12 November 2023 12:09
If you're looking for an EMERGENCY hospital to help you figure out what your body is going through.
The "doctors" only put a bandage on you, pop a pill in your mouth, and then send you home with zero answers.
14 hours wasted, and the first 8 hours, not one person knowledge me there.
The staff sure loves to eat while judging the patients waiting for help.
I was told off and refused the help I needed by what looked like a doctor, but nothing he did say to me made me any sense. Young childish male doctor, skinny and glasses. Beware of him!
He has one aggressive behavior, which is funny/ not funny because it states zero tolerance for this type of behavior in their front lobby. Lol
Very uneducated follow. Sad to see this is what Ross has hired.
Did I mention how the staff sure loves to eat all hours of the shift!

Took a cab to another hospital,
Port Perry, and finally received the RIGHT care I needed with real doctor service, the way a hospital should be!
It's very impressive to see a hospital run right ️

Please save yourself time while in pain and go anywhere else.

Zero stars given
05 November 2023 9:53
First time visit to Ross emergency department. It was busy but the nurses in triage were very kind and caring. After x-rays and CT scan I was booked for emergency surgery the following week. My 2 night stay on the 4th floor after surgery was was also a very positive experience. Nurses were busy but always kind and helpful. The Occupational Therapist spent the necessary time to go over post surgery instructions, also very kind and helpful. Hands down, best hospital experience of my life to date.
13 August 2023 18:03
Honestly not even worth the 1 star. Pathetic. My mom is so much pain that she can't even sit and the nurse says "well too bad". I asked for a pain medication for her, she said "well the doctor is too busy with other important stuff right now". As I literally can see the doctor down the hallway on the otherside sitting at the computer eating her sandwich. We waiting 12hrs for them to tell us the same thing that there is a fracture which our family doctor said already. All we needed was a CT but clearly this hospital is not capable of much.
03 August 2023 19:48
Very poor hospital. Waited 8 hours to get a cast on my broken arm. After 8 hours was told would need to wait another 7 hours. Left without medical help like so many other people in emergency yesterday. Would go to Minden but Ford shut that hospital down. Looking for a private clinic to get help. Thank you doug ford and laurie scott for destroying medical care in Kawartha Lakes.
31 July 2023 8:42
Went to the walk-in at Rexall, Lindsay mall. After 2 1/2 hours wait, the doctor instructed that my wife might have had a mild heart attack, and was to, d women experience it different then men. She thought she had a pinched nerve in her neck, but it went to her shoulder blade, down her arm and cause her hand to tingle. Walk-in clinic we started ther at 11am, 2: 30 went down the street to emergency. Got to emergency and explained why we were there. The admin jerk, was more wanting her to pick her pain and 10, being rip my arm off. So she said 5.
Glad to see they are concerned about a sprained arm then and possible heart attack. It is now 10: 45 pm and still she has not been seen. Pain has increased and the tingling and numbness is getting worse. 1 receptionist doing admin, and 3 others standing and chatting, laughing and such. Oh and don’t get me started on, one worker had open, bare feet flip flops walking through. I knew she worked at the hospital because she used her ID to get through coded door. Redneck medical help.
19 July 2023 5:17
The first time at this hospital and absolutely disappointing with the service and the doctor
16 June 2023 11:28
Canada doesn't have the world best health care and this hospital proves that.

The staff here get 5 stars, but the hospital itself deserves a 1 star honestly. The government doesn't fund this hospital, wait time in the emergency room are always unacceptable. If you go there with an emergency there's no promise they'll deal with it.sometimes you have to wait like a year for a specialist. This hospital needs desperate financial help.
21 May 2023 22:58
A doctor here SERIOUSLY told me I could just stop giving my kid her antibiotics before she was even halfway through the course because it was too hard for me to give her the medication.
03 May 2023 10:20
Sad over worked under staffed hospital the halls are crowded and lined with patients. A sad day when a father leaves with his sick baby after waiting 8 hours and still had not been seen to.
06 April 2023 3:16
Absolutely the worst possible interaction I have ever had with anyone in the medical profession.

I called the hospital with regards to my elderly mother who had been admitted and asked to speak to the nurse assigned to her care.

She was without a doubt the most unconcerned individual I have ever encountered in any profession.

This nurse should find another profession!

Her tone indicated to me that she did not care about the well being of my sickly elderly mother or why a son would call to enquire about her condition.

Ross Memorial your nursing staff are your ambassadors. Your organization disappoints!
08 March 2023 11:47
Not a nice place. Treat people very poorly and act totally detached. Hard to believe they are so cruel.
13 February 2023 12:45
If you value the life of your loved ones, STAY AWAY

, this place is litterly a joke, my wife came in on an ambulance because she passed out, out of no where and stopped breathing, and when she had came back to she was screaming and petrified and had no idea what happened, their final decision was to say

. Your fine, follow up with your family doctor.

10 February 2023 5:14
Yet again another win for this place. Brought our 3 year old in with noticeable breathing issues where they then told us she has a cold and her breathing is fine. Now we’ve been in hospital for 4 days with a high risk of hearing to sick kids.

Place should be shut down, -5 stars.
14 January 2023 5:01
Firstly, the communication between family and medical team is absolutely terrible, waiting days and days for any sort of answer. Secondly how can a hospital not have any TVs for patients that stay at the hospital for weeks on end? They are to look at a wall and be lonely until they die? Terrible terrible patient hospital.
07 January 2023 15:53
Awful hospital, had a nurse literally smack me in the face while I was there for mental health, the hospital takes no accountability for the people they employ. Honestly if you care about your mental health dont go here.
30 December 2022 4:17
This hospital is by far THE WORST hospital I’ve been to ever the staff are extremely rude 99% of the time and the wait times are beyond pathetic night staff normally has you wait until the morning staff come in at 7 am to have you treated so be prepared to spend the night here if you absolutely need to make the trip,
18 November 2022 9:46
Worst hospital! Recently arrived at ER 6: 30 am. There was no nurse at triage and only two patients ahead, already in the waiting room. Staff were standing about chatting to each other. One of them finally said, "she will be here shortly". Well the "she" arrived at 7am to begin her shift on triage. Why did it take 6 hours in ER on an obviously not so busy morning? Another time I was misdiagnosed with congestive heart failure, then was later told they were wrong. I thought I was going to die! We have also had issues with the payments office where we paid by debit on the date of treatment and have a receipt, then 6 months later they send more than one overdue notice, then blame the new computer system and do not even send a written apology. This is not acceptable Ross Memorial Hospital! You need to do better.
16 November 2022 8:12
I drive my 31 yr old son to the Lindsay hosp.on Oct. 1st at 745PM. He had been perfusively vomiting for 4 hrs. During admittance my son stated he was unvaccinated. At around 10: 30 we were finally put in a room waiting once again now to see a doctor. A doctor finally came to see him at 12 o'clock they did some blood work and then proceeded to give him an IV for his dehydration, Released from hospital 3: 15 AM We have come to find out my son has CHS I'm not sure if your hospital is aware of the symptoms but they can be life threatening!
26 October 2022 9:12
Worst hospital I have ever been to. My 10 month old split his bottom lip open and it was bleeding badly. We sat in the emergency waiting room for 5 hrs 44 minutes before we are seen by a doctor. The doctor then tells me that he cannot glue or stitch the cut closed because it has already started to heal due to the long wait room time. He then cleaned the cut and told us to go home. He did not provide us with information on how to keep the cut clean and prevent scarring. In addition, we watched the janitor does not wipe down any of the chairs, change machines or vending machine rails or door knobs. He only changed the garbage bags barely cleans the toilet and door handles in the bathroom. Also the room that were placed in to see the doctor was filthy. Additionally the white paper sheet that’s on the bed was no replaced from the person before us and there was blood on the floor. I took a picture, it’s too bad I cannot share it. If you can do not go to this hospital, they clearly do not care about their patients or the cleanliness of the hospital.
20 October 2022 21:50
Waited for 5 hours to get a urine test for my 6 year old. Asked them if the could call me with the results so we could go home (it was 11: 30 pm) they said NO. Then when I asked how much longer they thought it would be I was told another couple hours!

What a joke!

I also witnessed someone get called in (there friends said they where just in the bathroom) when they came out. They where told there was no bed for them. They waited 2 more hours in the waiting room (and where still there when I left!) and other people where called in before them.
19 October 2022 10:44
Due to the nature and severity of my concern I will be sharing specific details directly to the quality and patient experience department. However, I feel it pertinent to warn the general public as to the utter disregard for patient care and safety so they can make an informed decision on where they choose to seek medical care. If you must use this establishment, please ensure you are on top of things, know your rights and advocate for yourself (or your family).
17 October 2022 7:18
My daughter spent 16 hours in the Emerg she watched the Doctor yell at the Nurses and threw stuff. The nurse was getting a sample from my daughter.the doctor said No send her home with a kit.
Daughter came home spent 1 hour on the toilet and still has blood coming out of her bowel movement. I called they said to send her back.my daughter said she's not going back to watch the doctor yell and scream and threw things as she is sick.sad what our health system has become.she's been sick for 5 days and can't eat and they wonder why they have so any M ed Mal.cases
03 October 2022 15:53
Been sick for a few weeks now with different symptoms popping up almost daily but tested negative for covid 3 Times prior to my visit, I explained all of my symptoms I’ve been having including extreme difficulty breathing and dissyness to the point I almost fall over during the day, ahead of me was 9 other patients with wristbands in emergency. Let me say that again… EMERGENCY, this word must mean something else in Lindsay because in the hour and a half I stayed there not one person was called or even looked at with a side eye, you should think about going to the garbage dump to find half gone prescriptions to get better before going here.
03 October 2022 4:50
I love all the Staff there. They are so caring and nice to me. Not like the walk in clinic, shut the door in front of my face at 6: 30pm. Being so mean to me not helping me or others.
01 October 2022 0:45
Over 4 hours sitting hear hurting to breath thank for actually looking at me instead of requesting I stop swearing in pain. (That is a joke)
Got requested to shut up well swearing in pain because it hurts to breath and still haven't seen a doctor

I honestly feel like I would have better lick if I just stepped infront of a car at least I might bee seen lol
16 August 2022 6:17
In the current day and age, it’s not uncommon to find yourself without a family doctor, especially if you’ve found yourself in the position of having to move far from your old home town.

The doctors here are truly amazing… if you ever get the chance to see one. Clear your day or cross your fingers that they have capacity to take you at the after hours clinic down the road, otherwise you’re doing what I imagine a lot of people here must do: putting off whatever kind of treatment you need and hoping it gets better on its own.
16 July 2022 4:05
My wife Christine was a patient at Ross. The nursing staff and doctors were magnificent in the way my wife was cared for. I have nothing but praise for the care and understanding that was shown both to me and my wife in a most difficult time. My heartfelt thanks to all who work there.
14 July 2022 22:21
Worst experience every time we come here. My wife went with heart palpitations about a month ago and they left her sitting in the lobby for 6 hours when they figured out she was waiting for the wrong area. Tonight my 88 year old mother in-law was taken by ambulance and when we arrived after following her, we where told to wait in the waiting room, even after we explained she is scared and confused and we are her care givers. They didn’t give two craps. Unbelievable. And your in the health and helping industry. What is this world coming to? Drive the extra 50min to Peterborough
21 March 2022 2:21
Will never step foot in this hospital again. I was told by multiple employees that I should go to the emergency department because I was having extreme difficulty breathing due to Covid and a prior pneumonia infection. I waited in the doorway for a triage nurse to come assist me. Right when she came out she was extremely abrasive and told me to go home and isolate because clearly I was standing up and talking so my breathing must be fine. She didn’t even ask me if I was feeling okay, just came at me with a rude and aggressive attitude. I guess they only welcome you there if you’re on a stretcher. She didn’t offer any help but instead made me feel like I did something wrong by coming there. She actually made me fear for my health even more. I will drive to Port Perry from now on.
19 February 2022 23:16
Other than the insane wait time in the ER Dr. Badden was very kind and took the time to answer my questions and direct care. The nursing was kind and caring and made my feeling unwell experience easier on me. Thank you
13 February 2022 17:13
I will drive to cobourg hospital before ever going to this covid assessment center again. They had all of us being tested in the same room at the same time, nurses didn't change gloves or any other PPE before switching patients. Cobourg only allows ONE patient in at a time for testing. One nurse was walking around with an OPEN swab kit waiting to use it, in my opinion I would rather it be sealed until you are ready to stick it up my nose. Felt dirty coming out of there.
05 February 2022 2:39
Took my son who has severe epilepsy in yesterday. All staff were fantastic. They took exceptional care of my son.
30 January 2022 4:18
Read you are making vaccination mandatory for visiting. You run a heartless hospital. We all know vaccinated or NOT you can get and transmit covid. You are doing a disservice to the community, not helping it.
21 January 2022 10:35
Came here during the holidays because our son (two years old) is sick and his family doctor couldn’t see him until next week. Was told 4 hour wait time, it’s now approaching 5 hours. My kid has fallen asleep twice while coughing and struggling with his illness. What a horrible hospital. Starting to regret moving to Lindsay. How can you feel safe raising a family in this town if you can’t get quick and prompt attention from the biggest hospital in the area? I’d expect this long of a wait from a busy big city hospital like in Toronto, but from a small town? Are you kidding? Shape up. Make an exception and triage small children first. How incompetent!
19 January 2022 16:00
Had total knee replacement and went 100%. Im walking better than ever. Thank you Doctor Conlin and all the nursing staff.
17 January 2022 17:22
There good for serton things if some one needs more special care this is not place staff can be good depending on the shift
15 January 2022 5:01
Was rushed to this hospital at 1600 hrs, for heart failure. Within 15 min blood was drawn an hour later chest x rays. At 5 hrs still Dr never looked at my chart, x-rays or bloodwork.nurse said shift change at 2300 hrs (11pm), possibly dr, will look at my chart at midnight. I kept asking nurse to see dr. And what my bloodwork/x rays revealed.always an excuse.oh the dr. Is busy. At 11pm the nurse offered me a against dr. Advie form so i can leave. Without receiving any info from bloodwork or x rays. 1145pm still no dr.
Recommendation don't go to this hospital. If your going to die may as well die at home. This hospital should be shut down.
11 January 2022 14:14
Had to go there as I had hard time breathing at 4: 00 AM and I was taken care of right away. All staff were great & Dr Ranbir Verraich was very professional & his knowledge was great. Thanks for being there.
08 January 2022 16:03
The nurse at registration in the emergency department was not being friendly. Her attitude towards both my kids and myself was not very nice. She grabbed my daughter's arm to put her on the scale while my daughter was about to get on it. All I can think is she was taking her stress out on us. We got there at a bad time clearly. But still not an excuse. (We were originally there for my son but I thought my daughter needed to be checked too at first so she was also weighed.)
Later a couple of other kids come into emerg, she sees them and talks to them so much nicer. Total change in attitude.
03 January 2022 10:37
Well alot sick people- they work so hard- My Moms in this hosp- and I've spoken with the operator Samatha great - regarding a tv issues- the people
Who have the contacts were a joke and they joked on my response-I was right- it's pretty bad all should hav tv
27 December 2021 20:59
Attended Ross Memorial for day surgery, from start (the moment I walked in the door) to finish (when I was assisted in leaving) I was treated with nothing but kindness and respect. Thank you.
26 December 2021 12:42
What a wonderful first time experience. The nurses were lovely and the doctor Dr. DEFOE was amazing and truly concerned. Even security person Lana supportive.
24 December 2021 22:41
Great staff. Excellent nursing care. We are lucky to have access to MRI and Catscans and a wide variety of testing services here.
09 December 2021 14:38
Most staff and professionals are dedicated to helping people. The remaining people appear to make things worse, in obvious ways. I wondered about the hospital ratings/reviews (2.5? That's bad), now I hear many reaare sons from people/staff about themselves having bad experiences there.
23 October 2021 7:21
I split my face open and bleeding out and they wont help me out all I needed was some stitching
08 September 2021 11:05
Only One visitor allowed at this point? Come on now. I feel horrible for the people who were in hospital during covid. However people are vaccinated now and cases are way down. Time to change the policy. This is not a government mandate. Every health unit makes their own policies. Why is this one so restrictive?
05 September 2021 1:39
8+ hours waiting to be see with an infection, had to keep coming back to get antibiotics for 6 days {that part wasn't their fault - homecare couldn't find time for me}. Nearly blew out a vein or two.then gawd forbid just get my antibiotics so I can leave and not take up a bed. I hate being here under a non emergency
I am getting my antibiotics right now and did the nurse clean the area or the end of my iv like all the other nurse and doctors have these past few days. NOPE.best hope no new microorganisms happen cause this will be on y'all!
Twice I have had a different doctor try to change what the first doctor wanted. 6 days iv meds; new doctor say I think you can take less; re-seen the first doctor whom said "no you need to finish"; another doctor "let's do pill form". Da fuk people?
16 August 2021 4:52
5+ hours and counting with something stuck in my eye, incredibly painful. They say they are “waiting for the doctor”
If the hospital doesn’t have doctors, they should remove the open sign or tell people so they can go to a good hospital instead.
05 August 2021 3:21
Waiting in the exam room for almost 2hrs. An hour out in the waiting room before that. At least it's entertaining listening to the Dr and nurses swapping stories about why they are late to work said no one ever. Still waiting to be seen. I wouldn't even give one star except I have to so I can post this.
13 July 2021 23:55
I sent to Lindsay hospital on June 6 the 2021 one nurse her name was Linda look after me went out of her way to do things thank you
28 March 2021 23:00
I go here every 2 weeks for my Covid-19 test for work, and I will say that the process from the time you sign in to the time you leave us very quick. The healthcare workers here are wonderful, friendly, professional, and do a great job.
23 March 2021 13:00
I have been getting a co-vid test weekly in order to get into the nursing homes to visit my father and uncle and I must say they have quite the system going on! You are in and out very quickly and the staff is exceptional! Very friendly and compassionate! Keep up the great work you guys, you all deserve a pat on the back! Thanks for all you do!
27 February 2021 15:13
I know a young girl who went to this hospitals emergency room last week begging for help and to be put on suicide watch, she went in there because she couldn't trust her life in her own hands. And they turned her away because she hadnt been able to update her address to show she had moved into that area. Because you know covid and addictions are a terrible combo if you're someone who suffers from addiction but has to wait to be able to do anything, nothing ends up happening until its too late. Its a sad reality. Even without Covid.

Luckily she had other supportive people who are keeping her safe, and trying to get her into a program someplace else.

I understand that it's Covid right now, but if someone comes in begging for help- how can you turn them away if you're not at capacity, if you still have beds available?

I wish I could give negative stars. Ive been to that hospital both for myself, and for other family members and friends. I have never had a positive experience.

If you're ever hurt in the Lindsay, Ontario area, risk the drive and go to Newmarket or Peterborough or Durham area for treatment. Avoid Ross Memorial, they won't help you anyways.
29 January 2021 21:17
Unfortunately my Mother chose to spend her dying weeks at this hell hole. The staff were rude and unprofessional. I was sleeping at my mothers bedside the night she passed while she struggled to breathe I overheard one of the nurses mocking her. When I spoke out about the incident they denied it and called the police to kick me out of the hospital as I was upset. That night my mother passed away and they refused to let me visit her and say goodbye the next day. This place is such a horrible hospital and I can’t describe how much I hate it there due to unprofessional staff and management.
️ Avoid this place and don’t let your loved ones die here without their dignity.

Please don’t tell me to reach out as I already have and nobody was reprimanded or investigated for the incident that occurred.
24 January 2021 12:45
I went to emergency around 9: 30 December 25 2020 and when the nurses taking your info called me up I was treated like I was bothering them by coming it. I was sent to the waiting room to wait after I put my clip board back there to see only 2 people back there. I waited till 11: 30. Till I was called back. Then another hour to been seen back there. I have and ear infection was given a prescription but nothing to make it thru the night. I realize that COVID is going on I am a front line worker as well. But felt like I was bothering everyone who worked last night at Ross.
I was told not to take my mask off meanwhile security guard was.
I just fine every time I’ve gone to the Ross I hit gossip time with all the nurses. And staff
20 December 2020 11:14
This facility unfortunately lives up to its' reputation, starting with the admin staff. Chatting and socializing while the person in the chair registering is in obvious pain comes across, to the patient, as callous, insensitive and unprofessional, and is not something I've seen at any other hospital. There were 3 people total in the waiting room. In the two hours plus I waited before leaving not a single one of us was called in by a nurse or doctor. I don't think I even saw a nurse or doctor. One of the three of us had a violent cough and would frequently remove his mask to yell expletives. Zero security, zero cleaning staff despite watching him walk around the waiting area with no mask. Avoid this facility.
18 December 2020 8:08
I was in Ross Memorial in September 2020 for a knee replacement and found the nursing staff without exception to be caring and empathetic. I have been in Markham and can truly say my experience at Ross was exceptional. Thank you
21 November 2020 2:26
Absolutely horrible care. Waited 5 hours in emerge, during which time only 1 person was called. We were then told it would be another 6-7 hours. Went to another hospital after and was seen immediately! During those 5 hours NO CLEANING WAS DONE. Multiple people sitting in seats that were not getting sanitized. No touch points cleaned. Avoid at all costs.
15 November 2020 16:41
I attended Ross Memorial Hospital on Sunday September 27th and September 28th due to a gall bladder attack.
I was so impressed with the quality of care and compassion shown to me by the nurses, doctors and technicians.
Even though the ER was so busy with trauma patients, they still had time to ask me not once but 3 times if I was ok! I was so shocked as I never had this happen to me before.
I would recommend this hospital to anyone.
Thank you so much for taking such good care of me.
14 November 2020 7:50
Nurses and doctors too busy flirting to help patients, if you have to choose between coming here and getting shot in the foot, shoot the foot itll be less painfull also dont mention if you have mental health problems like depression, staff usually pretty quick to judge and become rude
06 November 2020 15:35
I had an accident (severe cut to my finger) at my cottage (Fenelon Falls) last weekend Saturday and searched for a hospital close by. Ross Memorial being the closest. It was around 4pm when I had the accident. I searched the ER wait time for Ross Memorial and it showed their target is under 4 hrs and actuality of 5-6 hrs average. Based on the data, I figured I will be there at least 5 hours as my injury will be deemed to be non-life threatening. Upon my arrival, I was Triaged almost immediately and went through registration in the process. That Triage/Registration completed within 20 minutes. I waited in the waiting room with another 6 patients. While waiting, a nurse came and attended to my wound and offered Tylenol for my pain. This was quite a surprised.but I was rather pleased with the support. My wait time was about 1.5 hours before they called me in to the examination room. While waiting in the exam room, I observed the number of doctors servicing and supporting ER department. I saw about 3 around the exam room.which in my opinion are too few. I had to wait over an hour in the exam room before a doctor saw me. She treated my wound with 5 stitches. I estimated my time from admittance to release was under 4 hours.

Overall, I am quite pleased with the treatment and professionalism of the staff at the hospital. It is a regional hospital and I can understand the limitation to the staffing at the hospital.that plus the cuts to provincial health care budget. I would recommend if the Ross Memorial hospital look into the online wait time monitor many provincial hospitals use.such as Markham Stouffville Hospital uses.
10 October 2020 13:33
Hubby died in hospital after 7 weeks. He was shuffled around in 4 different rooms. I got a bill for just under 10k but insurance paid 5k. I didn't know we were now part of the USA. Apparently because of Covid they don't need your signature to charge your insurance companies and say you verbally consented when you earn well know you did not!
19 September 2020 2:01
I am new to the Kawarthas. I have no family doctor and little chance of getting one anytime soon. I went to Ross because of the sudden appearance of headaches (sharp knife-like pains) that had at that point lasted for four days straight. I was made to feel from the triage to the doctor that I was wasting their time with what they considered a trivial issue or even worse that I was faking it looking for drugs. I didn't want their drugs just to know the cause and maybe some useful advice on what to do if the headaches don't go away. I can't keep taking Tylenol forever hoping I don't die of an aneurism or tumour or something else. I was told to do the impossible and get a family doctor. How am I supposed to do that when no one is taking new patients? By-the-way I am a senior citizen.
06 September 2020 7:30
Faster to get help at peterborough then lindsay worth the drive when they call you to come up you still wait spent lots of time they leave you with no water food catheter backed up requesting help 5 times etc see now why so hard to get doctors to come to this town or nurses to busy talking laughing flirting with doctors or ems
05 September 2020 16:22
So I broke my foot and was rushed to the hospital and had to wait for 15 hours in a waiting room IT WAS HORRIBLE I wanted to die then when I got my ex ray the doctor was very rude calling me fat and making me crawl to my wheelchair
22 August 2020 7:47
Liars and un professional! Everything is a few mins while they leave my wife and new born child crying in a corner for 3 hrs. I wouldn't trust this place with my pet let alone a human.
16 February 2020 9:12
I took my husband to Emergency at Ross Memorial this week in excruciating pain and they took him in right away. The triage nurse was able to tell us what she thought was going on and it turned out she was right. They treated him immediately with pain medication and sent him for a CT scan which confirmed the triage nurse’s “diagnosis”. Everyone from the nurses to the doctor were wonderful! Very friendly, knowledgeable, caring and concerned. The reason for only 4 stars and not 5 is because the CT scan result was written up as a 1 mm kidney stone but as we were driving away from the hospital the doctor phoned us to let us know there had been an error in the report. It was a 10mm stone, not a 1 mm stone.
12 February 2020 8:37
Waited over an hour to get help with one other person in the waiting room. Estimated wait is 15 min apparently. Staff are more concerned about their pizza party we can hear from the waiting room them actually helping. Still have yet to see the other patient get any help. They have been standing infront the nurses station for over 30 min. By far the worst care ever in any medical institute I've ever been in.
(If you have mental health issues please avoid this hospital please try and go to Peterborough or somewhere better. Anywhere is better then here.)

Edit. Waited from 945pm till 1am for a crisis nurse that left the hospital at 11 pm would give 0 stars if I could
29 January 2020 13:22
Waits long line and the hospital doesn't care for you. I broke my spine in two place and was almost paralyzed the hospital didn't care much and made us wait 1 and a half hours. Instead my friend drove me to Peterborough hospital and we were served right away. Even tho they had a long line as-well they knew what they were doing and cared for the emergency patients first.
29 January 2020 7:07
Was admitted at by8 and still waiting at 1: 30 In the afternoon just to have an absess cleaned! Crazy terrible service here! Would recommend anyone needing any kind of medical assistance should probably consider bomanville or Peterborough think would b a much better option for them!
17 January 2020 6:23
Doctors seem to care but the wait times are ATROCIOUS. On par with Lakeridge Health Oshawa which is THE worst hospital. Take the time to drive elsewhere.
06 January 2020 18:58
This place needs to hire real doctors and nurses that can actually do thier jobs 3 hour wait for 6 people If you live lindsay drive Scarborough and save yourselves, nothing more then a waste of time and complete useless building.
16 October 2019 4:17
Wait times are ridiculous people suffering and in pain. The appalling lack of knowledge and education with addiction crisis and medical needs is astounding considering the ongoing opioid crisis and the number of OD's there have been no added services for this and the stigma amongst staff makes it even worse. The mental health unit still doesn't understand the relationship between addiction and mental health. Major education and added treatment areas with dedicsted addiction specialists (RAAM) is desperately needed!
07 October 2019 2:06
Horrible wait times, never a nurse or doctor available. Dying in a gutter would make you feel better then getting treated here. Avoid this place at all costs.
I thought a hospital couldn't be as bad as these reviews say it is.
This one IS! Do Not Come Here. Entire building should be shut down and staff made to find new profession's. Nurse don't care, doctors waste more time gossiping then the nurses.

Four hours in my visit. I've had someone listen to my heart. Wow.guess I needed to be told it was still beating.
Complete trash.
01 October 2019 21:56
Came to the hospital today with an infant with head trauma been sitting here for two hours asked how long to take was told I can’t make them work any faster, asked to speak to the charge nurse and I politely said to the charge nurse that a infants coming in with a trauma sitting for two hours acceptable very camly. The charge nurse informed me That she just went on her lunch break and at the back and then told me that I need to calm down. I don’t reply please don’t say that to me it’s very rude I am calm service here is unacceptable for an infant. She then told me she was just coming to bring the blood work to Dr.of having him come and see her now! Considering I’ve never been to this hospital before I find it very unprofessional and very rude this is not environment to bring any child so if you have the choice to go somewhere else
23 June 2019 22:15
Long waits, short examinations, doctors who aren’t thorough and leave risk up to home monitoring.
20 May 2019 12:52
Pretty much zero staff here. Service is always extra slow compared to any other hospital. I’m talking like 6-7 hours. Go anywhere else if you can.
17 May 2019 5:05
Hello. I recently was admitted on March 20th for an Ovarian Cyst. I swear to God, this was the WORST care I have EVER had in my lifetime. I was sent for an x-ray after waiting 4 hours in the Emergency Room with the worst pain imaginable. I had went on on December 27th as well, and got an amazing Nurse, she took great care of her patients and kept my family updated. Honestly, the next day, they do a 1 and a half hour Ultrasound, and they say it was a cyst, but then they do bloodwork, then send me home. Tell me to take Advil, and come back if the pain lasts another 3 days. Almost has been a month and I am still horribly in pain from eating, so I would really advise if your child/family member/elderly go to this hospital, be prepared to be discharged with NO explanation of what is going on, expect to wait 5 hours, expect to have a doctor who will literally stand and talk to the Nurses for hours when you are in the WORST pain ever. Thanks for the horrible service. I rather drive 3 hours down to SickKids. Get some doctors who REALLY care about their patients. I have better care from WebMD then I did here. I am never coming back to this facility until you all learn how to get doctor's who are able to treat extremely ill people.
05 May 2019 14:00
I have never had any issues with the hospital I totally get that ppl r called in by priority and that they have ambulances and other things that occur at different times
21 April 2019 8:43
They don't even diagnose you for the problem you came in for. They don't have any doctors and will use nurses to diagnose instead (isn't that illegal?). I've really only had one good experience with the night staff, every other time they will act like you're an inconvenience for being a sick person at a hospital. For the most part, staff have bad attitudes, under educated, and terrible customer service skills. Don't plan on going there unless you can take minimum 10 hours out of your day. I wouldn't recommend going to this hospital unless you were literally about to die, even then they would probably just tell you to take an Advil and go home.
19 March 2019 22:54
My Mom is a patient there with pneumonia she also has COPD they are doing everything they can to help her!

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