16 December 2023 4:53
This school is absolutely horrible I got assaulted 3 différents ways.not only that when I didn’t show up to school my teacher came to my house and killed and ate my dog. Then they gave me a 52 page essay due the next day. Either your child will not make it or you will not make it. A better alternative homeschooling at least then your kid won’t want to kys
18 May 2023 9:54
One of the worst schools in Durham. My high school experience are some of the worst memories of my life. There are select teachers that actually care about you, 98% of them are a joke. They’ve completely ruined high school experiences for kids by taking away dances, prom guest (and an actual prom), exciting sport events, prioritizing mental health for students etc. 4 years ago I hated that place and now I have to hate it for what my siblings are going through, listening to their friends at other schools having the experience they wanted. We’ve told them multiple times on what they can do to improve but instead they insist on removing more extra curricular activities and continuing to make everyone’s lives miserable. We’ve given them more than 4 years to improve and they’re still disappointing us. If you can switch, switch. If you’re stuck, pray, because I promise you it’s going to be the worst four years of your life.
19 November 2022 14:08
Pretty good school was here for DECA, except that all the men were walking around pantless, kind of inappropriate if you ask me.
10 January 2020 6:07
Some student volentiers always help use air freshener smell like strawberry in the forth floor washroom, smells good.thanks a bunch

(dont know why they smoke air freshener as well though.kindof scary.)
10 September 2019 5:58
I honestly wish I could've given this less than 1 star, 1 star is rated wayyyyy too high for Sinclair. Sinclair was honestly the worst school. The bullying was awful and the school didn't care. The VP's and principal really did not care for the students. They DEFINITELY did NOT care for mental illness, they would treat you like an animal if you even mentioned it. I'm glad to say I'm out of this school, and my advice to anyone going here, is to switch schools as soon as possible. This school made me want to die and they only care about themselves and money. And they also suspend you for anything. If you get beat up, they will suspend you for getting beat up because that's the type of school Sinclair is. Good luck to future students.
21 June 2019 13:04
Food is gooooooood my boiiiiiii i love the foood it was good the teacher not no how to spel
prihan loves galvin
27 July 2018 5:10

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