09 September 2023 10:44
Horrible experience with pharmacy. I am either missing pills in my blister packs or they are in the wrong spot. They are even initialed as if they were checked. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Laurie Sachs
03 September 2023 9:00
Slight improvement with organizing people's pills but there always seems to be issues. Called in a refill on a Wednesday. Was told it would be a day or two. Went after work Friday to get the prescription and was told the script was denied. Come to find out they faxed the wrong doctor. So instead of contacting the correct one, they decide to just leave it. Unless the Dr replies over the weekend when he is closed, I'm out these pills for the weekend.
04 July 2023 6:11
Consistently disorganized.long lines for script pickups.always running around looking for your script.slow front checkout.frustrating
23 February 2023 9:02
After spending a chunk of change and getting to the self checkout with a 18 case of pop and a basket of loose items I discovered that the store has no bags available for purchase. I knew I had some in my vehicle so I put the case of pop in the basket and trundled to my vehicle to transfer the items- after placing the basket in my truck and going to the other side to get my bags a women starts yelling at me asking if it’s my basket, I said no, I’m transferring my items and taking them back. She continued to monitor me and then proceeds to start marching to the store after I returned the basket and was returning to my vehicle while raising her voice at me that every single loss comes out of her pay cheque. First off- the store NEVER has reusable bags available for purchase and if you don’t want people to use carts and baskets to get items to vehicles then fix your store problem. Secondly, treating customers like thieves is NOT ok. Perhaps if staff are screaming at customers about losses coming from their pay cheques when customers aren’t doing anything wrong you have a bigger problem to resolve. Absolutely disgusting to be shouted at in public and made to feel like a thief- looks like it’s an ongoing problem at this location from the other reviews. And ya- I did yell back at that point with no regrets. Don’t insult customers if you don’t want to hear their opinion too. I will make sure to let everyone know how Edward St Shoppers treats their customers.
01 February 2023 12:20
This location (Edward & First) treats me so shabbily, I'm ready to switch my prescriptions to an entirely different pharmacy! It began with the tall older woman who works nights accusing my daughter of theft, and threw out of the store, without my knowledge. I left to find her in the parking lot in tears. The following night, while checking out (it was the christmas shopping season and I'd spent a considerable amount of money my past few visits) regardless, the next evening the same woman basically asked me what I'd concealed, and if I intended to pay for such items! I was gobsmacked. Speechless! After christmas my daughter left my car to come in for me, as my medication was taking some time, and just as she'd entered the doors, that same woman approached her demanding to know what was in her bag. A McDonald's bag, that contained her dinner! It was such nonsense that I spoke to the owner. A kind woman who apologized. However, this hasn't changed the nightshift employees, who whisper about me, and all follow me around the store everytime I'm there. No matter how much I spend, or how often I tell loss prevention how unnecessary it is to stalk me, I'm regularly treated as if I've committed a crime. Which I've never so done in my life. They dislike me so much they've gone so far as to refuse to exchange an item for me, a fragrance for which I not only had a gift receipt, but also a purchase receipt with my debit card which had made the purchase not 48 hours earlier! They first told me they'd not do it as it'd been bought at a nearby shopper's location, then that they didn't sell that fragrance, to which I pointed across the store at the very fragrance on display, and taking her sweet time, that same woman slowly wandered over to fake taking a closer look at the obvious, then slowly returning to inform me that they were now closed and it was too late for me, after wasting 10 minutes of my time. The harrassment, unpleasantness, refusal to help a regular paying customer is a disgrace. The only place I'm comfortable in the entire store is back at the pharmacy, where I'm found once a week, picking up medications, as I'm chronically I'll and as a result, am disabled. Perhaps my appearance isn't up to their tastes, I don't know, but the harrassment and blatant mistreatment I get, regularly from this store is enough to flare my crohn's disease, and dread needing to pick up my prescription or any toiletries my family requires. The way a regular PAYING CUSTOMER is treated here should be embarrassing to the Shopper's Drug Mart name, and is totally unacceptable in every way. I've done nothing to deserve such treatment and am tired of being persecuted for crimes I've NEVER committed, nor ever even considered. I have no criminal record, volunteer in my community and consider myself to be an upstanding citizen in my town. I'll no longer tolerate this, and will be taking my business elsewhere. I just feel for the next customer that they go out of their way to accuse, make uncomfortable or refuse to serve for not a damn reason.
Good luck to customers who don't fit whatever standards they may have. Their ridiculous biases and judgements. Brave this horrid night shift women at your own risk!

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