09 December 2023 0:14
I want to express my gratitude to Alexander Sorin and his team for their highly professional work.
My son started practicing karate at the age of 3.5, this had a positive impact on his concentration and upbringing.
I'm glad I chose this karate school.
Highly recommend!
22 October 2023 6:53
Since I started Kick boxing in September, I feel more energized and less stressed!
I’m letting go of the bad energy during those classes. It really helped improve my mental state. My 13 year old daughter and I just love it! #YesIcan
06 October 2023 5:59
My karate experience at this dojo is life changing. At Académie de Karaté, I found my karate family that supports me regardless of circumstances. Not only I had the honour to become part of the amazing team, but I am forever thankful for them helping me become a better person and get my black belt. Having grown up at the dojo, I learned to become more confident, to adopt a healthy mindset, and to improve my physical abilities. Thanks to the team’s guidance, facing life challenges becomes less overwhelming. Forever grateful for this journey
25 July 2023 19:18
I'm always impressed with the level of professionalism you commit to your interactions with the kids, Sensei Alexandru. In regular training sessions, extra competitions and belt tests, you always make your interactions respectful, fun and challenging for your students. You and your staff know each student by name and you make everyone feel important by highlighting each kid's progress and skill acquisition.

My younger son, age 8, was so shy when he started karate and he's really blossomed. He's now able to demonstrate sequences in front of the class and has even learned how to project his voice. He's the first one to raise his hand when you ask for a volunteer. My older son, age 10, is still committed to Karate which is great considering his interest wanes rather quickly for activities. When he first started he told me that he felt that it was clear that in this dojo you could really try and nobody would laugh at you if you messed up - it was a safe space to learn.

So thank you very much for continuing to inspire and motivate my kids to do their best and to not give up on themselves when things get tough.
03 July 2023 3:55
Ici dans ce dojo vous allez trouver une famille, qui va soutenir votre enfant, l'encourager, l'aider à avancer.une atmosphère très agréable avec des principes et des valeurs qui conviennent à tout le monde, j'ai vu ma fille se transformer en quelques semaines, confiante, positive et elle sait ce qu'elle veut, elle parle devant un publique et fait des combats dans d'énormes salles, je la voit surtout aimer aller s'entraîner et tisser des liens avec de superbes personnes.nous allons déménager loin et c'est notre plus grande perte de quitter l'AKAS.
14 June 2023 19:19
Academy Karate by Alexandru Sorin has surpassed our expectations from Day 1! Sensei Alexandru provides the children with all the knowledge they need to develop their karate skills all while teaching them confidence, compassion, kindness and respect. My son has grown into a brave, confident Ninja with the help of his Sensei! I cannot recommend this activity enough!
30 May 2023 14:29
So far so excellent, my kids are receiving karate lessons there for a few weeks now and I don't have anything negative to say.
The main teacher Mr Sorin is really good with young kids and get them to enjoy each class. It's playful and they learn at the same time not only karate moves and all the physical, but also good values, which is exactly what I was looking for, a place where they can build self-confidence while reinforcing positive concepts such as discipline, respect, perseverance and team work among others.
They have a good team of teachers, they cooperate very well as far as I can see.
19 May 2023 13:41
Alexandru is a great coach. His classes are educational and fun. Kids learn karate as well as discipline and self confidence. They always look forward to go to the next class. Overall, very high quality of instruction. Highly recommend.
16 May 2023 13:34
I have no words to describe how special the karate classes are. Sensei Alexandru impresses with his skill. He makes every child feel unique (he knows everyone by name, he includes every child) and teaches much more than karate. The children learn a lot about self-confidence, respect, discipline, and technique. My two children have made great progress since they started the classes. I recommend it without fear. Excellent teacher, with an excellent team. Thank you, Sensei.
15 May 2023 20:30
One of the standout features of Academy Karate Alexandru Sorin is its focus on building self-confidence in kids. The instructors are patient and supportive, and they create a positive and inclusive environment that can make even the shyest child feel welcome.
In addition to building confidence, Academy Karate Alexandru Sorin also places a strong emphasis on teaching moral values to its students. The instructors use karate as a vehicle to teach important life skills such as discipline, respect, and perseverance.
Overall, if anyone looking for a karate class that can boost child's confidence and teach important moral values, Academy Karate Alexandru Sorin is an excellent choice. Its experienced instructors, positive and inclusive environment, and focus on building life skills make it an exceptional karate school.
23 April 2023 8:50
This karate school has been a wonderful experience for my son. The wholistic approach to learning karate has boosted his confidence and increased his determination. I highly recommend it for all students.
10 April 2023 19:40
We have only recently come to karate school, but my daughter already loves it. She likes the atmosphere in the team, goodwill and kindness towards each other. I, in turn, enjoy watching how Alexandru talks with children on various topics related to their behavior in society, food, pastime. I am waiting for my daughter to understand the language) while I translate for her ;)
27 March 2023 12:23
Very happy with this dojo. My son, 7 years old started few months ago and I can see his confidence boosted. Expecially the yes I can attidude.
Thank you to all coaches, I highly recommend this academy.
25 February 2023 8:12
AKAS is just fantastic. My daughter joined last fall and fell in love with karate! Sensei Alexandru and Sensei Saadi are both amazing with the kids; teach them essential life skills, including discipline and patience, not only with others but also with themselves as they go through the learning process. I cannot recommend enough! I’m just itching to join myself! ;)
27 December 2022 7:12
Great coaches and teachers for kids of all ages. Challenges the student's physical, psychological and social skills. My son has greatly benefited from all of these challenges. I highly recommend
12 October 2022 0:50
Our 8 year old son goes to Alexandru Sorin's Karate Academy and the Sensei and his team have been extraordinary amazing! Their approach builds strength, skills, character and spirit at the same time making children more confident, focused, polite and happy. I have to say that we went to another karate school and have something to compare to. Great job!

Highly recommended!
05 October 2022 19:39
Mon fils adore cela, il est plus concentré qu'avant.le professeur est très sympa, j'adore ça façon d'enseigner au petit, je la recommande fortement!
11 September 2022 0:25
Alexandru Sorin is the best Sensei and coach I have ever seen. He brings the kids to their full potential, giving them motivation and confidence. My son Sacha has been at the Academy of karate for several years now. He is now 12 years old, karate changed him. He is more confident, disciplined, more respectful of others. The Sensei teaches them the values of life. And this is priceless! I will always be grateful.
07 September 2022 20:14
Sensei is just a great role model for the kids. He teaches the kids karate alongside morals, work ethic and focus. I have personally seen my daughter develop into a more balanced and understanding person after bringing her for a few months. His attention to detail, the fun games they play and his no-nonsense approach to teaching karate make this a great opportunity for children to better themselves.
07 September 2022 3:42
It’s pretty telling when you have 5.0 stars across the board. There is something really magical about the environment that Alexandru Sorin creates for these kids…both in the dojo and out. He promotes confidence, leadership, perseverance, respect, discipline, and so much more. Classes are creative, varied, stimulating, and provide so many opportunities for kids to either feel on top of the world or feel like they have the capability to get there. I’m so grateful that my son has the privilege to experience Sorin’s coaching. Thank you!
23 August 2022 15:42
When my daughter leaves her Karaté class she shines like the sun rising. The whole family loves the can do, inspiring atmosphere of the class.
17 August 2022 0:53
My wife and I wanted to really thank you for all the difference you are bringing to our son. We see amazing progress in him; he is getting gradually more confident and less prone to giving up on harder physical activities. Whenever he cannot do something in a playground these days, he repeats "yes I can" to himself and tries until he really can.

What you are teaching these kids is definitely more than Karate.you are setting them up for a good start in life.

Thank you a lot.
12 August 2022 22:42
Académie Alexandre Sorin helped my 5 year old son learn not only karate skills but also many social values like kindness, empathy, perseverance, discipline and friendship. Sensei Alexandru is a great role model who really loves what he does and translates that into his practice and teachings. Definitely recommend if you’re looking for a karate Academie or an activity for your kids to become more self confident.
12 July 2022 11:39
Great teacher, he inspires the kids to not giving up, how to be empathetic, defend yourself and always try to be better. The classes are always slightly different so they never become boring. Super recommended for all ages (mine started at 4 years old)
24 June 2022 1:50
Thank you Sensei Alexandru for making the academy such a great and inspiring environment for children and young adults to learn and excel in Karate. I am very happy and proud to see the boost in self confidence, discipline and passion that my daughter Hiba acquired since she joined the Academy. I also appreciate the public speaking, leadership workshops and the contests which have had a very positive impact on Hiba. I recommend the Academy to any parents who seek for their child a positive environment for physical and mental growth as well as an opportunity to learn Karate from from a very knowledgeable sensei.
22 June 2022 16:46
Very well run class sensi Alexandru is a amazing with the kids I would recommend this class it has done wonders for my nephew
12 June 2022 2:20
Best training ever. Verry positiv and pasionate teacher. Everybody enjoy and love practicing. Axed on improving personality and self confident, realy amazing.
08 June 2022 13:41
I’ve heard great reviews about this academy even before we started. Now I understand why: so much passion, not only for improving karate skills but also growing confident, respectful, hard-working little humans. It’s a rare find and we are lucky to have found it!
30 May 2022 2:26
Alexandru came to Willingdon elementary school to do a presentation for the grade 3 students. It was so well appreciated that we immediately invited him back to present to the grade 2 classes. His presentations were engaging and the students loved seeing his medals! We hope to have the opportunity to invite him back again next year.
Thank you Alexandru!
17 March 2021 10:36
If you are looking for an instructor who is interactive and focused then this is the class. I am beyond satisfied with my daughters experience. Very professional and enforced positivity throughout his lessons. My daughter is more confident, focused and positive since starting. He comes highly recommended
10 March 2021 13:43
Can’t recommend Academy Karate Alexandru Sorin more. We have seen a huge difference in both of our boys (ages 5 & 7) since starting in their self-confidence, concentration, and their ability to set goals and work hard to achieve them. Alexandru Sorin has a natural ability to pull the very best out of the kids that he works with. If you’re considering a martial art for your child, you couldn’t choose a better place to start!
18 February 2021 11:10
Nice team! Nice place! Very good quality of trainings. Dedicated and passioned coaches. I recommend this place!
14 March 2020 11:57
My son love it, he wants to go at karate klass everyday, before going to bed he ask me if tomorrow he have karate klass
12 March 2020 17:59
If you are considering registering your child to karaté classes, I would not think of anyone else to recommend but Sensei Alexandru Sorin. I have been to many dojos to learn martial arts throughout my childhood, adolescence and now as a university student, and I wished I would have found him way earlier. I don't know where I'd be without his guidance and positive energy, for both physical and mental health. The students learn very fast, because karaté lessons are fun lessons, while making a lot of progress and making friends. Great place with great people 5/5 without any doubt!
09 March 2020 18:54
What can I say. Firstly, the instructors (sensei) are top notch and second to none. Secondly, my son loves the classes and if it were up to my son he would attend the classes everyday. I would strongly recommend that if you are looking for a Karate Academy this would be the first and only choice.
Respect, honor, class, integrity, discipline are just a few of the lesson my son learns from the classes.
30 January 2020 22:19
Quelques pensées qu'ils ont arrivés.

Durant les sessions de karaté de cette semaine, Sensei Alexandru Sorin nous à donné comme thème d'inspiration la CONFIANCE EN SOI-MÊME!
Comme parent, je trouve que c'est primordiale cette leçon de vie pour nos enfants et pour nous tous les êtres humains!

Avec gentillesse, professionalisme et amitié, Sensei nous à donné des bels exemples comment la CONFIANCE prend racines dans notre personnalité.

Ici, chez Académie de Karaté Alexandru Sorin, tant que parent et tant qu'enfant, apprenons à mieux nous comprendre, nous redécouvrir et devenir la meilleure version de nous mêmes!

Defois, nous les parents, nous ne trouvons pas tous les jours les bons moments ou les bels exemples, pour faire comprendre et aider nos enfants.

Vous êtes un bel inspiration pour nous tous et un exemple pour nos enfants!

Merci beaucoup pour donner la chance aux parents de participer aux sessions de karaté!

BRAVO et un gros MRECI pour être un exceptionnel SEENSEI pour la VIE!
22 August 2019 19:12
Alexandru et son équipe sont extraordinaire. Alexandru a de bonnes techniques de combats et de defense, enseigne de belles valeurs aux élèves, rien n'est a son épreuve et même les élèves plus turbulents le respecte. Allez le visiter avant de prendre votre decision finale sur le dojo que vous choisirez, ca vaut la peine juste de le rencontrer car je suis certains vous le choisirez! Il a motivé ma fille de facon incroyable, ce nest pas juste un cours de karate, cest un centre de confiance en soi, de discipline, de respect et d'auto défense.
27 July 2019 14:46
The past week I have been in Canada Montreal, where together with Alexandru Sorin, a more experienced colleague, a bigger brother and an awesome coach I had a lifetime experience.
I had the opportunity to train, fight, be coached, coach and have an amazing time.
I will not tell you what I have learned but you can discover for yourself by reading his book "How to be successful in sport and in life" or by contacting him at Académie de Karaté Alexandru Sorin!
Thank you for all Sooo-rin!
04 July 2019 5:18
Highly recommended place! My son was just about to turn 4 y/o when he started out and they helped him through (ofc, right up until now! They are hands on.) Mentors and Sensei (the best) are very good with kids, actually with everybody including us parents. Once you try it here you will never find a reason to go elsewhere! Being a part of this one big family is such an opportunity.

Again, superbe with kids to the point that my son would ask to go more than twice a week. A decision you will never ever regret! This place teaches MORE than Karate. See for yourself!

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