12 January 2024 16:17
J'y suis aller pour une amie du coup un peu perdu, mais super service anglais/français. Serviable et conseille dès l'entrée en magasin!
21 December 2023 6:24
You find what you are looking for, the staff is very friendly and accessible, very good service
18 December 2023 7:50
Battery replacement done correctly. Customer service was on point. I recommend this Apple Store.
01 November 2023 18:48
Excellent service, cordial, bons conseils sur les besoins réels que nous avons. Pas de pression de vente. Merci à Lucas qui a réglé notre problème.
28 October 2023 14:47
Service décevant des gérants! J’appelle le service à la clientèle pour savoir s’il y’a possibilité d’échanger le MacBook Pro que j’ai acheté il y’a 6 semaines et qui est comme neuf pour le nouveau sorti il y’a 2 jours. On m’explique qu’il faut se présenter avec au magasin et qu’on pouvait faire une exception. Je me présente avec le produit dans son emballage. Le premier agent très sympa d’ailleurs le vérifie et on entame même la procédure de réinitialisation. Il s’en va donc chercher le nouveau mais en revenant il me dit qu’il a une mauvaise nouvelle à m’annoncer et que l’échange n’est pas possible. Le gérant a décidé ainsi et tant pis! J’allais acheter des AirPods Max dans cette boutique mais dorénavant elle ne fera plus partie de mes lieux de shopping.
24 September 2023 9:59
Boutique Apple. Boutique?

Centre de formation, et de démonstration ça oui, En français?

Je ne saurais dire si il y avait des vendeurs, pouvant conclure quelque vente que ce soit sur place, ne pouvant les identifier par un badge de pomme, presque toutes les personnes présentes en portant un, et il aurait été mal venu d'interrompre l'un de ces tribun en plaine lancé, sous le regard hémbêté et non moins dubitatif, d'une assemblée des plus attentive, ou egarée, dans cette foule qui ne semble jamais se tarrire, depuis mes vaines précédents tentatives; ce son-là assurément des services prisés donné par un personnel dépassé, et trop peu nombreux, pour un achalandage aussi démentiel, ce qui pourrait expliquer que certains membres de ce personnel épuisé, se sentent désabusés, au point de faire preuve d'une désinvolture des plus abrasive ; en conclusion, c'est là un des lieux les plus fréquenté de la rue Sainte-Catherine, il y a donc assurément quelque chose à y voir. (!? !)
20 September 2023 8:13
The attendants are very kind but everything takes time, I waited 2: 30 to get my dinner and when I came back to buy the charger it was another 20 minutes
(iPhone 15 launch week)
24 August 2023 12:53
Horrible experience. I went to this store to figure out why mac is not charging. Do I need to buy new cable or adapter? I met one of the assistants and we tried different cable and adapter and we figured there is an issue with cable. I bought new cable. It didn’t work as I reached home. Next day I went again, I asked what could be the issue. Two young girls told me it’s an issue with mac itself. And they weren’t even listening that yesterday when we tried mac was working. They asked me to wait for technician. After wait and technician’s assessment an hour after, issue was adapter and mac was fine. There should be some degree of patience in the employees to listen.
25 January 2022 20:15
My favourite iPhone, in the favourite city at the favourite store couldn’t have asked for more! Waited for many days to get the order and finally when it arrived, it took less than 10 minutes to get into the store and get out with the pick up. Well organised!
25 January 2022 1:10
Had a wonderful experience after my computer got stolen with a fellow mcgill student who helped me through the process of getting a new computer.
10 January 2022 12:05
I had a great experience. Ordered something online and could pick it up the same day. Everything went smoothly. Staff was very polite and helpful. Safety measures are in place.
10 January 2022 1:01
I found that this apple store is slower on repairing products than other apple stores in Canada. It takes 2-3 days longer than apple stores in Vancouver and Alberta (at least it's my experience). Estimated repair time for my MBP was delayed 2 days, which I haven't experienced in other stores.
07 January 2022 2:45
Very crowed place but the staff is top notch and I've never had to wait longer than 5 minutes to get what I was looking for.
02 January 2022 0:51
I lost my temper, bad and the manager Chris and their staff was super understanding and knowledgeable. All of them helped me in the best way through human empathy. In a world where people have little time and patience they honestly made my day. I really needed it. Thank you ️
24 December 2021 15:54
Très bon service avec les équipiers. Ils sont très agréable et nous conseille très bien. Possible de payer en paiement séparé et en paiement mensuel dépendant les produits. Gros plus!
23 December 2021 5:49
I wish i could love this experience more, because the people i dealt with were great.but my phone came out of the servicing area (new battery installed) with a huge scratch, more like a cut, across the entire screen! I kind of hate that a lot because i am extremely careful with my devices and they end their life in pristine condition.
17 December 2021 21:50
Pickup’s are super organized and employees are very knowledgeable in their products. Prefer going to this Apple Store above others since it’s bigger and doesn’t feel as crowded.
16 December 2021 22:47
Mauvaise expérience. J'avais pris rendez-vous et j'ai été accueillie en me faisant dire que c'était pas nécessaire d'avoir un rendez-vous.la conseillère était nouvelle et n'avait aucune information ni solution pour moi. Elle arrêtait pas de me dire d'aller en ligne ou répétait ce qu'elle voyait sur l'écran.j'ai vraiment perdu mon temps et j'ai trouvé plus d'aide sur des forums en ligne que chez Apple.
11 December 2021 13:41
It's sad that Apple could perfect it's products but screws up its customer service in this store. After a phone call with customer service regarding an iphone dysfunction that they confirmed was under warranty, they asked me to show up to a genius bar to get the phone repaired for free. When I went to this store, after a loooong wait, a rude representative came up, saw the phone, then said "no, this phone fell off, it's outside of warranty". I explained to him what Apple said on the phone, he said "it's impossible. This is outside of warranty, would will have to pay for the repair". I left, called Apple again and asked to speak to a supervisor to complain about this. They respectufully apologized and sent me a new phone by FedEx, and asked me to mail them the broken phone back in the same box, FOR FREE. Thanks Apple Support.never visiting that Apple Store again for their fradulent behavior. I advise you to stay away from it.
09 December 2021 6:50
Employees' services and professionalism does not meet Apple Stores' average standard. Terrible.
02 December 2021 22:20
Quel mauvais service. Tu prends la peine de prendre un rendez-vous, on te fait quand même attendre 20min pour voir une personne qui te dis que pour réparer le pad qui ne click plus sur un macbook air il faut leur laisser l’ordinateur 5 à 7 jours…. Belle perte de temps!
02 December 2021 11:41
Pire expérience Apple de toute ma vie à Ste Catherine! Magasin à éviter ils font n'importe quoi, crédit recharge crédit recharge pour au final repartir avec mon ancien cell! Plus incompétents on fait pas. 2h en magasin pour ne pas finaliser ma commande car ils ne connaissent pas leur système! Et now je dois contacter le service client pour demander un crédit par téléphone pour me faire dire aussi qu'ils ne sont pas capable de le faire. Mais ou est parti mon argent!
25 November 2021 3:14
Been waiting on iPhone 11 to restock, it's been over 2 months & still not in store, like come on its rediculous!
19 November 2021 3:15
La queue dans la rue mais bonne prise en charge et une super vendeuse réductions pour les étudiants
18 November 2021 7:00
When you wanna buy something - everything is cool and great. When it breaks - suffer for days waiting them to disagonose and then to fix it
06 November 2021 11:44
La 3 fois et sans rendez-vous apres une semaine
mauvaise acceuil de la part du representant (fatiguer peu etre de voire un grand ligne d'attente)
31 October 2021 14:38
Arnaque a 1 500 $: 4 ans d'utlisation: 4 ans de cassement de tete, 4 ans d'insécurité: des disaines d'heure passées au tel avec le service a la clientele, evitez APPLE
Mac acheté a 1 500 $ avec Apple Care: probleme commencent deux mois plus tard, ils ont refusé de me le remplacer malgé toutes les evidences qui prouvent que ce mac a un probleme.
21 October 2021 14:30
Worst service you can get from an apple store. 1st they didn't fix my battery issue then they refuse to put back the screen protector that they remove.scammers.don't even think about getting an applecare it's just a waste of money.
09 October 2021 13:37
Pour un apple store que je visite pour la troisième fois, cette expérience n'est pas très agréable. ça fait des mois que je dépense du temps et de l'argent pour qu'on voit le problème de mon téléphone et toujours rien! On ne fait que analyser votre téléphone tout simplement (chose que vous auriez pu faire de chez vous tout simplement) et après on vous dit qu'il y a rien dans votre téléphone.le gros max qu'on peut vous apporter c'est vous configurer votre téléphone mais même après configuration les problèmes du téléphone persiste et d'aggrave, j'aurais aimé pouvoir être mieux servi, mais je pense que ça sera la dernière fois que j'achète un téléphone de la marque APPLE.trop de problèmes et de va et viens pour rien
04 October 2021 15:55
Genius Bar was very efficient and helpful! I was late for my appointment and they took me in anyway! Tang was very fast and polite! I got my AirPods fixed in 20 minutes!
29 September 2021 4:02
The staff is extremely helpful, and they were really respectful of covid measures.

They also went above and beyond to put is in contact with the apple business team who reached out to us in a matter of hours, and offered a high-quality service.
29 September 2021 1:56
Si je pouvais mettre zéro étoile, je le ferais. On ne tente pas du tout de bien servir ou d’aider le client. Aucunement ouvert aux suggestions. On n’hésite pas à proposer aux clients d’aller au 10-30, à Laval ou à Pointe-Claire. Y a-t-il un gérant dans ce magasin? On comprend qu’il y a des règles à respecter en lien à la COVID. Mais qu’on soit complètement inefficace, voire contre-productif et qu’on nuise à la business voire même à la marque? Pourquoi ne pas prendre les appareils brisés avec les explications du client puis les apporter aux techniciens qui nous rappelleraient en cas d’incompréhension? L’employé à la porte (en passant, ils sont beaucoup trop nombreux à ne rien faire et à refuser d’aider les clients.) m’a dit que ça serait beaucoup trop compliqué de prendre tout ça en note et de me faire signer sur le ipad. Really? Y a-t-il un pilote ds l’avion?
23 September 2021 22:02
Service nul. Les employés qui ne connaissent rien et veulent juste renvoyer le client appeler au service à la clientèle. Ensuite on appelle le service à la clientèle pour une belle attente de 30-45 minutes.
20 September 2021 14:09
I just made a large purchase yesterday. The young man who helped me was very patient as it took a while to make my selection. He answered my many questions and provided information that helped my final decision.
13 September 2021 16:11
I had 2 faulty devices (late 2013 MBP and Ipad 6). And both times they told me everything is ok, several times, after my several appointments to see their specialists. Every time i got stuck with a faulty device for years. Idk if the problem comes from Apple itself, or this store technicians, but i am not buying apple products anymore after that.
21 August 2021 13:59
Usually they care about the clients! The staff is extremely helpful, and they were really respectful of covid measures. Great environment and amazing place, a lot of choices
16 March 2021 16:28
Do not buy apple products online, it is a huge scam, apple asks to send by UPS, and UPS does not issue receipts,
11 February 2021 15:56
Very professional and nice employees over there. I booked an appointment for replacing my father's phone battery and I was really impressed by their service.

10/10 for keeping us safe during the pandamic.
01 February 2021 11:35
When to pick up online order, one of the employees was rude and disrespectful, however they were quick and gave me my product in a few minutes.
24 January 2021 0:56
The security in the door is so rude and speak with you in bad way and he doesn’t understand your situation t
22 February 2019 20:38
Exceptionnellement propre, personnel très qualifié, c'est la mec de la super brand Apple. Ça vaut le détour. Le genius bar du deuxième est composé de personnalités hautement compétents.
22 February 2019 19:33
I went there 2 times to get some help for apple devices. Always packed with people, which is normal, but we mostly managed to get to see someone to help us.
07 February 2019 15:15
Horrible service waited 30 minutes after my appointment was supposed to be they told me that they can't change my battery right away.and I will need to leave there overnight!
03 February 2019 15:04
Un service à la clientèle vraiment sans pareil.

Un personnel qualifié et jovial qui ne demande qu'à vous servir avec professionnalisme.

Je donne avec certitude un 10 sur 10
28 January 2019 12:23
Ils ne comprennent tout simplement pas c'est quoi le gros bon sens.
Ils font un re-call à cause d'une pièce défectueuse (13-inch MacBook Pro (non Touch Bar) Solid-State Drive Service Program). J'utilise mon mac pour le travail et le commis me répond que la réparation prendra de 7 à 10 jours ouvrables. Le gros bon sens voudrait, surtout dans la situation d'un recall, que le magasin offre un délais raisonnable ou qu'il emprunte un ordi similaire pendant le 7 à 10 jours ouvrables. Vraiment de l'abus et aucun sens du service à la clientèle. J'ai parlé à 8 personnes différentes en 2 heures, ça se renvoie la balle et en aucun cas ils font preuve d'ouverture au téléphone. En plus, j'ai payé pour l'apple care. La meilleure piste de solution proposée par le 2 watts éteintes derrière le téléphone était que j'achète un nouvel ordi et que je me le fasse rembourser à la fin de la réparation. Devinez qui devra payer en cas de dommage au nouvel appareil?
Une belle gang de genius
18 January 2019 14:54
I had battery replacement service, i was told it would be ready tmr 9: 00am. I arrived the night right before the store was about to close and asking the stuff to see if they can check my phone is ready as it is not too convenient without a phone. The staff refused to check and keep telling me it would be ready tmr. If i need a robot service and i would talk to a robot, not a human. Please replace apple genius with robots, at least my expectation can be lowered. Or have a status bar on repair on your website.
17 January 2019 16:28
Toujours beaucoup de monde. Le staff est quand même correct, sans plus. Ils ont tendance à avoir des ligne d'entreprise et les suivre à la lettre. Même jusqu'à nier des problèmes réels tant que la maison mère ne les confirme pas. Ça peut être agaçant.
10 January 2019 21:55
I am very disappointed in the lack of care provided by your customer service team. Upon many attempts (6) I have asked a representative to speak to the manager. Not once have I spoken to or received a call back from the manager. This shows absolutely no respect towards us- your customers. I am truly disappointed in your lack of care, and will never come to your establishment again.
On top of all of this my phone was not even fixed properly.
02 January 2019 7:36
As this is the only apple store on the Island this is quite busy. By far and large the staff was nice and well behave, which is quite impressive given the fact that it was Dec 27 and the end of battery replacement discount coming to an end.
02 January 2019 3:24
It is unbelievable! I took an old phone had that we wanted to do minor repair (screen broken) and I was not successful after two trails.
1. Convinced the person who took it the first time it is not worth repairing because it is old and it cheaper to buy a new phone.
2. Tried the same argument with me but after inquiring about the price of the cheapest new phone it turned out it is at least 3 times more expensive to buy a new one.
3. Could not repair it because I did not have the password for apple account even though I had a password for the phone.
4. We wasted about 2.5 hours for this not counting the time to go there and take the appointment because the store it always full!
I took the phone UBREAKFIX and it was fixed in 30 min and 50 % cheaper.
The push from these big companies to make us believe that repairing is not worth it needs to stop for the sake of our planet and our local economy.
26 December 2018 5:32
I have had the worst experience there approximately 2 weeks ago with the Senior Supervisor/Manager, also known as J. S.
He is the worst choice that Apple could have possibly made by placing him in charge of their second busiest store in the world. According to Apple, Apple St. Catherine serves the second largest clientele in the world on a daily basis, upwards of 4000 clients a day, according to Apple sources.
This self righteous piece of garbage kept telling me in the most rudest of ways that Apple has changed their policies and that he is very sorry but their is nothing that he can do.
Over and over again he kept on apologizing and repeating that there is nothing that he can do.
I am an excellent customer, 4 iPhone X’s and a new Apple Watch and at that time I was in the store about 6 times in 30 days. I will not go into the specifics of the issue at the moment, but suffice it to say that he had the authority to enable me to leave as I usually do as a happy client, but he chose to go another route as if he owned Apple and patronized me until I literally saw red and told him off. I also called the Apple Store the following day and they stayed with that same story and same program.
So I made it very clear how unhappy and most of all how disappointed I was and still am and informed them that I will not complain nor say another word, I will just direct my fury at their stock.
And that is exactly what I’ve been doing. The day I went there was the day of the 12.1 update, approximately October 8,9 or 10, I don’t have my notes in front of me, but their stock was hovering between $222-$224, today their stocked closed at $211.00 and hit a low of $206.00, tomorrow is their major launch for their new iPad, good luck Apple, just remember that I told you that I would get your attention one way or another, enjoy the ride!

I will continue this in a few more days and add some very interesting facts that Apple and some of their distributors do not want to be made public. They should have thought of that before they changed their policies on me.apparently they’ve grown so large that they no longer care about customer satisfaction.perhaps they need to experience a substantial decrease in customers in order to appreciate them once again!

I also do reviews under Darren Amex & Darren Crystal, this is, unfortunately the worst review that I ever wrote and I hope that I will never have to reduce myself to having to write such a terrible review, albeit 100% factual, I am still extremely disappointed!
21 December 2018 17:52
Boutique bien agencée dans laquelle vous trouverez très certainement votre bonheur. Beaucoup de monde, on doit donc attendre un peu avant de pouvoir être pris en charge. Le personnel est, quand à lui, courtois et serviable.
Ps: Si vous être Français, foncez, les prix sont bien plus avantageux au Canada.
09 December 2018 8:20
Thank you to “Fab” for his warm and reassuring service. You were excellent and you turned a disagreeable situation into something pleasurable. I wish everyone in customer service departments were more like you! Merci beaucoup!
05 December 2018 18:12
Toujours un service très bien organisé et personalisé, le fait de pouvoir avoir des remdez-vous dans plusieurs avec un avertissement sur notre téléphone est très ingénieux
19 November 2018 11:41
I literally checked in this store today in order to get my cellphone repaired due to broken screen.at the arrival point one of their representatives (name including V) stared that I will need to make an appointment & that It will require more than an hour for me to wait I accepted since it’s logic but I also asked the agent to confirm if I wait until my appointment time my cellphone will get repaired otherwise I could go some other time, he certainly confirmed this matter. I waited 2 hours for my cellphone repair time “which was supposed to be an hour” & finally came to check up the cellphone & when I told her that your agent has confirmed repairs for tonight she started saying no we can’t and it’s going to be for tomorrow I asked for manager in order to explain what happened & why it had been changed since as customers we put time & we would like to receive service but instead of helping he provided two option to me whether not to use their services & leave the store or whether to go back the day after.
I would say this is a horrible version of customer service I am not quite sure if there’d be follow up on my review however I must confess if a manager which is supposed to be a role model for other employees treats like so what we can expect from their services.
I definitely do not recommend this store.
10 November 2018 8:19
Ne respecte pas le rendez-vous pris d’avance et se trompe dans mon nom, ce qui retarde encore davantage le rdv. C’est certain qu’un nom francophone dans un magasin qui privilégie l’anglais, c’est pas facile à écrire.
30 October 2018 23:00
Comme d'habitude,
La carte mère de mon ordi est morte donc j'ai du racheter un ordinateur, on m'a ASSURE que si j'achetais un ordinateur chez Apple le transfer des données de mon ancien ordinateur Apple serait gratuit. Comme vous vous en doutez bien, rien n'est jamais gratuit avec Apple! Je suis donc supposée payer 100$ pour faire le transfer (la blague). Je vous remercie donc de renforcer l'idée que nous avons tous, n'achetez pas Apple, ca ne vaut vraiment pas le coup,
Merci en tout cas, la prochaine fois je suis sure de ne pas acheter Apple et de plus dans votre magasin!
29 October 2018 10:47
I've been having random and intermittent issues writing with my iPad pro and Apple Pencil, which I got two months ago. The first time I went, I got excellent service and they replaced my Apple Pencil right away. This did not fix the issue, however. I went back, and they refuse to replace my 2-month old iPad with Apple Care unless I bring them video proof of this issue. Since it is not a constant issue that I can't predict, this is impossible to do short of holding my phone up to my iPad screen for entire 3-hour class periods (I can guarantee that my professors would not appreciate this). Very unhappy. Next tablet is unlikely to be Apple.
03 October 2018 19:59
Tout juste arrivé à montreal, je décide d'acheter un adaptateur apple pour mon mac car il n'est pas compatible, on me conseille l'achat d'un embout de prise 40$ je l'achete donc. 3 jours plus tard le chargeur de mon mac grille, je me renseigne sur le site apple et lis qu'il est imperatif de changer le chargeur tout entier et non l'embout quand on passe d'un courant fort (france) à un courant faible (canada). Mal conseillé je me rend donc chez apple sainte Catherine pour faire changer mon chargeur usb type C mais il refuse car je n'ai pas ma facture qui est restée en France et me prepose de repayer environ 90 dollars pour un nouveau chargeur tout entier. Dommage pour une multinationale d'agir ainsi avec ses clients.
16 September 2018 12:41
Manifestement on a perdu le contrôle sur ce magasin. Il manque beaucoup d’items de base en inventaire, et j’ai personnellement vécu un véritable calvaire avec 4 visites pour faire réparer un ordinateur, essentiellement lié aux mauvaises communications, difficultés a savoir si des pièces sont en inventaire ou non. Bref on se pose la question si cette succursale respecte les standards d’Apple, on en doute.
De l’aveux même d’employés, c’est désorganisé depuis un moment.

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