19 April 2022 10:29
Ms. Hawthorne and Ms. Wollaston were absolutely fantastic to work with on a moments notice. The opportunity to speak briefly with them and offer guidance to my Daughter may very well have deeply improved her final highschool years. Thank you and have a good week.
05 February 2022 9:56
This school has a very toxic environment amongst staff mainly because leadership does not support teachers. Not to mention parents and students are given way too much power to undermine teachers’ professional judgement. Many students are given too many options, grades they don’t deserve, and are not expected to grasp the concept of consequences. The reality is these students are too young to discern what’s best for their academic careers. Parents need to have honest conversations about how their kid does NOT have what it takes to become a doctor or lawyer because they are lazy. Students are not prepared for REAL life, thanks to their parents. They are being raised to become mentally weak, and entitled brats. Parents need to stop bullying teachers and get back to disciplining their ill-behaved teenagers. Essentially, this school farms university drop outs.
03 December 2021 1:00
Its a good school with good teachers like Chalmers and Hubbard and Millar but there is one teacher I have rn names Verghis, she is my math teacher and she doesn't teach very well she also isnt the nicest, she once yelled at my class bc she didn't know how to use her projector and thought the class made it happen. She also isn't the best grader, i got all b+ and a- and she gave me all S's even tho i always participate, she is not the best teacher and i feel bad for anyone else who has or gets her.
23 September 2020 22:16
The science and computer teacher with a beard, glasses, and average build A_t _u_e (initials AD) was really mean and really douchey to everyone, and would give students bad marks and suspend students when they never did anything wrong just because he didn't like them. He was completely immature and the epitome of a man child.
His VERY good friend, the really overweight computer teacher with grey hair, G_o_g_ A_a_s, was just as dumb, douchey, and disgusting.
13 September 2020 7:18
I think that the English and business teacher MacBrian was too judgmental and narrow-minded to make a good teacher.
09 April 2020 3:57
This school showed the reality of what bullying is like in high school in 1999. I do not know how it is like now, but back then it wasn’t a welcoming school, even the staff wasn’t helpful as it should be for newcomers.
21 January 2020 0:51
I have never been to this school before i am thinking of coming here for high school what do you recomend
06 November 2019 0:11
I didnt like this food at all! >: (
the pictures below show what i wore to work! They are fantastic and very comfortable!
06 August 2019 2:28
Yes, Dube clearly showed signs of egomania or narcissistic personality disorder and really sucked.
03 August 2019 4:20
Mr. Dube was a real bigot and bully. Aside from him and some other people, the school was okay.
18 April 2019 1:25
Two and a half stars out of five.
Both Dube and Adams are disgusting. They are both capable of great corruption and cruelty. Absolutely no redeeming qualities in either of them. Both were filled with rage. Unfocused, uncontrollable rage. Both of them should have been fired.
The food tasted good and many of the students and staff were generally nice. Lovely location. The school seems quite nice in autumn.
25 November 2018 22:51
DUBE WAS DISGUSTING, his behaviour was completely inappropriate and he was in the wrong line of work. I know his daughter and from what I understand she has many problems with him, I wonder why. Most of the teachers here played games and played favourites.
09 October 2018 20:27
This school has some good points. The cafeteria food tastes good, the location is nice, the library is okay and the trophies impressive.
That said, it also has some bad points. The budget was low and this made facilities such as textbooks get cut back. Many of the teachers there abused their authority and were unnecessarily rude to students. One such teacher was Mr. Dube.
I'm happy Mr. Dube finally got exposed. I wonder if he ever found out what negative things people think of and how they negatively feel about him. Due to the many people who rightfully dislike and even hate him him, he will have no idea who is exposing him. But one thing's for sure, lowlife people like him never improve. They always lurk down below at the bottom of the gutter trash can, it's where they live. 100% the dude is a douche and who needs to get put in his place like no one else. He is so cheap and disgusting, only the most horrible things should happen to him because he sure as hell deserves it.
29 August 2018 3:05
OMG I remember that computer teacher Mr. Adams. Always considered that guy a freakin' loser with some serious anger management issues. The guy acted as disgusting as he looked and for someone that fugly it says a lot. You could tell just by looking at him that his diet was probably so nasty it affected his attitude in a bad way. Hmm.let's see.what's on the menu? Fast food pizzas, burgers, and fries 24/7 all day everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Wouldn't surprise me. If you can't handle eating nothing but garbage without your blood pressure going through the roof and your temper completely flying off the handle at young teenagers so that you can lose your job - don't do it, you idiot! He's just a pig, he's just a loser.
This school does have a nice location and was/still is good with athletics. For the most part, the teachers weren't that bad. Apart from a few bad apples, the students were pretty cool. Transportation was decent. Food needed to be much healthier.
Again, Adams stupendously stunk. A great big greasy fast food stain on the school's rep for sure.

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