15 April 2023 1:21
Lived there for 2 + years during college.

First year we never had a issue with the landlord, asides from the upkeep not being done it was a decent place to live.

What you'd expect from a college dorm. Loud. But cheap and understandable.

My 2nd year our landlord let people take over certain peoples leases, which would have been fine if it was followed propperly.

When you sign on, you agree to pay a specified ammount to LPC. Read the fine prints because although you're signing a lease to pay a specified ammount there is loop holes.

He never informed us when a person wasn't paying rent until the one person was behind 6 months rent.

When we asked who it was he told us to figure it out amongst ourselves.

We had to replace him and make up for his missing 6+ months rent. If he sent us ALL an email the first month the issue could have been avoided. There was interest also tacked on. It was pay up.or be evicted since the small fine print groups you.

I still think we should have been notified if somebody wasn't paying the seccond they missed a payment since there is no way for us to know or check if somebody had paid.

Then when we went to leave they came up with wild things we "broke" or did and charged us more upon leaving.

Meanwhile all the things that were broken were things we told him about when signing first year. Thankfully, we had photos from 2 years prior to moving in proving it was broken or we would have been up the creek without a paddle.

Overall, if you know the group your going in with and don't have to worry about a bad roomate and can ignore the fact parking is hard to come by and it can be loud it was a good place to live.

Lots of trails behind the building, close to campus, and large spacious rooms with big windows. Close enough to the school caff that if you hate cooking you could buy a meal plan and walk 200m to the resident caffiteria. Also close to the on campus cafes.

The sunsets from the back side windows were always really pretty to watch from a higher floor.

Keep in mind all the rooms are different shapes and sizes pending what unit you're in. Although they are simillar. Even our smallest room, which was half the size if oir largest, was still a large room compared to other srudent campus housing i've been in. Deff worth checking the floor plan though of your specific unit before you make plans.
23 July 2022 3:10
Lived here for 5 years and this place is really going to have a special place in my heart. Lots of memories! There's an entire forest with rivers and trails right in the backyard. They're pet friendly so I had my best friend Indigo with me. Students live here so obviously it can be noisy at times. With that said, I just left and the condition of the property is rapidly deteriorating and has been for the last 2 - 2.5 years or so. The property is not the same in comparison to 5 years ago. Garbage has constantly been a problem, parking lot access was a problem (non-residents) use the lot, so there's no parking for tenants. This issue got better but it's still a minor problem. I've noticed children have moved into the building - like actual babies/toddlers (with their young parents). Frequent police-cars on property and most importantly, non-students appeared to be the primary residents when I left. They had switched property managers twice in 1 week. The property is becoming a disaster and it was just time for me to leave. I think the company is in crisis right now. Overall, my time there was 5/5 but I have to put 1/5 for safety at the moment (for future residents). Please VET your roommates (Facebook, etc). Make sure they're students, the non-students have been in like their mid 30's living on student property. I saw one lady as old 50+.

I ended up living beside a good group of friends for the first 3 years, but the final 2, the property just exploded. My final two years were spent living beside a couple engaged in domestic violence, there have been non-fatal overdoses on property, I have seen people arrested. Apartment units are being trashed, it's just not a safe place to live in my opinion and I hope the situation improves because they're beautiful apartments and my years were good here, with the last 2 being a bit of a disappointment at times, but still memorable.
02 November 2020 10:16
Big but that's about it. The place is absolutely a pain things are constantly breaking. When you put in a service ticket they look at it but nothing happens. After the second or third maybe they decide to check it out a week later. When it comes to these fixes I would trust some random person on the side of the road over these guys. They will find anything they have on hand to try and patch the problem. When that doesn't work they simply ignore your requests. They know that due to us being students we probably won't report there infractions. And that simply is people can't afford to move anywhere else so they just deal with it. London property Corp is a big scam and I wouldn't suggest it
Quinn, Love
13 October 2020 0:31
-Landlord does not reply to emails but loves to send them.
-property maintenance is very slow with repairs/requests.
-Landlord/Maintenance staff is very rude.
-If you are a looking for your next nightmare this is the perfect place to stay! It is conveniently located however if you are a student I would recommend paying double and living across the street.
12 October 2020 15:32
They rarely respond to emails, they let you go without power for days, shoddy repairs and appliances.
06 October 2020 7:53
Place is a scam, workers do not provide assistance or solutions and manager is trying to get every penny from the students. Lots of bugs, leaks, maintenance requests, and issues associated that could later on be used against you in court to collect more money. Parking is a huge issue here as your spot always gets stolen or the workers try ticketing you. I've lived in 4 other locations in the same area and this was by far the worst living conditions and staff. Place is dirty, infested, not properly insulated and many other reasons. Not recommended at all.

As previously stated from other residence -> this is 100% accurate:

Parking is a nightmare, where people hoard their passes because they can sell for several hundred. If you didn't claim one fast enough at the beginning of your lease, you're out of luck pay an extra $200-300 for a pass. Parking without one will get you ticketed and towed almost instantly.

Events at the school (which are frequent throughout the school year and summer months) will mean people parking in the parking lot where they shouldn't be, so not having a place to park is frustratingly common. Get used to the sound of screams from the gym nearby and all the buzzer sounds and radio-pop bass you can handle, and crowds of parents/students from other schools blocking roads and paths. Events are organized haphazardly and there is often little to no planning for handling the traffic outside of the gym building.

Animals are allowed, which translates to pet owners leaving their dog's waste strewn about various lawns on either side of the building.
Power outages that last at least 4 hours, up to 48 hours happen 2-4 times a year every year because of the attachment to Durham College/UOIT, and the maintenance work done by them. Most of them you are warned about well in advance, but sometimes the email just never comes.
Pray to whatever divine being you choose should a legal issue come up outside the building (usually with cars/parking), because you will be given a run-around between LPC and Durham College passing on the blame, and the only resolution is in your wallet.

The landlord will try and squeeze whatever money he can out of you with demands that aren't actually legal. If you don't pay up, he'll give up, but just trying to see what he can get away with is frequent through many tenants, especially students from out of the country who may not know better.
24 October 2017 20:58
Great experiences with this company. Very safe place to live. The rooms are well maintained. If there was ever a REASONABLE issue there was help dealing with it. I loved my years in school. Clearly not everyone claims to have a great experience but a lot of people have difficulty learning to live away from mom and dad and deal with real issues. I certainly never got charged any extra costs. Very pleasant experience. Would definitely rent here again.

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