17 April 2023 19:59
Was waiting on a package to arrive today (Friday of family day weekend) and the driver usually shows up around 2pm but today, at this time the tracking information changed to "delivery location inaccessible. "

I made sure to have the dog tied up, I had someone stay home to receive it and made sure the driveway was clean and checked that the road was good too, I even saw the Purolator truck a couple roads over. I've been on these roads all morning and afternoon for that matter and they've been good since late morning.

Point is there was no reason to deem my location as inaccessible when it was perfectly accessible.
24 October 2022 13:01
Total failure of an operation. This is where Goggle needs to come up with zero stars. Purolator Owen Sound failed me 4 days in a row. Can't speak with anyone locally and the call center basically says, just wait - they will deliver today. What a mess. Purolator should be embarrassed and ashamed. If you can't complete basic delivery functions, close the location. Get out of the market, you are hurting your brand.
21 October 2022 11:17
By the day may parcel was supposed to arrive, it had not been picked up. By the time I noticed nothing had been done, it took a flurry of calls and nail biting to get my parcel 24 hours later from Halifax to Owen Sound.
18 October 2022 17:52
Worst service ever. Claiming they tried to deliver when they didn't. I sat home ALL DAY waiting for my package. Not once, did I see a Purolator from my ground floor apt - which faces the parking lot.
14 September 2022 14:47
An absolutely pitiful experience. I received a notice that they tried to make a delivery which I had not been notified of. I was expected to drive 45 minutes to Owen Sound to pick it up. Spent 50 minutes on the phone trying to speak to a customer service representative but finally hung up after no answer.
18 October 2021 1:07
Unsure as to why Purolator feels the need to block a whole lane of traffic on a down town street that's already crowded for several minutes while he parks goes through his phone blocking in parked cars then searching for the delivery, walkes to the drop off etc.
When they are more than capable of finding a parking spot and walking to their destination like most working company's? Seems kinda dangerous
06 September 2021 20:49
The Purolator driver drove through my private property in Inverhuron Ontario, broke my gate when he hit with his truck and my property sign. He did not knock on door or leave note regarding his damage. I have called the company several times and nobody has called me back to address this unbelievable issue.
10 August 2021 6:26
If I could give less than 1 I would. Today, with all of us home all day, a package I was waiting for was, according to the driver, delivered to our front door. That did not happen and I’ve spent the last two hours trying to get that message through to ‘customer service’. According to them it was delivered!
There has been an inquiry opened but they can’t tell me when I’ll hear anything! So much for ‘customer service’! You’d think I had nothing better to do than falsely claim I didn’t get my package!
I just read the reviews of this Owen Sound office and am so sorry I didn’t know to tell the shipper DONT USE PUROLATOR!
I hope whoever got my 500 clips for tomato and squash plants can use them because I have no confidence that I’ll ever see them.
03 August 2021 2:28
Ordered a 100lb mattress and the driver was able to carry it all the way up my inclined driveway and up the flight of stairs to my front door. It must've been a struggle and I appreciate the effort.
28 July 2021 18:07
1. Got a delivery notice stuck to the door on May 10 2021 while there were 4 people in the house. They should try knocking.
2. Tried to look up the package with the tracking number does not exist.probably because the hand writing is so bad that I have to guess at the numbers.
3. Trying to call customer service currently on hold for 1h 40min and counting.

Not the first time I have had problems with poor service from purolator, I would never use them but someone did. Not sure what someone is trying to send me hopefully they get it back.

Follow up after 1h55m got to talk to someone they took the complaint and sent package out for re-delivery, package was delivered with a hole through the packaging right through the delivery label, at least goods were not damaged.
17 July 2021 17:12
How do I know my package arrived? I did not receive an email or notice saying that my package arrived. It was supposed to arrive Wednesday to my cottage but was delayed to Monday apparently. I did not receive a picture showing that it was there as per Amazon's policy. There are renters in the cottage now. Where is my order? Very poor service.
05 July 2021 9:40
The Driver likes to miss deliveries, then lose packages entirely! Currently dealing with someone from tracing management who works on the other side of the country. So much for 50+$ to overnight a package. This isn't the first time they've messed up but it will definetly be the last.
29 May 2021 8:59
You guys are never on time with the packages lol I ordered last tuesday and still hasnt came in yet! Lol
11 May 2021 22:15
Every delivery expected through this Purolator site is late. Late by 3 days or more. Then I get a memo saying it has been lost. Someone is either slacking off big time or stealing. Fed up.
03 April 2021 1:03
Worst service ever. I have told Amazon to never use Purolator again for my shipments. Items ship right away then Purolator takes for ever and not able to track. Also has lost items. Horrible service.
16 March 2021 0:05
Do not ship with this company! You can contact Amazon and have them only use Purolator to ship your items as a last resort. I recommend doing this preemptively if you wish to avoid delays, lost packages, incorrect address's and hours on hold with customer service. A representative told me that there is a system glitch in the transfer of shipping addresses to Purolator - so if you've had an issue once (with a buzz code, apartment number, delivery instructions) you will have the same problem every time. Chose any other carrier!
15 March 2021 23:31
Poorly run company. Their management needs an overhaul. Two days in a row I got text promising delivery. Still NOT DELIVERED. Company is does keep their word.
03 March 2021 2:01
Said they had picked up my order and i missed it but its supposed to be dropped off at the door so i call and the company says the package hasn't even been picked up 3 weeks after the order was supposed to arrive yet they update my order saying i am the reason its not there since i missed it which i didn't, since it was never sent
03 March 2021 1:44
A product delivery notification on Jan. 6 stated that a package was on the truck and out for delivery that day. Later that day, the online delivery update was marked as delivered (to Owen Sound) Jan. 6. I do not have an Owen Sound address and it was not delivered to my residence even though the address was clearly and correctly shown. I called Purolator Customer Service and a rep said they would look into it. They replied via email a few days later saying that the driver could not find my residence and that the package had been returned to the depot. I receive frequent deliveries from a variety of couriers, including Purolator, so I do not understand the problem. Why did no one contact me? Where is the package now? Another call to Customer Service and they said they would look into that and reply. Several days have gone by and no response. I drove to Owen Sound depot to ask if the package was there and I was told no. They said packages are only held for 4-5 days and then it was probably returned. I asked, why did no one try to contact me? Why was there no 2nd attempt to deliver? Why was I not notified to come pick it up from the depot? At this point the product is no longer available at the price I purchased it at and no one at Purolator seems to know where anything is. I have had several deliveries that arrive several days after the stated delivery date, via Purolator. I don't have this problem with FedEx.
02 March 2021 1:32
Horrific. They make no attempt to contact a person when they deliver a package, not even knocking on the door. I was awake, aware and listening when my package supposedly arrived and heard nothing, and I have oversensitive hearing.

So when I went to the building in question to inquire in person all I got was told to call the business number with an aggravating phone system that was so aggravating it made me want to break my phone.

I'm going to be getting the police involved and have attempted to give this less than one star but the review system does not allow that
23 February 2021 8:15
Fragile item (iRobot) Item was thrown from 5ft away. Package clearly had logo. Paved driveway, no snow, clear day and easy access to front porch. There will be an exchange of words if I see delivery man again. Can't get through to anyone in Purolator either. I paid a lot of money for the item in question and I'm not sure why such disservice was warranted.
25 December 2020 0:49
They said they delivered and my roommate was the one receiving it when they actually misdelivered it to the hospital nearby. Why they mentioned my roommate as receiving, I do not know. What I do know is that they cannot claim that my roommate was the receipient of my package without being at my residence and confirming it is him that received it. This could've led to serious misunderstandings between me and my roommate. It could've also unnecessarily involved the law. This package was already late as is. I visited them today to confront them about this and of course, they cannot do anything about it. Very unprofessional on Purolators part and I hope things change but this seems to be the case at various Purolators throughout the nation. This company sucks, and I would never deliver packages through them if I had the choice.
05 December 2020 4:59
Seriously Purolator! I live in an apartment building, and just came home today to find my parcel on the ground outside the front door of the building! There was no attempt to call me and let me know that they were here - just left the package outside! I can't believe it was still there for me to find! There are countless reasons why this is not acceptable! Weather, theft, damaged etc!
I am really upset with your service - no excuse for this!
29 November 2020 21:31
If there were rating stars below 1 star, I would have chosen the one at the bottom of that rating scale. I don't know why Purolator is so horrible. I swear the company culture is responsible for the general behaviour of the its employees. I see the trucks on my avenue very frequently, yet a delivery person failed to deliver my item, claiming the address does not exist. Guy called me late afternoon to confirm my address, saying he will ensure delivery next day. Next day came and went, and Purolator hasn't delivered my package nor can they tell me where my package is, despite me going to the store at end of day. Waiting to see the outcome of this.
21 November 2020 14:08
Shipment missed, business closed and came after.no delivery slip was left, no contact information was left.the tracking information said it would go out next day, that was 2 days ago.no additional attempts made, unable to reach customer service because no one answers phone!
16 November 2020 15:20
Spoke with an Amazon representative who spoke to Purolator twice about where my packages where being left.was told if they weren't being left in the appropriate place to call & report it.on hold for 30 minutes I had the pleasure of dealing with a rude, condescending employee Barry from Moncton.makes excuses and interrupts when you are trying to talk.if i can get away with not ever using this service again, i will
10 November 2020 7:09
Delivery driver left a note without knocking or ringing door bell. Even though there were clearly 3 cars in the drive way or didn't even leave package. Now I must drive up the next day due to the their incompetence.
28 September 2020 8:41
I was supposed to receive my package 5 days ago But still haven’t received it. The driver claimed that attempted to deliver but the truth he just drove by without even trying to deliver the package. Despite several calls, there is still no path forward. Avoid this company and ensure you let the company shipping you the product to not use them. Let Amazon know to not use this company to ship you anything
21 September 2020 5:42
Claimed to have attempted delivery, but the video doorbell and us watching the truck drive by, determined that was a lie.
Don't say you attempted and couldn't deliver because we were closed, when we are all here watching you drive by. Very unprofessional.
10 September 2020 18:59
Packages often show up late or damaged. When questioned why they have poor excuses. I chalk it up to lazy delivery drivers.
09 September 2020 9:52
I ordered some trailer parts for one of mu customers last Tuesdau. These parcels typically arrive next day or two days at most, we are now looking at a WEEK my customer runs a towing company so it's not like he just wanted to go camping your unprofessional-ism is costing a lot of people money can you at least try to come up with some better excuses. All the other shipping companies have stepped up their games with the increased volume you guys just make more excuses its very sad
26 August 2020 4:24
We ordered a product from Ottawa and where able to track it to Owen Sound. And that's were they lost it in my home town. After receiving a notice that due to the pandemic we could expect a two to three day delay. However it's now been five days and after many attempts to find out what's happening we are still in the dark. I should have used UPS.
14 August 2020 17:18
This is the last time I will ever request Purolator to deliver anything again. I ordered something desperately needed from pharmacy. They were to deliver Friday but no sign of delivery. Said they were here, they weren't. Said it would be delivered Tuesday May 19,2020, nada, zip, no package. Talked to 2 reps via chat. One assured me it would be here. NOTHING. Inquired again, now an investigation. Checked this morning, can't get through. Excuse, covid outbreak.
I guess next time I'll use FedEx.
Really disappointed with service from Purolator. They should change the name to MUCHLATOR-IFEVER!
06 August 2020 4:29
Not useful at telling you any details on the whereabouts of your package when it's late for the specified delivery date.
25 July 2020 20:57
Three deliveries in the last week.they have to buzz my phone to get in to the apartment building.

No buzz up.package “delivered”. Nothing there.

Customer service is a joke, blaming it on amazon and COVID-19.

Garbage company
07 July 2020 18:59
My Aunt shipped my son's birthday present through Puralator with the hope of receiving the package for his birthday.today. I get a message from my Aunt stating they tried to deliver but we weren't home. We are all home.down stairs within ear shot of the door. My dog included, who barks at everything. They did not knock on our door but simply taped the notification on our door saying we weren't home. My best guess is that they didnt see a car in the front driveway and assumed we weren't home. We park in our side driveway. My son now doesnt have his parcel for his birthday even though we were home.
17 June 2020 0:28
Hi there.had the misfortune of arranging for something to be delivered by purolater.tracking is innacurate, left a note asking for a call when here, no call.also no delivery notice, but they say they were here.no phone call either.spent 1.5 hours on hold.got nowhere.finally get local number, they closed at 12 lol.what a joke, hard to believe they stay in business.side note. 6 packages coming from 1 place, yet they split the order onto different trucks.could they be any less efficient?
05 March 2020 8:27
Great service guys. Very friendly and accommodating. Might need to hire a few more people though to keep up with Amazon.
11 June 2019 6:06
I've had many deliveries to my home and have only ever had a problem with purolator. Lost parcels and refusal to leave a tail gate soft opener at the door without a signature. Got a call from someone explaining that they cant, under any circumstance leave it at the door. Called it a dangerous parcel. What a joke. One star is too much.
20 May 2019 21:42
I have no clue how they have such a low rating I have had nothing but amazing service from purolator! We order almost weekly and everytime hes here at the same time and everything is within a day or two of when we ordered it. Love the service we just missed a package today and they called asked if we wanted to come pick it up or have it delivered tomorrow and super friendly what else do you want? Thanks for all the amazing work guys
15 March 2019 14:58
It seems a lot of folks have issues with their drivers. Mine has been great. No complaints at all. Likable decent chap. I'm S of Kincardine in the Point Clark area. Overnight stuff shows up next day like it's supposed to. What more can I ask for. Thanks.
06 March 2019 3:29
They deliver my packages onto my front porch where they can get wet.also didn't deliver my packages today when there was like 3 inches of snow in my driveway.now i have to wait until Monday to get my heated water bowls for my outside cats and it's supposed to be -32 again this weekend.thanks Purolator.
05 March 2019 1:05
I just had a very close call with a Purolator truck. The truck turned right in front of me when I had the right of way. Occurence was Jan. 10 2019, near Sun Life building near the Walmart turnoff around noon. I was shaken to the core. Thank god I was paying attention and have good brakes or we would have been smoked. Young lady driving truck. Please review this incident with your driver. Need to be paying more attention.
07 February 2019 12:21
They were sappost to bring me my package and i waited downstairs and thry never showed up but put on my order that thry tried to diliver it i called and the lady said oh well they csn only diliver once a day and wont bring it back so now i have to wait and wait while this guy lied on my order saying he tried to give it to me and it never happened. Good job bud
08 January 2019 8:54
I have read all the reviews and they were very bad but I have to say we did not find Purolator that way! Our overnight package arrived in less than 22 hours from Ottawa to Durham and the driver who we have had before was very friendly. Don't know what all the fuss is about but our experience was very positive. We would use them again.
11 December 2018 12:31
This is not the first time that Purolator hasn't delivered as they're supposed to. Rec'd a call at 5: 45 tonight that no one was home today to sign for the package when 3 people were home. Husband finds a Purolator slip in the mailbox that said "sorry have no snow tires". So the delivery person decided there was too much snow to enter my laneway when in fact we all drive on it with no difficulty whatsoever! Now I'm stuck trying to get my package delivered so I don't have to pick it up. The package is paid for delivery to my house, not for me to pick it up! So inconvenient!

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