31 December 2023 19:18
Andy's House was a game changer in my life, the staff was excellent and very caring, they treat you like you are family. They taught me how to live and be honest with myself. I'm very grateful to have found this treatment centre. One day at a time, thanks for saving my life.
25 December 2023 22:34
The staff at Andy’s house are truly a blessing. My whole experience there was life changing. I will always be grateful for my time at Andy’s house!
07 September 2023 14:58
Andy’s House is one of my blessings in life since my son entered the house last Feb. My son reached rock bottom with the abuse of alcohol, drugs and associating with the wrong people. He was finally reaching out for help and desperate for guidance. Not knowing what to do, I reached out late on a Friday afternoon to Andy’s House. Mike listened to me with such compassion as I stumbled and cried, and he guided me through the process. Mike worked with me through the weekend as I was afraid for my son and he entered the house that Monday. That was the beginning of his recovery and the feeling that he deserved a better life. He completed the 90 day in-house program and truly walked out those doors a changed person. The compassion, support and guidance of all the staff is outstanding. My son always says the staff listens with compassion and the utmost caring. Glenn was his main counselor and has been wonderful and I will be forever grateful for having my son back. Once they complete the 90 days in-house there is still lots of work to do and they are followed closely with after care, sponsors and the fellowship program. The staff are always there to assist and guide them when they leave. Also Varainja, the social worker at the home, has a support group every week for family members to help and guide us through the process. She is kind, understanding and is always there for us.
I’m so grateful to Andy’s House and would highly recommend anyone looking for help that this is the place to go.
05 September 2023 7:20
J'étais la conjointe et mère d'enfants d'un patient d'Andy's House. Les professionnels de ce centre sont des thérapeutes exceptionnels. Ils sont aussi accueillants pour les proches que pour les patients. Ils ont à coeur le bien-être de tous.

Chaque semaine, j'allais à des rencontres avec d'autres proches afin de m'aider à passer au travers de cette épreuve. Il faisait bon de rencontrer d'autres proches: nous vivions la même chose et nous étions pas seuls.

De mon côté, malheureusement, mon conjoint a rechuté après sa sortie. Par contre, ce n'est pas la faute du centre. (ça c'est important de le savoir) Le centre a été là pour moi et mes enfants. Ils ont su m'accompagner et m'encourager. Jamais je ne me suis sentie abandonnée par eux. Au contraire, ils étaient plein de compassion.

Encore merci Andy's House d'avoir été là pour moi et les filles.
15 March 2023 3:33
This is a house of miracles. I arrived here a shell or my former self, having lost many things in active addiction, most importantly all hope. My stay here was nothing short of transformative. The staff are so knowledgeable, accepting, kind and loving. They guided me in the journey of recovery im still on. They restored my hope and trust in my self. I remember once it was 9 pm and I was crushed after a day of therapy and one of the staff members stayed with me for an hour past the end of her shift just to talk me through it. Every single staff here truly cares and you can tell they love what they are doing which I think is the key to their success. I’m a better person because of this place. If you’re reading this, know that recovery is possible, give yourself the chance. Good luck and God bless
02 March 2023 6:12
The only thing I can say is that it saved my life from alcoholism. The counsellors are very professional and respectful. I would recommend this treatment center for people that have the disease of alcoholism and drugs.
26 February 2023 11:57
Andys House helped me get sober after 20 years of escalating alcohol abuse. I now have over a year sober.

I joined their outpatient programme at the beginning of 2022. I can't recommend Andys House highly enough. They were there for me at the lowest point of my life. I wouldn't be here, let alone sober, if it wasn't for their treatment program.

Their intensive outpatient program is excellent value for money, and allows you to keep working whilst getting professional, top class addiction help.
25 February 2023 14:30
This program provides everything to let you take the best step you will ever take for yourself and for your future. It makes coming out of the misery and hopelessness addiction brings easily accessible for people who have responsibilities to take care of during the week and encourages an active lifestyle whilst in recovery. I would 100% recommend making Andys house’s IOP something to consider for a better and fulfilling life!
25 January 2023 0:18
Words cannot express the immensely positive, life changing impact Andy's house has had on my son and our family. We are so grateful to Mike and Glenn for the absolute best support, guidance and education they continue to provide. The first 90 days is just the beginning. Would HIGHLY recommend to anyone needing help.
10 January 2023 0:45
Absolutely outstanding it felt like my second family and still is my second family. Staff was committed to see me succeed. The aftercare program is second to none. Best decision I ever made. ️
05 January 2023 16:05
This house gave me a second chance at living a happy life. I came into Andy’s completely distraught, miserable and lost. Malnourished on top of that. I thought I would be entering this place to solely work on a substance abuse problem- little did I know, it also taught be to be more open, honest and positive. I learned routine and structure that I now apply to my every day life. I am now healthy, and present minded with family. The staff helped change my negative perspective on life as a general, and I could not be more grateful to this house. They are now my second family! To this day, I’ve continued to receive great advice and I am always welcome to join in on groups. They truly care, something that has helped me maintain beautiful relationships in my life now. I would have never imagined where I am today. Andy’s house saved my life.
13 August 2022 11:07
This place has saved my self from auto-destruction I was, I had no more Hope about life but they give the directions to get out of the hole I was digging for decades. The staff is there still with me on my road of Sobriety like someone really cares about my life. If you or someone in your family needs help with addiction choose Andy’s house and they will follow you to get back on track. A place that I will be Grateful all my life because they go inside on my biggest problem for addiction my feelings and find a way to get over resentment and unworthy I was feeling. Even after get out I can call them and relay on there support. Thanks to all of you to continue to be part of my life like a family that you are for me…
30 July 2022 20:26
Andy’s House treatment centre is the best place to seek help for those who lost their family, friends, job or health due to addiction. With a professional staff and all the resources needed for recovery, it is a place where you feel safe and loved. Speaking from my own experience, Andy’s House has changed my life completely. I came with little hope and on a verge of death. Now I am able to enjoy the freedom of life, reconnect with my loving family and look forward for bright healthy lifestyle filled with lots of opportunities. If anyone is searching to turn their lives around for better I highly recommend that you give them a call.
29 July 2022 15:44
I came into Andy’s House just completely dead inside. Just surviving until I could find that next drink. When I started in Andy’s House I wasn’t completely willing to do everything they were telling me to do. They were patient. I wasn’t being honest with my emotions and thoughts at first, they listened and were able to read between the lines, see my fears and help me confront them in a safe and supportive environment. Everyone in the house has their own unique amazing way to help me feel comfortable in my skin and give me tools to begin my life anew in sobriety. I owe my sobriety/ life to These great people and if anyone has any fears/ doubts about going to Andy’s House, just realize it is the best decision I’ve made in my life and you deserve to give yourself a true chance at living a sober/ happy life.
16 March 2022 6:35
If you are reading these reviews it's because you are looking for help and the best treatment/rehabilitation centre for you or a loved one, look no further, this home gave me back my life and a better way of living. Walking into a treatment center at my age of 55 was not easy but the staff were so kind and caring that I knew I was at the right place. Being First Nations, I wondered if I would fit in, but my case worker Varainja has much experience working with First Nations, and she understood me. I also have mental health issues, and I was able to get help and meet with the psychologist. There was yoga, art, and music therapy every week. The gym is also part of the program 3 x/wk. But more importantly, I am 8+ months clean and sober and my life has changed enormously, I have been able to rebuild relationships with my family that had been broken for years, I am regaining trust that I damaged in my active addiction and I am doing my part to be a better person in my community and in society. I still attend group meetings, and the staff is always available to talk. You deserve to have a better life too, so make that call and don't be afraid to ask questions, get the help you need, I and my family are forever grateful to Andy's House
11 February 2022 1:28
I know of many people who have been traumatized by their experience going here and the place has all the characteristics of a cult.

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