19 January 2024 22:26
Vicky was absolutely amazing, the staff is great and the dresses are beautiful. Good prices too! Thankyou very much
25 November 2023 5:43
Très bon service! Les employés sont tellement gentilles et prennent leur temps avec toi. On ne se sent pas pressé pour essayer les robes. Il y a beaucoup de robe pour toutes les tailles également. J'ai trouvé ma robe de bal et merci!
09 October 2023 19:33
SO MANY DRESSES AND OPTIONS! If you are hesitant on making the trip—DO IT! The amount of dresses was surreal and the service was amazing! The prices were absolutely amazing and can’t that them enough in helping me find my dress!
27 August 2023 23:51
Je tenais à faire ce review pour souligner la gentillesse et le service impeccable de Vicky. Encore merci!
11 August 2023 1:09
Very rude seller they told me one price and charge me other they take cash only they charge tax but no receipt dont go there!
15 July 2023 13:25
If i could give a zero I would. Rude staff, tjey don't listen to what styles you have in mind. But show you only what they think you should wear, with an 1800$ price tag BTW. Aweful service, guess that's what happens when you have been there for so long.
08 July 2023 4:53
Very humble and nice workers. They were very patient with all of us and treated us super kindly! Thank you so so much for your service! Definitely recommend getting your dresses from them because they have a lot of variety and they will give you a very good price.
28 June 2023 0:43
Merveilleux service client! Le staff est très gentil et leurs robes sont simplement magnifiques! Il y en a pour tous les goûts et leur sélection est très grande! Je tiens à chaleureusement remercier Georges pour son service et Mary pour sa patience! Je suis une future mariée aux anges et j’ai hâte de porter (mes) robes blanches de chez Ami-fer! Ne perdez pas votre temps ailleurs c’est LA meilleur place où magasiner sa robe! Merci encore!:)
16 June 2023 19:58
Thank you George (i hope i remembered the right name) and your fabulous sales associate, i found the perfect dress for my gala night! They have it all! And the wedding dress selection is out of this world! I will be back and send everybody i know to stop by your place)
07 June 2023 16:37
J'ai amené ma fille pour acheter sa robe de graduation il y a quelques semaines et nous avons eu une très mauvaise expérience. Dès l'entrée nous avons remarqué que les personnes "de couleur" comme nous étaient ignorées par les vendeuses. Elles agissaient comme si nous n'existions pas et parlaient seulement avec les autres clientes.
18 May 2023 2:37
Conseillère désagréable et arrogante.
Énorme pression pour acheter dès maintenant.
Impossible de prendre de photos ou de chercher nous-même les modèle.

C'est une chose que nous faisons habituellement une fois dans une vie, ce serait bon qu'elle s'en rappel!
14 October 2022 17:44
On vient de se faire sortir du magasin manu militari. Selon la vendeuse, d'une impolitesse de calibre olympique, les personnes pensant plus de 100 lbs n'ont pas le droit de même regarder les robes. Pire "service"
21 September 2022 9:49
Very poor selection. Service is absolute garbage. Very rude. Books me for an appointment to try on a specific wedding dress and then when I get there, she doesn't have it. I would avoid this place.
18 September 2022 1:44
Les vendeurs veulent aider. J'y ai essayé au dessus de 10 robes hors normes pour mariage sans qu'ils ne perdent patience!

Ma seule déception est qu'une fois que jai passé à certaines robes plus dans mes goûts la barre de prix semble avoir été oublié, la déception quand j'ai vu le prix de 3k alors que mon budget était la moitié de cela!

Ils ont de beaux produits, mais soyez clair sur le budget.
09 August 2022 12:21
Wow j'ai dis oui à la robe aujourd'hui, la conseillère était d'une patience d'ange et très souriante. Elle a parfaitement compris ce que je recherchais après 5 robes de mariée j'ai trouver la bonne. J'ai trouver mon diadème également. Mon expérience était juste sublime et j'en suis ressortie avec des étoiles dans les yeux. Le conseillers aussi était très amical. Je recommande cette boutique.
28 July 2022 22:38
On cherchait plusieurs robes de demoiselles d'honneur. En rentrant, dans la boutique aucun service nous est proposé par la vendeuse. On cherche et essaye les robes par nous-mêmes. Les prix ne sont pas affichés sur les robes et la dame nous indique les prix de façon aléatoire. On voit aussi d'autres clients en train de négocier des prix à la caisse. Il n'y a aucune système en place et la vendeuse est impolie.
24 July 2022 16:42
We went here and had an appointment for 8 girls. The service was amazing. They recommended bridesmaid dresses based on what we chose and even brought some of there own selection to us. We used the private room In the basement. And the lady was super helpful and attentive to Our needs. Although t we didn’t buy anything that day, we will definitely be back!
23 July 2022 23:21
Amazing store with incredible employees! They really helped my friends a family and kids. Such kind and genuine service. Shocked by some of the reviews. If I could give more stars I would! They are working hard to meet all my needs given that I have 4 children to dress for a wedding and they don’t usually serve for kids but they are making it work for me so I’m super happy.
19 July 2022 9:02
Une séance mémorable dans le rire et la bonne humeur. Un 2 heures très bien investi avec Georges, un homme passionné et excellent conseiller. Aucune pression de vente et beaucoup d'effort afin que je trouve LA robe pour moi. Et mission accomplie! Je serai magnifique en septembre prochain. Impossible de ne pas trouver la robe pour vous dans cette merveilleuse boutique. Je recommande sans aucune hésitation.boutique. Merci encore à Georges pour cette journée des plus belles, vous avez fait la différence!
18 June 2022 3:38
Excellente expérience pour l’achat d’une robe de mariée. L’homme qui nous a servi a su respecter mon budget et cerner mes goûts et préférences à la perfection. Très bon services et magnifiques robes
08 June 2022 3:14
Je donne une seule étoile parce que je peux pas en donner moins mais si be pouvais je donnerais 0.
Je rentre un dimanche pour me chercher ma robe de mariée. Un vendeur nous demande si j’ai une idée en tête de la robe que je veux. Je lui réponds que non et que je veux simplement regarder pour avoir une idée plus fraîche. Le vendeur me dit avec un ton désagréable: si ta pas d’idée alors j’ai pas le temps pour toi. Il nous demande ensuite de partir. Quel audace! C’est dégueulasse comme attitude! Quel dommage!
07 June 2022 9:07
Excellent service reçu de la part de Monsieur Georges. Nous avons trouvée la robe de mariage à ma soeur et sommes très satisfait. Nous recommandons l'endroit. Aucune pression de la part de Georges, de bonne humeur et super patient. Merci encore à toi Georges.
30 May 2022 22:08
J’ai été pour ma première séance d’essayage de robe de mariée aujourd’hui! J’ai eu un service exceptionnel de la part de mr. George, je n’ai pas encore fais de choix finale mais son service était wow
28 May 2022 0:48
Nous recherchions la robe de bal des finissants pour ma fille, un peu tardivement j'avoue. Après avoir fait plusieurs boutiques, nous commencions à d'espérer. Nous sommes entrées chez Ami-Fer. L'accueil a été des plus sympathiques et nous avons tout de suite trouvé la robe qui a fait WAAAHOUUUUU!
Merci encore pour la gentillesse et cette merveilleuse trouvaille ;) nous sommes tellement contentes. MERCIIIIII
17 May 2022 6:56
Im actually shocked looking at the reviews. I had the best wedding dress experience here. Even the girls I was with, said in the near future we would come back shopping for thier wedding dresses here. I was overwhelemed at the amount of dresses they had, there was sooo many. I was greated right away by a gentlemen who asked me what I was looking for, and when I said I have no idea because I was confused after trying on multiple dress that, that I wasnt sure what I liked anymore. He told us all to sit down and take a moment and breathe. I then told him the style I liked most, and my max budget and he said he would be right back. He came back with two dresses and asked which on I liked more. He than went to get about 5 dresses and said here start trying them on. They were beautiful, but not perfect so he went to get some more. The second time around I fell In love with a beautiful dress, and it was very budget friendly. I asked my friends can you do a quick look around incase theres something that stands out that we missed, they both came back and said nope we have a winner. With that I said yes to the dress. The gentlement helping was very nice, helpful and no where near rude pushy or arrogant like other posts have said. He will for sure see us back in the future 100%
11 May 2022 19:39
Terrible Experience
The saleswoman made my 14-year-old daughter cry and told her she didn't have her dress size without trying to help her just judging the way my daughter was dressed in very loose clothes. I don't recommend this store for teens "THE WORST STORE"

Expérience terrible
La vendeuse a fait pleurer ma fille de 14 ans et lui a dit qu’elle n’avait pas sa taille de robe sans essayer de l’aider
je ne recommande pas ce magasin pour les adolescents « LE PIRE MAGASIN »
11 April 2022 13:59
Très mauvais service.vente sous pression a une ado pour son bal.tout est compressé dans ce magasin.nous sommes sorties en courant.pas agréable ️
09 April 2022 14:51
Service médiocre, une vendeuse avec bcp d attitude qui parlait et chialait très fort contre d'autres clients à son collègue. Très ordinaire surtout pour le prix des robes.
27 March 2022 11:02
Je viens tout juste d’y acheter ma robe de mariée, la robe de mes rêves à un prix très raisonnable. Service incroyable par Georges, qui a été ma plus belle expérience de magasinage à vie! Après plus de 3h d’essayage et des dizaines de robes, jamais le moindre signe d’impatience, bien au contraire, tout était dans le rire et la bonne humeur. Il ne tentait pas de me vendre absolument une robe, il voulait que je trouve LA robe pour moi. J’étais avec plusieurs invités et nous sommes sorties de la boutique en disant que c’était mémorable. Impossible de ne pas trouver la robe pour vous dans cette merveilleuse boutique. Merci encore à Georges pour cette journée des plus belles, vous avez fait la différence!
05 December 2021 10:05
Très peu de robe de mariee sous la barre de 500$. Un homme m a sorti 2 robes, me les a mises dans une cabine et n est jamais revenu! Quel service exécrable. Ai trouvé ailleurs chez un compétiteur.
16 August 2021 14:02
Le service est excellent. Ma fille a essayé plusieurs robes et la dame était très gentille et patiente. Je vous recommande ce magasin
08 August 2021 19:46
Possibilité de mettre de côté et de faire des virements bancaires pour payer. Grand choix de robes.on a trouvé la robe de bal pour ma fille!
17 July 2021 23:47
Nous avons reçu un très bon service personnalisé de la part de Vicky Nous avions notre salle privée pour l'essayage de nos robes, très bon conseil, à l'écoute de nos besoins. Je recommande!
06 July 2021 18:27
Went there for my friend wedding dress. I had a very good experience. Mary is very kind and lovely. Very great choice of weeding dresses and good price too. I highly recommande.
03 July 2021 23:42
My experience at Ami Fer was amazing. Mary was very kind, patient and helpful. She made sure that my bridal experience was fantastic, which I've found hasn't been most cases during covid. Finding my wedding dress with Mary was by far the easiest part of planning a covid wedding. Absolutely loved my experience, I'd highly recommend to anyone looking for a wedding dress!
14 May 2021 15:10
Absolutely amazing. I bought 3 brides maids dresses here, and my wedding dress. The experience was amazing. Mary & Vicky are so kind and helpful I highly recommend.
13 May 2021 20:44
The absolute WORST SERVICE in Montreal. I actually don't even know how they're still open.

I went to the store in August 2020 (pandemic summer) to purchase my wedding dress and bridesmaids dress. The only positive part of the experience was the sales associate Mary who was so sweet and so kind throughout the entire process. I was on dress 4 when one of the employees came to her and spoke in italian (assuming I don't speak italian clearly) asking what my budget was, to make sure my budget was maxed and to hurry us up because the appointment was taking too long. I tried on 8 dresses before finding the one I wanted and then was immediately pushed out. I was really disappointed as every woman dreams of this fun day to have with her bridesmaids to pick the dress and my experience was rushed and clearly a sale was all that was important. My dress was paid in full that day and deposits were put down on 5 bridesmaids dresses. My budget was $2,500.00 for my dress but I told them I didn't want to spend that much if I didn't have to and I walked out of there paying exactly $2,500.00.

Fast forward a few months when the pandemic ramped up, I asked them since our dresses hasn't arrived yet if we could cancel them as my wedding was being cancelled due to the pandemic and I was met with such an aggressive rejection. I was told the dresses absolutely cannot be cancelled, it's impossible and even if my wedding is cancelled, the dresses must be picked up. In the midst of a pandemic, the lack of compassion and understanding from this store was SICKENING. We picked up the dresses in the end because we had no choice but my wedding is still postponed indefinitely. They also lied to us about the seamstress service they offer. They told us when we bought the dresses that a seamstress was available to come to the store when we picked up the dresses to do the first alterations and that it would be done THROUGH THE STORE. All 7 of us understood the same thing but when we picked up the dresses, they gave me a seamstress's number and said I would have to make arrangements myself.

Moral of the story: Money hungry, mean and over priced. Go ANYWHERE but here.
28 April 2021 17:48
Très bon service et large choix de robe blanche, Georges a bien ciblé mes goûts et m'a proposé des robes qui convenaient à ma description, morphologie et budget.
11 February 2021 13:00
The advisor that we had was really nice, kind and patience!
The store has plenty of variety of dresses for bridesmaids! Different styles and size wow!
We started to look at a catalog and every times we like a dress the advisor and the owner went to go get the dress. When we were done with the catalog, the advisor bought us the dress downstairs to go try the 15 dresses and more hahaha!
We were able to be at ease and try all the dresses for more than an hour (no one was there, covid situation). She sometimes looks at our preferences and went to go get more interesting dresses. For 5 bridesmaids, we got 3 differents styles in the same color "baby blue". The experience was amazing, we did 3 stores before and here was the best!
19 December 2020 15:15
If you want that extra special attention on a task that often is hard to do when trying to organize and celebrate an upcoming wedding or graduation; this is the boutique for you! If the city could only get it's act together and stop digging up the streets, they could actually have a thriving business. Tisk, tisk, tisk to the city for trying to kill what was always known as the chic and trendiest place to shop in the east. Oh on another note, TRUST the owner's when they tell you that you look great. They should know after dressing over 200,000 women over their time of existence.
29 September 2020 5:36
Extremely rude service, specifically the owner. Would definitely not recommend to anyone I know. They’re the reason small retail/local stores are failing, with that kind of service, you’re better off shopping online.
22 September 2020 16:06
This was a terrible experience. I went to find a bridesmaid dress with my sister and my mother and we were not treated well at all. When we arrived, we were told that our appointment was for 30 minutes maximum. This came as a surprise, seeing as I had called the shop about the appointment 3 times and it was never mentioned to me. However, our sales lady was very kind and helpful but the manager kept coming over throughout our appointment and rushing us. We had one dress left to try when he came over for the 3rd time and told us we needed to leave because our 30 minutes were up. Needless to say, we did NOT purchase a dress here.
17 April 2020 20:08
Ce matin même, la vendeuse était arrogante, au lieu de me demander comment elle peut m'aider (première question qu'une vendeuse pose habituellement) elle m'a directement demandé quel est mon budget (car selon elle son magasin c'est juste pour des 400$ et plus) alors que je venait juste de franchir la porte et sais même pas si elle a une robe a mon goût.
Je suis sortie de suite et dépensé 600$ chez ses voisins.
17 April 2020 7:36
Personnel extraordinaire! J'ai eu une très belle expérience! Merci Nina, Jorge ainsi que tous les autres! Vous êtes merveilleux!
05 April 2020 12:28
Came here twice. The 1st time, the 1st lady wasn't so friendly. But the second time, I was helped by Nina. A wonderful and patient lady. She helped me find the PERFECT dress. Thank you Ami fer
19 March 2020 4:31
Nina m'a aidé à trouver ma robe! Elle m'a conseillé une robe que je ne pensais pas aimer qui est finalement la robe que j'ai choisie:) Très bon service et prix vraiment abordables!
04 February 2020 23:52
Horrible experience! You walk in and not even a greeting, help is barely offered. No space to walk and very overpriced. We found the same dresses elsewhere for hundreds of dollars cheaper.
28 December 2019 11:12
Excellent service de Nathalie et Mary! Nous avons trouvé nos 4 robes de demoiselles d'honneurs ainsi que celle de la mariée. De beaux modèles pour tous les goûts. Je recommande!
12 December 2019 14:50
Ami-Fer is fantastic! We came to get two Sweet Sixteen dresses and they had tons of beautiful options. Henriette helped us and she was fabulous! Warm, welcoming and funny, but most of all honest. She definitely wanted our girls to have a wonderful time and look beautiful. She knew the inventory so well it took no time at all to find the perfect dresses. The prices were very reasonable and I will definitely take the girls here again for the prom. Thank you, Ami-Fer!
25 October 2019 1:50
J’ai une belle expérience hier chez ami fer vraiment je suis quelqu’un difficile et très exigeante j’ai fait plein magasins pleins des essais de robe trop lourdes trop blin blin je suis arrivée là découragée après avoir essayé 4 robes que j’ai choisi cette madame merveilleuse m’a regardé et dit! Parlez moi svp dites moi c’est que t’aime elle est partie ma rapportée le plus belle est magnifique robe que j’ai vue je l’adore ma robe et trop moi je me sens moi la dans un robe simple avec des détailles douces classique moderne vraiment merci (MERY) si vous allez la bas les filles demande pour elle elle sera a votre écoute et elle vous trouvera la robe à votre goût!
15 October 2019 9:00
My daughter's went to Amifer this weekend. They said that their service was horrible. The most rudest people ever. To the point where they were even falsy accused by a salesperson of walking into the store several times that day. After 15 minutes of her attitude she realized that it was not them. Horrible people. I will go around spreading to as many people as I know not to shop at your store. So whomever is reading this review do yourself a favor go elsewhere to shop even if it costs more. They are not worth your money. And no one needs to be treated in that fashion.
07 October 2019 19:42
Je suis impressionnée par le service qualité/prix, j'ai trouvé une robe magnifique et un voile pour un super bon prix! Merci à Nina et au gérant très sympathique!
02 October 2019 17:07
Puchased my wedding dress here. They have more variety than other stores for not-gown dresses. They respected my $700-budget, and I tried sample dresses. They like to use needles and others to show you how the could eventually look with alterations, but sometimes the dress is just one or two sizes too big (the lady was a bit defensive when we pointed out the dress was simply big for me). Other than that, I went to the store twice without an appointment: the first time, they were too busy. Overall recommended, but go with your entourage.
18 September 2019 16:13
Had a wonderful experience at Ami-Fer! Lina was patient and very helpful. She found me the perfect wedding dress and I could not be happier. Great price and great service, I strongly recommend this store.
17 September 2019 21:00
Horrible service. Went to look for a maid of honour dress and the people working there were the rudest people ever. Disgusting customer service.
11 July 2019 9:27
They try to pressure sell and they only tell you what you want to hear. Also, they lie on there prices a lot. Will buy my wedding dress elsewhere.
13 June 2019 20:25
Very nice store, beautiful dresses, excellent customer service. Thank you very much, Nina, our dresses counselor for your professionalism, enthusiasm and efficiency. I bought the wedding dress and the veil chosen by Nina, in less than 30 minutes.
01 June 2019 5:13
Elena m'a aidé a trouvé ma robe. Elle a meme eu la gentillesse de prendre mon bebe pendant que j'essayais les robes. Prix un peu cher mais plusieurs belles robes.
22 May 2019 14:53
Had a super experience with Mary. I had no appointement and got served right away. She pulled every single dress I wanted. I couldnt decide between 2 dresses. Was very patient let me try them on multiple times.

Went back a week later and said yes to the dress with Mary:)
17 May 2019 18:40
If I could leave zero stars I would in a heartbeat. We went in looking for bridesmaids dresses. We were able to try on a few but then the owner Mr. Elfassi kept asking us if we "had money". Him and his wife then kept telling us that we "couldn't afford" their dresses, when we hadn't even given them a budget yet and money wasn't even an issue at all. When my sister politely asked him if they could stop referencing what we can and can't afford- he AGGRESSIVELY kicked us out of his store. My sister was still trying on one of their dresses- the time it took her to change Elfassi was walking around yelling throughout the store in front of all his customers of how disrespectful we all are. He approached my friends face to yell in her face. He was so chaotic and crazy that the rest of the customers left right behind us and we all looked at each other on the street in complete awe. I've never seen ANYTHING like that having worked in retail myself. It was disgusting and I would spend my money at ANY other establishment in Montreal. They are sick.
08 May 2019 18:41
Went shopping for my bridesmaids and maid of honor dresses at Ami-fer and we were so well accomodated. My girls tried on almost 40 dresses with the help of their very patient staff! I am very pleased with the service we received and will recommend any future brides that ask about this place!
01 May 2019 3:54
Great experience! Great prices! Very helpful and the owner is extremely friendly, flexible. Loves his job.
19 April 2019 2:15
Owner was sooo nice, they helped me find the perfect dress and i was sure i would never find one. They really are helpful and nice! Great experience.
18 April 2019 16:42
I just bought my dream dress on Sunday at Ami Fer.
I had spent alllll day shopping around, probably tried on 25+ dresses. Although a fun time, I was exhausted.
Ami Fer happened to be the last shop we walked into.it should have been the first.
The service was excellent- the whole staff, especially Nina who personally helped me find my perfect fit of a dress. She listened to my needs and had expert & professional advice.
She made me feel like a bride, and helped me find my DREAM DRESS. It was a beautiful experience for me, and my whole bridal party.
I would highly recommend Ami Fer as the bridal boutique to get good service, and beautiful designer dresses for unbelievable prices. ️ I'll be back to help my girls find their bridesmaid dresses!
10 April 2019 11:03
ATTENTION! Je tiens a vous prévenir lorsque vous achetez dans cette magasin. Ils m'ont piegé en nme disant que la robe que je voulais avait un prix d'origine de 700$ et ils m'ont fait un super rabais pour un prix finale de 500$ je pensais que c'était un bon prix pour la robe et je l'ai achetée, le soir même je me suis rendu compte que le prix réel est de 300$ ceci est DÛ VOL voilà la raison de leur politique de "vente finale", très desous de voir qu'ils trichent, je n'étais même pas capable de porter la robe pour le mariage de ma meilleure amie, j'ai finis par la donner chez un magasin de robes usagés même si la robe n'a jamais été portée, quelle couchemar! A votre place je n'achèterais pas à cet endroit. Gâre a vous et vôtre argent
03 April 2019 18:31
This place was the WORST place We have ever been to. First of all you can hardly get anyone to help you. We asked a man, someone who worked there, what the price was for a dress that someone else had on. He looked at us and told us that it was too expensive for us then proceeded to show us the liquidation section. From there we just decided to leave and point out that what he had said to us was rude. As we were leaving, he told us that we were rude for thinking that it was all about the customer. NEVER will I ever go back there.
12 March 2019 6:50
Stéphanie est hyper sympathique! (la vendeuse qui s’est occuper de moi) Gérant gentil et généreux! Sincèrement je n’aurais pas pu avoir mieux!
28 February 2019 8:20
Extremely rude staff! I wish I could give 0 stars. I've never been treated so rudely. Made my fiancée and her bridesmaids feel very uncomfortable. She's not any any means a bridezilla. Would not recommend to anyone.
25 February 2019 2:25
Obnoxious and rude staff. After being ignored by 3 people, we were rudely told not to touch any dresses and that they would come help up. After waiting 10 minutes and noticing the staff was not helping anyone we decided to go down to ask if we could get help. Again we were ignored. Don’t waste your time and money here, the staff looks like a bunch of bitter divorce old ladies.
19 February 2019 22:29
Needed a bridesmaids dress for a friends wedding out west. I knew the designer and colour I needed, but the dress style was up to me. I was dreading the experience but all the ladies were extremely helpful, friendly and kind going through the catalogue and pulling dresses. Found a perfect dress within an hour- they had so many dresses to choose from but they made the experience easy and enjoyable. Thanks!

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