessible advice. I feel much more in control and confident in my post work life. Highly recommended!
28 November 2020 18:15
I was working/living overseas. When my family and I decided to return to Canada a few years ago, Jason helped us to understand the financial implications and continues to provide advice tailored to our needs. Jason has extensive knowledge of tax, investment options, estate planning and ancillary matters that impact one’s financial plans. And Jason is always responsive to questions even if esoteric. If you are looking for a detailed oriented and comprehensive planning/advice, I highly recommend Jason Heath.
26 November 2020 21:51
Jason has provided me with financial and tax advice for the last 10 years and I would recommend him without hesitation. Jason is practical, readily accessible, and offers skilled financial guidance for the many planned and unexpected changes that life brings.
26 November 2020 13:44
My wife and I have been with Jason for many, many years, and followed him from another firm when he started OFP (this was entirely our decision, and he did not solicit us away from his old firm). Jason is a very personable, kind, and knowledgeable professional who has always provided pragmatic guidance in all matters related to family finances. I have always marveled at how responsive he is to all kinds of emails and questions, despite being so busy with his client base, sometime replying on evenings or weekends. I have been able to recently retire in part due to his guidance and counselling over the years, and have full confidence in the financial plans he has provided. I am especially grateful that he does not sell any investment vehicles directly, and is thus totally independent and unbiased when it comes to investment advice for his clients. I have been approached in the past by other consultants and wealth management firms for my business, and never once did I consider switching away from OFP and Jason - I would recommend his firm to anyone looking for solid financial advice without reservation.
19 November 2020 11:16
I contacted Nancy Grouni in 2019 to help develop a plan to transition to retirement. She provided a comprehensive analysis of my finances that allowed me to retire with confidence. Nancy helped find an asset management company to invest my nest egg and she was extremely helpful in answering my questions of which there were many! She was professional, thorough and I highly recommend her.
18 November 2020 2:22
Jason and the entire Objective Financial Partners team are first-class at providing fee-only financial advice and taxes preparation services, both of which I utilize. I would highly recommend Objective to anybody who wants to take hold of their finances proactively, set a long term plan and have a partner support you along the way.
17 November 2020 20:27
We have been clients of Jason Heath and his team at Objective Financial Partners for nearly ten years. Throughout this relationship, we have received superb service in all aspects of timeliness, professionalism, accuracy and have received excellent financial and tax advice.

We would highly recommend this firm without any qualification!

Neil and Lynn Reid
06 November 2020 23:38
We think the world of Nancy Grouni at Objective Financial Partners. Not only is she knowledgeable and professional, she is genuine. Her personal touch has taken the stress out of financial planning for us and we really feel like we're being taken care of.
For years we simply had no idea whether we were on the right track, with account managers with other firms we felt were just "ticking a box". Nancy did an in-depth analysis of our investments and explained to us in layman's terms how we could make the most of our money. With her help, we finally feel like we're optimising our financial future and we couldn't be happier about it.
06 November 2020 13:05
We are so happy with our experience at Objective Financial Partners. Nancy is wonderful - super smart, thoughtful, responsive and objective. She has helped us to take many moving parts (business sale + personal retirement goals) and create a solid retirement plan. We have been looking for many years for this kind of advice; this is a perfect fit for us!
21 October 2020 0:19
I first contacted Objective Financial Partners and Nancy Grouni in July 2019. I knew I wanted to retire by January 2020, but I didn't know if it would be possible, and my partner (already retired) and I were overwhelmed with how to arrange our finances. Nancy to the rescue! Nancy worked out an amazingly thorough retirement plan for us. She took a comprehensive view, while drilling down to look at all angles, but she never lost sight of the personal issues and the people involved. In the process, she answered all our questions with kindness and with easy-to-understand explanations. As we proceeded, she also worked out an investment plan for us to complement her financial plan, providing us with a completely integrated package. We cannot thank Nancy enough for everything she has done to make it possible for us to feel secure in our retirement. She is an outstanding professional with a great heart, and we fully intend on continuing to work with Nancy and Objective Financial Partners for years to come.
11 October 2020 13:18
Nancy's thoughtfulness and care for her clients is unparalleled. Her approach to financial planning is thorough with complete consideration of client's varying lifestyles and financial circumstances. Clients come away satisfied, informed and ready to retire with peace of mind. Nancy's planning work is the blueprint upon which clients portfolio is based, and ongoing coordination helps ensure that clients achieve their goals.
06 October 2020 14:29
The thoroughness of Nancy’s financial plans and efforts to integrate them into the investment process has really demonstrated that she has her client’s best interests at heart. Her holistic approach to planning is critical in laying the foundation to a customized investment plan and her coordination with regard to tax planning assists in the structuring of my client’s portfolio. Nancy’s personable approach, professionalism, and expertise has well served clients in better understanding and achieving their financial goals.
09 September 2020 14:07
Approaching retirement and looking for more thorough financial planning than we were receiving from one of the big banks, we spent the winter of 2016/2017 researching fee based Certified Financial Planners in the GTA. Our search led us to Jason Heath and Objective Financial Planning.

Jason introduced us to OFP Associate Nancy Grouni, CFP, and we met to discuss our current financial situation and the retirement goals we wanted to achieve. After a few months of exchanging ideas and information, Nancy prepared a detailed 30 year retirement plan which minimized taxes, avoided claw backs, detailed when to take CPP/OAS and more importantly, gave us a sense of financial security in our retirement years.

Nancy also recommended we reduce our bank management fees by investing our funds in other asset management companies that charge 50% or even less than the typical banks. (Of which there are plenty)

We found Nancy very professional and easy to work with. My wife and I are very pleased to continue our relationships with OFP and Nancy Grouni.

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