30 July 2023 4:56
Impossibly difficult to sign up with. Super big headache, got frustrated and demanded a refund and they told me no.
17 July 2023 15:03
I am currently doing the SPH4C program on TVO ILC in preparation for my college program in the fall, as I did not take physics in grade 12. This is the first time I have ever left a negative review.

This site was recommended to me by the counsellor at my future post-secondary, and I would not recommend it to anyone else.

The content is filled with countless mistakes and I have had to email the 'teacher' 5 times to make sure it was an administrative error each time instead of me misunderstanding. Not a very convenient thing when students are trying to learn. It appals me that they have posted these lessons without proofreading and rely on their students to correct them.

Each time the teacher emails me back they copy paste the same "I will work with the TVO ILC team to correct this issue. " I just checked now on something I emailed about on May 31 (25 days ago) and it has not been fixed. Very frustrating.

I get that this is a cheap way to earn credits, but if you are trying to get good grades and learn, please spend the extra money. TVO is not worth your confusion, time, and effort just for the inexpensive cost.
12 June 2023 13:15
If you're not on a time crunch, by all means use this platform. If you are - avoid it at all costs. If you have to drive to a local college, if you have to pay for a commute, do it but do not use ILC if you need your grades/transcripts early, like within a month, you likely won't get it in time, or will last minute. My OSAP funding won't be released until I get my grades, and based on what a TVO rep said on the phone, their system works in a way that nobody can manually select your submitted assignment from the pool, and they just mark what keeps coming to them. There seriously needs to be a list where students on a time crunch can provide proof of their enrollment, and be given priority because this is so incredibly inefficient, it is such a time waster, and on top of that you cannot submit a second assignment until the prior one has been graded because "it prevents students from skipping ahead". Nobody is gonna wait this long. I understand there's lots of work and no teachers, either you hire more or fix your system. Overall, if you are on a deadline, go some place else. If not, apply here.
18 May 2023 23:31
The program doesn’t offer you support at all when it comes to assignments… also charges you ridiculous hidden fees when it comes getting your transcripts. And refuses to send you YOUR personal Documents. Not to mentioned customer service is very poor. They refuse to help you and clearly don’t know their system. One rep told me I can’t do purchases online through my phone when I told her I was having difficulty navigating… WHICH you can … I’ve done it several times.
15 May 2023 20:19
I enrolled, did everything in the application, and handed in my transcript. I wanted to do the PLAR program, which they offer on their website, paid the $40. Then they tell me they can not help unless I go into the nearest school for this. You should say that on your website! Considering the nearest school to me is 3 hours away! I'm so upset about this! I hope Tammy, the guidance counselor, at least gives me back my money since I wasted my time and left with nothing.
03 May 2023 21:34
This is my very first time posting a negative review and I wouldn't be here doing this if I didn't feel so strongly on my opinion. I am sickened by this program.

First off, they expect the kids to know it all and don't help, if help is needed. Very poor services.

I've emailed them many times with no response back. I find them to be quite unprofessional.
They take forever to mark your work and they can't move forward unless it has been graded.
My kids have been trying to complete their final exam and they keep being denied.

They have failed my son in a couple of courses.
My son went back to 'in person' learning this year and aced the course (with no struggle) that ILC failed him in.
He has always been excellent in Math.
His Teacher this year asked why he's even in the course repeating it, as he was receiving grades in the 90's and (100%) for his work and she didn't understand it.

The hard time that ILC was giving my kids and by failing my son in something that he is really good at, had caused my son to lose confidence and have doubt in himself. He was completely losing hope and emotionally tearing himself down for it. My heart was breaking for him. He didn't deserve the treatment he was given.

I received a touching message from their Principal this year, telling me that I have great kids, and that they are very respectful and great role models for the School. He also said that they are hard workers and take their Schooling seriously.
And I, as their mother can agree to that. He's very correct. They are working towards being an Endodontist and Electrician.does that sound like teenagers that don't care about their Schooling? Absolutely not! It's very important to them.

I'm so glad they returned this year because my son that was losing confidence has felt such pride in himself again and passed his first semester courses in the 80's and 90's after exams. He felt relieved and I couldn't be happier for him.

When talking to the guidance Teacher about ILC and the situation, she was not at all surprised. She said that many have complained and have had the same issues.

I don't want any other children going through this. Their mental and emotional being is important and the people from ILC tend to destroy that.

Worst experience. I wouldn't waste your time or money on them.
18 March 2023 12:41
What can I say, you pay for what you get. Which is bare minimum everything.
Horrible staff, their learning material is full of lazy mistakes making learning it even more annoying and then you get to wait weeks to be graded by a horrible, miserable human being who treats handing out marks like handing out cash.

Dont waste your time here. The immense flexibility of learning ends when it comes time to actually get your material graded, then you get to jump through their hoops, and if you irritate any of the irritable teachers and admins by voicing your concerns you will have your grade tanked out of spite. Walk around on eggshells and pretend like your teachers are Judge Judy and I'm sure you'll do fine. For the rest of humanity, just spend the money and do it right. This program is trash.

I had this entire program done for months waiting for grades. Your work is endlessly sent back for the most asinine reasons. Reasons that apparently only apply to online classrooms, not ACTUAL classrooms. If a teacher ever treated highschool students like this, their car would have been keyed and their tires slashed within theyear, guaranteed.
24 February 2023 21:37
This is the worst place to get credit for your course. Save your self some time and money, take course somewhere else!
26 January 2023 13:09
This is a really great institution! I finished my advanced function and calculus courses here.
12 November 2022 20:18
Horrible service. No one answers no email or phone calls for weeks. Save your money they’re likely to be scammers
29 October 2022 16:17
I've tried for over a month to get my transcript but TVO ILC is impossible to deal with. They're rude in their responses, they seemingly ignore emails and recently I haven't even been able to call them. My university enrollment is going to be rescinded if I don't get my transcript and diploma in by the end of the month all because the people are extremely unprofessional and take forever to process your requests. Do yourself a favor and don't buy from them. Your better off saving for a $500 course, doing summer school, or signing up for adult education. Let this be your absolute last resort.
26 September 2022 18:23
I just want to get my report card. They say that they don't give it to students except to educational institutions. Garbage schools. I just want to keep my report card. They don't give it to garbage. Don't choose it
26 September 2022 16:31
I had previous questions answered by them before but I was refused help/clarification when I sent 3 separate questions via email on different dates about the content in my physics course. I do understand they take 3-5 business days to respond but as I progress through the course I will have new questions and so I sent them. Michaela an ILC teacher replied we do not have the capacity to answer high volume of questions like the ones I've sent in my emails. They give attention to you when you need a little help and won't help when you need more? I tried to call in over the phone but there's no one in charge I could talk to about this. Honestly it's a disappointment to call them teachers if this is the way they offer help.
16 September 2022 9:46
Worst experience ever.teachers were not at all helpful when explaining how to use the online program.
14 March 2022 11:34
Very shady organization! The overall impression I got from this so-called "learning centre" is that they don't want me to learn and they'll do anything to stand in the way of my success! Hard to believe they are accredited because the course material that we're supposed to learn from is riddled with mistakes. When I asked for help, they couldn't even explain their own material. All they did was stonewall me and made me feel like a cheater for trying to learn! Absolutely disgusting! They really do seem like a scam!
20 February 2022 3:50
Great set up and easy way to get a high school credit! Lenore was extremely helpful and was amazing when I called with questions!
20 February 2022 1:00
1 star is too much. 5 month in to my course and i have done absolutely nothing because it makes no sense u could already tell from the other reviews.i would never even waste my life and time on this if it was 5 months ago and i would find a new online school
12 January 2022 5:07
HORRIBLE. I needed a summer credit and I chose them because on the website it says teacher help. Every time I have a question they take at least 6 weeks to answer and the answer is always that they cant help me and for me to get a tutor. They grade unfairly and overall was a waste of my money. Save yourself and don't pay this horrible institute.
20 December 2021 14:06
Their evaluation system is weird. They deduct mark even if your answer and explanation is correct with absurd reasons.
19 September 2021 22:12
- Unorganized course layout
- Inconsistencies in teaching methods, problems taught and given, and significant digits
- Extremely poor marking scheme and communication of it
- Slow responses
27 August 2021 2:38
I have submitted several assignment for ENG4U and receive some feedback from them. They always say that my MLA format have some problem. However, prior to their feedback recent days, I just realized that they are not graded me on the latest edition of MLA format. I do not why they do not reply to my emails, the experience from ILC is far more than terrible, if have another choice, please do not choose them. It will be worst choice and experience to study with them in your whole life.
19 July 2021 1:41
Horrible math teachers who don't cater to students individual learning styles.

Edit: I sent an email a month ago to get more clarifications on ILCs
guidelines for writing assesments but still no answer.
11 January 2021 14:54
All around poor service. Content is often poorly explained and contains a fair amount of spelling and mathematical errors. As well as other formatting errors (ie.instructing student to finish all 4 questions but only 3 are listed on the assignment). Course activity page consistently has issues and will freeze the screen, which requires the page to be reloaded in a special manner.

Teachers provide minimal feedback and feedback provided in formulaic and impersonal. You are unable to see graded assessments to figure out where and why you were wrong and to improve specific areas. Students are also forced to type out math and physics equations which is a huge waste of time and is a ridiculous expectation for courses that require significant use of math and symbols and diagrams.

Lastly, communication is the worst I’ve ever had to deal with. Phoning in is basically useless, as the operators can’t modify your student profile, so you have to wait for a teacher to help with anything course related. There are so few options for communicating with teachers and they make it difficult to initiate communication unless you email their general inquiry email address. They say wait times are 2-3 days but I have wait 8 days now for a response. A problem created on their end is prohibiting me from submitting any new assignments and this is stopping me from advancing in the course until I can get a response, which isn’t coming any time soon. It is frustrating and unprofessional.

Overall, extremely disappointed in this provider and if I didn’t absolutely need to finish this course, I’d drop out and never come back. Poor communication, poor content, lack of professionalism Bad service, 0/10 recommend.
10 January 2021 11:04
Worst experience for my daughter ever in her education. Tech issues with her assignments that I've seen her submit not showing up as completed, as well as the lessons. Her summer school platform online with D2L was so much better. Plus the communication is horrible with TVO ILC, 5 business days to hear back is ridiculous and no assigned teacher that is unacceptable.

I DO NOT recommend this platform at all. It has been a nightmare for my daughter, she has been stressed and upset about her future because of her experience with TVO ILC.
28 December 2020 6:30
This has been the worst spent money the government has done in the school system I have ever seen. Submitting stuff only for them to get an empty file. No way for kids with IEP s to be applied and courses that are college entry level, when it was to be applied. It takes 3 - 5 days to get any help.
16 December 2020 22:00
Don't expect to rush through a course.

I taking a grade 12 college level English course and my biggest complaint is the amount of time it takes to receive feedback and a grade on the assignments. This is especially frustrating when you are expected to wait for feedback before proceeding with certain assignments. As this point in time, I'm one assignment away from the final exam and I've been waiting ten days.that's right.ten days so far for that final assignment to be marked. At this rate, I may get my credit be next year.smh
08 December 2020 16:46
Use another online school - any would be better. Staff are not helpful and are very unprofessional. If you have to use ILC for some reason, pray you never need an appeal. Despite providing proof as to how my work was correct, my appeals were constantly rejected. Trying to communicate with anyone here is a nightmare; the call support representatives are unable to answer my questions and unwilling to give me contact info for anyone who might be able to help.
On top of all that, the course content itself is poorly laid out with little explaination in the examples.
All around a bad online school experience. Do not reccomend on any level.
27 November 2020 16:35
This is the worst educational experience I've ever had. Let me start by saying, I have a university level education, I am using this as a resource to change my major/career path. *Note: the examples I provide in this review are just one of MANY in my experience.

There are errors in the texts books/ lessons. When you bring this to their attention, they don't respond at all, and if they do, they don't care.

What they expect of you is not at all what is reflected in their material (e.g. I was penalized for not using scientific language, when I directly quoted and cited the ILC textbook).

TEACHERS MAKE MISTAKES WHEN THEY MARK YOUR WORK. I'm not even sure they read the work submitted.


Textbook question: "Explain why photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interdependent"

(My answer. I lost marks)

Teacher comment: "Well the question only asks about plant processes, not animal processes so. "

They take so long to respond, that appealing your mark will most likely result in you missing your deadline.

A lot of the links provided in the text are either broken or outrageously out-dated. Be prepared to do a lot of your own research, especially if you are working with material you've never seen before. If a tutor is an available resource, please use it.

The teacher feedback is very vague and will not help you move [email protected] is not a helpful resource either. On several occasions, the teacher emailed back with the original file, no feedback at all, and you cannot submit your assignments without the teacher feedback The communication process takes so long that mistakes like this negatively impact you and your timeline. The teachers will always insist on you contacting ILC with questions, and they basically wash their hands of the situation once they have returned the file.

Emails are consistently unreturned. Good luck getting through to anyone on the phone, or scheduling a video call. The ONE time I did get through on the phone after months of calling, the person I spoke to called me a liar and dismissed all of my claims.

Most people using ILC don't have any other available options, as flexibility is the main selling point, but honestly, I would avoid it at all costs. If anyone does know of another educational route, please respond to the comment or contact me with details.

Good luck on your educational journey! Work hard, it will pay off.
20 November 2020 13:03
I took grade 12 physics and came across multiple errors within the content.
When I e-mailed the teachers saying "the example answer provided is wrong", all they would reply was essentially"oops, good catch. " - how should a student be able to detect every error in a course they’re only just learning?
It can take them weeks to months to reply, or they might not reply at all. I hit a point where none of my questions were being replied to and had to call and stay on hold for up to an hour.
When approaching the exam, the formula sheet I had included 5 units of formulas even though my course only had 4 units. When I called them about this issue, they provided no support and said that wouldn't be the formula sheet on the exam. It was the five unit formula sheet on the exam.
This is a terrible institution that provides no help to its students (probably why it's $40). Would not recommend.
30 October 2020 3:49
Honestly ILC, was good years ago because they didn't have many students.
Now that they do they have become way too overwhelmed w/ the workload.
This year I just did one course and they had a hard time just giving me what I want. Time is not in their vocabulary. It's takes them so long to just sent out one transcript per course.
So please anyone who's thinking of taking a course load with them, do not!
ILC is only meant for electives, or easy courses. Thats it! The reason why I gave them 3 stars, is because they really want to help you.
Hope you ppl listen!
15 September 2020 5:36
I earned several high school credits here and the material is good! I learned a lot through the courses. The staff are very helpful and give good feedback.
07 August 2020 0:02
Horrible! My son worked his butt off to get his diploma through ILC and although the courses are very good, the "teachers" and the administration do nothing to help. He got a fail on a course because his answers were too accurate. The teach said he was supposed to give answers in 2 decimal places, but this was not requested in the work, it was what the teacher said "the way it's done on Khan Academy".
06 May 2020 17:13
The worst customer service. They take forever to reply to emails and to process an application. They said they don’t have any documents for home school letters when I sent them it twice. Their complete liars.
16 April 2020 4:01
ILC has the worst customer service I have ever experienced. You can email and never hear back, or call and be on hold for an hour, and not get an answer. They are the cheapest for a reason. Don't expect help on a course or admin help if you have issues. My son has sent in the same final project 6 times without success. The last explanation was that occasionally they accidentally delete students work before it is marked? They get one star because zero is not an option.
20 March 2020 21:04
Luka was quick and helpful for solving my problem that I had about sending the transcript to universities. Loved the professional experience!
08 March 2020 18:08
Hard to get help, they take forever to pick up the phone and clearly don’t have enough operators, teachers are no help as well.
02 March 2020 19:07
The material is great, but their service is poor. Big reason why ILC charges $40 per course compared to ontario virtual school is due to the fact they do not have well equipped services. They respond to your emails late. Poor communication via email and phone. I tried calling them multiple times in one week, but they are busy. I would recommend ontario virtual school over ILC. Try using this code (SM50) to get 50% off on your course
04 February 2020 14:24
The course material is decent and if you take your time and go through all of it you can learn alot. Their administration is where they lose points. Its a headache to get a hold of them/ access your transcripts when you really need them.
17 January 2020 5:18
I am currently working through Grade 9 on the ILC. It has been an ok experience so far, however there are a few points you may want to keep in mind:

1) They seem to be a bit understaffed, which often makes it take a few days to get administrative and/or academic help. In the end, they are usually quite helpful though.

2) In an assignment you have to follow the instructions like they are orders from God. The slightest mistake or saying something "too obvious" can affect your marks very negatively. Although they may not always seem to be experts on the topic, it is important to remember that they are all OCT certified teachers who are flooded with hundreds of assignments to mark, and they have to give *some* critical feedback, even if it isn't in the correct place.

3) It is definitely not a scam. Although they may sometimes be a bit slow in responding to inquiries, at the end of the day, they are the chosen distance learning partner of the Ontario Ministry of Education, and the largest online high school in the province. TVO ILC is managed by TVO, the provincial educational communications authority.

Hope this helps!
27 December 2019 1:29
I'm enrolled in 4 classes here online. So far not too many complaints other than the exam being totally different from the practice test. Marking has been taking a while lately, up to 4 days per unit assignment.

The actual place to write the exam is 2180 younge street. It's at the ground level, near the security desk by the elevators. You can't miss it.

If you're driving in you can park at the parking garage off younge street on Berwick street. You can also park on the road on duplex for free. Parking at the garage is $7 6pm to 6am with direct access to the building.
18 November 2019 7:11
I tried my best to stay positive with this course but it has been the worst experience of my life. Throughout each unit there are a million questions that you can answer, I thought I was being marked on them until halfway through the unit I asked and was told they were just help. Which is fine but i was on a small timeline. From finding out I didn’t have to do each little question my corse load went down and I finished all the term work in 2 months working on it here and there. From then my ilc teacher new I had to finish my course on a personal deadline by AUG 31, they took absolutely forever to mark my final assignment making me past my deadline, for university. Then after taking forever to mark that, booking my exam was absolutely horrid. It is supposed to take 3-5 business days but instead took two weeks of me calling everyday, emailing and getting no respond until one day they answered my call after calling four hours straight. I then booked my exam completed it. And finally got an email respond of them telling me to wait to book my exam. After writing my exam it was apparently sent out to Toronto for them to mark which is supposed to take yet again 3-5 business days and it has been 14 business days and my university needs everything in, by oct. 15 or lose couple thousand dollars. Moral of the story if your desperate In need of an extra credit like I was do not use ilc over the summer or even through the school year.
28 September 2019 12:13
Don’t expect to learn anything, but it’s a really easy and fast way to escape mandatory education
09 September 2019 22:31
Honestly, they’re a scam. Paid for a gr. 12 course that I needed to get into a program this fall but never received any info (other than a receipt) regarding my course after I paid (back in April). I also had log in issues after resetting my password so I had sent them 3 e-mails and one phone call (ilc didn't pick up) within the span of 2 months. I mentioned how fustrated I was about wasting my money in my last email and that’s when they quickly responded about why they don’t offer refunds and then they asked me to tell them about my problem again even though I explained it in all 3 e-mails.
It’s been another 1 month and still waiting for an email back about why I can’t access the course I paid for.
08 September 2019 7:59
They provide you with the textbooks but it basically depends on how much effort you put into the works yourself. You need to go beyond the textbook learning and research the materials via youtube or khan academy or atleast that's what I did. Makes it so much easier.
They are very slow on the response so if you've short patience like me you're going to have to call them back to back to atleast be able to talk to one of the receptionist.
17 August 2019 2:41
Wish i could give it negative stars my documents are pending are they literally just asked me just submit the exact document i just submitted and after just submitting it it all fine then they ask for document for students under the age of 18 like 20 times after telling them am above the age of 18 with all the documents plus they ignore my emails and calls just wasted 40$ and time DON'T enroll or waste your time trying to you're just gonna lose 40 $ and a lot of time
15 August 2019 5:38
I've taken 3 courses at ILC, one of which i dropped as i didn't need to complete it to maintain my university acceptance.

Because there are no due dates except the ones you set for yourself you may find it hard to complete the course, but if you have discipline you will be fine.

Out of the 4 ILC staff I've interacted with in real life 3 of them were great people who made me feel welcome in the ILC headquarters in Toronto. They were also very accommodating when there was a misunderstanding about transcripts over the phone and worked quickly to remedy the situation.

Can not recommend enough for a cheap online school, because of them i'm able to go to university for computer science.
24 June 2019 0:42
An absolute joke. Not user friendly, unnecessarily difficult to submit work, and completely amateur courses. My son just lost an entire semester, this is a huge waste of life.
16 June 2019 10:25
Every ILC representative I've ever dealt with is extremely kind and helpful. Excellent service to society.
10 April 2019 14:19
Too many bad reviews, but maybe it's because I haven't asked for any help, so my experience with ILC is different. I have taken Advanced Functions and if you know you can learn by yourself, you can easily ace it. I HAVE actually learned more at ILC than in High School which is mostly due to the teacher.

In the end, ILC is great for retaking courses and for refreshing your memory on them. I have only taken one course, so YMMV.
16 March 2019 6:56
This place is trash, i put what they want they tell me i don't
EXAMPLE: they tell you to write a paragraph, then when you send it, they say they wanted a powerpoint
And when i use a textbook as a source, they tell me that a textbook is a "Classroom book" which can't be used as a source
18 February 2019 21:03
They are terrible, didn't learn anything, no feedback from teachers, lots of mistakes in questions

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