09 September 2023 11:13
Pelmorex has claimed that "it has been impacted by a cybersecurity incident connected to a third-party software provider. This has affected The Weather Network and MétéoMédia weather data systems only. " However their The Weather Network TV channel is now giving false weather forecasts for the next day. PLEASE INFORM YOUR VIEWERS THAT THE FORECASTS FOR NEXT DAY ARE FAKE. Either give an accurate forecast or just say that YOU DON'T KNOW so that viewers do not get misled.
Pelmorex has become a mouthiece for the federal government's "climate emergency" agenda. I trusted The Weather Network for many decades but it now appears that they have other priorities.
Ohh the radar data just now on TV is from yesterday. Get real. Either give real data or nothing at all!
I hope that Pelmorex can get back to the science of meteorology.
25 February 2023 13:11
Horrendous company. Would happily be the middle man to any and all disgusting practices.
06 December 2022 22:55
The Weather Network should be renamed The Worst Network. Ridiculously slow, spammy, ad riden website, starting videos automatically in worst possible moment even when browser settings disallow autoplay, these dimwits made effort to defeat it. Also when starting videos automatically and serving hundreds of ads per session, you need more bandwidth, otherwise the site is slower than molasses. Is this website and company run by hichschoolers?

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