27 September 2023 14:27
Pretty sad when doctors outside of town tell people not to go to this hospital because they know how awful it is. Have woken up to being screamed at by a doctor with the door closed, refused proper tests to diagnose issues, have had FCS called on me by a nurse because they failed to diagnose a bowel obstruction that took an hour to diagnose in Deep River. Don't even get me started on the general awful attitudes on the employees! Would rather die than go to this hospital at this point.
25 September 2023 7:49
Pembroke Regional Hospital remains in the Stone Age for as long as they refuse to join Epic MyChart which is supported by most hospitals. Even Deep River, a much smaller hospital, supports Epic MyChart. There is a healthcare crisis and Pembroke has created unnecessary barriers to adequate care by not making patient's medical records available to them. Patients without Doctors need these results to know if they need to follow up with other providers. Pembroke currently makes patients come back into the ER and wait 4+ hours just to get their results. Given the astronomical wait times Pembroke should be doing all they can to not further bog down the ER by making patients come back and sit there to obtain them. More must be done to address the wait times and patient care standards at Pembroke Regional Hospital. I will be following up this review with a comprehensive email to the College of Physicians and Surgeons to report on Pembroke's gaps in patient care.
10 July 2023 3:09
I’ve had mixed experiences here. There was one occasion where there was an amazing doctor. I can’t remember her name but she went above and beyond. I believe she had a Polish accent. On any other occasion that I’ve been, there is always at least one that shows they don’t care or are rude. Or they dismiss things that are health related because it doesn’t fit their checklist provided on the computer, I’m assuming. Pembroke needs more doctors. When you go to emergency for a specific emergency issue and they don’t have the appropriate medical staff to help that’s a huge concern as well.
17 June 2023 18:34
Worst and garbage hospital ever and people tax money is being wasted for years. Waiting time 5-8 hrs always and one of the doctor was very rude! Where should a person go if person has no family doctor and something happens on weekends? I hope some sensible management person understand the situation!
02 April 2023 3:29
The day surgery team was absolutely amazing! Right from registration to discharge. The Nurses-especially Brandon and Corrine-were so very kind and I actually enjoyed my time! Who can say that when going in for Surgery. My anesthesia Dr-Lavigne was absolutely terrific! Always funny and truly takes the panic out of being "put to sleep" The OR team was terrific as well and Dr Lewry was kind, professional and very personable. Thank you to all Staff and Support of Day Surgery-There is an amazing vibe amongst your Team and it is soooo beneficial as a Patient.
22 February 2023 21:55
I was transported from Deep River ER for a CT scan. I was taken into ER upon arrival and quickly had a scan. EVERY person I came into contact with was very professional and helpful. I spent the night in ER and heard frantic cries of babies and moms, patients known by name and a resuscitation. Kudos go out to RPN and other staff who had to negotiate with a hostile & aggressive patient. I wish I could remember your names, so I could personally thank each of you. Thank you for providing care while respecting the dignity and well being of your patients. I hope some of the people I came in contact with know how comforted you made me feel while i waited to move onto Ottawa Civic.
11 February 2023 20:25
UPDATE ** Pay attention to the fine print or they will charge you**
We were told that we could update our room beyond our insurance coverage for a 30$ until discharge. However, the form makes you cover the FULL LENGTH of your stay. As a result we ended up paying for the days that were already free and which we were told that would not be charged to us. They follow the letter of the law and not its spirit. Not the kind of worries you want to have in your mind when you are at the hospital with your loved one.
They do not shame taking financial advantage of vulnerable individuals.

The waiting times for my scheduled appointments was always between 60 -180 minutes.
I would recommend anyone to try Ottawa before this hospital (for orthopedic at least). Was given a fearful surgeon who wasted three months of my time telling me that he was 100% certain that I needed a surgery to fix my confirmed injury, but that I should not do it. Finally got surgery, but doctor was unable to locate the injury and just closed me back.

Ho, and impossible to get a follow up appointment with them as they were filtering the calls. After more than a week of disregard voicemails. I left one stating that I would cut the cast and go on my own again if they continue to ignore me (they called back with 30m.telling me not to and booking an appointment)

Please avoid this clinic.
07 February 2023 8:34
Very kind care staff on first floor rehab center. Took good care of my sick aunt till she passed away
15 January 2023 8:52
I’ve had mixed experiences here. Obviously the emergency room is a disaster, which it has been for years and years. I did have a really great experience with labour and delivery for both the delivery of my child and some follow up care about one week later. The RSV clinic also seems to be pretty good. But, I contacted patient relations about a staff member who specifically, directly and intentionally treated me poorly on one visit and I never even heard back from the patient relations departments. I can’t imagine what else they are sweeping under the carpet.
17 November 2022 18:30
Went in suffering from pancreatitis and the “team” of doctors continued to tell me that I had a drug problem while I suffered on the surgical floor for 2 weeks. I was in and out of this hospital for a 2 week period and the doctors did not listen to my complaints and just kept asking me if I wanted to go home. I refused to leave without knowing what was wrong with me, this was the most insufferable pain I have ever experienced in my life. Took them 14 days to diagnose pancreatitis because they were so fixated on cannabis use and in their eyes that was my problem. Thanks for not believing your patients. Skip the stay here and literally go to any other hospital.
06 November 2022 9:12
Fantastic experience. Late night surgery, Kindness, sense of humour and professional care. Thorough follow up.
28 October 2022 19:17
I'm not going to go all about the negative but when people are here they have to eat eventually! I haven't eaten since 9 am it's now 615 pm and I can't buy food anywhere I can't buy a drink

Maybe the cafeteria should be open until end of visiting hours at least.
22 October 2022 3:46
Should have gone to Deep River ER. Its pretty bad when you tell the triage nurse in tears you need some sort of pain medication they all offer Tylenol, I am allergic to Tylenol so she offered me an ice pack. For more background information I was also in a wheel chair due to the pain I wasn't able to walk and until you are in a room good luck getting help with pain unless an icepack can hold you over. Their was even a guy who's eye was swollen shut covered in blood and he couldn't even get pain medication from the triage nurse while waiting. Its a waste of time telling the triage nurse if your pain increase cause all they will offer you is a ice pack. When your waiting in the er waiting room for treatment and you have to call friends to bring you real medication. Good luck getting pain relief until you wait for 4-10 hours
30 September 2022 14:31
Service is great, however if your going to force everyone to wear masks, pehaps you should insure your staff are wearing them, As they feel they are above that whenver a patient is not around, yet they are the ones that would be infecting others, as they see everyone, we only see them.

The lack of common sence is amazing.
24 August 2022 2:04
The review I could write about this place. I am glad I don't live there anymore.
The problems have existed forever. I had a child born still there, the OBGYN screamed at my wife to be quiet when she was upset during labour then left the baby between her legs and walked away.
My granddaughter goes there as she doesn't have a doctor now, has had a ripping cough for months. All they do is test for covid. She now is 5 and has signs of permanent damage, it seems to be more allergies but they never suggested that
My mother in law, dementia.weeks of being there since being in the home she became dehydrated and depleted magnesium and potassium levels. The hospital had no diagnosis. Sent her back, and forth with no notice to family. Her power of attorney came there to see her, she had been sent back a week previous to the home.
Not a good scene nor has it ever been
There are some good doctors there in Pembroke but they don't make up for the bad.
I wonder if this publicly funded hospital still has the serving in Jesus's ministry on the wall and still don't provide abortions when needed? So it's a Catholic hospital.
23 August 2022 6:37
I had a surgery done at this hospital recently and had an amazing experience! The team was kind beyond imaginable, they were very professional, answered all my questions and took care of me like family! Special thank you to Dr. Leavey, Dr. Nicholson, Dr. Lavigne and to the wonderful nurses that were there for me before and after the surgery to ensure my speedy recovery.
24 May 2022 3:42
Ignorant staff, discriminating the public. It's a shame we waste our tax dollars funding places and people like this.
03 May 2022 21:15
I have always known my confidentiality is not respected and experienced this again at PRH. My recent appt, I checked in as usual, provided my OHIP card, the pleasant receptionist asked me out loud if I was to see Dr. **. This seems to spark the interest of the same secretary a second time who is seated 6 feet away. She stops what she is doing for another patient looks over and reads the screen when my profile is brought up.right in front of me.must be some really juicy small town gossip. This was the same secretary who often leaves when I come out of an appt to schedule a follow up so I have to stand and wait until another patient is trying to check in.eventually someone has to show up at the desk. Let me donate you some privacy screens for the monitors, tell your hiring manager who I have seen lingering around your desk when I'm in the waiting room to do his own dirty work when collecting his intel on me and STAY OUT of my business! When I come for care, I am a patient, not there for a job interview.
30 April 2022 13:01
This clinic has been taking amazing care of my family. They take patient care to the next level. Thank you.
27 April 2022 5:22
Horrid hospital. I came here because of a suspected overdose. They had me waiting in the emergency for so long that I felt significantly better once I got it. All the doctor did was give me a gravol and dismiss my other life threatening health concerns. Please do not take your children here, it’ll probably traumatize them at the least. And leave them very ill at the worst. Atop of that, I had suspected that I had worms. Which I tried to talk to the doctor about getting a mere blood test or something of the sorts. And he simply dismissed it. A week or two later, guess what!? I find out I have worms. As well as this was before I had an Ontario health care, meaning I payed $800 for a doctor to give me a gravol and be dismissive about my health.
02 March 2022 20:49
I have never had a good experience at this hospital everytime I have gone there. The wait times are redicilous! I don't know why they ever closed the old Civic hospital and closed our walk in clinic in Pembroke. I now drive to Renfrew hospital and Deep River hospital which are the best hospitals to go to and they don't leave people waiting hours in their waiting rooms.
01 March 2022 11:44
Called ahead of time to make sure the service i needed was provided. After waiting a total of 5 hours in the er waiting room and an additional hour in the back i was told they didn't provide what i needed. They gladly waste peoples time and feel so remorse when you leave feeling worse than when you arrived.
08 February 2022 1:27
Yesterday I dislocated my elbow and have a concussion falling on ice! Every paramedic, nurse and doctor that attended to my injuries at the Pembroke hospital were patient, kind, caring and thorough throughout my ordeal. I am so greatly appreciative of the amazing, thoughtful, people who took great care of me and made me comfortable during my ordeal.
A huge thank you to Dr. Daniel J Plante who attended to me, what a kind, caring doctor who took the time to explain my injuries and really cares about his patients and obviously takes pride in his work.
I am grateful for the medical care I recieved from everyone!

Thank you once again,

Nicole Webber
25 January 2022 22:09
Public Notice. As a person of disability I was sent by Dr. Declan Rowan to Pembroke hospitat to see a Dr. MATHEWS today for an injury to my foot. Appointment time was 9: 30am I was there by 9: 20am this morning. Prior yesturday i called Pembroke Regional hospital out of respect to let them know I was coming today in toe with a mask exemption letter from Dr. Declan Rowan located in their tower D offices. I spoke with a Kelly or Kylie apparently a manager for their covid screeners at the door. She said just present my letter and I explained to her I am afraid to come because I saw videos on social media of how Pembroke staff and Pembroke hospital doctors were treaating the vulnerable poorly. She assured me that I would be safe. When Dr. MATTHEWS staff called weeks ago to book me in i respectfully told them i was mask exempt and recorded Dr. MATHEWS staff telling me that was fine they understood. Today the day of my appoimtmemt i was left waiting 1: 35 minutes. I was then told to head to Dr. MATTHEWS who I recorded today fir my safety demanding to know my vaccine status and why i had a mask exemption letter. I told him under the law I am not obligated to share my vaccine status and under the disibility act I am not obligated to share my medical information as to why I am not wearing a mask. I privided Dr. MATTHEWS my medical mask exemptiom letter from Dr. Declan Rowan. I told him 8f he had questions or concerns he is welcome to call Dr. Declan Rowan. Dr. MATTHEWS stood up and asked me while pointing out all his certificates on the wall? If i thought i was smarter then him. He said he knew My doctor and could do what he wants. I responded with you think your fancy certificates make you bright Dr. MATTHEWS? Are you going to provide me care or not and look at my foot. He aaid he was not treating me without me telling him my vaccine status and explaining to him why i have a medical exemption. That as a doctor "I can do what I want". Another staff member walked in asking me to lower my voice which was at normal. Dr. MATTHEWS WAS GETTING LOUDER!   I simply repeated are you refusimg medical treatment to me as a person of disability under the disibily act. If so I will leave no problem but I will be reporting you Dr. MATTHEWS for refusing to treat and accomadate me as a person of disibility under the disibility act. At this point I let Dr. MATTHEWS know that because I was scared and spoke to hospital management the day prior that i came on with a camera running whether he could see or tell I was recording or not. He laughed, him and the other staff member who walked in making faces and rolling their eyes. I said you and your friend here think laughing at the disabled is funny. They laughed and sneared some more then Dr. MATTHEWS  called hospital security. I never saw security i got up told Dr. MATTHEWS to let Dr. Declan Rowan my doctor know that I will see both of them before the board of College of Physcians and that I will be filimg a a human right cimplaint under the disibility act with the Humam Rights Tribunal of Ontario. Dr. MATTHEWS laughed. If you read this DR. MATTHEWS understand I recorded you humiliatmg me and laughing at me with your staff. That i will be filing agaist you, your staff, and the Pembroke Regional hospital for failing amd refusing to provide medical care to a person of disibility under the disabilty act and i left a message with the Pembroke Regional Hospital manager stating this. It is a shame you refused treatment after I waited two years with my foot in this condition trying to raise my children much on my own. Today DR. MATHEWS I am embassed for you. It is one thing to pull what you did to me as a person of disibilty another without you knowung I am a military wife who was treated that way by you while my husband and children sat out on the car. Stand proud in your truth today DR. MATTHEWS because i got no problem standing in mine. Shame on Pembroke Regional hospital but God will make a testimony out of this. I recorded Pembroke hospital today after saying they have no security a stunt to add fear.
07 November 2021 4:11
Hospital definitely needs either a negative system or a zero at most. One star is a little to high for what I have to say. Pembroke Regional Hospital is negligent. I have 3 stories: The first involving me. I went for bowl obstruction, stayed overnight, In the morning I had trouble peeing, they stick a catheter on me an sent me home after I felt so uncomfortable and scared because I live alone and it was painful. They gave me a fast tutorial I was so overwhelmed and confused. They said home care would come disconnect it and when I got home they called and said we can’t do that. So back up to the hospital I went. Waited again 5 hours or so and the catheter broke and there was pee all over the hall and in the waiting room…so -1star there
03 November 2021 3:41
Absolutely worst medical facility I have ever been to in my life.smashed my head and dizziness, headache, nausea kept getting worst.went to emerg guess.couldnt be bothered 3.5hrs later, after puking there and still seen no one! Will be going to Deep River from now on.save yourself the headache from this place! Disguesting all the nurses standing around laughing and joking while people are puking, crying and waiting to get in. DISGUESTING healthcare facility, I dont have to go often but when I do, and I see and experience this.definitely, overpaid for what they do and could care less about people's health. Some triage system.guess head injuries are considered no big deal!
29 October 2021 13:53
If you can, go to Deep River and save yourself 8+ hours. The staff here are wonderful, kind, helpful people, however they are severely understaffed.

Triage took 1 hour, waited for another 4 hours before being called into a room, waited another 3 hours before I checked with a nurse (who was very kind and sweet) and was told there were still 3 people ahead of me. There was 1 doctor for the whole ER, even when I arrived early afternoon.

Multiple people got up and left while I was waiting and I should have done so sooner as well. This hospital desperately needs to staff more doctors, it's absolutely unacceptable for a hospital to make people wait so long. Whoever is in charge here clearly doesn't care about the patients.
01 October 2021 2:28
The only reason I have respect for this Hospital is because of a Doctor named Pearly! This doctor doesn't just save lives he's helps and is so compassionate iv been going so much hard times with this hospital shown no respect this man was the only one! This doctor should be recognized for everything he does there should be more people like him absolutely a amazing man ever come across!
14 September 2021 1:41
This hospital is great! I don’t understand why people are complaining about wait time. I was here yesterday. Yes, I was in waiting room for four hours and four hours in emerge, but when I got to the room I got all attention I could only ask for. Doctor Was polite and very professional. Nurses very attentive and knowledgeable. I got asked numerous times if I am comfortable, offered extra blankets. Blood work was as painless as possible, so as CT scan. Radiologist was very informative.
People need to have realistic expectations. They don’t want to wait themselves, but don’t want to be neglected. In my opinion if doctors and nurses treat me well, then they treat the same other patients. And we need to understand that sometimes there is an emergencies too, like heart attack, stroke or allergic reaction….
I am very thankful to all emergency room staff.
02 September 2021 5:02
On Monday June 1st 2021 i had a bilateral inguinal hernia operation, staff and Dr.s were great, even had a phone call after i checked out of the hospital to see how i was doing. I was given written instuctions if any bruising, redness or swelling out of the ordInary i was to take myself to the E. R.
Wednesday the 3rd i was having complications with my surgery, abnormal swelling and bruising accompanied with severe pain, i arrived at the hospital at 11;03 pm did my intake with nurse and sat in extreme pain in waiting room for approximately 30 minutes then i was called in and given a bed and some pain medication, hooked up to blood pressure monitor and was told the Drs were changing shifts and should be about 5 minutes, the nurse checked in on me about 30 minutes later and finally at 2;07am and not even looked at i unhooked the monitor and even with the beeping from being disconnected no one showed up, i then left the hospital with not one person looking at my inscisions the entire 3 hours, off to another hospital.
Complete waste of my time and truly a danger to my health.
Given your hospitals 2.4 stars rating out of 5 Mr. Noel I would be seriously looking into your protocols and procedures in your E. R.
Your hospital is becoming a danger to its patients, all i hear of late are people travelling to Deep River or the Ottawa Hospital instead of there own local hospital, i think its time for a provincial audit or review of what is happening or not happening at the hospital,
18 August 2021 15:18
Asking for info about my mom as she suffers from acute mental health. Connie the nurse thought it was funny to joke about the situation.what a unprofessional ignorant woman.you should be in a different profession lady!
16 August 2021 23:50
To the medical staff, Doctors, nurses, administrators and support staff at PRH you are amazing!
I arrived at PRH Emergency on July 4th with severe abdominal pain. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of compassion, care and efficiency of the administrative and triage staff; as one rarely receives this level of care and compassion in a major city hospital as much these days. The level of attention by medical staff
went above and beyond care and service.
Post operation of a twisted intestine surgery, the care, compassion and efficiency of all doctors, nurses, medical and administrative staff on "A" Wing 3rd Floor, was again exemplary. Always professional, caring and compassionate and always greeted with a smile. Amazing to receive this especially with the strain in these pandemic times.
A call out to the operational support staff as well, whose job was the maintenance and cleaning of the rooms and facilities. Again, they were always pleasant, efficient and with a smile.
A BIG Thank You, to everyone at PRH who got me through this! You are Amazing!
09 August 2021 21:44
I was born here and my face was cut during the c-section. I now have permanent scars on the face to show for it. Really shoddy work, folks.
04 August 2021 16:40
Narrow minded liars, orthopedics department Upon entering building C I was 3 minutes late for my appointment, which would not have been so bad but because of the lack of reception and minimal signage by the time I was directed where my appointment was I was told they would not even see me because I was 30 minutes late however they seemed to be giving me the stink eye and dirty looks efore they even knew I was late. I then sat in the waiting room calling my doctor to try and sort things out, the receptionists for this doctor looked at me with disgust then quickly walked back to the the doctors office and leaned in the door to not so covertly explain to him im on my phone in the waiting room, they went back to their desks and I thought nothing of it just giving him a heads up but then when I get on the phone with my doctor she tells me that the office has called her and complained that I was being rude, shouting and boligerant, at this point I took surprise and was stumped what had I don't to anger these people so much as to tell lies about me to my own doctor, I had to ponder this for a while as I drove back to my hometown 45 mins away and it dawned on me I was wearing the reason these people were giving me dirty looks and treating me as an enemy because I was wearing a gay pride ️‍ shirt real classy, not to mention this is a surgery I have been waiting years to get on my knees so that I can physically go back to work, it annoys me that these people can get away with this, and I'm still got bad knees and can't get off disability because this doctor and his receptionists differ in my view of the world. I would much appreciate the hospital responding to this and hopefully rectifying the issue
24 July 2021 0:37
Definitely came a long way from several years ago. The renovations and updates are good, confusing for right now. They have sign everywhere though, for several just in case-you never been!
Dr S. Leavey is an amazing OB/GYN! I’m pretty sure the other physicians are amazing.
They also have a staff member in the emerge now, helping you with questions as well as pointing you in the right direction.
18 July 2021 6:28
First of all let me say that I understand everyone is COVID exhausted. However, my experience at this hospital was unacceptable and I feel that unless you have an emergency they don’t have time for you. The first visit was on a Friday night, the young lady at the door who was asking the COVID questions was very insistent that I tell her the reason for my visit. I found this to be very insulting as we were basically in the waiting room. When I finally did get to see the triage nurse I was informed that I needed to go to Zone B which was closed. Then I was told that they weren’t refusing to see me but it would be a long wait which would be 8 - 10 hours. It was suggested that I come back early in the morning or at noon for zone b. I left and returned on Tuesday morning. The triage nurse called me in but another person went and the nurse saw him and then another lady. I only know that the patient jumped the line because that patient is a friend of mine and he told me what had happened. By the time I was called, Zone B was closed because they had reached their limit of patients and I was given the same speech as Friday night. Seems like this is their standard speech, I left again. I feel if this is going to be the new normal, Zone B needs to be open longer to accommodate working people and reduce the long waits in the emergency department.
16 July 2021 21:58
Worst experience. Sitting here from 11 am did not get my turn for 5 pm and when i ask to the reception they said next is your turn at 3 pm and than its 5 o clock still didnot get my turn.
15 July 2021 11:00
Been at the hospital.questioning on how it is run? Guy sitting here can not see his wife. Then there is another guy broken arm in possible 2 places, and will not give him meds.
20 June 2021 10:05
Terrible attitude over the phones, I understand that this pandemic is affecting hospital staff immensely, however there is no reason to be bitter with people who are just trying to get their questions answered or receive medical help.
15 June 2021 17:22
Brought my son into emerge with signs and symptoms of appendicitis. While in the waiting room the greeters/covid screeners were constantly wiping down buttons and chairs in the waiting room, constantly going back and forth to ask questions from those waiting - kudos to you guys! We were in and room and seen by a dr very quickly. Our nurse and the dr were wonderful. The ultrasound tech was lovely! We were seen by Dr Quirion in the morning and he was fantastic! We ended up back in the next day and same experience, fantastic. Dr. Quirion was our dr again and he was thorough and took my sons symptoms seriously. The lab tech was amazing at drawing his blood. A repeat ultrasound tech was yet again, lovely and so good with my son as was the xray technician. The only thing I didn't really like was having to go into the waiting room and register like a new patient just to get his ultrasound reports. Politics and red tape I assume. Our zone B dr was fantastic and she informed us that his ultrasound showed tip appendicitis. She consulted with cheo and promptly got things in order for us to go there for surgical consult.
All of the staff from the moment you walk in the door and screen, to the cleaners, nurses, dr, lab techs, ultrasound and x ray techs.all top notch. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful hospital! Thank you all for your wonderful care and compassion!
To those in the waiting room complaining about how long you have been waiting, maybe you didn't need to be there? Many people need a refresher in when it is appropriate to go into the emerge vs see your family dr. That is the main thing that drives up our wait times.
13 May 2021 6:03
To the men and women at PRH yoy are AMAZING! From the moment you walk in to the custodian wiping down all the tables and chairs and door handles! You are greeted with a smile and a helping hand. Not to mention the doctors that go above and beyond reassuring moms and dads that their little ones are safe. Thanks again PRG for your time today! God bless and stay safe
04 May 2021 1:44
My Ottawa doctor referred me to this hospital because its where I live, I needed an orthopedic consult and was just literally told my issue was not important enough to be dealt with there, that I’d need to have my doctor to refer me to another hospital back in Ottawa. Nice, really nice way to treat someone needing help from a specialist that they do have on staff, only available for one type of orthopedic issue right now so yea, wait another few months and drive two hours away to see someone. What’s the point in having specialists here in pembroke. Knee problem, sorry we only deal with hips.tendinitis in your entire arm and elbow, no sorry we only deal with shoulders. I don’t usually leave reviews but this really upset me
25 April 2021 10:03
My Husband has been calling everyday for the last 18 days to get an update on his dad and his condition after he flew there from
Alberta to bring him in to the hospital and every single day we are told a doctor/ the social worker assigned to the case will call him back (as he had to fly home for work and can’t be there in person all the time) and we have STILL received no call back. I would not recommend this hospital as it seems that making sure worried family members are not informed or given updates, even after dr Davies told him he could call anytime to receive one when he was there. We are very worried and not super happy that we can never get ahold of anyone. And I see from some past reviews on the Facebook page others felt the same. Do not recommend, wish we would have taken him to another hospital.
06 April 2021 16:52
Incompetent doctors, uncaring nurses, obsolete equipment and unacceptable wait times define the pembroke hospital. Avoid at all costs. Do not seek treatment here, the locals drive themselves to Ottawa for proper medical treatment.
14 December 2020 22:01
6 hours I’ve been sitting in the emergency room waiting to get my eye looked at. Many people have come and gone again. When I got here, I could barely see and needed help finding my way around. Significant pain aswell. Over 4 hours I was in the front waiting. Staff people there felt bad for me, they got me into the back to be ignored for another 1.5 hrs (and counting). It isn’t that busy here. I’ve seen several people with, what I saw, as minor ailments come and go. Does this seem right to you?
01 October 2020 20:59
Very well taken care off, the hospital could use more funding and personnel to support the area.

They are respectful of my vegetarian meals.
01 September 2019 17:30
Explain to me how a a 70 yr old woman can be taken to emerge with all the classic signs of a stroke and have to wait OVER 24 HOURS FOR A DOCTOR TO ASSESS OR LOOK AT HER? !
What the hell is the matter with you?
AND to deny her transport to Ottawa where she would have immediate care in a facility way better prepared than you? !? !

19 August 2019 3:36
In the Main Lobby the administration and the nurses were nice, but Zone-B is a different matter. Nurses/Doctors/Worms think they are Gods - rude, obnoxious, arrogant. The plastic hospital cards discarded after each visit. Don't seem to care about ENVIRONMENT either.
02 April 2019 3:28
Unfortunately I’ve almost never had a positive experience with this hospital. Nurses are usually nice other then one gentleman that works in the ER (heard him scream “ the old lady needs some Advil” firstly very rude, then I heard him speak very arrogantly and rudely to a sick elderly patient. Wait times are 6+ hours and they might not even tell you what’s wrong with you or will transfer you to another hospital. Pointless trip unfortunately
29 March 2019 6:25
I personally think the wait time for ER is totally unreal. The last time I was there I spent 8 hours in a cold waiting room with fibromyalgia to find out I had pneamonia. Then I went back tohave it checked and spent 5 hours from 130 am til 630 am. I watched the doctor take her sweet time. I was one of two in there at that time. Unfortunately she said I was good but why two weeks later I have it again? Went to Renfrew hosputal only a 4 hour wait. So what is wrong with your service? Your triage nurse decided who is really sick. Anyways my husband went yesterday and waited 10 hours cause rhe nurse decided he wasnt that sick. Sad! He also has brearhing issues. Hmmm why couldnt the nurse see that. First thing the doctor say! Very disappointing service!
03 March 2019 6:16
If I could give a negative 1000 stars I would. They have no idea what they are doing at this hospital. Save your life go to Deep River. Don’t waste your time. When they don’t know what they are doing. They send you to another hospital. Awful experience
Dr, Hing should not have his license

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