07 November 2023 18:25
I am writing to say how thoroughly disgusted I was with your new sleep lab in Brantford. Obviously whoever set it up knew absolutely nothing about environments that are conducive to sleep. The first thing, when you walk in, your eyes and brain are assaulted by the industrial overhead florescent lights and stark white walls. Any circadian rhythms your body might have are immediately thrown off and you are jolted wide awake. This light also comes through wide cracks around the door once they finally turn them off in your room. Secondly the rooms are far too hot. The fan in the room made a loud knocking sound so I had to have it turned off. People talked loudly in the halls and the overhead air vent is loud and obnoxious. Your pillows are hard and flat. There is absolutely nothing done to make the environment homey. A picture on the wall would go along way. It took me hours to start approaching sleep. Anyone who knows anything about sleep knows that lights should not be florescent, but in the warm colour range. They should be placed on the walls or come from lamps and not overhead lights that literally scream at you to wake up. The paint colour should also be warm and not a stark white that bounces light everywhere. The room should ideally be cool. Sleep experts say 65 degrees Fahrenheit, with blankets in case you need more warmth. I don’t know anyone who sleeps well with a hard, flat pillow. And it wouldn't hurt to add a few human touches to put your clients, who are going through an ordeal with wires attached everywhere, to feel more comfortable. The Brantford lab is literally a factory environment. Hospitals do much much better. I am so disappointed that whoever set up the lab was just plain stupid in understanding what might help their clients sleep so you can collect good data, and just be human with the people you work with. Someone needs to have some knowledge of the science behind good sleep environments. You call your centres sleep labs, but I call them NON SLEEP CENTRES. Seriously, you need to smarten up and get your act together.
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23 September 2023 5:50
15 months and still no appointment. The clinic itself was untidy but the staff were great. No accountability when you call to ask when your appointment might be.
12 September 2023 18:23
Been waiting for my results, no response from anyone. When you call and leave a message you don’t get a return phone call.

Avoid at all costs.
14 August 2023 12:01
264 days, that is how long for the doctor appt. This was my 5 year assessment, the appointment was very quick. The sleep study went off with no problems. The staff were great. And efficient. That was end of November 2022. Saw the doctor on Saturday Aug 19.2023 for a 9 min meeting. Didn't seem to care how long it took to see him, didn't know anything about my history. I feel he just wanted his money for my visit. Never again!
10 June 2023 9:29
It takes soo long to get a fellow up appointment after the first test. After talking to our family doctor several times and she sent emails to them, my husband finally got in after a year and a half. The prescription was supposed to be 2 weeks after that…? And it’s been 5 weeks now and still nothing. Also when you call, there’s only the answer machine and they seem to never find the time to call back. I don’t get it!
09 June 2023 17:21
Had a sleep Study Done At The Paris Location And Have nothing but Good things to Say about my Experience.
The Technician was very Helpful with any Questions that I had and informed me of everything she was doing and what was being attached to me.
I see A lot of Negative Reviews here about the Noise at Night while sleeping and yes I heard that before I fell asleep but you are not the only person there having a sleep test done and they have to tend to the 4 -8 other patients that are there waking up to be unhooked to go to the washroom or fixing a connection that came off during the night.
Sure the bed was uncomfortable but this isn't a vacation at a resort.
All In All it was a good experience and they did their Job.
09 June 2023 0:43
Been waiting 2 months for my results- called and left a message - no return call - my Doctor has emailed them requesting the results…crickets! Go somewhere else…resorting to calling Ministry of Health to complain since service was covered by OHIP - subtracting 2 Stars…. So score is -6 Stars!
15 May 2023 21:04
I've never gotten through to anyone through their telephone number no matter the time of day or day of the week that I've called and always have to leave a message and I imagine leaving a message is in itself confusing for most people. When you leave a message you are left with 3 choices after hitting the pound (#) key.
1. Review your message
2. Change your message
3. Delete your message
So I usually just hang up without knowing my message has been sent.
Missing is #4. SEND YOUR MESSAGE.
I usually get called back about 50% of the time. And never really know if my messages are received.
26 April 2023 5:46
Go to a different lab!

The night staff was quite nice, very friendly.

The process and doctor however - horrendous.
I did an initial sleep study in Sept 2020. The doctor gave me the results over the phone, gave me suggestions on things to try. Or I could get a CPAP machine.
Decided to try every suggestion listed for 1 year - no change.
Called back to enquire about getting a CPAP machine, the (new) doctor was not comfortable using my sleep study results from the previous year (even though NOTHING has changed over the year), he kept saying its been over 1 year (it was one year two weeks since the initial study). He kept responding with "I have to ask my supervisor" when I said I don't want to do another baseline sleep study. He didn't budge so eventually I said fine book me for another test and he said he would. One year passes - no contact from the clinic and I had to ask my family doctor to send another referral.
Finally I get an appointment (over two years since the initial study). I guess this doc changed his mind and booked me for a sleep study with CPAP test instead. Four months later still have not heard from the doctor regarding my results. I'm still tired and waking up with headaches.
It's now 2023,2.5 years since the initial test and nothing.
Find a different lab. Find a more competent doctor, for every question I asked the doc responded with "I don't know" "let me ask my supervisor".
There are no other doctors listed at this clinic, not sure who is supervising this doctor.
18 March 2023 14:38
If I could give a zero I would rather have done that. I waited just shy of 20 months for an appointment. I had my sleep study and told I would be contacted within two to three weeks in regards to my results. It’s been three months now and Ive called many times to no avail and left voicemails and no returned phone call. Disgusting the lack of compassion this place has. Side note, the actual sleep study staff were great…everything else, brutal at best.
12 January 2022 9:17
Did a sleep study overnight at this location, staff was friendly and helpful with any of my questions asked through this process. Jenny was friendly and very helpful with my concerns. Overall the experience was great
31 December 2021 10:20
No one answers the phone here. I've been dealing with these people for a year and a half. I'm told I stop breathing over 80 times at night. At risk of dying, yet they drag their feet and take weeks to even return my messages. I regret ever using this doctor. I strongly suggest going somewhere else.
18 December 2021 9:50
Had a sleep study done August 30 on the recommendation of my doctor and my life insurance company.
Over 2 months with no follow up and no communication. Called and left messages twice with no response.
Another example of our stellar health care system.
07 December 2021 19:26
I had reasonable care and response many years back, but my wife went and was told by our family physician that she had severe sleep apnea. Problem is she can’t get an appointment with the doctor at the clinic. It’s been about 6 months and no luck. The only response we get is that they are waiting for the doctors schedule. I have no idea what that means. I am wondering if they even have a doctor at this point. Would just like to hear what is really happening there.
25 November 2021 11:47
Disappointed, was there last night, Mon. March 22,23 2021.
Floor unclean, two totally empty soap containers in bathroom. Staff noisy, could not hear instructions properly from control room, was also noisy. Not totally instructed light by bed, people need to be reassured that all instructions are confirmed and understood. If I had known that there would NOT be PAP machine testing, till reviewed by DR.till October. I would have canceled my appointment. Very disappointed! Martha Vitez (Janovich)
07 January 2020 23:48
Very nice friendly staff. Day and night staff were great explained everything. Only issue was on follow up appt waited 45 min for doctor. When I was the only patient there. Other then that he was very nice and explained everything. Highly recommended.
26 December 2019 1:28
Sleep studies were handled satisfactorily although I'm not sure how accurate the second study with the sleep machine could have been accurate when I'd only has a few days to get used to the mask that I'd been struggling with at home.
Appointment with doctor - at least this doctor seemed to listen to me. During the first sleep study, my numbers were much improved from the study done at another lab a year earlier and I'd wondered if apnea was an issue for me.
However I tried a CPAP machine but struggled with the mask this time. It kept blowing air into my eyes and coming off in the night - magnetic catches came undone due to my sleep position. When I finally got a different mask, I had no issues with using the machine. However, I then had the worst cold of the last 5 years and couldn't use the machine due to being so congested. When I returned the machine, I was told I was "non-compliant" and wasn't given a prescription for machine. I tried to call and explain the issues but my call wasn't returned (couldn't do anything but leave a message) … so still no machine. NOT HAPPY!
22 November 2019 8:35
I had an inconsistent and (at times) unprofessional experience with the Paris Sleep Lab, and I would not recommend them to anyone else.

On the night of my actual test the technician was unable to get the testing device working for quite some time. I'm sure faulty equipment happens from time to time, but this was not a good way to start things off.

When I came back in to meet the doctor two months later, I was treated dismissively. Because the results did not reach medical standards for OSA, I was completely brushed off. I've been suffering from sleep issues for 15 years and asked for help. This is a constant medical issue that has become a crushing weight, and all I wanted was a path forward. A next thing to look at, a treatment, *anything*.

The doctor here did not care. Since according to his 4.7 hour long test from a single night, I did not have treatable OSA, his job was done. He offered me nothing except 'go back to your family doctor. '

When I did not accept his hand-waving and asked more questions, he called my 15 years of suffering anecdotal. He implied that I wasn't *really* having issues. The only data he cared about - the only information he seemed to even consider as real - was the test the technican had so much trouble with.

The doctor's manner turned increasingly condescending as I asked my questions. He began to smirk as he told me how my life experiences could not possibly be accurate. When I called him on his expression and lack of compassion, he turned cold and angry, and saw me to the door.

To add insult to injury, when I asked for a print off of my results, I was told that would cost 15 dollars. For 3-5 sheets of paper. I said they could just email it to me, but I was told that wasn't possible. It was pay up, or wait until I could see my family doctor.

I hope no one else has such a bad experience. I'm sure they are not like this with everyone, but the way I was treated was truly terrible.

Thanks for nothing.

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