09 September 2023 12:50
27 henderson has a cockroach infestation. They keep making us move our stuff around in our apartments for treatments, but nothing seems to change. I've only been here for a few months and have had to go through about 7 treatments.
21 March 2023 11:37
The management is terrible, awful, horrible. Very slow, unprofessional.they don`t communicate with phone just telling you send e-mail even if you sent an email already. When they replied to you the answer was sorry unit rented. Of course, the rental unit wouldn't wait for me for 3 days. And it was not just once. My job is helping newcomers to find a place and many times I had to call/communicate with them. Stay away if you can
04 March 2023 14:58
Lived at 305 Nelson for a few years now. Management is awful, Wendy is extremely rude and dismissive of problems. The intercom system to get into the building is constantly broken and she’ll just reply saying that it’s fine and it’s an issue on the tenants end. Very helpful

Also, cockroaches. Been dealing with that for over a year now, but they don’t seem to be getting anywhere with the treatments and the problem is just getting worse.

I will say that the work orders are usually responded to quickly and efficiently. When someone other than Wendy deals with it, it gets done in a way that actually helps the tenant. If Wendy sees it first, you can expect to be told that nothing is actually wrong and you shouldn’t be bothering her.

Suffice to say, this building is a horrible place to live. It may be affordable, but you definitely pay for it in other ways. It’s just not worth the headache.
01 December 2022 7:50
I've occupied a unit with Walkey Apt at 305 Nelson for a year until about 5 months ago. The complex is old, the rent is in my opinion a bit too high, but overall it remains a satisfactory place to live. However, note they lack accountability, as demonstrated by the snarky responses to the constructive reviews. A company should be focused on helping their customers through issues, not completely avoid any responsibility in all matters. If you rent with them, be prepared to solve your own problems.
08 November 2022 16:08
I was interested in applying for an apartment but after seeing how they answer to reviews (some being constructive criticism, not shady or petty or mean), I will pass. Very disappointing to see this.
Instead of offering to talk about their issues they just say "there's no issue, that's what we do". I'm sorry but you're supposed to listen to tenants not talk them down and shut them up.
26 October 2022 6:56
I lived in the Nelson St building for 3 years and it wasn't amazing, but it wasn't as bad as what some people say. The apartments are pretty spacious compared to others for the same price and if something needed to be fixed, they were usually pretty quick to do it. Dealing with administration is as difficult as others are saying. Email responses generally ignore the questions you ask and they often do nothing about other people parking in your spot that you pay $95 for.
30 September 2022 18:27
Great place to live! I've been here for many years and have seen the building continually improving. Rents are very reasonable too! Management has always been very helpful and repairs performed quickly. The tenants on my floor at 1245 walkley all get along well.
05 July 2022 3:55
Has stolen my last month's deposit and continues to refuse to pay me my interest rebate collected on this deposit.
Do not rent with them as they will steal from you and deceive you about it.
Report them to the police and go to the Landlord Tennant Board.
19 November 2021 6:26
Honestly I would stay away if I were you. Management is horrible and Wendy is extremely rude. She likes to reply to parts of emails and does not keep up with requests. Don’t bother sending detailed emails, she is also rude and accusatory.

For those living under this company don’t forget that you have your tenants rights and look to the Ontario Tribunals Board if you need any help. Most home insurance covers legal matters too, so if you have some it’s worth looking into if you have any concerns if you feel like you are not being listened too. Some insurances offer legal advice helplines, its s great resource!

(Edit) if their reply to this comment isn’t evidence enough that they don’t really care about their tenants, I don’t know what does. Bottom of the line is DON’T RENT WITH THEM. THE OFFICE IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH. THEY REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR RUFE STAFF
28 October 2021 10:58
The unit and building itself are fine but the superintendent on wilbrod lets his kids run around in the hallways unsupervised screaming their heads off at what seems like all hours of the day and night.have asked them politely to quiet down before and its still an issue. I don't pay to live here so that I can listen to children scream directly outside my door all day long.very frustrating to deal with
09 September 2021 19:20
Hi I am send my name and telephone number and email by your web for rent apartments on 1st August then when will give me the answer or call me?
Thank you
24 August 2021 13:55
They didn't even review the applications or ask any of my references about me or my roomate, they judge by how you look and if you offer them cash
09 May 2021 12:10
If you are looking into renting at one of their locations just don't! The management is horrible, If you are specifically looking into 27 Henderson Avenue stay away! The building has a cockroach infestation at the moment
20 February 2021 3:16
I’d give this company ZERO stars if I could but unfortunately the lowest is one star. Let’s get started on why I chose this:

First of all, I’m a guest of a tenant at 265 Daly Ave and I was visiting this establishment approximately one week ago. Parked my car as I always do at the side of the building and helped the tenant to unload their groceries and get settled into the unit. No signs saying private property and unauthorized cars will be ticketed/towed, and was given previous permission from some bloke named Larry in the past that the tenant and family can use that space to do drop offs.

Anyways, Larry aggressively confronts me (24 year old female alone in the garage at night) spewing harassment and threats to have my car towed and ticketed when it was literally there for an hour; then tried to get me to reveal the tenant’s UNIT NUMBER I was visiting knowing I was leaving their apartment and they were alone. On top of that I had no clue who this man was and he only identified himself as a “friend of the owner” until I was informed of his identity later on by the tenant. As found online, in order for Parking Enforcement’s outside contractor to be called, there must be clear signage on the property. This signage should state the following:

That it is private property,
Unauthorized vehicles can be ticketed/tagged/subject to fines
City of Ottawa Parking Bi-law

None of this is posted clearly, or at all, on the property so essentially this man is just spewing threats and harassing young women on the grounds at night, acting on behalf of the owner of the property when he’s just a 50 something year old man in a worn Marmot sweater.

So in summary, Larry acted on behalf of the landlord and is only a superintendent which is illegal, but not surprising as this company does not abide by laws clearly. Then the next day I find out Larry or one of the employees (maybe Marlon who is just as pleasurable to deal with as Larry, or Wendy) took the time to look up their surveillance footage to see what unit I came out of to give the tenant I was visiting a hard time and saying I was being rude to the man when I even wished him to have a good night and was nothing but trying to stay calm after being interrogated by a man who’s probably 50 but never identified himself to me.

Anyways, I call to complain about this altercation and they have ignored my calls (both Marlon and Wendy), will not return my calls and are hiding the identity of the Property Manager so I can’t contact them regarding this. All I asked for was an apology from Larry for being so shaken up from that confrontation and they won’t even give me that. Seems odd to me they have enough time on their hands to watch me on surveillance footage to see what unit I was visiting but can’t even call to give me an apology

On top of it they will not respond to any of my emails and just keep saying I parked in an unauthorized area where there’s literally no signage saying this anywhere. They do not accommodate persons with disabilities as they apparently don’t allow any guests to park on their property, which would include any guests with disabilities.

I’d rather live in a cardboard box than ever live in this building. Larry, Marlon and Wendy are the rudest people I’ve ever talked to. Just to give you an idea of their customer service, I was hung up on by Marlon and told “you can’t expect the Property Manager to sit around and wait for your hours of availability to call you. ” I just asked that the manager contacts me after 3pm on fridays as I’m an essential healthcare worker and this is my only time of availability.

If you plan to stay here make sure you know or have a good lawyer because they are SHADY and if any issues arise they will just keep sending you to the same 3 people who have no authority to do anything that can resolve any of your issues. Even the responses from the company blame each person writing a negative review for their experience and not the fact that it’s the less than mediocre “service” this establishment offers.
30 December 2020 15:08
Management is really declining in this building. Wendy is a rude person.she dose not know how to talk. She is not treating people like human.she is running this building as if it is her personal business. I really hope the higher management do something about her.all the building is tired of her.
04 November 2020 6:35
With the depth of the pains inside me.and with tears of a mother who lost her son by falling from the balcony of his apartment on the third floor, P306
25 September 2019 3:01
If you enjoy lots of pests and pigeon's this is the place for you. The buildings head office apparently allows their tenants to throw food and waste off their balcony, causing all sorts of wildlife to congregate. If you like the discovery channel you will love it here. Be sure to get your rabies shot.
21 September 2019 7:03
I also have had a hard time with the lady that manages this building. She is in fact rude and does not seem to want to address my concern I have with tenants throwing food off of balconies and littering the area. I must say they do however keep the grass cut and I have seen workers try and clean up the building. But let's face it, if they don't care to ask that their tenants keep the grounds clean, then there is only so much the maintenance staff can do about the pests and litter around the building. Judging by the timeline of these other reviews I would say this has been an on going problem for quite some time. Perhaps they should look into replacing certain employees with someone that does the job their paid to do.in conclusion, if you dont mind having neighbours that dont respect the cleanliness of the premises and a lady that will be rude and not so helpful when you express your concerns, then this is the place for you!

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