31 October 2023 19:41
Mosquée au centre ville facile d'accès.
Très propre et propice à une bonne concentration pour les prières, et pour méditer à tout moment.
Ouverte du Sobh à al isha
20 October 2023 17:50
Hello can I stay here for a night as I have no place to go
I need to visit my husband who has kicked me out
09 May 2023 2:37
Une mosquée spacieuse et chaleureuse mashaAllah
J’ai lu quelques reviews en bas concernant … Shia … Shia are just not welcome in our mosque pls go to your mosque and leave I real Islam alone. Thank you wa Asalm wa Alikoum
03 May 2023 0:47
Dans un lieu de prière on invoquant l'unicité de dieu et nourrisson notre âme avec les paroles divine on est toujours émerveillés
25 April 2023 4:48
Est-ce que quelqu'un a vérifié la quibla dans cette mosquée? J'aimerai bien être rassuré!
13 March 2023 15:59
Its very unfortunate that in 2023, a shia muslim cant pray in a sunni mosque without being verbally attacked and disrespected. I have been into areas of worship of our christian brothers and was not this disrespected. After praying my prayer, a wahabi sheikh confronted me and tried to ridicule me in front of the others in the mosque. I stood my ground and chose not to disrespect him back as this is not what the prophet taught us in the religion. If you are not sunni honestly do yourself a favour and dont go here because wallah the demeaning and disrespect someone faces here for praying with his hands down is ridiculous. What if I was maliki? He didnt even bother asking. It is funny too because the mosque is not the belonging of anyone. Any human being should be able to enter a mosque free of judgement, especially from other muslims. This shows the hate, the poison and the venom harboured deep down for us as shias and its very unfortunate. May allah guide us all ameen.
25 February 2023 17:01
Very unwelcoming to other sects of Islam. And give dirty looks when someone that isn’t from their mathhab. May allah guide them and us!
29 July 2022 5:03
Salam Aleikoum wa Rahmatulah wa Barakatuh!
Super Mosquée! Très propre et bien entretenue. Espace pour les femmes sympathique. Imam et bénévoles très accessibles. Vraiment je valide!
20 March 2020 21:18
Well organized Islamic center for Jumat services in English and French. You could feel brotherly love and togetherness.
05 December 2019 15:17
Nice place to pray with amazing community.
May Allah rewards the people taking care of this place the bests.
03 December 2019 22:59
It's actually a very lively mosque compared to others, sufficiently spaceous, women space very convenient.there always are people coming, going and staying.a group may be reading the Holy Book, others discussing, others resting.as soon as one Jamaah finishes, others start with latecomers
16 October 2019 14:16
The Masjid is well located in downtown and they are having 2 Jumaa prayers making it easier for students and employees to pray Jumaa
وفقكم الله الى كل خير وسدد خطاكم
14 September 2019 5:45
Great place and very strategic location in middle of downtown making it easy to catch your prayers no matter which direction you are going.
It became much better after construction is complete
01 September 2019 7:48
In the heart of downtown. But be careful not to miss the entrance. You may end up with an unwanted point.
25 June 2019 20:42
It's a good masjid and imam is very knowledgeable. I wish if he is punctual about Friday iqama.
Living in Canada, it's a blessing that our employer allows us to go to pray Friday at masjid but then masjid makes it difficult for us when the imam isn't on time for iqama. Some Friday iqama would start at 1: 30 while other time it would start 1: 40,1: 45 etc.
We come to the masjid with limited time and if imam is punctual about iqama timings then we can easily adjust to it.
16 May 2019 19:11
It is situated in the main area of the city that is downtown where one can go and offer salaah. Very clean and hygienic place. One can remember the creator there. A quiet and most peaceful place to submit ourselfs to the creator. It is the only place for the believers to come together five times a day to offer namaz here. Regardless of different countries people different colors, different ages and so on.
15 March 2019 0:55
Je pense que les gars qui demandent d'aides pour la mosquée exagèrent un peu il suffit de faire une affiche à sortie. Veuillez accepter mes excuses si cela vous indispose.
27 February 2019 23:37
Even if it's a small place, it's very clean and well managed. And Sheikh, Baraka Allahu feeh, Ali gives very instructive and rich khutbas
13 February 2019 18:24
An indredibly peaceful sanctuary for any brother or sister looking to get away from the chaos of downtown Montreal during the time of salaat. May Allah swt reward those who manage the masjid and those who donate to keep it running.

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