02 October 2023 4:37
Really disappointed.have been contacting an agent to review renewal premium that increased even being claimless over the year.the agent said will talk to his director and get back in few days.since he never called back nor reply to voicemail i left to his extension, it's almost a week now.would love to have explanation why that agent never call back his client.another person whom i talk to on Monday 21 August said will call me back in 48 hour time, non has happened.
22 September 2023 20:42
Ramzi, thank you for the advice and the information that you provided, I really appreciate it.
09 March 2023 2:24
LUCIANO TIRONE un vrai professionnel, a l’écoute très bon conseillé, ça fait 20 ans avec Allstat je pense c’est le meilleur merci LUCIANO je vous souhaite une excellente carrière merci encore
10 February 2023 6:36
À chaque fois que j'ai eu à les contacter pour une information ou un service, j'ai été horriblement déçue par le service à la clientèle. Les délais sont très long, ils m'ont demandé d'envoyer un document par courriel, mais j'ai l'impression qu'il ne consulte pas leur courriel. Ils disent nous revenir après 72 heures, cela fait presqu'un mois et je suis toujours sans nouvelles. Lorsque j'essaie d'appeler, je suis en attente et sa raccroche.
25 January 2023 15:59
The service is very poor. I tried to add a vehicle and they were extremely rude. I don't suggest allstates at all.
20 September 2022 1:21
Ils m’ont demandé d’appeler un taxi pour faire déverrouiller mon auto qui était bloquée. A quoi ça sert de payer pour un service de dépannage?
14 July 2022 9:19
Dans mon contrat d’assurance avec eux il y a remboursement des frais d’assurance routière. On a eu une crevaison et avons du faire remplacer le pneu sur la route. À chaque fois qu’on appelle, ils veulent pas prendre notre demande de remboursement en nous disant que ce sera laid dans notre dossier qu’il faut pas demander le remboursement.
06 December 2019 12:00
The company itself offers the best rate in the industry (trust me, I've been with other companies). But on top of everything, the company offers many chances, especially when you are going through tough financial issues. The staff is very understanding and always looking for your best interest. Thank you Allstate for the amazing client experience you gave me over the phone and at your office. You got me for all my insurance needs.
13 November 2019 8:53
Unfortunately, repeatedly Allstate has proved themselves to be unreliable and dishonest. I’ve tried repeatedly to get them to provide my insurance details/contract. Despite hours of phone calls and weeks of waiting nobody seems capable of that simple task. Seems very shady that they won’t provide me proof of my insurance. Is that even legal? When asked about cancelling, they made up cancellation fees that I later discovered were a total lie. I communicated all this to them at a later time, they know it’s an issue, and they assured a follow up with the correct cancellation info and that I’d receive my insurance info in the mail. As of writing this review, it’s been several weeks of nothing. Why would I trust a company that can’t even handle sending a basic document after hours of phone calls with various employees? A company that lies to customers. That’s who I’m supposed to trust in the event of an emergency/claim? Very disappointed.
17 June 2019 7:58
Last July I reached out to this insurance company and luckily got in touch with a man named Alexander vaccaro. He was so professional and relatable and VERY kind. I unfortunately moved back to my home Nova Scotia after getting hit by a tornado and loosing my home and had to cancel my insurance policy. But I would highly highly highly recommend this company and definitely reach out to this guy! Hope you have a great year Alex!
09 November 2017 22:00
19 October 2017 17:30
Personnel accueillant, service rapide et courtois. J'ai économisé sur mes primes d'assurances auto et habitation

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