09 May 2023 12:30
It is a very beautiful place to walk down to the river. The trail is good, easy descent and easy ascent. I have been to this place several times. Humidity and water levels can be higher after rains, so you need to have appropriate shoes. Parking space is good, usually for 4 cars.
08 April 2023 16:09
Didn't know what to expect here! Stopped for sunset, it was cloudy day so sunset didn't turn out to be colorful as colourful as we wanted. But quite peaceful place besides the river!
15 September 2022 14:44
An interesting view of a section of the Grand River, intersected by some deer trails and an obvious deer rest area.
28 June 2022 15:57
Wonderful place to go for walks along the water, bird watching and feeling immersed with in nature.
15 February 2022 17:14
It was very cold when Joanne and I were there but definitely enjoyed the view and will visit and hike it in the spring
08 January 2022 5:52
Nice peaceful place to come to but as someone said in the comments below, some maintenance may help make it a bit prettier
01 December 2021 16:42
Wear good hiking boots when navigating this area. Some parts are steep and can get muddy and slick with rain or snow. Trees block most of an otherwise spectacular view. Beware of bugs in the summer.
01 November 2021 3:40
It was worth the time to stop. It was too hot an afternoon for us to really enjoy it but when I'm in the area again I would like to hike it. I was in flip flops and no water with us. Until next time Pilkington O, until next time.
20 October 2021 17:45
It does not look like a trail that is maintained by the authorities. No signs on the trail, we randomly wonder around but was fun.
You can see the river from above on the parking lot (about 4 to 5 cars only), and when you get down the hill is thick bushes. Have to be bit daring to walk over those if you want to reach the river bank.
23 September 2021 20:51
Beautiful view of the sunset from this spot. There's also a few paths that lead down to the water from the parking area.
20 September 2021 1:19
Great spot to hang out with friend and family, good overlook of the river and amazing hiking trails
10 July 2021 3:24
Nice little spot to pull over for a break and a little walk.watch out for poison ivy. Lookout: can't really because the trees are blocking the view a bit:)
10 May 2021 10:16
I have been here twice. It is quiet - not many people - which is good because there is a small parking lot. You can step.away from your vehicle about 50-100 feet overlooking somewhat of a marshy/treed/"bush-y" area. Because you are on the top of a hill the view does feel grand as you overlook a generally natural area. Returning to your vehicle if you hang a right before the parking lot there is a patch of pines which one visitor described as a cathedral. I agree. It is quiet and the branches are high in some areas so it was nice to get that tip. It says it closes at 8 but one evening I parked here with my father and we just looked at the clouds in between a few trees, because you can't see the overlook from the parking lot.
16 March 2021 0:18
Very small parking lot but entry is free. Great view of the Grand River. Difficult walk in winter
16 January 2021 21:57
Love this lookout and have for years! Some people have mentioned it's not easy to get to the water, that's because its a look out and not a water access point. If you guys want to get down to the water there is a safe entrance called Wilson's falts #4 on line 8W
31 December 2020 16:29
Beautiful spot, but the trails need some care. My wife fell a few times while heading down to the river.
15 December 2020 11:00
Great spot to watch the dawn light over the valley, or the sunset. Beautiful in all four seasons
04 November 2020 3:32
Nice area to stop and take a quick hike. Wear shoes because it's a bit steep and you gotta walk through overgrown weeds if you want to get to the river.
03 October 2020 10:23
Very Kool exploring around the area lots of terrain to keep you on your feet.

Hidden Lake far down
02 March 2020 1:24
Lovely place for a hike, nature is truly precious. Enjoy a nice hike through in your own or with a friend it is truly a beautiful area to explore.
17 October 2019 10:00
This place looked safe at 1st. I went down and never saw the trail to the water. On my way back I got lost and couldn't find any trails around me anywhere. I forgot to bring my phone cause I trusted the sign that it was safe. The 1st 10 minutes I got lost I was ok but as I moved further and further away from everything in the trees panic struck me and I couldnt find my way out. I was terrified at this point and started screaming is anyone out there, can you hear me, I am lost. No answer and NO trails in sight. So I moved up hill hoping to hear people or cars or something. I heard a faint voice and I knew what direction to go cause I followed the water stream hole uphill but by this time I was getting weak and tired and afraid of wild animals and it felt like hours had passed with no path and no one hearing my screams. I thought Id die there of thirst or weakness or worse. Friends, this place is so unsafe with huge spiders everywhere and long grass. It is unkept and you can get lost here easily. I finally heard cars and kept moving till I saw a fence, I couldnt get out. Then I saw like a side road to my right and I went down and left near the fence towards the road I saw and finally I saw my vehicle. 2 f.ing hrs later. I am a Veteran and well trained and I was afraid I would never find my way out. Someone needs to put orange things in the trees so u dont get lost. I swear to God I will never venture down there again. I have never been so thirsty or scared in my entire life than I was there yesterday. Never go here alone. Never go here without orange tape to guide u back and a compass or phone on you to call for help. This place is dangerous and should be shut down until a clear pathway is made with several clear ways and signs to get back. Very badly done.
18 September 2019 14:33
Great view, especially when the conditions are right. Overlooking the Grand River Valley. It is sometimes filled with mist or fog in the evening or morning. We have also seen many fireflies there.
15 August 2019 23:09
Looks like a nice hidden spot for a picnic and fishing. Was here for about 5 minutes and got eaten alive by mosquitos so much so that I had to leave.will try again later?
14 February 2019 0:37
Great view, About two kilometers visibility over rolling hills, with a sloped hill, full of young evergreen trees, density growing together with paths winding inbetween them. The base of the hill is spread out over about three/quarter square kilometers flat with bushes fjords and tall grass, nice walk, with many paths winding to and fro, jutting out into a pininsula, surrounded by a shallow wide river, great for fishing or swimming.

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