07 December 2023 8:58
If you want want any kind of hospital CARE DO NOT GO TO THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. DOCTORS WILL IGNORE YOU. I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 3 DAYS AND NIGHTS AND I AM STILL WAITING TO SPEAK TO A DOCTOR THE pain medication they are giving me does almost nothing. Nobody caresI I am going to find out why I was transferred from the Winchester hospital to the General Hospital and then nothing gets done. I may be a little bit dumb but I sure as hell am not stupid. I know exactly what is going on My wife and my mother both died within 6 months of each other while a patient at the General Hospital
04 December 2023 12:36
Us people half to be appreciated by the Doctors. They helped me a lot with my Schizophrenia. I admitted myself to the Ottawa General “The Ottawa Hospital” Some people say Doctors are after them but they are not. With my experience at the general was great! Nurses supporting me with meds even with my own personal meds. It’s a great place to go if you’re feeling un easy or not safe.
04 October 2023 8:45
Waited for 11 hours, the one star is for the Dr Z only. Young, very professional and helpful.
24 September 2023 16:30
Civic hospital is better.very bad service at this hospital they stuff very rude they not nice with people's
22 June 2023 13:14
Nice clean hospital. Very busy at anytime I've driven clients to their appointments. Some of the visitors need to learn how and where to park but you get that in almost any parking lot nowadays. Hospital staff and volunteers seem very friendly and knowledgeable.
16 June 2023 1:14
Horrible care. They are constantly sued by patients. Horrible hypocrite staff (specifically ER cleaning and ER reception). I was kicked out of the hospital for falling asleep without a mask on while in my own bed in ER. We had been waiting for over 15 hours to see a doctor… woke up at 7am (2 hours of sleep). My mask must’ve fallen off. The cleaning lady yelled at me and harassed me because she saw me without my mask on. I was polite enough to put it back on. An hour later, when I went to use the bathroom, the same cleaning lady, receptionist and a nurse were huddled around a cellphone without a mask. I told the cleaning lady that I did not appreciate her yelling at me. Within few minutes of me getting back to my bed, security showed up to kick me out of the hospital. They claimed a bunch of lies that they were fed by cleaning and reception staff. They claimed that I harassed staff and patients, I refused to wear a mask “many” times, aggressive towards staff, refusing to cooperate and rude. When I asked to speak to a manager, they said that the manager doesn’t want to speak with me and that she had heard enough from her staff (all the lies above). I had no choice but to leave in peace and send a compliant to their general email. I got a generic response with no feedback. This was not my only encounter with rude staff at this hospital. The staff at this hospital do not care about your well being and seem to be more focused on their stats. They don’t even deserve 1/5 star.
15 June 2023 10:27
I was seen by Dr.wiesenfeld at the emergency department! He was so amazing! He is a great doctor very caring and doesn’t rush you! You can ask him anything and he will take his time to answer your question. He was professional regarding my culture (Congolese) to better assist me medically! As it is proven that a lot of visible minority patients do not receive the best health services in comparison to white people. There needs to be more doctors like him! If you are not trying to be a doctor like Dr. Lorne Martin wiesenfeld don’t even bother going to medical school because you will traumatized your patients which will ultimately hinder their overall health
14 June 2023 11:14
Girlfriend was brought to ER by ambulance she received excellent care from rn Jenn Boose and dr Jim Yang
02 June 2023 12:50
I came here with my 91 year old dad. He id in pain and feet have swollen double. He has bowel issues has congestive heart failure and a triple bypass Went and inquired how much longer. She said your next. That was an hour ago and many others taken in without life threatening conditions.

The intake girl was rhude told me to keep quiet when asking my dad questions. He is 91! She asked him if he had any surgeries. He said no. So i said to her if you consider heart surgery. He has! Terrible service for a senior in pain. We already been here 7 hours and probably alot more. This sucks! Watching a parent cry cause their in pain. Take them to the hospital and not even any compassion. What is this world coming too! @
01 June 2023 18:23
Do you have an emergency? DO NOT GO HERE. My mother waited 16 HOURS for treatment. Absolutely horrendous wait times and no care in the world. STAY AWAY!
27 May 2023 22:58
After 11 hours wait still the doctor wasn’t able to see us. Every couple hours we were told you are next in queue and it may take a couple hours. They are liars. They don’t care about the patients. The wait time is more than 15 hours.

Plus, there is only one doctor working at the emergency services overnight shift in the entire hospital. Such a shame!
27 May 2023 15:10
Highly doubt that our politicians would be willing to wait 10+ hours at emergency to see a doctor. Inhuman, degrading and an abomination. Left after 5 hours when I was told there were still 18 people ahead of me. Shameful.
23 May 2023 23:11
The worse hospital. It has been 11 hours I am waiting but still no one care to see an urgent patient who is dying.
19 May 2023 9:36
Would give 0 if I could. Mental health services are a joke, go to Queensway and see actual doctors and mental health professionals. Constantly being turned away or put through hours of agony only to offer outpatient resources. I NEVER have had anything like this happen to me. Expect the civic to treat you the same.
18 May 2023 23:28
I am currently writing this from a basement where biohazard bins aren't even sealed, if you love dirty beds and staff telling you "well it's a busy day" after 10h of wait you're in the right place! I haven't slept a single hour in a week and I am dizzy + experiencing severe pain in my lungs and heart + hallucinations and they tell me this isn't an emergency.so I just hope I will be alive tomorrow
16 May 2023 9:06
I have seen better service in clinics in "3rd world countries "then this they call hospital, my wife was mistreated. No care at all from the nurse we dealt with. The female nures at the emergency entrance Total freak show. My wife had fever and was shaking hard I asked for a blanket, 4 hours later nothing and she call herself a NURSE (shame on you) one star for the time Horton coffee.

I understand the pressure doctors and nurses are under I wish it gets better for you but it's just getting worset and worset
Sunday morning 1: 00 am
11 May 2023 22:08
C’est la première fois de ma vie que j’écris un commentaire négatif sur Google, mais cette fois ci, je ne me sentirai pas mieux avant de l’avoir fait. Suite à un bouton d’acné à l’entrée de mon oreille externe, j’ai fais l’unique erreur de le percer car il me faisait beaucoup souffrir au point que je ne pouvais plus dormir sur l’oreille concernée, mon oreille s’est bouché à cause de l’accumulation de pu et de sang et j’ai décidé de me rendre aux urgences le 11 mars car aucun médecin ne souhaitait accepter de nouveaux patients (étant donné que je suis étudiant international).

Après une attente longue de plus de 8h30, j’ai été pris en charge par un docteur qui semblait très pressé (ce qui est toutefois compréhensible vu le nombre très élevé de patients en attente et les effectifs très réduits), il m’a donc débouché l’oreille à l’aide d’une injection d’eau chaude et de savon d’une façon que j’ai trouvé plutôt «brutale», sans plus me poser de questions sur le moment car je ne suis pas docteur, lui oui. Juste après le débouchage, j’ai commencé à entendre un sifflement très aigu que j’entends depuis en permanence, et qui s’amplifie parfois au point que je n’entends plus rien d’autre lorsque j’entends la mauvaise fréquence sonore (fréquence sonore qui est PARTOUT).

Après avoir passé le week-end, j’entendais toujours ce sifflement sans diminution et le docteur m’avait dit que le sifflement devrait cesser « avant la fin du week-end ». Je suis donc retourné aux urgences le 13 mars pour connaître la cause de cet acouphène car j’étais persuadé que j’avais encore un problème et j’étais très inquiet. Après 6h d’attente cette fois-ci, le diagnostic était le suivant: j’ai soi disant un épanchement tympanique. Je précise une nouvelle fois que je n’ai jamais eu de problème auditif et que je n’avais pas cet acouphène auparavant, même avec l’oreille bouchée. Je me rends donc à l’hôpital d’Ottawa avec un problème, et j’en ressors avec un problème encore plus grand.

On pourrait croire que l’histoire s’arrête ici, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Suite au second diagnostic je suis allé voir un médecin orl une semaine plus tard pour un test de l’audition, grande fût ma surprise lorsqu’elle m’expliqua que je n’ai pas d’épanchement tympanique et qu’il est très dur de repérer un épanchement tympanique juste en regardant dans l’oreille (ce que le médecin avait fait lors de ma seconde visite) et que de plus, il est très peu probable qu’un épanchement tympanique se résorbe en une semaine, ce qui signifie donc que mon second diagnostic à l’hôpital d’Ottawa après 6h d’attente était probablement erroné.

Mes visites à l’hôpital d’Ottawa se soldent donc par des acouphènes continus qui m’empoisonnent la vie, sans aucune interruption ni diminution (voire même avec aggravation) et sans aucune garantie de rétablissement selon l’orl, tout ceci à cause d’un débouchage d’oreille mal effectué car il n'y a aucune autre explication à cela, avec en prime un second diagnostic également très probablement erroné après une attente longue de 6h (même si je m'estime heureux de n'avoir patienté "que" 6h compte tenu des autres avis).

Je crois pouvoir dire que mes visites à l'hôpital d'Ottawa me laisseront un souvenir pour le moins impérissable, et que ma vie ne sera sans doutes plus jamais la même à cause de ce débouchage d’oreille, cela fait un mois maintenant, et les acouphènes n'ont pas diminués du tout.je déprime en permanence, je dors très peu, il est devenu très difficile de me concentrer et l’écoute de certains bruits m’est devenue insupportable tant l’acouphène devient fort.

En conclusion, je vous recommande fortement si vous en avez la possibilité d’éviter l’hôpital d’Ottawa et d’aller dans un endroit où l’on prendra du temps pour vous et où l’on s’occupera de vous avec soin.

Merci pour votre lecture et s'il vous plaît, prenez soin de votre santé et de vos oreilles, on se rend toujours compte de leur importance quand il est trop tard.
06 May 2023 23:49
I went in for day surgery and had thee best experience. I received the utmost care from every single team member. I am very happy and sending and big Thank You to Dr. Pickell.
05 May 2023 12:38
My father unexpectedly fell at the hospital and spent a week there. The next morning when I went to the hospital to see my dad, the nurse informed me that "your dad had fallen last night. " I never received a call from the nurse who was working during the night shift. ’I understand that there is a shortage in staff right now but, this is ridiculous. The nurse have to be patience, give time to the clients
28 April 2023 0:56
Waited 10 hours to be told nothing was wrong while being condescended to the whole time before that.
23 April 2023 1:40
I'm sorry but a 15 hour wait time is just simply not acceptable, particularly when my pregnant wife might be miscarrying and is in extreme pain.
22 April 2023 16:34
Had great help, but ER is so busy, so be patient, great staff from porters, cleaning staff, doctors, great nurses and physio- thanks, to all - Pat Todd
18 April 2023 5:34
Awful experience…. 10 hour visit all because the nurses/doctors rather talk and braid each others hair then help patients.
15 April 2023 5:07
My is mom a cancer patient in this hospital for the last almost a decade but till today I don't understand why every time she has a certain complications, there are always different resident students are the one's that are assigned to see her and everytime she has to go through a painful experience and till this day I don't understand why they prescribe her with a new treatment therapy and with brand new medication which makes me feel like that they are making her a guinea pig. I am a poor individual who lost a sibling recently and who can't afford to hire a specialist to go through all her medical files. I transported my mom back and forth to the hospital for the last almost ten years. All I wish is that everything is transparent and clear with their method of treatment. And I pray to God! May be one day someone with a heart will see this and answer. Thanks Google for allowing people like me express our feelings.
13 April 2023 7:22
Wait can be long but they are super short staffed. Everyone is compassionate, caring and top notch. Thank you to Dr. Hebert for taking care of my abscess in a very painless manner.
12 April 2023 21:52
Never ever I have experienced or witnessed such unprofessional and uncaring behaviour from medical staff. I had a bleeding in my eye that needed treatment and i had with me my adult daughter who drove me as my eyesight was impaired. We went into room yesterday at 5: 45 until we finally left not seen by anyone, at 2 am. Numerous times we asked staff were we were in the line and told by 2 different doctors we were 3rd then 5th then third, but don’t know when we’ll be seen. At 12: 30 am they put us at the room next door, which looked like storage and from then, we were completely ignored. I will never seek again medical attention in that place. No compassion and no empathy was displayed by any doctors. I am giving 2 stars only because the triage nurse was nice as well as admitting staff who were really helpful.
03 April 2023 14:49
Having multiple, procedures at this hospital, that’s why lm so inclined to come back. The Hospital is excellent the hospitality is amazing. Thankyou. Kimberly Grant
25 March 2023 11:50
My mother came here for heart issues and she had to wait 6+ hours. When she had gone there for the same issue in previous years, they saw her right away she got appropriate care and fixed her condition. This time was a little different because she had chest pains alongside the heart issue and they made her wait longer than ever— huh? After all that- she did not even see a cardiologist! She saw a resident! Who just told her to go home and come back if things got worse. Nothing was done to fix anything. I feel horrible writing a bad review because I care deeply about our doctors and nurses because I’m sure they’re stretched thin— however— what is happening in that hospital right now with the protocols and wait times is so disturbing. I am genuinely scared of needing medical care! I don’t even recognize our health care system anymore! It is unacceptable.
21 March 2023 11:55
My mom is receiving excellent care and has been treated with the upmost respect, dignity, selflessness. From the doctors, porters, nurses, etc thank you so very much. But specifically nurse Amna who has not only shown incredible kindness to my mom and I, but goes out of her way to brighten my moms day. You’ve really made an impact and difference in my moms stay. Thank you.

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