20 August 2023 0:09
I have always loved Scholars Choice and it has always been my go-to. I have been going there for many years and always look forward to it! I was in Friday afternoon August 25th. Within seconds of entering the store I started to browse and one lovely fellow came up to me and asked if I needed help, what I was looking for etc.etc. I explained to him that I was just looking to browse for something that may pop out to me and I will ask him when I need assistance. He was great and told me where he'd be if I needed him. I simply wanted to shop around for anything that may catch my eye, nothing in particular and knew I'd come out of there with something cool! I am a preschool teacher and back at work next week. He was very nice and left me to browse. There was no one else in the store at the time but me and the staff. A minute later (no exaggeration with the time here!) another staff came to me and explained the same thing, asking what I'm looking for, pointing things out etc.of which I thanked her once again explaining I was just browsing and would ask if I needed help. She began suggesting a few items then left me as well. I was surprised to be asked so soon as these staff members were standing talking together so they knew I was the only one in the store. It was about 2 minutes later when yet another staff approached me and offered her assistance of which once again I said thank-you very much but I would just like to browse for a while and I will definitely ask if I need help. She continued on asking me if it was something for co-operative play I needed etc.etc. I told her I couldn't answer those questions as I was just there for anything, but it continued. At this point I was feeling very inundated and irritated -attempting to browse was clearly futile so I left the store. Overkill is an understatement! Sadly don't know if I'll be back.

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