08 December 2023 10:56
The clinics communication platform is still not user friendly. Patients are expected to use the Pomelo platform to book appts and what ever other nonsense, but all communication to the clinic is blocked unless youre responding back to a rare message. This funnels all communications through their phone lines, when in reality, rather than spending an hour on hold i could send an email or message and have them get bqck to me.when ever its convenient? Instead, we must call. Except the phones are only answered between 8: 30-4, with reduced hours Friday, and often times there's 15+ people wait.
So because I want to confirm my appointment is a phone call, and the reminder was sent ON A SATURDAY when NO ONE ANSWERS THE PHONE AND YOU CANT LEAVE A MESSAGE OR AN EMAIL, you expect me to play phonecall roulette to hopefully be one of the first 20 people calling at the opening minute on a Monday morning to hopefully confirm that the confirmation notification was wrong and I'm not expected in the office in 13 minutes.

-original review below-
I've been going here since I was born, I don't know what's going on but they forced us to only contact the clinic via app messaging system, in which they removed contacts and you're unable to message reception.

Can't call, can't message, can't get in contact to renew medications. I guess the ship is sinking and everyone has left already.

I'm guessing they didn't pay their receptionists well enough and they all left. Those who remain are so bogged down that they're just scrambling.
14 November 2023 4:15
Décidément, 98 % des médecins de cette clinique sont extraordinaires. Je suis 1 patiente depuis plus de 35 ans. J’ai toujours eu des soins exceptionnels. Je n’ai que des éloges pour les médecins et le personnel administratif de cette clinique. Aujourd’hui, je me suis présentée en crise d’asthme. La dame au comptoir s’est empressée d’aviser le Dr en appel. La dame revient et me dit, il va vous voir. Venez dans la chambre. Alors que je suis en CRISE RESPIRATOIRE, le Dr en appel choisis d’entrer dans la chambre d’un autre patient dans la chambre voisine à la mienne et me laisse à tousser, à cracher, à respirer difficilement, à trembler et à suer pour plus de 15 minutes. Je paniquais. Je respirais de plus en plus difficilement. Je décide de sortir de la chambre pour retourner à ma voiture et appeler le 911. Le Dr en question qui était assis à l’ordinateur pour faire je ne sais quoi m’entends dire que je quitte et je vais appeler le 911 de ma voiture. Il décide de se lever. À chaque fois que je me suis présentée à cette clinique en crise d’asthme, on venait à mon secours immédiatement et on me donnait un traitement au Ventolin. C’EST UN PROBLÈME RESPIRATOIRE Doc et ça demande d’être vu IMMÉDIATEMENT. En plus de me faire attendre aussi longtemps ce médecin m’a questionné pour un autre 10 à 15 minutes alors que j’étais déjà TRÈS essoufflée, je respirais difficilement et je paniquais de plus en plus. Il a catégoriquement refuser de me soigner et m’a dit d’aller à l’hôpital pour le Ventolin. Pourquoi Dr est-ce que je devrais appeler un ambulance de ma voiture garée à la clinique pour venir me chercher à la clinique et me transporter à l’hôpital quand il y a du Ventolin sur les lieux. Quel manque de professionnalisme! Quel affront! J’ai 70 ans et j’ai toujours été asthmatique. Je sais ce dont j’ai besoin. Pourquoi vous obstiné Dr avec une patiente de 70 ans que vous avez fait attendre plus de 20-25 minutes devant vous en CRISE RESPIRATOIRE et refuser de la soigner en ne connaissant aucunement ses antécédents de santé? Pourquoi refuser de la soigner?
05 November 2023 17:17
It's your regular medical building. Clean and signage is appropriate. Very important to bring your parking ticket with you since the pay machines are inside the building at the entrance.
20 September 2023 19:38
I was surprised to see these reviews. Though I have also experienced bad receptions and long wait times. I have noticed a difference. They are making changes because I get nicer receptionists now. I have a great doctor. My doctor is Doctor Michelle Chartrand and she has been with us for about 6 and a half years. She is great with me and my som. So the doctor part is great but I understand the unkind receptionists. I have learn to just brace myself when I can and expect the worst so I don’t get hurt. I choose to have compassion for them instead as most of them are over stretched. The truth is everyone is having shortages these days. They are not a bad clinic though. Very nicely decorated and renovated up to date. If you are a patient you get the emergency clinic which is much faster then waiting at urgent care. I also noticed the wait times to talk to a receptionist is not as long. There is good and bad but the good for me outweighs the bad. To even have a family doctor is a blessing in these times as many do not. Take the negative comments lightly.
08 August 2023 18:02
Worst clinic: always closed, poor customer service, of no help at all, always turning away clients. Do yourself a favor an go somewhere else, don't even bother calling them, they don't help their clients although my family doctor is found here
07 August 2023 1:46
I waited on call for 20 mins to listen- hello, hello, hello and lady cut the phone.
I was responding and she never replied as if a movie scene.
12 July 2023 8:27
On July 14,2023, my wife drove one hour for a scheduled appointment from Kanata to Orleans. She is very pregnant (due in one month) and needs vaccinations. The highway was also closed making the trip extra long and it was during work hours, so she had to take 2 hours off of work - money we desperately need for our family. Upon arrival, the clinic was closed. No phone call, no email to let us know.just closed. No one there.
19 May 2023 17:25
I am hoping management considers this high volume of poor reviews to initiate change within their workplace. The appointment booking and reception process in general desperately needs improvement. I have been on hold for 1 hour this morning, which unfortunately is the standard waiting time I’ve experienced here. There is no chat/email/or even voicemail option and instead several barriers to seeing my family doctor.
09 May 2023 21:46
C'est impossible d'entrer en contact avec la réception, sois par courriel (parce que y en a pas) ou par téléphone (leurs heures sont extrêmement limitées et on ne peut pas laisser un message). Il est aussi impossible de prendre un rendez-vous en personne. La seule façon d'obtenir un rendez-vous avec son docteur est par une application. Mais moi, on ne m'avais jamais envoyé un lien pour me créer un compte. Alors je me suis faite embarrée en dehors de ma propre clinique de médecine familiale pendant des mois et dans l'incapacité de pouvoir prendre un seul maudit rendez-vous.

La réception a aussi pas mal d'attitude. Si la clinique a des problèmes à retenir beaucoup de main d'œuvre de qualité, ils n'ont qu'à augmenter leurs salaires, embaucher plus de monde et clairer les employés problématiques. Ce n'est aucunement moral de laisser souffrir des patients malades à cause de l'avarice.

La seule raison pourquoi je laisse 2 étoiles à la place de 1 c'est à cause que mon docteur est correct.
26 March 2023 16:59
Our family doctor is retiring, so I contacted St Joseph Medicine Clinic to ask about available doctors. As my son has just been diagnosed with autism, it is imperative for him to find a following physician. The receptionist was very rude to me when she indicated that no doctors at the clinic were accepting patients. When I began to ask a question she immediately hung up on me. This is subpar treatment for anyone in any type of public facing position, but especially when speaking to a parent who is seeking help for their child.
02 March 2023 22:51
Terrible clinic, poor organizing, long wait times even when it looks empty, and some of the older nurses have very sardonic attitudes, as if my concerns will just disappear if they are rude enough. I would recommend any other medical centre in Ottawa
07 January 2023 16:38
I have had a family doctor at this clinic since I was a baby. I've never had a negative experience. My family doctor, Dr. Khougaz, is fantastic.

This evening, after three weeks of pain and unusual symptoms I booked an appointment via portal and was met by Dr. Dean Leduc. As a nurse myself, I'm familiar with signs and symptoms of common illnesses. Dr. Dean Leduc would not let me finish my sentences. Every sentence spoken was cut off and met with a snarky, condescending remark. He labeled it as "influenza", though I have none of the symptoms. When I questioned his diagnosis, once again, was cut off and told, "just because I'm a doctor doesn't mean I know everything. "

He made me feel humiliated, disrespected, unheard, and like the sole purpose of my suffering was for his inconvinience.

I asked for a doctor's note as I'm still very sick and should not be around the vulnerable. The note written by Dr. Dean Leduc stated that I was, "totally disabled" and prescribed me antibacterial mouthwash. I felt mocked. The whole visit was under 5 minutes. The brunt of the 5 minutes was me asking off my jacket to see my breasts (because that has anything to do with influenza.)

I'm both disgusted and appalled by the quality of care I received. Do NOT book with Dr. Dean Leduc. He's extremely unprofessional and not someone I'd ever recommend.
14 December 2022 0:45
This clinic is one of the worse in the city. It's very difficult to contact with the doctor. No email, you can only call during the normal operating hour and you can't leave a message if the operator don't pick up the phone or off hour. Usually they stop answering the call 30 minutes before the closing time. However, the doctors are nice.
22 November 2022 2:57
I've had my doctor for over 20 years and I could not be happier with his service and honesty. He's a great listener and takes his time with me. I will never leave my doctor or his staff. Thank you!
21 November 2022 12:36
They told me they'd cancel my apt if I didn't call back to confirm. Now I have to wait on hold for an hour, otherwise lose the appointment. Who threatens to cancel an appointment? !
26 October 2022 10:08
They're not taking new patients but feel entitled to lecture you about how you're a bad parent for not having a family doctor (that they refuse to help you find).

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