10 November 2022 23:38
I would like to let everybody knows that people who are under disability they have enough in their own life that they became disabled, but dealing with these people who has no heart it’s just heartbroken. I am so sad that they treat us like a trash and they really don’t care about us.
18 October 2022 9:32
Worker Odette Thompson is verbally abusive and seems to truly take joy in belittling and degrading others. Odette is without a shred of exaggeration one of the cruelest, nastiest people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. She shows not a single shred of compassion, empathy, or kindness, ever. She should not be allowed to continue working with disabled people.
30 April 2021 12:38
Paying people who have become disabled over $10,000 under the poverty line. Well need I say more? Just plain old sickening, human greed at its finest. Thanks for nothing.
10 February 2021 19:18
So I have been on odsp since 2003 and I have never felt more discrimination and dealt with this many disrespectful / unprofessional individuals.

I was accepted to attend Niagara college to get a licencing certificate, which would have allowed me to be qualified to run and engineer heavy duty equipment the Ontario government.

The manager came out to the front desk and within 3 seconds of reading my acceptance letter with my student number on it. He says " I can't help you do this, odsp doesn't give clients help with things like that". After a argument in sued he then calls the police to remove me from the building.

Follow this the manager at 340 Dufferin Street has been telling multiple sources in correct information about me without any consent.

Apparently on the day of the.employment assistance refusal the manager told the police and various other service providers/ case management unconfined alligations that makes me look bad, when they have not one percent of truth

I assaulted a odsp worker and have been permanently restricted from attending any social services.office in Ontario and my communication has been indefinitely blocked.

There is no accountibility and they employees are verbally assultive. Do what ever they feel or think is right. Act out unethical practices and procedures. While denying you your rights and benefits without any appeals or written decision. Lie to people who are trying to assist there Clients and run you through the meat grinder/ steam roller.

I have never felt so hopeless, depressed and lost in life I can't live like this
I have developed high blood pressure
25 January 2021 3:00
I met v nice caseworker. Work in reception coz this time Covid.her name is Emma has blond hair.she is very nice and helpful person.thank u Emma.
22 August 2020 2:19
Absolutely deplorable service. My case worker only sporadically returns a call and when reception is called you're placed interminably long on hold only to be told the "mailbox is full". I'm grateful to live in a country where financial assistance is available for the disabled but it feels like this office goes out of their way to make the service as difficult and unpleasant as possible to access. As of writing this, I've been on hold for 50 minutes and counting.
19 July 2020 21:17
They do not answer the phone. They make you wait on line and 20 min tell you the mailbox is full. Their reception staff is rude and very unhelpful. Cause a lot of stress for people who are already dealing with trauma and disability. Get some professional development courses!
10 April 2020 16:03
My fiancee was in an accident where she developed 2nd and 3rd degree burns outside and inside her body.

I healed well but my fiance burned her trachea and now lives with a tube in her neck. Since getting Maggie CAI as a worker, we have been in debt, homeless, starving, begging and barely making it through to this day.

My fiancee could no longer do her job. She could barely go outside.
She went back to school (no odsp help) and is trying to start her life over.
She begs for help from her case worker to no avail.

I don't know what's going to happen to us.
04 February 2020 12:32
There is not much to say, except that their reception services are terrible! The woman/man (representative who answers the phone) is always impolite and has very bad manners, awfully poor communication and extremely insulting. Just after I tell her/him to transfer my call to my worker, she/he starts playing "doctors/police. " Even after I ask her/him a very simple question, she/he starts playing "teacher. " — For a total 2 years (24 months), I faxed her/him documents to give it to my worker, however she/he barely did, but added ugly false information. I had to go through these papers to fix it with my worker. Jealous/Envious receptionist!
06 January 2020 13:11
If I could give a lower review I would. I agree with everyone who also offered one star or less. Those of us on ODSP are not lazy, criminals or out to abuse the system. A lot of us, like myself, are on it because of an unfortunate and sudden circumstance (health related). A lot of us are doing our best to manage our circumstance (s) including ways to maintain regular employment where we also won't be discriminated against. This office treats you like they are the payment gods and we, the recipients, should just be grateful. Well, like I told my no empathy or tact having caseworker, "respect is reciprocal. If you want respect you have to give it and it doesn't happen when you cut ME off during my explanation and try to control the conversation by being the only one speaking. ". It's almost as if they feel that every recipient has either no concept of the english language and/or no common sense. There really needs to be some sort of advocacy group for us recipients, because living in an able-ist society is already difficult enough when living with a disability/multiple health issues.

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