02 July 2023 21:52
We cannot say enough good things about this place. We first met John some 10 years ago and he helped us tremendously with our dog reactive dog. We then moved out of province but had to come back for work on a short notice and John and Debra without hesitation took our dog into day care again. We can't even get our local dog care to take our dog without months' notice yet John and Debra just made it work, despite us only being in Montreal for a week. Our dog had a great time with them and we could not be more happy and grateful. What a great, loving environment! Thanks so much again and hope we can be back next year!
27 May 2023 9:23
Awesome place les by awesome people. Judy loved her time there and came home healthy and happy. Thank you Bark Ave!
08 May 2023 2:21
I can’t say enough of Debra and her team. It was our 11 month old cockapoo’s first extended stay away from us for our week vacation (he had stayed no more than a night away from us with family). We had confidence from being referred to them by a colleague but still had anxiety over leaving our dog for over a week in an unfamiliar territory.

They did a thorough evaluation of our puppy to make sure he’d be a good fit with the rest of the pack in daycare during the day and it was the best decision we made to put him in that daily program. 8 nights with them and we couldn’t believe it. He had such a good time he wanted to STAY! Tried to go find the other dogs and play with the staff upon pickup.

Debra made sure my wife and I were confident on our vacation and that all would go well…and it did. Her team was constantly smiling when we saw them and just genuinely excited to see Hunter.

Highly recommended. This is confidently Hunter’s second home!
23 January 2023 3:28
Fantastic dog family at Bark Avenue! My senior dog is very particular and has separation anxiety but Tracy shower him all the genuine love he needed! Looking forward to bring Miko back and getting him socialized more!
14 November 2022 3:20
Very disappointed. I had been a client of Bark Avenue for several years. No longer. The current staff members have become unfortunately unpleasant and unprofessional, as if they are doing you a favour by accepting your business. Classical haughty attribute of entitlement of Millennials, sadly. Happily, there are many far better dog boarding services - with newer and better facilities, and more reasonable pricing as well.
12 November 2022 16:45
I am so happy that I chose this kennel - I am new to Montreal so I was nervous about picking somewhere to board my dog during my vacation. I can’t say enough good things about this place! The owner is an absolute sweetheart and all of the staff seem wonderful as well. They treated my dog like family and I think he was sad to leave, haha. Thanks so much guys, we will be back soon.
22 August 2022 21:52
The team is just amazing. Patient, supportive, accommodating, give great advice, and are kind. They've helped me and my psycho husky/labrador mix so much. I'm one of those "dog moms" so was really apprehensive to leave him at daycare and now I can't imagine not bringing him. He loves his friends and teachers! Wags his tail whenever I say their names. That's all I need to know!
13 July 2022 4:40
Je n’ai même pas eu le temps de les rencontrer que déjà je peux vous dire que Déborah et John manquent totalement de professionnalisme et d’éducation! Après 2 mois d’attente pour un Rv pour dresser mon chien, John ne se présente pas au rendez vous. Et c’est moi qui doit appeler Déborah, pour me faire dire qu’elle a envoyé, une couple d’heure plus tôt, un e-mail pour l’annuler. Mais un coup de fil n’était pas selon elle nécessaire! Il me semble pourtant que quand ce genre de situation arrive et sur un court délai, on s’assure que les personnes sont avertis! Que moi et mon conjoint prenons toute une matinée off du travail pour être présents n’a pas l’air de la déranger! Que John se soit fais mal dans son dos, je comprends tout à fait et je compatis même, mais qu’ils se permettent de juste m’envoyer un e-mail en assumant que je sois branchée 24h sur mes mails et que je vois l’annulation une couple d’heure avant mon rendez vous! Vraiment? ! Disons que je préfère n’avoir jamais à leur confier mon chien…
20 December 2021 15:13
Bark Avenue is an amazing place to bring your dogs. The owners are passionate, caring and very devoted to the wellbeing of the dogs that stay with them (and their owners too). After adopting a 5yo pitbull with severe anxiety and fearful agression, they took us on for training and boarding without hesitation. We have made incredible progress during our short time with them, it has made all the difference. Would recommend for anyone and any dog, big or small.
20 October 2021 8:12
Fantastic place with knowledgeable owners who understand dogs. They have been helping us with our rescue cattle dog who has lots of past issues. We feel confident they have the experience to handle him and are excited to continue working with them.
03 June 2021 22:00
Nicky à visiter plusieur garderie depuis que son ancienne Favorite a fermer début en 2019. Elle ne trouvait pas son bonheur nulle part on me disait quelle dormait et ne jouait pas elle revenait toujours énèrver à la maison. Mais je l'ai apporté au Bark Avenue et elle adore la place et moi aussi les employé sont en OR. Nicky va a la garderie mensuellement et à l'hotel quand besoin et à chaque fois je vois de belle photo d'elle qui s'amuse sur les résaux sociaux. Nous adorons et recommandons Bark Avenue:)
06 April 2021 1:18
Bark Avenue is the best thing we discovered in 2020! Our highly enthusiastic and reactive dog, Zuma, spent 3 weeks of ‘board and train’ there plus some more sessions before and after. After his Board and Train, some of the great improvements we noticed were his ‘place’ and ‘off’ commands and especially how he is on walks. We struggled a lot prior to meeting the team at Bark because Zuma would pull a lot on walks and more. During his board and train, they would send us updates and pictures of Zuma’s activities which we really appreciate. By the end of his stay, Zuma did not only go home like a new dog, but he also went home with new toys and snacks given to him! He was obviously spoiled on his stay there.

I love how Bark Avenue is VERY pitbull-friendly. Upon newly adopting Zuma, I have been in search of a good dog training company to help me, but to my disappointment, I have been told by a couple of ‘dog trainers’ I’ve spoken to that a 20-something, 5’2 person will not be able to handle and take care of a pitbull.

Bark Avenue did not only work with the dog, but also with us to understand him better and what/what not to do. Now, I am confident walking my dog around the block, all thanks to Bark Avenue!
04 April 2021 14:18
What is there to say about Bark Avenue other than good things! If anyone will take good care of your dog as well as you do, and love them the same, they will. They guide you, advise you, and are truly a second family to your dog.
21 February 2021 15:47
Excellent service! Très bons conseils pour notre chiot et cela lui permet de socialiser avec d'autres chiens dans un bon environnement. Les employés ont a cœur le bien être des chiens et ils sont incroyables avec eux! Je recommande cet endroit!
21 November 2020 6:36
Happy tales at Bark Avenue! My boy has been going to daycare for a few weeks now and loves his time there. He comes home happy and tired from a great day of play. Bark Avenue is clean, the staff is knowledgeable and your pup will love their time there! A great place for a daycare, boarding or training
10 August 2019 0:36
The most caring, dog loving people we have ever met. Deb and John are amazing as are the whole staff. Our dog doesn't even look back when we leave him. We just mention that he is going to Bark to see Deb and he waits at the door.
22 January 2019 13:07
I just picked up my dog from daycare. He had a chipped canine tooth. I asked the owner if her facility covered damages like that, or if they had insurance that did.

She told me that she did have insurance, but that it was impossible to prove that my dog was hurt at her facility, so she would not file a claim. She said that people came in all the time saying all sorts of things.

I said that he came in with a full tooth, and that he was leaving with half a tooth. And I reiterated that I was just asking if her business normally covered incidents like this.

She told me I'd have to take it to court. Then she told me that in Quebec, dogs were legally no different from couches. She said that if I had left my couch there, and she had kicked it, then I would have as much of a case against her as if she had kicked my dog.

Also, they lost my dog's leash and couldn't find his harness. I found the harness hanging on the wall, and they gave me someone else's leash to take him home.
19 December 2018 8:20
The stuff is very nice and caring until you are out of the door. We left our dogs there a few weeks ago and because it was a new place we asked them to check if he is doing okay and call us if there were any issues. After they took the selfies with our dog, they just locked him in a room and were ignoring him the whole time. When we came back I could hear the dog cry from the hall. NO ONE called us. After we picked him us we noticed that his paws were hurt because he probably were scratching on the door or something else.
18 September 2018 13:03
So disappointing. We visited Montreal last year and brought our puppy and had an amazing experience. The girl was so helpful and our dog had fun. So naturally since we were here again I called to see if I could send him for the day. The girl said she needed to check the files and see if he was registered, but “she wasn’t by a computer so she’ll call me back” I gave her my name, my dogs name and his breed (morkie). She then called me back and said he’s not in the system the only Bentley they have is a Maltese mix.ummm ya a morkie is a Maltese/yorkie.don’t you work with dogs? I asked her for the name on file and obviously it was mine which I already gave her. Then she told me there record of vaccines is expired so I can’t bring him anyway lol brutal service


Overall Rating: