26 January 2024 18:00
I chose a wrong mechanic who sold my accident, money got shared on 3 places. No one calls back and no one fixes car. Canada is worst than third world country especially with insurance frauds. I dont know how much insurance paid, i dont know who actually fixed the car but car gets water flooded in and it was told that its toral car but with insurance fraud its fixed as total loss to me. I asked mechanic to take cash n just fix it but he refused and said its frame is broken then i dont know what happened between insurance and mechanic. My car is a wreck and gota go to FSRA to help
06 November 2023 4:25
Belairdirect has been my insurer of choice for several years already. I always conduct market research, and I don't think you can find a better quote anywhere else. The app and website are very easy to use, and phone requests are always handled efficiently: there is no waiting time on the call, and the resolution is fast. I also like their Automerit app; it is very precise and encourages you to adopt safe driving habits. The discount you receive if you succeed is also a nice bonus.
02 November 2023 13:56
Une première expérience de réclamation auto interminable et désagréable du début jusqu’à maintenant.

Que ce soit l’attitude inappropriée de la chargée de dossier, la lenteur de traitement de la réclamation ou encore l’absence de solution pour aider à l’obtention d’un véhicule de courtoise, j’ai été en tout point déçue par cet assureur. Tout ça pour une réclamation inférieure a 2000$… Je n’ose pas imaginer le traitement des dossiers un tant soit peu compliqués.

Nous avons choisi un nouvel assureur pour la suite de nos protections auto et habitations, offrant en plus un tarif plus avantageux.

Je ne recommande pas Bélair.
19 September 2023 21:47
J'ai contacté. Bélair pour faire une modification sur ma police, J'ai pu conversé avec elle en français facilement et a compris facilement la modification que je voulais apporter à ma police, travail bien fait
16 September 2023 3:24
J'ai conseiller tout les nouveaux clients pour inscrire avec assurance belaidirect et reste avec eux
15 September 2023 5:11
Had a bad car accident but was helped through it with the insurance company. Advisor was very knowledgeable and reassuring
11 September 2023 10:46
I spent hours of time benchmarking car insurances in QC, and I arrived to the conclusion that Bel Air Direct provides one of the most competitive car insurance services.

I would totally recommend considering Bel Air Direct.
09 September 2023 10:41
Réaction très rapide suite à mon appel pour un dégât d'eau à notre résidence. Personnel très impliqué,
07 September 2023 17:28
Literally looking into new quotes with other companies as we speak. Their customer service is beyond terrible. The girl on the phone was rude and dismissive, didn’t even take a moment to verify me or look into my account or my inquiry on top of calling me sir? !? Going straight to the BBB for discrimination and unethical practice.

09.12.23 Here's a little update on this matter. I now have come to learn that the issue I had indeed called in about where I received no assistance, that I had been right all along. I was being overcharged for a model car that was not mine. When I called back and spoke to another agent at National Bank who uses Bel-Air Direct, she attempted to reassure me that there was no price difference between the two models, mine being a lower model than what they had me insured for. By the end of the call the agent advised me however that she would update my account to reflect the right model even tho this would not change my rate! The story gets better lol. Before the call ended agent said "I do have good news for you however, it looks like there is an opportunity where I can offer you a 10% discount off your rate so I will apply that. I didn't think of it, and ended the call pretty happy. Fast forward to about a week ago. I get my update email advising that my account had been modified and my new rate which was much less than the 10% I was offered. Called back to learn that there was indeed a rate change since the agent updated my account and the whole time I was being overcharged, however since then I was promised 3 call backs and never got them! Very sad that in this day in age these companies do not have policies and procedures which reflect honest practice and that I should just sit here and accept the fact that I was being overcharged by $30 for MONTHS. I have escalated this now to the BBB. Wish me luck and think twice before going with either of these companies! National Bank Insurance or Bel-Air Direct!
02 September 2023 21:29
Très bon service à la clientèle, application facile à utiliser et assistance routière efficace.
02 September 2023 20:10
Florent Aristide.soumission automobile, roulotte et maison.
Contrat bien expliqué WOW
23 August 2023 14:58
Avoid this company at all costs; they are nothing but a group of deceitful scammers. Spare yourself the frustration and financial loss. Following a minor accident that resulted in mere scratches on my front bumper, I reached out to their insurance services. I was assured that bringing my car to their garage would result in prompt repairs. My doubts arose when they consistently postponed the completion date, far beyond the originally promised timeframe. Frustrated and concerned, I demanded the return of my car. It was only then that they admitted the truth: during its time at their service center, my vehicle had been mishandled and damaged further. Now, almost four weeks later, my car remains undrivable, and the company refuses to either return it or allow me to opt for a reputable alternative repair shop.
23 August 2023 5:44
Toujours un excellent service de la part de cette compagnie d’assurance! Les prix sont souvent moins cher et ils ont une petite marge de manœuvre pour des rabais supplémentaires!
18 August 2023 22:02
Personnel très courtois au téléphone. Réponse rapide. Documents reçus rapidement lors de l'achat d'un nouveau véhicule. Espace client facile à utiliser sur le web.
16 August 2023 20:11
Meilleur assureur au Québec!
J'ai l'assurance taxi, l'auto de ma conjointe, et la maison avec blairdirect. A chaque fois je les contacte, les agents font tout leur possible pour offrir un vrai service à la clientèle.
Merci Blairdirect!
15 August 2023 4:18
Very good prices, good service, fast response. Please add the option for airbnb insurance as well.
14 August 2023 9:12
Très bon service à la clientèle, toujours prêts à réviser le dossier pour un meilleur tarif. Merci!
13 August 2023 4:56
I just want to share something about belairdirect they are a very incompetent insurance company they steal there clients just to say that they charge over 2000$ almost 3000$ for administration its just a example of how they make disappear the money that it's supposed to be for a rebuild and the company they do business with to rebuild and demolition they steal from their clients i don't know why belairdirect is still in business
04 August 2023 18:19
Très compétence et fait le possible pour améliorer les dépenses du clients
Aucun forcing pour avoir plus de contrat

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