01 November 2023 8:42
My partner went in to emerg as she was having difficulty breathing and swallowing, after a 4 hour wait, we saw a doctor who checked her out and said everything was fine and nothing further needed to be done. Because of this, my partner was really upset thinking she was wasting precious time of emergency staff for what she was told was nothing.

Fortunately, she had an appointment booked at the Trent clinic the next day already, and followed through with it just to be sure. They have told her she is having major allergies and needs to get allergy testing done, get on medication to hep her swallowing and breathing, and must carry around an epi-pen in the interim to be safe.

Horrible due-diligence from the PRHC, if she had not had an appointment elsewhere she would be continuing about, based on their recommendation, that everything was fine. I understand Healthcare is overworked, but dismissing people after a 2 minute visit saying everything is fine when it is not is very concerning.
06 October 2023 17:34
Absolutely disgusting service especially from the nurses. My 2 year old had a very high fever, cough, and chest was red. We got checked in fine, triage nurse gave him Tylenol. But then we were sent to the “green area” and was waiting there for 5 hours…I saw people go into a room and still waiting there for over an hour. Eventually had to leave because my son wouldn’t stop crying, surprised he even lasted that long…and the nurses all they had to say was “lots of kids are sick”. Like toddlers with high fever should be a priority during rsv season. And then when I called to complain, the front desk at the ER told me that my son was actually next in line and she was surprised the nurse never told me that before I left. These nurses don’t care about helping people they shouldn’t be in this career. They rolled their eyes at me and turned away when I asked how his fever wasn’t something concerning. I understand all kids get sick but with a high temperature and possible chest infection, the staff had no sympathy. Neglectful and have no human deciency.
02 September 2023 21:46
Better off not going unless you are actively bleeding out/dying. Chest pain on the verge of a heart attack and 8 hours later still nothing. Better off dying in my own bed than at that hospital
24 August 2023 3:26
This ER is a joke. Don’t come here unless you want to wait 6-12 hours to even SPEAK to a “nurse” or “doctor. ”
14 June 2023 4:41
You might wait a while but the staff really care about their patients! I was given great care and everyone was so warm and kind! Thank you all for your hard work. You’re making it look easy and I know it’s not. Thank you!
29 May 2023 16:30
After 10 hours, a total of one blood test and one urinalysis were completed. Did not see a doctor whatsoever. No estimated wait time. Sitting in waiting areas the whole time (except for 5 minutes to get blood drawn and pee in a cup).

Staff seems friendly enough, but seems like they either don't have enough staff or equipment, or both.
16 April 2023 22:26
Hello, I was in extreme pain, on Friday March 3rd, a few hours ahead of the biggest snowstorm of the year so far. Er.admitted me quite quickly, with the amount of pain I was in. They took me to triage, checked my condition, and inserted a catheter, instantly drain about 2 liters of fluid from my bladder, and the pain was gone, then waited several hours for the in-house doctor to come by for assesemt? Was discharged, overall I am thankful for my treatment. Thanks again to the nurses and doctors for my treatment Ross
07 September 2022 11:52
Worst hospital in Ontario. 5 people in the waiting room and they have a line up of at least 20 people waiting in the triage line. The line is going all the way outside the hospital with people just trying to get through triage. Only 1 person going through every 15 minutes.
11 August 2022 9:11
The absolute worst emergency department ever I Ontario. I told them I believe I'm having a heart attack, over 2 hours before they even did a ekg. 5 hrs and still didn't see a doctor, people were leaving because they were fed-up without seeing anyone. They should close this useless place down.
08 August 2022 7:25
Arrived at the ER with my toddler who was in severe pain. Wait time was 10-12 hours. Because he didn't have a fever they said there was no point taking him in. The lady creating his profile and bracelet had zero manners, no empathy and wouldn't let me talk about my son's condition. Continued to cut me off while I was explaining info to her. Zero sympathy for everyone in the waiting room. Very rude.
28 July 2022 4:31
Wait times can be as long as 4 hours but they prioritize accordingly. Doctor and the nurse were very competent
14 July 2022 10:17
Worst and most unprofessional hospital/emergency room I have ever been too. Was treated so horribly and talked down too. On top of it all, I didn’t get any help or even any questions answered after 3 hours, they didn’t want to help and we’re unhappy they even had to do anything at all.
17 June 2022 17:46
I am STILL in the waiting room with my 2 year old after she vomited until she was empty. She vomited in the hospital while registering and we have now been here for 5.5hours. A poor girl who was here 2 hours before us has a barking cough and threw up multiple times after a fit and still hasn’t been seen. This place is absolutely ridiculous and you may as well stay home or drive the extra hour to go to Oshawa where they actually staff their ED with doctors.
The ED is now full and telling people it’s a 6-8 hour wait. Absolutely ludicrous.
10 May 2022 18:06
I went into emerg COVID positive with chest pain. It took 1hr to be triaged, 2hrs to get a room in emerg and I waited 2hrs to actually see a doctor once I got the room. So chest pain does NOT get taken seriously. I was asked to wait in Waiting Area A with tiny babies and seniors not 10ft from me. I was trying to touch anything, trying not to cough, I didn't want to get anyone sick with COVID. I saw no one clean the chairs in between patients, nurses and doctors entered my room in emerg without proper PPE/took it off while standing next to me and continuing to talk, I got an x-ray done and the tech didn't wear an N95. It worries me and makes me never want to go back because I see how it could be SO easy to catch covid there. The reason I gave 2 stars and not one was because I had a nice nurse after shift change get me a cup of water. Everyone else was cold and abrupt. I was scared and upset and I was made to feel like it was silly for me to be there. I didn't even WANT to be there, but I went because Telehealth told me to. I have heard that Minden hospital is way better, so if I need to go back, that is where I will go.
02 May 2022 11:01
Went to the ER with an infection. At triage I stated to Staff I was ALLERGIC to Penicillin. No ALLERGY BAND was put on my wrist. I was given Cephalexin which was ordered by the doctor and administered nursing staff. NOT ONE OF THEM KNEW OR LOOKED UP THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE ALLERGIC to Penicillin CANNOT HAVE Cephalexin. I LEARNED THE HARD WAY. I was on strong Antihistamines for ONE MONTH Rx by my GP.
19 January 2022 19:01
This ED is badly understaffed. Can't blame the staff, but I can sure blame the management team for running things so poorly. Year after year we hear it's because of budget issues. Look, PRHC. EVERY hospital in the country complains about budget issues. Most of them haven't cut staffing to completely demoralizing levels for their team the way you have. Get it together.
05 January 2022 23:48
I arrived there the night before last @11: 30pm. I was in extreme pain and was put in the blue zone, bed 2. I was led to a bed pushed up against the wall, no table, no call bell. I struggled to get out of the wheelchair, I could straighten up because of the pain and she said to me "put this on and the doctor will see you when he can". She offered me no assistance pulled the curtain and left. Awhile later she came to tell me that they needed a urine test and when I was ready I could come to the nurses station to pick up the cup. I was in pain. I new it was going to be extremely difficult to walk that far. I told her that. She said to me "well you walked at home didn't you. " The smugness and the condescension was beyond anything I've experienced, ever. I sat on my bed for 2 hrs crying. I listened to her take care of the few around me. I listened to her laughing am gabbing with staff at the nurses station. I waited, she never checked on me. After hours had gone past I heard her say to the girl across from me if you need help use your call bell. Still crying I called "I need help". She came and said "what do you want Suzanne". I said "I'm in pain and its hurting so bad". She said "the doctor will see you when it's your turn" and she walked away. Awhile later I had to go to the bathroom, I doubled over a wheelchair to assist me with support while I took baby steps toward the nurses station. She saw me, she didn't get up, she said "would you like a walker instead? ". I looked at her, through years and said to her " I don't understand why you are treating me so poorly. I'm hurting and you don't care". Her response " well what do you want me to push you in the wheelchair? ". I said "yes. I'm in pain". When she took me back to my bed I accidentally knock my belongings off while struggling to get back in. I then struggled to pick them of the floor while holding onto the bed, she stood she watched she said nothing. After getting into bed in silence she pulled the curtain and walked away. There is so much more that she did but this is getting to long.
Not once did she check on me.
Not once did she take my BP.
Not once did she show me any sliver of respect.
Her extreme lack of compassion, her condescension, her smugness and her lack of minimal due diligence in her care towards me was tantamount to abuse.
Nurses who show zero empathy towards patients in any stage of sickness are a black mark on the Canadian healthcare system and degrade any quality of care that a hospital could hope to offer their community.
If have to go to this emergency room don't let them put you in the blue zone unless you have a family member with you.
05 January 2021 0:45
Went to the red zone to see a family member, unfortunately. Staff were kind and considerate. Thank you. The waiting room was a hazard. So many sick people.
11 December 2020 21:25
I was at PRHC on Feb 26 to the 29, with a diagnoses of a L5 disc slip. From the orange Hall nurses and staff to the purple Hall nurses, staff and physio. You are all amazing, dedicated, hard working individuals. With a dedicated to patient care that is unbelievably. I cannot say or praise enough. When I say thank you I mean that whole heartily to each and everyone.
10 December 2020 4:33
Waiting to be seen by a doctor for 4+ hours defeats the notion of emergency. The staff is friendly and helpful, but there is a serious shortage of doctors at this ER.
29 December 2019 7:53
Triage staff were friendly, thorough and helpful. Wait times were not too bad. I was processed through triage immediately and once in the waiting area I waited just 2 hours to see a doctor. Dr. Conlin was incredibly patient and kind, she explained every procedure to me and made sure I felt in complete control of what was going on. She prescribed me some antibiotics and pain medication for my throat infection, explained each of the medications to me and made sure I was satisfied before she left. Everyone I spoke to at this hospital was friendly and patient. I appreciate the nice experience, thank you.
01 December 2019 8:10
The staff is incredible. The doctors actually care and take the time to listen to your concerns. If I didn't live so far, I'd go to this hospital every time I needed to! I'd recommend this hospital to anyone!

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