17 December 2023 13:06
The trivia competition was the first activity I participated in that virtual high school put on and I had so much fun! It was so nice to see fellow students and to participate in the Kahoot! I am definitely going to join in on more activities from now on:)
10 December 2023 3:11
I went on an AI zoom meeting and it was not only educational but also super fun and amusing! I would absolutely LOVE to attend another one!
13 March 2023 8:12
I have to say, I'm on my third course taken at Virtual Highschool and I'm very impressed at the quality and the clarity of the material. I would say that you will most likely need to go beyond the course material. I found the lesson notes to be concise and some terms weren't expanded on as much as let's say in a typical classroom. I've been out of high school for a LONG time and the online platform is perfect for me. The timeline is flexible and generous. I also found the teachers to be very responsive. The only thing I would improve on is the online chat support (tutoring). I found the hours a bit restrictive, other than that I would definitely recommend VHS!
08 March 2023 0:33
I took a course in IT communications in business, one of the units was advertisement design fundamentals, there were several repeated lessons with no structure, making it unreadable, very ironic
20 December 2022 18:38
We encountered VHS while waiting for a student visa in Korea. Since my daughter has studied in Canada for over ten years, we had to be in the line of Canadian education. However, it was hard to find a Canadian educational curriculum in Korea. Most of the international schools were run by the American educational system. It was a great opportunity to know VHS in that circumstances. At first, my daughter attended an institute that had a partnership with VHS. It was a good start to getting educational help from the institute.

So far, I am satisfied and appreciated VHS. The most impressive point about the school is its support system. Most of the faculties of the school have been very supportive. They do not make people wait for a long time. I feel they are willing to listen to and solve students' problems carefully and responsibly. Considering Canada’s slow system, I can say that the response of the faculty members was very impressive.

As for the study, it was not easy to catch up with the study on students alone. The standard of VHS is quite high. It is doubtful whether students can study VHS’s curriculum alone. However, it is inevitable, in my opinion, that the standard of VSH is high considering it is virtual learning. We did not expect that the time with VHS can be extended so far. My daughter is about to apply for University and waiting for a public school in her last term. Without VHS, she could not continue her study and it is possible to lose her way for a time being. Thank you so much!
20 July 2022 19:01
I highly recommend VHS to any high school students in Ontario or around the world. The course content is easy to navigate and the staff are all very friendly and helpful. You can do all your work at your own pace. Learning with VHS is great but my favourite thing about it is actually all of the activities organized for students outside of academics. Things like interesting (virtual) field trips, guest speakers, trivia games, giveaways, book club, etc.make the virtual high school experience interesting!
19 July 2022 22:50
Virtual High School is an amazing school! The online platform is very convenient and simple to navigate, which is ideal for online learning purposes. As well, the teachers are so incredible and always willing to help with anything you might need. For example, I am currently taking Grade 11 Music (AMU3M) and I have Ms. Jones as my teacher. Let's just say I couldn't have asked for a better teacher! She is so friendly and sweet and willing to accommodate and help with anything. VHS has been and continues to be a top of the line experience and I highly recommend this school to anyone looking to earn some high school credits!:)
13 July 2022 19:07
Honestly for how much your paying, it’s not worth it. I went here for grade 12 English to get ahead and the grading was much harder than at my local high school. Obviously I didn’t apply with the intention of receiving “high marks” as many people pay for private school to do so, however I could’ve not spent a penny and received the same education, while receiving a better grade. Many of the assignment instructions were unclear at times, so it made me have to email my teacher constantly to get clarifications. I really don’t recommend VHS at all and there’s definitely better alternatives in receiving the same education.
23 February 2022 17:47
Virtual High School is an absolutely amazing online school. It is very different from the regular high school I used to attend. Being able to study at my own pace without any deadlines to meet is one of the major highlights of studying in this school. It has led me to become more responsible, capable of setting my own deadlines to complete certain tasks assigned and has even improved my time management skills to great extents. At the same time, I have been able to focus on my mental and physical health. I am not stressed and nor do I face any barriers in learning. My teacher, Ms. Bains and the SAS coaches are really helpful in clearing all of my doubts and at the same time, I am encouraged to do my own research to further understand topics I find difficult.

Apart from all of this, I think what really surprised me is the way the course has been designed. I would've never thought that Mathematics could be self-studied and learnt by reading. I was always under the impression that one needed to be taught on a whiteboard to understand the subject. When I first saw the course material, I was skeptical about being able to learn the subject by reading through. However, VHS proved me wrong. The way the content has been written, the examples and exercises, the quizzes and the assignments have been designed brilliantly and I love studying this way. It is all so very easy to understand. This is something I admire about VHS the most.

This school is not only about studying though! Plenty of events are organized via zoom the whole year round and they are so much of fun to attend. From wonderful book club sessions to exciting meet and greets, I have not only connected with people from around the globe but also met people who have the same interests and hobbies like me! This is not your average school that you attend in person and though it may all be entirely online; the entire team works to make your experience a memorable one. Five months at VHS and I never want to leave. A big thank you to the entire VHS team.
16 February 2022 18:28
Its awesome experience for Kids (High School) to do Remote learning via Virtual High School.i Strongly recommend it who are willing to complete the school year at their own pace.
15 February 2022 22:30
Community events like the astronomy in action showcase and meet and greets give great a sense of normality and motivation. I enjoy feeling like I'm part of a community, and these events are great for that.
03 February 2022 6:56
Virtual High School is a highly organized and engaging learning platform. The teachers are always ready to answer questions or provide feedback. The course content is written in a way that is easy to understand and grasp. Furthermore, the content includes many learning resources such as quizzes, concept matching exercises, step-by-step explained examples etc. We highly recommend learning with Virtual High School! We have had highly positive experiences learning with VHS!
27 November 2021 3:13
Virtual High School is an amazing online school. It provides quality education and an amazing experience. With Virtual High School, you can attend school at your own pace. You are not rushed to complete an assignment or lesson. It takes some getting used to but eventually, it becomes really easy. With the COVID issue, you might not feel safe going to school or maybe schools are not open. Choosing Virtual Highschool is the best way to go. Not only that, it is accessible to people alll over the world. I live in Uganda and i attend Virtual High School. Virtual High School is the best online school choice.
15 July 2021 11:16
I am taking a course at Virtual High School and I would recommend this to anyone because you can do courses at your own pace, and the teachers are very kind and helpful. You can do one course so you don't need to do that course at your day school, or you can do high school virtually with this online school. They have many events where you can interact with other students, as well as discussion tabs where students can talk about the subject with other students.

Thank you virtual high school!
06 June 2021 20:08
VHS provided me with an amazing online learning experience! I just finished the Grade 12 Introduction to Kinesiology course. I learned so much and had incredible support along the way. My kind teacher, Mr. Collin Murphy, was fantastic, and provided me with insightful knowledge and resources to help me throughout the entire duration of the course. His feedback helped me to improve my work, and inspired me to keep working hard, both in school and in daily life. In addition to their great teachers, VHS offers free online tutoring which was a helpful tool I used as well. I would definitely recommend this opportunity at VHS to anyone considering online learning.
22 May 2021 14:38
Virtual High School is a certified high school in Ontario.
I as an International student from Bangladesh, completed 5 high school credits from VHS.
(Grade 10: BBI2O)
(Grade 12: OLC4O, PSK4U, SNC4M, ENG4U)

VHS offers all the high school courses from Grade 9 to 12 online, required by a student to graduate under the board of Ontario Secondary School. In additional, a student can take anywhere between 0 to 18 months to finish one course. I graduated with VHS, and my college applications are working really well for me.

I received Ontario Scholar Certificate from VHS from obtaining an average of over 80% in my 6 Grade 12 high school courses and VHS was able to issue that.

Virtual High School is a certified private high school under the board of Ontario, and a student can attend classes from anywhere in the world without a student visa. Moreover, it is comparatively a lot cheaper than other schools.

I even got accepted by 2 Universities in the United States Of America and my transcript from VHS was evaluated by a certified credit evaluation centre in America.

I would recommend people from third world countries, who want a acceptable high school degree for colleges in US, Canada, UK etc.to try VHS out, because it is affordable and it works like every other high school in Canada.
11 September 2020 20:33
Wanted to take a moment and thank you for the incredible experience. Our first time at Virtual High School and definitely not our last. I would like to especially thank and acknowledge Richard Vallejo. Richard was absolutely incredible and helpful throughout the entire process. Richard provided step by step instructions, guidance and especially support. He was always available to answer my many questions with kindness, professionalism and accuracy. My experience was flawless thanks to Richard.
Moreover, the class schedule, online teaching, testing and support was fantastic. Virtual High School's ability to accomodate and provide the flexibility a student athlete requires especially in his final year before graduating was second to none.
I would highly recommend the program and look forward to introducing my other son to Virtual High School.

Thank you once again
31 August 2020 3:34
I DO NOT RECCOMEND THIS SCHOOL FOR ANYONE. This is the worst experience I have ever had, the teachers are terrible in terms of teaching methods and their grading. I got regected from multiple universities from the strict grading system. The teachers were unfair and never considered the student's hard work. They did not attempt to help me throughout the duration of the course.
27 August 2020 13:42
This has been one of the most horrible experiences of my life, speaking from someone who completed a few courses. The information written in the courses are extremely unclear and while completing assignments, it can be very confusing. Bad grammar exists throughout the pages which shows that this is NOT professional! If you are going to enroll in this, be ready to e-mail the teacher frequently, to make sure you understand everything on the assignments, or even a small mistake can decrease your grades significantly!
27 July 2020 2:10
Absolutely amazing! The course content was great and interesting, along with the assignments! I took fast track MHF4U with Ms. Brodsky and fast track HSB4U with Mr. Szwed and they were both very helpful and helped me understand topics I had difficulty with. I highly recommend!
24 June 2020 23:10
My son did the Reach Ahead program for Grade 9 Academic Math and English, while he was finishing his Grade 8 material at home during the school shutdowns for the pandemic. We were both so impressed with the structure of the courses, and the quick response times from both teachers. The feedback from his English teacher was extremely beneficial in helping him to develop his writing skills. We also had great service from anyone at the school that we contacted - the exam centre, the records department. It was easy to get a hold of people, have questions answered, and proceed with his courses. Doing an online class isn't for everyone.you need to be committed to the course, and able to follow along with the lessons and assignments that are required. My son really enjoyed being able to go at his own pace - math is a strong subject for him, so he liked being able to work quickly through it. In our experience, we were very happy with the service provided from VHS, and would recommend this platform to anyone interested in trying an online course.
12 June 2020 15:04
I don't know much about their school. But i had second thought about registering my daughter when i saw there is absolutely no cultural diversity among their staff. Come on this is Canada, isn't it?
ps.grey scaling the staff photo doesn't count.
30 May 2020 22:55
Terrible teaching methods. Rules are too strict for an online school and there is no remorse and understanding for the students.
20 April 2020 6:43
I attended VHS for grades 10 through 12, would not have been able to graduate without the flexibility it offers. I also still got into a top University, so it really is a win-win.
23 March 2020 13:48
The quality of courses offered in this school are quite varied making it difficult to give an overall assessment. Some courses are quite well organized, others are brutal. One key issue is that a number of courses do not include video support - they simply provide long wordy, somewhat disorganized documents. Paying almost $600 per course, I would expect a much higher level of design. You are never allowed to see how the course is designed until you pay, and if you want to switch, even after a day it costs $99. Bottom line - you are rolling the dice when you take courses here.
23 December 2019 16:18
I've had a great learning experience here at VHS. I needed to complete the course MHF4U in a short time to get into the university and VHS made it very easy for me. My teacher was very supportive and provided me with help and guidance whenever i needed it. The whole VHS staff has been very cooperative and helpful throughout my course. I am thankful to VHS for working with me on this amazing journey. I would reccomend VHS to everyone. I had a great time here!
25 November 2019 5:10
Absolutely love these people on every level - great for kids who need to travel and for special needs - always available.
27 August 2019 16:48
“My daughter, just completed a reach ahead course, Grade 9 Academic Geography, while she was finishing up Grade 8. She was somewhat concerned that she would feel bored or lonely doing an online course, however she soon found out that moving at her own pace and interacting with her teacher online suited her quite well. Zoe enjoyed the course layout, the course content, and she was very happy with how responsive and knowledgeable her teacher, Mr. Silver, was during the entire course. There was no lag time waiting for feedback and grades, and Mr. Silver always encouraged Zoe and provided meaningful feedback. As a parent, I found the interface easy to navigate as well as it is the same LMS structure that I am use in my own training company and completing online courses myself. I feel it is very important for a parent to be able to assist their child, especially during the first online learning experience, as it helps with time management and also how to make the most of the online learning experience.
The customer service provided by VHS must be highlighted. My entire communication experience has been superb. From my first email to my last few emails asking for help to arrange Zoe’s final exam, Richard was there to assist me and always returned my call/email the same day. This level of service, I believe, puts VHS above others as you have that ‘lifeline’ of assistance in an online environment that can feel very distant and lacking in a personal touch. Kudos to Richard and a big thank you to Mr. Sliver as well as the course designers at VHS. Zoe has started another course as a result of her positive experiences. We highly recommend VHS!
20 August 2019 10:07
I took the International Business course through VHS, to secure my placement in university, this upcoming fall. I was on a very short time frame (less than 2 weeks) to complete the course, so I decided to take it fast track. The class itself, was very interesting, as well as I actually enjoyed all the projects, I did. The entire staff at VHS, were VERY supportive, and helpful with all assistance I needed. My specific teacher I had for my course, was great, he marked everything within 24 hours, with feedback, that could actually help me succeed for the assignments I had the following day. Without VHS, I wouldn't be able to go to University in September. I wish I had taken VHS, for my entire senior year, as they actually provide support, as well as care about their students. 10/10 would recommend to anyone if they are interested in Online School!
11 August 2019 11:02
Actually I am an adult student and have to take one extra U/M course, thus i am taking BBB4M now.
But the workload is extremely higher than regular class.

There are 14 assignments, while each of them is a 2-4 pages business report. The amount of assignments is higher than my total amount of assignments in my college

Due to this, I won't recommend anyone take the bbb4m unless they reduce the workload
11 August 2019 2:15
I took two courses at VHS this past year to finish grade 12. I took the university level chemistry and biology courses. My teachers were very accommodating. These courses did require more work and effort to be put in than the courses at my day school, but I can definitely say that I actually learnt things & retained the information. Overall, a great experience and is worth the money. I would recommend.
17 July 2019 20:34
My daughter took a grade 12 course with VHS. The amount of material was overwhelming at first, and it required a great deal of autonomy to progress through the course, but the teacher was very responsive and graded the papers fast, giving extensive feedback, and the team was always supportive and responsive, whenever we had a question or a problem. Thank you VHS!
05 July 2019 21:35
I have done many courses over VHS. I recommend taking hard courses (courses you need good marks on) on VHS and easier courses in school (for the credit). Teachers here are a lot better than the ones in school. They are super helpful and give great feedback. I will say that there are teachers that are harder than others but nothing bad.
07 June 2019 11:53
I would avoid taking any high school courses through VHS. Services promised are not delivered. They advertise free tutoring included in your fee. The tutoring is nothing more than you can get from grammerly, editing is basically all they do. Teachers are supposed to have worked marked within a week, this rarely happens. Feedback from teachers is minimal and not helpful. My children took online courses through their school board and VHS and the school board was by far superior and free! I wrongly assumed that paying for the course would mean more support and help but my children got much more from their school board.
27 March 2019 18:49
This is my first year with virtual high school and have had (still have) a great experience. I once started out disliking the fact of learning without a teacher infront of you and no friends to beside you! All my friends said that I would have a terrible time. But, VHS has proved it wrong.

The teachers mark assignments fast, respond to questions fast, and most importantly respect and explain well. I have started to become better in many things and liking subjects that I used to hate. Also, I am getting good grades meaning that the content in the subject is well written and explained!

Now, with VHS I have time to practice my hobbies more! While at the smae time completing school! It is like a dream!

I highly recommend willing students to give VHS a shot and tell people about their experience.

There is one thing to keep in mind though, the student must have some sort of responsibility and organization abilities to learn with VHS. The student does not need a lot of it, but just enough to make a schedule for themself. Because by time VHS will teach independece and organization skills which are very important to life (and university).

VHS is truly amazing, teaching students around the world and at the sae time preparing them for their future!

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