10 December 2023 2:45
Very clean store well stocked with very friendly knowledgeable staff who are there to assist when you’re looking for something.and can’t find it.
Even picked up some groceries and saved me a second stop at the grocery store.
12 October 2023 18:57
**EDIT** The pharmacy is awful. I dropped off a prescription and came back an hour later. When it wasn't ready I asked why not. They told me other people came in while I was gone. I asked why they put me on hold to deal with other people. I was told they got really busy and backed up, but looking around the store it was empty. She clearly was lazy and lying to my face.
*UPDATE* 6 Months later and this location is STILL horrible
07 October 2023 20:23
This has become literally the worst pharmacy I’ve ever had to deal with. Every time I go I have to wait forever to get pick up my prescriptions. There’s usually a huge line up of angry people ahead of me. Today I was so happy to see it wasn’t busy. Jokes on me. 7 people behind the counter and not one of them acknowledged I was waiting to pick up. After at least 10 minutes, maybe more of me just standing there someone came and asked for my name. No greeting, no nothing. Literally “what’s your name”. This has been going on for quite a while now and I had hoped maybe they just needed to iron out the kinks, but clearly that’s not the case. I will be taking my business elsewhere.
05 April 2023 7:23
It's obvious by all the complaints that since the new management came in service is ridiculous at this location they just can't handle the business. Shoppers doesn't seem to care as they give the same response to every negative review (that's the majority of the reviews). I as well will be moving to a different location if things don't improve!
07 March 2023 15:56
I feel badly for the short staffed employees having to cover for a self entitled Weston entity.
17 February 2023 5:25
Very slow service for prescription refills. I requested a refill for a medication on a Tuesday and was told by pharmacist the med would be ready by Thursday after 2pm. I didn't hear from the pharmacy at all Thursday, so I went in to the pharmacy on the Friday afternoon. When I had arrived, my med still wasn't ready. The pharmacy assistant filled my prescription as I was standing there, which took no more than 5 minutes. I wonder what the excuse was for not filling it by the original pick up date?
09 February 2023 21:43
I will be transferring my prescriptions not to a shoppers drug mart. I give this pharmacy a zero since new owners took over. Phoned in my order on Sunday morning went in to pick it up on Tuesday was still not ready. This store is giving all other shoppers drug marts a bad name. Even when you stand there to get your prescription you are ignored.too bad the other owners were great.
29 January 2023 1:30
The pharmacy miss keyed my prescriptions so when I went to pick them up they were not ready. I was told that they would have them for me shortly. Three inquiries and forty five minutes later I was given one prescription not two. I needed to wait again.
Not explanations.
No apologies.
And the pharmacy was not busy!
I am finding another pharmacy.
15 January 2023 5:58
Very bad experience for the second time in row in a month. They announce book your Covid Vac online and it allows you to pick a store and book it. I booked it online. I called their number all confirmed that they supply Covid Vac. But after 1 month of wait time when when I went to the store in person for my shot, they say we don’t have the primary dose in Shoppers (dose 1,2) here we only have the boosters. If you don’t have it why you misguide people and let us book it online. Will never choose Shoppers for any of my medical needs in the future.
29 December 2022 14:53
I brought in a fairly urgent prescription and they told me the wait would be 15 min. After nearly half an hour I asked and they told me 15 min max. There were no chairs available and I was in a lot of pain so I told them I’d come back. It wasn’t ready for another 5 hours. I’m thinking of moving all my prescriptions to a different location. My doc faxed in another urgent prescription at 9: 30 am and it’s now 3 and I’ve heard nothing and can’t reach anyone by phone. Disappointed and frustrated waiting…
26 December 2022 1:07
This store and pharmacy has gone to Hell. They can't seem to fill a prescription to save their lives. I waited 45 minutes for a prescription only to be told they hadn't started it yet and it would be another 20 minutes. I get it home and realized they'd only given me one of the pills. I had to drive back and wait another 20 minutes. They didn't seem to care about me or the other half dozen people that seemed to have their prescriptions screwed up as well. My husband has had his prescriptions screwed up so many times that I can't even count. They never have anyone manning the checkouts either. I'm done with them.
14 December 2022 9:40
I switched to a different Pharmacy today. Service went from great to terrible about 6 months ago, apparently new management. I gave it time for them to sort out the issues, but after 6 months it is still very ineffective, so time for me to move on. I am not willing to spend my life standing in line at SDM.
03 December 2022 13:21
The efficiency of this location has completely deteriorated. At this point I'd need to order my prescription a number of days in advance because not even 8 hours of notice is still not enough for the prescription to be completed in time. This location has been amazing in the past however I cannot risk coming to this location with the risk of having to sit to wait for a prescription again.
16 November 2022 6:23
Rude staff. I stood in full sight of a half dozen people working in the pharmacy and nobody deigned to speak to me for a full 5 minutes. When the pharmacist finally bothered to talk to me he was curt and dismissive. Customer service is not a priority here. There are lots of Shoppers’ around; I suggest going to a different one.
15 November 2022 21:23
What happened to this place? I've been coming to this location for ages, and I've never had any issues up until a few months ago. Seems there's a new pharmacist + pharmacy team and things have gone steadily downhill since they took over.

The wait times have increased exponentially, even when you order well in advance. I used to renew my prescription online and it would take roughly 24 hours 99.9% of the time. Now it can take 3 - 4 days to get my update, and that's if they even bother to send me a text. A lot of the time I just go in to inquire after my meds because I haven't received an update. They've also screwed up my prescription and I've had to return to get the appropriate pills. Luckily I noticed before I took them, or I could have been pretty ill. Apparently nobody bothered to read the note on my file.

Now I have to check my order every time I get it because I don't trust that they won't screw it up.

I can't imagine I'm the only disgruntled customer, given the majority of the people waiting ahead of me in line each time I'm there end up leaving in a huff because their prescriptions aren't ready, or they've been screwed up.

Edit: look into it? How many negative reviews do you need? They just messed up my order AGAIN, so I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
12 November 2022 11:58
Very patient, kind and helpful. The pharmacy manager Ankit helped with all my questions and stayed calm and patient with me the whole time!
Any time I ever need anything their wonderful manager Debbie is always so helpful as well.
24 October 2022 17:03
Wanted to get Pharmacist advice about medication I was waiting not feeling well he was keep Wasting time with other girl in computer then answer my question then I have to leave and get my medication by myself three people working in pharmacy and no respect for customers!
13 October 2022 3:38
If I could give this store for customer service a ZERO, I’m so sorry, but I would. Every time I come here it’s been about an hour wait. So I figure I’ll call ahead of time. I called one day ahead of time and that still don’t matter. I called the night before, this morning and I’m still sitting here WAITING, going on 15 minutes. I don’t understand the problem. Hire more people.
10 October 2022 6:33
Lately the pharmacy at Shoppers Drug Mart at rosin square has not met the requirements of filling out prescriptions ever since and all different owners took over lines on the phone is constantly busy never get through I think I'm changing drug stores
08 October 2022 23:10
I sent my sister to fill a presc.for me on Friday. She sat there for an hour, watching a line of dissatisfied customers complain. One man dropped his presc.off on Monday, and it still wasn't ready on Friday. Today I called my dr's office for a refill. I was told to call the pharmacy and get a refill. Called the refill #, entered the presc. # & year of birth, and was transferred to the pharmacy. Told her what I wanted. She said she couldn't do that. I told her my dr's office just told me she COULD do that. She decided she could do that. Sheesh.
08 October 2022 6:48
This shoppers drug mart USED to be great, however now that Uday Sing is the new owner it has become the absolute worst. Expect to wait for prescriptions (even if they were called in days before). Horrible customer service and completely incompetent staff, with the exception of the few decent pharmacists that have not been let go to make room for Uday's brutal staff. I strongly suggest that everyone avoid this shoppers drug mart and I hope a new owner will take over, hopefully a much better one than Uday Sing. I.would give zero stars
22 August 2022 19:20
I'm not sure I can think of the right words to describe how bad this pharmacy now is. This is a PHARMACY, children at McDonald's are capable of running a business more efficiently than this location operates. It's unbelievable how terrible this pharmacy is ran. To call a Rx in it takes anywhere from 20 to 45mins. Today it took 37mins. No one answers, when they do you are repeatedly put on hold then someone else picks up and puts you on hold. In the last couple months the amount of errors is ridiculous. Called in a Rx for some reason the team prepared the wrong medication that had already been filled then we had to wait several days to get the correct medication because a refill request was required. On more than one occasion a text was sent indicating the medication was ready and when we came to get it, it was not actually ready. On more than one occasion when the medication is ready the pharmacy team can not find it. One time I waited 30 mins for them to find it. Seriously? ! Called in a Rx on a Wednesday and didn't heard back from the pharmacy so on the Sunday I went in to ask about it to find out it was already ready but no text was sent out. (it had been ready since Friday a.m) It' takes several days for a Rx to be ready for some reason, never experienced that before. Received a text that medication was ready, went to pick it up to find out it had actually been delivered (was on route with the driver) which was not requested and I have never had medication delivered. My in laws have had countless errors as well. They are OLD, I can not leave them in this pharmacist care for fear they will not have the medication they require to literally LIVE. I am beyond disgusted and frustrated with this pharmacy team that 6 family members now have to switch pharmacys after being with the rossland square location since 1986. Everytime I go into the pharmacy it's chaotic and anyone near the pharmacy counter is complaining of all if not many of the experiences we have come across. It's very unfortunate as many of the customers are elders in the community who have been using this location for 30+ years. It has a trickling affect that effects the other departments at this location. I would be beyond embarrassed to be the owner of this pharmacy. The previous pharmacy owner and team (where is the original team? !) Were great and were able to meet the demands of their customer. Big fail for this pharmacist.
17 August 2022 21:23
Pharmacist is ignorant man he yelled out it's not mu problem call your social worker in front of the whole store he will definitely will be called by the ethics people and to the new store owner that did not call me my doctor has pulled everything out of your store
16 August 2022 17:04
For both my husband and myself. They would not make our medications until we went it the store and even then it would still be over an hours wait.
Yesterday I called in and wanted my scripts filled. The gentleman told me he did not have them and that I would have to call my doctor back. I asked him to go look and he found d them.six hours later they still weren't ready.
12 August 2022 8:52
Customer service at the pharmacy has really decreased lately! Yesterday I called the pharmacy 7 times and, despite being on hold for over an hour, never got to talk to anyone. Today I had to call twice before I got through to a person, only to get hung up on. I am disabled and don't drive, unfortunately I must call in a prescription in order to have it delivered. Whenever I call lately, the pharmacy assistants don't seem knowledgeable. I can't really comment on the other store areas as I haven't shopped there since the new owner started there.
11 July 2022 8:21
My husband and l had a very bad experience there today. We left and will be dealing with a different location in the future. I will not even run in for a loaf of bread.
04 July 2022 15:45
Everytime I come into this location you guys never have anything for Black people something as simple as foundation by NYX "Oh we don't carry NYX because we don't have the space" but Maybelline has a whole back wall that even if I used it doesn't have my shade!? This stores lack of diversity is really annoying considering it's 2022. I always get "Oh we're a small store blah blah blah" IDC use the small space you do have and diversify, I've lived in the area for 23 years so it's not like its a new demographic coming at you FIX TF UP
17 May 2021 16:23
The one beauty technician lady is so good at her job she goes above and beyond amazes me every time ️ She is a great asset to this shoppers drugs mart
13 May 2021 6:30
Went in for a couple of items, store was well stocked well lit and clean, used self checkout it's easier and I can do it my self, Did not use Pharmacy here, so no comments there.
27 April 2021 2:29
HORRIBLE manger and customer service.
I never had an issue like this in my life.today i went in and spent nearly $70 on stuff i needed. Now i work in retail so i understand all possible issues.i paid and the system was telling me my transaction did not go through.even though with my banking app and then signing onto my bank via my phone internet.to have BOTH platforms show that the transaction went through. Manger kept telling me i was wrong and that i didn't know how to read (aka her showing me the shoppers computer) i began to say that i can see very clearly on what her computer says.but both my banking informations are showing that i paid for these items.she then kept telling me it was a me problem and she wasn't giving me my stuff.there fore i called Shoppers customer service to now having to WAIT 5 DAYS for my money back or to get the items i need.never will i ever be going back to this shoppers.i am disgusted with how i was treated today by that manger and i cant believe she treats people like that. I am a manger my self and never would i ever speak to someone the way she spoke to me.
15 April 2021 0:54
This pharmacy is the best I have encountered. They are quick, efficient and accurate. They are also helpful and pleasant. What a pleasure especially when tou are not feeling well!
13 March 2021 19:46
If I could give this place negative stars, I would. Pharmacy staff are shockingly rude. Taking my prescriptions elsewhere, anywhere would be better than this store.
11 March 2020 1:10
The pharmacists are very helpful to explain any new medications.will actually call the doctor for clarification if it appears incorrect. The other staff are always friendly and helpful. Thank you!
04 August 2019 10:01
I am close to this location so it is convenient. Some of the staff here are not welcoming at all. No customer service skills for sure.
25 March 2019 17:55
WORST SHOPPERS DRUG MART.this store is so very poorly managed, i feel bad for the employees here.ive been a regular here for a little over a year, and the customer service by 3 managers; Debbie, Mark and Meghan, has completely gone down hill.they seem to not care about their jobs anymore as all they do is stand around talking to each other about nonsense while they make the supervisors do all their work for them.i also dont feel that this is a welcoming atmosphere.and please dont get me started on the way they treat their own employees.infront of customers! Disgusting.all in all, i will not be shopping here anymore and i recommend you boycott this store too.their selection is basic and you probably wont find what you’re looking for anyways.
21 December 2018 18:24
Pharmacy staff is horrible. Everytime I bring in a sharps container I get questioned and scrutinized. We get treated like incompetent crack heads and they make it hard to dispose of needles properly. On multiple occasions I've been treated poorly because of the pharmacy staffs assumptions that the needles I'm disposing of are for recreational drug use. It's not until I explain that I have both a dog and and sister with diabetes that I get treated like a normal human being. I find it disgusting that they treat people they way they do based on their own assumptions. I'm just a regular person trying to dispose of needles used for DIABETES properly, using the program they offer, but they sure make it difficult to do so.

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