22 October 2023 7:06
Extremely antisemitics. Does not care for the wellbeing of their jewish students and encourages violence
08 September 2023 18:46
Someone dropped the ball big time! And it caused my daughter to completely reconstruct and delay her post secondary education.
My daughter has desired to attend this school for the last 6 years. She was elated when she got in this past April. We sent the tuition deposit over a week before the due date. OCAD had sent an email out stating that as long as the tuition deposits were sent before the due date, students need not to worry.
Weeks went by without her receiving an email with course selection information. We attempted to contact the school through phone and email. Though you couldn't leave a voice message and only received a generic email response for weeks.
Nearly two months later we were finally able to get a hold of a human being. It was at that time we were informed by admissions that they never received her tuition deposit and her spot had been given to another student. They only provided us with information to get a refund. She was devastated and heart broken.
The reason I say someone dropped the ball. Just under 48hrs of getting the horrible news from admissions we magically received the tuition deposit without making contact with anyone in regards to begin the refund process.
Did OCAD have the tuition deposit this entire time and someone didn't apply it? How did we receive a refund without informing anyone yet? A refund we had been told previously would be very hard to get. Was her spot given to an international students because they pay three times more?
24 August 2023 13:13
The OCAD University building is a vibrant beacon of creativity that brings immense joy to its neighborhood. Its striking design, with its bold colors and unique architectural elements, is a visual delight that instantly uplifts the surrounding area. The building's presence serves as a constant reminder of the artistic energy and innovation that flows through the neighborhood. As a hub for aspiring artists, designers, and thinkers, OCAD University fosters a sense of community and inspiration, creating a positive ripple effect that extends beyond its walls. It's truly a source of joy and pride for the neighborhood. #CreativeHub #InspiringArchitecture #OCAD
30 May 2023 10:25
I went for illustration program 2020. We end up graduating very suddenly due COVID season and no way to say goodbye to classmates and teachers. It’s not easy to study there I think my classmates are a lot better than me so I often feel stressed and less confident. What I got out of my 4 year study is OCADU really boost your creativity and I do see that I become a creative individual through out the 4 years professional training. I feel grateful about it. My advice is OCADU should have intern, co-op opportunities for students. Most of students graduated from school are becoming freelancers and designers but for art there’s much more that we can do for careers.
17 May 2023 18:24
Waste of time, effort and money. Terrible school. I deeply regret graduating from OCAD University. It was a lot of work and has never been helpful.
05 May 2023 8:02
Despite being an A student (graduated with distinction, 2021, ED), I struggled to find a job and apply my knowledge to my work after graduation, and it was a common challenge among my classmates as well. Despite reaching out for help at OCAD U, I found myself learning on my own without support. Unfortunately, I have also found it difficult to promote the values I learned at OCAD U in my workplace, as my colleagues are resistant to change.
I have come to realize that I lack persuasive skills to encourage positive changes in my workplace. While I was taught to be critical and mindful, I was not taught persuasive skills with the same level of emphasis. Also I often feel disrespected at my workplace due to my lack of knowledge and am constantly worried about losing my job and paying off my student loans.

The hard work I put into my education has caused health problems, such as poor vision, weight gain, and posture issues. Although I need to learn as much as possible to avoid losing my job, my health condition makes it challenging to put in extra effort. I regret putting my health on the line for my education.

I appreciate the critical thinking skills that OCAD U instilled in me, and I want to make a positive difference in my profession. However, I also need to learn practical skills that will help me earn money and pay my bills. I feel like I was taught to jump, but I'm being asked to swim at work, without any mistakes allowed. It's crucial to connect students and professors with the real world. I don't want to discredit OCAD U or the people I know there, but I believe that we need to find a better way to prepare students for the challenges of the workforce and profession in the real world. I have so many regrets… OCAD U could you use your imagination to make your education cool but also useful…
18 February 2023 21:46
It's a great art school, all I recommend is going to college first THEN coming here. You won't gain any real life experience (in the graphic design industry), but that's really up to you. Network, make friends, show up to your classes, and honestly have fun. OCAD is really about yourself and how you make it out to be. Also a tip! Check your professors rating on rate my prof. That can be the difference between an awesome semester or a terrible one. Do summer + spring courses, even if you're on track. It's nice to have a relaxing fall and winter semester than be overwhelmed with courses. I only recommend this place for students not fresh out of high school.
19 January 2023 13:48
I was a Fine Art student at OCA from 1990-1992.
I had an incredible education, and set me up for a life in art.
23 December 2021 11:59
Poor communication with students (often find things out through instagram rather then student email), admits way more people that they can teach (they count on 50% dropping out in the first year), classes are all waitlisted, elitest staff who became teachers because their careers dried up.go to emily carr

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