29 September 2022 2:53
Most of the reviews posted here are by haters, I wonder if they have ever set foot in this school.
28 July 2022 4:26
This school is the worst, very rude teachers who feel entitled and are in peoples business 24/7. They belittle the students because they think they have power over them just because they are teachers.
22 August 2020 5:36
This is an unepic school: (They spend money on stuff we do not need.this is like the worst school it HCDSB! Dont send kidos there.
07 February 2020 7:06
Bad drive threw and entrance was bumpy and narrow never again will i go here, limited menu, icecream never works. Never go here
23 December 2019 9:08
Very good place my childern love it the bad comments who cars if u have been there for a long time wil you will know its a good place for your children or kid and the place is so clean so ya. And the people with the bad comments will i bet you have not been there for a long time. So Bye have a good day and you should the your children of kid to this school!
20 December 2019 5:20
Amazing school. The staff is so caring. The YMCA program is very well run. There are so many clubs and sports teams, it is very big and generally amazing. I've seen alit of reviews saying it is bad but if you ignore those reviews and come to this school I'm shure you will have an awesome time.
11 August 2019 0:49
Just started our summer with YMCA and within couple days my child got kicked (for 2 days in a row by the same child), then another day somebody "accidentally" threw stuff at him, then hit him in his hand. Teachers don't do anything to prevent and stop this bully behavior. I worry to make sure my kid doesn't become target for this kind of kids behavior.since he is the most friendly, bright and intelligent kid in his class.
Very upset by the kids crowd and stuff unprofessionalism out there.
04 August 2019 19:24
This school needs to focus on fixing doors and not lights because people can just walk in, the doors don't work half the time:)

Adding more to this (wrote what was above in 2017,2019 now)

this school is horrible, constant disrespect and favouritism between students. They care more about phones being in a class room than bullying, do not recommend this school at all, parents save your kids from this hell hole.
13 June 2019 10:46
This school is the worst. They make you constantly pay them so that they can waste the money on useless phones in the classrooms when we already had PA systems, and a massive light in the front hall that has no use what so ever. Half of the equipment in the gym is broken or outdated and the school band doesn’t even have a tuner while some people have to sit out in music because there are not enough WORKING instruments. The school had to get rid of TWO portables and the bathroom sinks barely even work not to mention that a lot of the stall doors have broken locks. Do not come here this is easily one of the worst schools in HCDSB
11 February 2019 10:24
It was good before 2015 now it's trash. It's rated worst school in Oakville for a good reason. This is a trash school don't come here you will regret it
05 February 2019 19:25
A lot of the things I'm going to say is from personal experience, I wouldn't trust any of the reviews from past 2015. I'm not saying that their teaching is bad (for the most part), or anything else directly linked with what your child will learn. But parents don't usually get to see the school in full swing, when parents usually do come we are told be on our best behaviour and to keep everything neat and tidy (as we should be, but this is far from how the school acts otherwise). I have had friends who have been bullied, or have witnessed other kids doing drugs (outside of school) and have worked up the courage to go tell a teacher or the office. Do you what they said to this? ! They told my friends that they can't do anything about, and with the regards to being bullied they basically said for them to suck it up or to just ignore that person (who was in their class). Another problem with the school is that waste their money, ALOT. A few years ago they bought a massive rainbow ring light for the front foyer, bought a tv for the front and continue to buy iPads. One year they didn't have enough math text books, so they bought iPads (they bought around 8 for each class) to cover the missing textbooks, they also bought accounts for online textbooks. Tell me how this less expensive than just buying the missing textbooks? Even after buying the iPads there still wasn't enough for everyone and some people still had to share, most of the textbooks didn't even have covers and were missing pages. Also sometimes the iPads were dead, or when we had supply we didn't have then. When this happened 3 people would have to share a textbook (we were also not allowed to bring in any devices except iPads and laptops) Not a very good use of resources I would say. And every year they would ask for every student to give the school money. Something that also really annoyed me was the inconsistencies in following the rules, sometimes kids would get into a fight and get off with a warning, but the one time I go to the washroom without permission I get sent down to the office. A lot of the teacher would also try to get certain students in trouble, but would also favour other students. One problem that I found very annoying is that we weren't allowed near any of the fences, which would be fine. But we have about 5 trees in the entire school yard, so during the early and late summer months you would be boiling. Overall I was very glad when I left, and will not be returning anytime soon. I would not suggest your kids go there.
01 January 2019 5:54
It used to be a good school till 2015. A lot of bullying issues which they didn’t take care properly. All the good teachers that made this school, retired or left.
07 October 2018 20:05
This "Catholic" school is the worst school in the HCDSB. My older brother has been bullied for about 3 to 4 years and nothing was done about it. They spend more money then the U. S military then they cry about "OH WE DONT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY, THEN LETS TELL THE PARENTS, SO MAKE THEM WRITE A CHEQUE. Yeah it's pretty bad. Oi and the "playground" is like a prison Court yard. And last but not least I'm glad that im not at this school anymore. Like I personally don't feel safe around here cuz as I said before my brother has gotten bullied for like 3 to 4 years? Also I forgot to mention that there is a bench but it's over crowded during most of the recesses, and when winter comes it's all wet and cold so we got to improvise like sqaut like a gopnik or just walk around.
But anyway hope this review helps if u want to send ur kids here. (DON'T IT'S FOR THE BETTER.)

Regards, Tea-boi Lil'Slav
29 August 2018 11:37
This school was good all the way up to 2015, and then now it's so trash. Don't ever come to this school.

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