08 January 2024 2:46
Very good college specially miss gloria we study perfectly we enjoyed. Miss Gloria is very lovely teacher even staff is also very nice, friendly and professional. I recommend everyone for your health study.
05 January 2024 3:14
Hi everyone this college is worse choice for me I took admission in this college I have emergency that's by I take withdraw from this college but I took laptop loan I paid for tham even I didn't take laptop. Then I talked to return my money back they didn't back my money. Don't trust any admission advisor or anyone they keep my $500.they didn't back until now
14 November 2023 5:21
As a student here. Highly recommended NOT to study they take attendance too seriously. And study wise they teach u nothing just trap u there for specific hours.
21 September 2023 23:41
The staffs at Anderson College are so helpful and kind. Two staffs in particular; Andrew P.and Denise M.are awesome! The way they interact with students is so amazing! Please keep doing what you are doing for the students.

Love Lewis
05 June 2023 17:32
The true meaning of reaching the goal is to take the first step, and my first step was joining Anderson College, which was an important turning point in my life.
04 June 2023 22:43
I started the MOA program in November, being that I knew it was going to be fast-paced I was a little nervous but.going into the program with amazing professors guiding me has been amazing! My marks are good and I've never been more excited to log onto school everyday. Thank you for this amazing experience!
26 May 2023 16:42
I had an amazing experience at Anderson College and very much recommend it to everyone! The staff were always encouraging and supportive throughout the whole process. The program content really prepared you for a successful future ️
21 May 2023 5:56
I attended (westervelt) which is now Anderson, last year.nothing but success and positive reviews from me.all of the teachers i had were so quick to help with anything i needed.i highly recommend Anderson to anyone who is looking for success in their career and future.thank you for changing my life Anderson College!
18 May 2023 19:52
I'm currently enrolled in the Health Information Management program at Anderson College, and I'm really impressed with the quality of education I'm receiving. Even though it's an online program, the instructors are highly knowledgeable and always available to answer my questions. The program curriculum is well-structured and covers all aspects of health information management, from healthcare regulations to electronic health records. The coursework is challenging, but it's also very engaging and relevant to real-world scenarios. Overall, I highly recommend Anderson College and the Health Information Management program to anyone looking to advance their career in the healthcare industry. The flexibility of the online program, combined with the quality of education and support, makes it a great choice for busy professionals.
29 April 2023 4:43
What a wonderful place for education! Staff are amazing and accommodating yo everyone's needs, always there when help is needed whether it be s hool relayed or personal! You are not just a number or another student you are known for who you are and on a first name basis, not just from the professors but even down to the front desk administration staff! I would recommend this school to anyone.this being my second time going to college I was nervous but with the help of all staff and how much they built up my confidence I was able to fly through my course and proud to say I accomplished so much more than I ever imagined!
04 August 2022 13:34
I was very impressed with the professionalism and level of skill in treatment/massage. Everyone, from front desk staff to the therapist, was friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. I most definitely felt relief and I am looking forward to going again. Thank you!
12 August 2019 11:32
Today i met Nicole in westervelt. She was negative with me. What i need is to get some information about the best diploma for the job market. She suggested 3 courses. I asked her about how i can get a job she said it is your responsibility. I asked if i can get more internship for the paralegal diplona she said this is not realistic. The appointment was only for 5 minutes after waiting her for more than one hour. Finally even i like the paralegal diploma. I will not pay 15000 $ compared wity 9000 $ in fanshawe specially with that kind of treatment
23 July 2019 17:33
If I could give this school lower than a zero I would but unfortunately it doesn’t give us that option. I’ve had the absolute worst experience at WesterVelt. The staff at that school are all so fake and two faced, they’re all smiley and sweet and welcoming until they get your money and once they get that they’re a whole new person they’re disrespectful and rude and unwelcoming they won’t even smile or say good morning when you walk through the doors as if they’re holding a grudge or something against you. The director Gerry is obnoxious and impolite it’s either his way or no way. He doesn’t care to listen to what anyone has to say because he’s “always right” without giving the student the opportunity to talk and tell him there side of the situation.he’s unfair and has no idea how to manage a school. He lets bullying slide like it’s no big deal, but if a student sticks up for what they believe is right and one of there peers in the classroom is getting bullied, judged and called rude and unnecessary names the student sticking up for what she thinks is the right thing to do will get expelled. He has done nothing to make his school a safe environment to be around. My class and I have felt so uncomfortable going to class every single day for the last 6 months because of that one specific person everyone has complained to him and he would say he’ll “take care of it” but taking care of it to him means brushing it off his shoulder and pretending everything at the school is going smoothly. He will threaten about expelling you but won’t do anything to someone who disrespects and embarrasses him Infront of everyone. They will tell you they will give you a call at a specific time and day but I’m telling you this right now do not expect a call from him or any of the staff. You will have to call them multiple times in order to talk to the one person you’ve been waiting ALL day from to get back to you. They are awfully unprofessional to the point that they don’t have arranged staff to teach a specific class, I’ve had multiple different teachers coming to teach us and every single one of them has taught us a different way and given us false statements each of the staff tells us that the other teacher is teaching us wrongly, they’re confusing and extremely unorganized. I haven’t been treated this horribly in my whole life. They talk about following the school policy but they don’t even follow there OWN school policy so how do they expect the students to follow them. Either go to trios, Fanshawe anywhere but this school.
18 July 2019 18:06
I don’t even know where to begin with this review. This school is honestly a waste of money and time. The staff doesn’t care about you or your education, they talk about not being like every other college at orientation and they’re absolutely right they’re worse than any other college. The director of the school walks around all grumpy and doesn’t even bother to say hi or anything matter of fact ALL the staff don’t even smile. So to save anyone else time and money put your money towards a different school, one that will care to listen to what you have to say and let you have the opportunity to talk.
14 July 2019 18:07
I really enjoyed being a student at Westervelt!

I found the variety of teachers refreshing and each brought their own area of expertise, knowledge and real-life work experiences that gave us a good picture of what it is like working in the field.

I really liked the guidance we were given on how to apply for jobs and succeed during the interview process. The tips and tricks the staff gave us were really helpful.

Having the variety of teachers as the transition occurred between the merger of Westervelt and Medix was not detrimental to our learning. In fact I feel it prepared us better for the workplace and the possibility of having different supervisors or colleagues we might have to work with. It was no different than being in high school, college or university and having a different teacher for each subject. As professionals we have to be able to deal with change and being flexible and adaptable are important traits that employers look for when hiring and will ask you about in an interview.

It is a fast-paced program. Be committed to learning all the teachers have to offer and you will succeed!
29 June 2019 17:36
While the program isn’t easy, it was very interesting. There was a lot to learn, but if you do the work you’ll do well! The teaching staff was very knowledgable, capable, and genuinely care about your progress. Your are more than just a number! The support staff are all great and are really there to lend a hand when needed.

There are a couple of issues that you may want to consider though. Parking like everywhere else downtown can be problematic at times though the college has taken steps to mitigate the issue.

If you are student who needs to take your time with the material your learning, please consider the fact that these are condensed courses and as such time is at a premium. There isn’t the flexibility of a traditional college program. The objective here is get you job ready with all the skills you need to be successful quickly! As such there is not a lot of downtime or room in the program for vacations and such. When you sign up be prepared to give it your all.

Like I said, this is not a cake walk, but if you give it a solid effort you’ll do fine!
24 June 2019 2:39
Absolutely the worse school ever! I do not recommend this to anyone, they are extremely fake and all they want if your money, they don’t care about your education. I would go anywhere else but here!
09 June 2019 4:43
Worst experience ever! Do not recommend this school at alll don’t waste your time or money here. The entire staff at that school are fake
07 June 2019 1:47
This college prepared me to become the best at what I do. The instructors and staff are amazing and very supportive, making sure you get the skills and information you seek. Westervelt college in one word is “Amazing”. I strongly recommend westervelt college to anyone looking for a head start to a great career.
05 April 2019 0:57
This collage and all stuff are wonderful, I so happy to join your program. The only thing I worry about it is the exams so hard and the time is little to study. Everything else is great.
Thank you
24 February 2019 22:56
Only giving in 1 star because it wont let me give 0. Awful, they don't take mental health issues seriously, there is no in school help for things like that. None of the teachers communicate resulting in everyone being confused. As I was attending the course I had to miss days because of my mental health along with specialist appointments. They did not care one bit. People dropped out because they threatened to fail them because of not having 80% attendance, which is not fair because people have families to take care of. They tried to say I did not have the conditions I have even after I provided them with doctors notes. They are very nosy and not professional at all, they would constantly medal in my business. While in class the teachers made jokes about suicide, and racial slurs. My class was even called stupid or "thick headed" by the teacher simply because no one answered within the first 5 seconds. They try to harass you if you miss time due to personal issues. They are only in it for the money, one of the front end staff even said it to my face. They would make promises at the beginning of the course that ended up being lies. On my co-op I contracted an eye infection caused by lack of professionalism in the co-op. The school did not investigate even though they are supposed to. DO NOT COME HERE, ITS A WASTE OF MONEY!
24 February 2019 2:02
I was recently apart of the medical administration program, I joined while it was still considered medix. Everything was exceptional until the transition started, we went through approximately 5 different teachers after Linda left who were completely unqualified to teach our program with the exception of MAYBE one. They changed our exams, the preparation for exams and projects outlined in our module notes. We were also not notified that this transition would be happening prior to our orientation. 4 days prior to our final terminology exam we were notified that it had been removed from the program which I also believe is a terrible idea because when going out into placement you see how often it is used. Not too mention we were studying so hard for that with 2 other exams so close to date. Honestly the last half of my program was a mess. After my module left they than again brought in another teacher who may as well of just told everyone to read their text books and she also was unqualified as well.

They did not prepare the programs accordingly for their transitions, and as students who paid a lot of money to be apart of this program we were told far to many times that WE needed to be patient. This school appeals to a lot of young parents due to the flexible hours they offer with their programs. And for that I am speaking on the unproffesionalism and lack of communication and respect towards the students. I wasn't able to prepare my daycare properly due to not having my placement or placement hours until the very last day of my classes. You are better off too seek your own placement.

More focus should be put on the computer portion of this program considering that is a lot of what we do.
19 January 2019 10:29
It wouldn't allow me to leave a zero star review or else I wouldn't have even given it 1 star. Do not go to this school. They merged with Medix half way through my program.they let all of the Westervelt staff go. Nothing about this school is Westervelt, aside from the name. It is 100% Medix, which has a horrible reputation. They were not helpful with placements and left a lot of people in my class stressed out about if they would even get a placement. Everything was great until they joined forces with Medix. After that, most of our books did not arrive until halfway through the semester. They fired our program coordinator and had someone who was unqualified to teach us fill in until they could hire someone else. This took months. We spent thousands of dollars to self teach. Waste of time. Waste of money.
03 December 2018 5:05
I had a wonderful experience as well as having amazing instructors. It was fun and I learned a lot, not to mention my classmates are the best. Without them, my time here would have been not as fun.
24 October 2018 9:41
Westervelt College, London Campus, PSW Program
My experience with Westervelt College has been absolutely amazing so far. All of the educators and staff are friendly and welcoming; from the admissions process, financial aid staff, professors reception, director and to the classroom itself. And what can I say about our instructor she is the most amazing lady, kind, generous and eager to help anyone and everyone in her class who needs help with the curriculum. Help is always available when needed and I feel fully supported every step of the way. The smaller class sizes are great for more one on one learning and feel less overwhelming than other larger colleges. I found this to be very helpful. I would highly recommend Westervelt College london for anyone wishing to pursue post secondary education, or continuing education, whether you just finished high school or second carrier training.
15 September 2018 8:40
Westervelt is a private college that takes on many different courses, mostly around the medical field (with a couple exceptions of course. For example, Police sciences).
The teachers are dedicated, informed, and teach you real world experiences to prep the students what the will expect.
The office staff always greet you with a smile and are very welcoming.
You get hands on learning as well as theory.
The classroom sizes can be small so you get more one on one with your instructor.

The only downside I can think of is the parking! Come early! Reserve your spot!
24 May 2018 8:59
Westervelt College, London Campus, PSW Program
My experience with Westervelt College has been absolutely amazing so far. All of the educators and staff are friendly and welcoming; from the admissions process, financial aid staff, professors and to the classroom itself. Help is always available when needed and I feel fully supported every step of the way. The smaller class sizes are great for more one on one learning and feel less overwhelming than other larger colleges. I found this to be advantageous being a mature student. I would highly recommend Westervelt College for anyone wishing to pursue post secondary education/continuing education!

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