09 April 2022 8:19
In order for management to take complaints seriously at “The Village of Erin Meadows Retirement Home” you must have evidence. Management is in the habit of supporting their employees when there is not any evidence and it becomes a "He said, She said". I found this out after my mom complained several times about the night staff. While my mom liked the day and evening staff, she did not feel the same towards the night staff. My brothers and I advocated for my mom and put in the complaints via email. Our complaints were not taken seriously by management until a camera was installed in her room. Thereafter, evidence of neglect was very clear. The reason for my mom’s multiple trips to the hospital was very clear. The Retirement Home Regulatory Authority (RHRA) served “The Village of Erin Meadows Retirement Home” with four non compliances. One of the citations is NEGLECT causing my mom harm and multiple trips to the hospital. The beautiful building can easily draw you in awe. However, it is not the physical building that matters, it is the care the residents receive that is of utmost importance. I would never wish anyone to go through what my mom endured the last few months!
1. Please read the investigative report at rhra.ca, September 13,2021
2. Do install a camera! Particularly for residents on Egerton (assisted living) and Emma who need extra support.
3. Do send your complaints via email to management at the retirement home. This will serve you well as documentation.
4. Do report any wrongdoing to RHRA, it is not enough to just let the management at The Village of Erin Meadows Retirement Home put in the report.
5. Do visit your loved one frequently.
Do not put your complete trust in management to ensure that your loved one will get the care he or she deserves.
REPLY: I am writing this in reply to the organziation's response below.

Your corporate-speak response deeply disappoints me. To allow readers to infer that you were responsive when concerns were first brought forward is misleading. It is similarly misleading to allow readers to infer that my mother lived a long and happy life at Erin Meadows following your investigation. As we both know, she passed away in September, days before the RHRA report was released.

I am sharing my experience as public service so that other families conduct their due diligence, read the RHRA investigation report and make an informed decision before sending their loved ones here, particularly if they are in need of enhanced care.

In light of my mother's passing, I am not sure what there could possibly be for us to discuss further. I will not be engaging any further with this review.
10 December 2021 1:06
Hi I want to send my college placement documents to nursing home but i do not have email address of the nursing home. Does anyone help me?
28 September 2021 1:15
I've had my mom here for just a short while in the LTC wing. The staff has been great thus far and she loves the programs.
15 April 2021 0:22
Located just down the street from Erin Mills Town Center, this long-term care facility has a lot of nice parks surrounding it. There's a Tim Hortons directly across the street from it. You can spend having coffee with your loved ones there to get some fresh air. There's a covid lockdown right now so not many people are out and about. Hopefully this will end soon and we can get back to normal living. Stay safe out there people and keep washing those hands!
20 March 2021 6:51
While the staff are nice and the facility is nice. We have had our mom here close to opening and we've witness quite a few issues. From not attending to mom when she has hurt herself (proper care on cuts) to not communicating to us as a family when this happens. We pay for extra services like walking mom twice a day to doing more laundry in a week. When we check up on it (and difficult in Covid times) we see they are not doing this.however charge us. We have had many many conversations about this and the same appears. I question the overall management of this facility?
28 October 2019 9:07
Great place overall beautiful, clean, welcoming lovely place to be.

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