27 September 2023 15:41
Un des boutiques à Montréal qui vend de très beau vêtements pour femmes. Si vous désirez acquerir du beau, c'est là. Les vendeuses sont tellement accueillantes, courtoises et souriantes. Suertout très serviables à vous trouvez la grsndeur qui vous ira. Ils ont des vêtemente pour tous les occasions.
19 August 2023 20:33
I was really dissatisfied with my experience at this location. I went to aritzia in the mall in the morning but when I was in this location I was shoved out of the way by employees to locate items for other shoppers, was not greeted by a single employee and was completely disregarded. I was ready to spend a few hundred dollars at this location but put all of my items due to the unwelcoming staff. It was almost as though I was looked down upon while shopping here. (Was carrying another aritzia bag at the time)
09 August 2023 19:18
Les commandes en ligne, c est une mauvaise idée avec cette compagnie. Deuxième mauvaise expérience en 1 mois. Je n acheterai plus un item chez cette compagnie. Concernant ma deuxième commande, celle-ci a été annulée par le centre de commande dans son intégralité, sans aucune justification. En réalité, je n ai pas sus pour quel motif la commande composee de plusieurs items fut annulée. Il y a d autres magasins beaucoup plus fancy offrant un meilleur service a la clientèle, dans le centre ville.
21 July 2023 23:54
I love all aritzia stores but how frustrating is not to have a mirror inside the fitting room, not everyone feel comfortable going out to check in the mirror and sometimes there is more ppl using the mirror so u can’t see ur self properly, so many times I just leave my items bcoz I don’t feel comfortable go out and see my self on the mirror
27 May 2023 13:18
Malheureusement, le service après vente n'est pas leur point fort, pour un magasin qui vend des vêtements à un prix assez élevé ça été un achat de fait et ça sera le dernier dans cette succursale.
19 May 2023 13:46
I dont like the fact that they dont have mirrors in the dressing rooms. You have to go outside in front of everyone. I was trying on a see through dress and was feeling awful there, especially that there were 3 guys waiting for their girls and I had to go out in front of them. Hate hate the experience
17 May 2023 15:12
Un service qui laisse à désirer, personne n'a pris le temps de répondre à mes questions ou alors m'a répondu de façon désagréable: les employés n'ont clairement pas envie de satisfaire la clientèle. L'employée qui m'a servie au moment de payer m'a même menti en me disant qu'il restait l'article à ma taille en se précipitant pour emballer le vêtement. En arrivant chez moi j'ai découvert avec surprise qu'il s'agissait pas du tout de la bonne taille! Je ne recommande absolument pas ce magasin.
16 March 2023 2:49
In the mood to be treated like you have leprosy? I have yet to enter this store and be treated like someone noticed that I was there. I love the brand’s clothing however for some reason, the people working at this location seem to think that they are gracing us with the privileged of being in their midst. Pretty much the worst customer service in Montreal.
17 February 2023 5:35
Politique de retour médiocre, service médiocre et condescendant. Piètre qualité du produit et prix exorbitant. Un des pire service à la clientèle. Gestion absurde. Tous des jeunes sans tête.
04 February 2023 5:37
Pire service à la clientèle, les clients sont traités comme des moins que rien. Cela fait plus de 2 mois que j'attends mon manteau, alors qu'on m'avait promis une livraison en 10 jours. Celle qui s'est présentée comme étant l'assistante-gérante m'a littéralement insultée au téléphone, en ne proposant aucune solution.
15 January 2023 10:16
The male employee is extremely rude.i left and went to the other location.why would anyone want to shop at a store where the staff is disrespectful?
no thanks
13 October 2022 17:39
Always a pleasure coming into this store!
Today especially, Alexia helped me pick some items to try on and it truly felt like shopping with a friend. She even helped me get a bodysuit that wasn't in the store, but she was able to get it for me online and ship it to my home. So satisfied with her help and looking forward to coming by again. Thank you girl!
04 October 2022 5:00
I just realized a black nice sweater I bought two weeks ago from Aritzia had three holes on it, which I didn't even wear once.
25 September 2022 10:13
Belle boutique mais je n'ai pas continuer mes achats car la dame a la salle d'essayage nous a demandé de reculer d'une façon disgracieuses.
20 July 2022 5:41
C’est vraiment chère pour ce que c’est, mais si tu veux être bien habillé c’est une bonne place. 3 étoiles pour le prix.
25 June 2022 16:43
Worst place i have ever shopped at. Dressing rooms have only one mirror outside the room itself. Employees are very judgy. Longest line ever had to wait 2 hours to try on a few pieces of clothing DONT go here worst place ever.
24 June 2022 1:08
The staff is really rude bruh! They cant even have a smile. We know everybody is going through something maybe but thats how there jobs are supposed to be. Theres this lady “camille” she was way too rude by looks and the way she attended people. And her looks were so uncomfortable
14 June 2022 13:19
In the heart of downtown Montreal, this Aritzia is central to all shopping needs. From my many past experiences, the staff has always been helpful and the wide selection with a sizeable inventory is great but may be overwhelming to some.
While its two-story shop with an upwards maneuvering escalator is unique, its unfortunately not wheelchair friendly provided that there are no elevators.
Aside from this, great location but wish they had implemented a more inclusive shopping experience logisitally during the reno and construction process.
25 May 2022 14:53
Nice new spring collection. Good customer service. One of the nicest women clothing in Montreal
08 May 2022 20:47
Staff is very helpful but why are the mirrors not inside the changing rooms? It's uncomfortable having to come out in front of everyone to see what you look like. I'm sure that turns off a lot of people. They don't have a lot of bigger sizes either unless you're looking at the sales rack. Stores should be more inclusive in 2022.
29 April 2022 8:42
Pour le personnel en générale 10/10. Ce qui me pousse à donner une étoile c’est la boss ou gérante “Cat”. Je ne suis pas certaine de sa position dans ce magasin, mais il est apparent qu’elle est plus qu’une vendeuse et qu’elle a une certaine autorité au sein du magasin. Je ne me rappelle plus du nom de la vendeuse qui m’a aidé malheureusement, mais elle a fait un super bon travail! Elle m’a proposé plusieurs vêtements parce que je cherchais à rafraîchir mon garde-robe. On a passé beaucoup de temps ensemble, mais évidemment elle avait d’autres clientes à servir, ce que je comprenais parfaitement (de toute manière c’est toujours bien d’avoir un peu d’espace de la part des vendeurs, sinon on se sent un peu forcer à acheter et étouffé tsey). Donc voilà elle m’aide, et en partant faire je ne sais quoi, j’entends Cat lui parler très mal, en insultant son travail et en disant qu’elle ne s’occupait pas assez bien de moi alors que mon expérience dans le magasin était très bien avant de l’entendre parler à cette jeune fille de cette manière. Ensuite, je l’ai entendu se moquer de cette vendeuse avec une autre de cette collègue, ce que j’ai trouvé dégoûtant! Manque de professionnalisme, et avant de se plaindre à une vendeuse de ma part, venez donc me demander si je suis satisfaite ou pas? Et ce n’est pas la première fois que je l’entends passer des commentaires de ce genre. J’espère que quelqu’un en haute position pourra faire son enquête sur cette Cat et s’assurer qu’elle n’abuse pas de ses employés parce que j’étais sincèrement dégoûté par son comportement. Ce n’est pas la première fois que je l’a vois dans ce magasin et il semble qu’à chaque fois elle trouve un moyen de rabaisser son staff. Je ne retournerai plus là-bas malheureusement, mais je continuerai à magasiner en ligne car j’adore les vêtements!
16 April 2022 6:51
I get dragged there everytime I go shopping with my girlfriend. Never saw her disappointed and she always come back. Good store
02 February 2022 11:15
I’ve been trying to call this store for almost a week now during opening hours and nobody picks up the phone…
21 January 2022 2:02
Poor customer service and pretentious attitude from employees. Not a good atmosphere.if I go it's just to return online purchases and get the heck out!
19 December 2021 23:41
I love Aritzia, but POOR customer service. They prefer to end their conversations than to serve a customer.
07 November 2021 8:12
I was on a trip to Montreal and visited this Aritzia as I had to return two items - a pair of Melina leather pants and a shoulder padded t-shirt on 8/25/2021 around mid-morning. I asked the first employee I saw if I could make a return who from the start had a huge attitude problem. She asked if I had the items, then grabbed them from me and asked when I got them to which I replied "last weekend". She proceeded to check for every tag including the sewn on tags to make sure I was bringing legit items back and checked for any damages (I'm not sure if this is normal, but I've never had an employee check for every sewn tag inside the clothing). Then she said "um, I'm not sure if you can return these but let me check" - why wouldn't I be able to return or exchange an item when I bought it less than 7 days ago? After a couple minutes, the employee said I should be able to return my items and passed me along to her coworker. By this time, I felt very awkward and turned off because the employee treated me with a poor attitude and acted as if I wasn't allowed to be returning anything or like I was bringing in a fake product. I shop at Aritzia very often - on a monthly basis I would say and this is one of the worst experiences I have ever had at their stores. There's nothing worse than an egotistical employee ruining what could be a great shopping experience, especially because this location is huge and has tons of items. We did go upstairs and my friend tried on a couple of things where there was a much friendlier and professional employee.
I went a couple minutes down the street to the Aritzia location at the mall which I would highly recommend! The service there was 10/10 and the store had less to choose from but was much more organized!
02 November 2021 22:30
A great place to shop if you’re XS or XXS because they have small sizes. I’ve styled quite a few clients in Aritzia and they always look put together and love the vibe.
22 September 2021 8:46
This Artizia location is so amazing! The customer service and help was so amazing and on point. I was paired with a designer to help me figure out what to wear and she was so helpful. 10/10 would recommend, prolly my fav in Canada!
08 September 2021 15:55
Very nice store but poor service.i was standing at the cabins for a few mins several employees walked right past me instead of giving me a cabin and another staff was there with her customer (who came after me) and when it was finally my turn and someone came to place me that other staff butted in and made her client go first
13 August 2021 8:49
L’entreprise collecte vos données et vous oblige de les fournir sous peine de « pas de retours ». Je suis allée acheter quelques vêtements et la fille au comptoir me demande mon numéro de téléphone. Je lui dis poliment que je ne veux pas les donner (j’ai n’ai pas à lui expliquer pourquoi. En fait Je veux pas recevoir des informations et je ne veux pas avoir de profil auprès de l entreprise). Elle me dit que dans ce cas là ce sera une vente finale (pour un produit qui n’est pas en spécial en plus.). Elle insiste encore (en me disant que ce sera une facture électronique ou rien du tout). Je lui réponds que toute entreprise doit fournir une facture, selon la loi. Là elle me le fournit d’une façon très bête et en mettant mes vêtements pliés devant moi sans me donner de sac (ni me demander si j’en voulais un) et sans sourire. Ça paraissait qu elle était fâchée que je n’ai pas donné ni mon nom ni l e-mail. Sérieux? Tout cela parce que le client voulait une facture physique… Ça ne donne plus l’envie de magasiner ici. Vraiment c’est le pire service à la clientèle au centre-ville de Mtl que j’ai reçue et ma première fois de voir de l harcèlement pour obtenir les infos personnelles d’un client. On te traite comme du bétail afin d acheter des vêtements qui sont facturées 10x leur coût et ensuite on te traite irrespectueusement à la sortie.wow…
07 May 2020 21:16
An amazing service from two beautiful and fantastic women from Aritizia St-Catherine Street. I asked for their advice about my fashion dilemma and they responded perfectly by bringing me many options and providing truthful opinions about the fashionable choices. From the moment I stepped into their store till the very last moment at the cash register, they offered an outstanding service that makes me want to invest my time and money into this brand, and more importantly, that store! Amazing work to you both, I hope you recognize yourselves here! - the girl finally putting color in her wardrobe xo
06 May 2020 15:14
This store was really pretty and very big. We had a nice experience buying from here. Though was wondering why all the sales women look the same. Hmmmm. Still was a really nice store to shop in
31 March 2020 1:48
Le service est exceptionnel. Mirruna, est aimable et super professionnelle, elle m'a fait sentir à l'aise et elle a aidé ma mère en parlant espagnol. Merci pour ton aide!
26 March 2020 7:13
Une surprise
J'adore les produits, une qualité et un style au Top. Un service excellent. Une belle surprise et ravie d avoir fait les achats chez eux
22 March 2020 5:14
Very good customer service, i need to do change the size foe the online order, she walked me through from A-Z, and ship a new one to my house.
05 March 2020 12:01
The staff here is absolutely incredible, they are so helpful and so nice, I always get mistreated at posh stores because I look younger than I am but Aritzia is the go-to place for all of my wardrobe and the employees are just perfect and stylish too!
11 February 2020 22:17
Wonderful store with great sellers! Thanks to a lady, I picked up a yellow parka for the local winter. I had problems with my card at the checkout, but the cashier was waiting patiently for me and I didn't feel lost at all. When there is time, I will come back again! I will advise this store, it has a good range for every taste!
16 January 2020 22:38
Malheureusement le service après vente est pas très très fort pour un magasin qui vend des vêtements à un prix assez élevé un achat de fait et ça sera le dernier.
04 January 2020 21:45
Wanted to commend the customer service I got from this branch. I've been to the other Aritzia branches, in Vancouver mostly. But I was surprised how well taken care of I was at this branch. Shout out to Sang-A for being very patient and helping me out with my scarf, my things, and also finding the perfect winter jacket. She was able to explain thoughtfully why getting the proper size will make the difference and I felt well taken care of as a customer. Thank you.
04 November 2019 0:56
Shout out for Erica at Aritzia! This young professional is awesome. I received excellent service, with genuine personality and I couldn't believe she remembered my name and my ordered sweater immediately! What a gal! She is destined for greatness, thank you.
25 October 2019 21:08
Customer service is a hit or miss. I noticed I get better service when I'm spending money on more expensive items. I think every person should get quality service regardless of how much they are spending. The salespeople are most of the time super tense and frustrated which makes it unpleasant as soon as I step into the store. I tend to always order online as the online customer service team are always super sweet and helpful.
14 October 2019 1:40
Not long ago, I've had a bad experience at this store with a sales associate that gave me wrong information. She made me believe that an item was on sale when it was not. When I realized it wasn't, I went back to see her at the cash and she responded that I should return the item if I was not satisfied because there was nothing she could do, I was shocked. BUT when I went back a few days ago, I was served by Kelly and it completely changed my mood about this previous experience. So I'd like to say a special thank you to Kelly, who helped me find the right jacket. She clearly cares about her customers, she took the time to walk me through the different styles. She gave a legendary customer service, she was a sweetheart and she deserves recognition.
20 August 2019 13:39
Lol i ordered clothes to be delivered to this store.they said they would contact me once they had received it. I tried contacting them several times and ended up contacting customer service because they were not answering at all. Customer service told me that the clothes had been there for SEVERAL days.like r they okay?
30 July 2019 19:31
Expensive and quality is horrible. A 25$ legging don't even last 1 month before they loose their stretch and holes appear after 2 months.
24 June 2019 0:36
No Respect.

Once I was there (25 mins before Closing) and I heard a feminine staff behind me whisper to another lady: " how silly you're let her go inside. "

Before that, that same staff no Smile + no Polite said to us: " On Sale is that Area! "

These clothes are stylish, but I Don't think I will come back Anymore. Never. Sorry.

No service No attitude, Sorry.
07 May 2019 14:27
I love shopping at this place but it's little expensive.you get all varieties from formal to casual to sports. In downtoen you ou find it in both on peel street and Eaton mall and other locations also easily available
21 April 2019 14:14
Different and cool styles. You can buy chic and sporty clothes. They have quality pieces so expect to spend a bit more but it’s worth it because when you pass it on the washer it will hold it’s shape, unlike most clothes these days.
03 February 2019 18:24
I got a REALLY bad service from Ash. First she rushed me, when she confirmed the email with me was extremely quick. I ordered something to ship to the store, so is important to have a good email and I will be able to receive receipt and confirmation when it arrives right? She made me paid other items I bought and rushed me check my email aside ok. I waited and felt like I was in the middle of everybody while I waited for the email of my receipt. Waited waited waited but still nothing in my email I gently asked can we please verify another time. She said we just did ok. I had to talk to another cashier, she was nice to me, I said I do not know why Ash is in such rush can you please verify my email bc I did not receive anything. Ash yelled I just checked (but the true is not really) so this nice girl opened again my profil and checked IT IS WRONG not only how they typed my name but also my email. Ok ASH. That’s why you did not check, I just do not understand her attitude and beside that fortunately i was smart enough and insisted ask her print the receipt, otherwise, In the first place, I would left with nothing except “the receipt “ is supposed to send to my “email” how could I pick up my order and how could I know when it arrives? Extremely bad service
13 January 2019 16:39
Clothes are stylish but pricey. Fabric is nice. BUT it's one of the retailers with the worst return policies and I'm not exaggerating. When you see 'everything on sale' sign from outside, excited and tempted right? Think twice! Because there's no return or exchange on ANY sale item purchased in store, meaning a $500 jacket with 5% off is considered final sale with no return or exchange or even store credit. You'd better be certain before you buy any 'discounted' clothes here. In my opinion they just play this trick on customers to get away with return policies.
18 October 2018 15:46
Je mets trois étoiles car les produits restent fabuleux mais le service n’est vraiment pas à la hauteur. A plusieurs reprises nous nous sommes présentées, pas un salut, pas d’aide pour les tailles, personnel qui ignore littéralement les clientes, mais qui en revanche rit bcp entre elles. Vraiment spécifique à cette boutique! Si vous avez l'occasion d’aller ailleurs faites le, ce magasin mériterait d’etre fermé tant sa seule constance est le service exécrable. Ma mère ne veut plus aller la car elle y a été humiliée par une vendeuse qui lui a presque rit à la face quand elle a demandé une taille plus petite.sincèrement apprenez le savoir vivre et ensuite le service client à vos équipes du centre eaton (envoyez les donc à Laval qu’elles apprennent l’excellence).
21 May 2018 0:21
I went t0 the store to exchange something i bought online that didn't fit me, i called customer service first and was told that exchanged items would be free of shipping if the store doesn't carry the item i wanted. However, at the physical store, the sale rep told me i have to purchase over 150$ to get free shipping regardless, I didn't want to argue so I order more items and the total was over 200$, the sale rep told me my order qualified for free shipping so I paid my bill and left. When I got home, I noticed she charged me 8$ for shipping! I was very upset so i called the store but no one answered. I will NEVER shop at this store again, so disappointed at their service, especially that I have spent over 600$ within a week at Aritzia. What a shame.

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