07 November 2023 19:41
J'adore ce gym, c'est tellement conviviale et sérieux ;je vous le recommande fortement!
28 September 2023 12:19
The gym is over priced and the approach is not very good if you have an eating disorder. The coaches are nice but they could be more friendlier in their customer service. I was not losing weight here because of the intense exercise.as soon as I left and signed up elsewhere I was able to go down in size and weight. Save your money. It’s like 500$ per every 6 weeks.
17 September 2023 11:53
I like the variety of equipment. I go at night and Mike is truly the best gym staff I have ever met or interacted with. He’s very welcoming and always enthusiastic to help.
14 September 2023 2:16
Je suis contente pour ceux qui ont eu de bons expérience mais moi ce n'est pas mon cas. Je n'ai pas eu à faire une séance avec eux et je n'en ferai pas non plus. J'ai payé le montant que je devais en totalité sans jamais faire une séance parce que j'avais un arrangement avec la personne qui m'a reçu mais elle ne m'a jamais rappelé pour savoir quand je commençais et quand j'appelle là-bas pour avoir des nouvelles, je ne réussis jamais à parler avec quelqu'un. J'ai essayé par plusieurs moyens de la retrouver sans succès. Je veux juste me faire rembourser, car je ne veux plus de ce service. Merci à la responsable de Beyond Physical qui va répondre à ce commentaire
01 September 2023 13:58
Tel que mentionné par une autre utilisatrice TRÈS mauvais service après achat.

J’ai envoyé un courriel pour annuler mon contrat 2 jours avant mon premier rdv. Car je ne suis disponible que 4 jours sur les 6 jours d’ouverture. Pour obtenir des résultats il faut suivre le programme dans l’ensemble. Après réflexion, je me suis dit que je ne ferai pas cette grande dépense sachant que je ne pourrai assister aux nombres de séances proposés.

Ils refusent de rembourser la totalité du montant tel que stipulé à 2 endroits dans le contrat et ils veulent me charger 160$. C’est tout a fait contraire aux lois de la protection du consommateur. Je vais faire une plainte à l’office de la protection du consommateur car cette situation est insensée.

Votre programme est peut-être efficace mais vous ne respectez pas les lois et votre publicité est mensongère.
10 August 2023 20:01
For someone who does not like to exercise, this was a good experience. I had not been to the gym in over 10 years. The trainers adapted the exercises to my level and helped me to get stronger. Thanks Beyond Physical.
21 May 2023 6:10
J'adore c'est intense et le résultat est spectaculaire
Je vous le recommande
20 February 2023 15:46
I first signed up for the 6 week challenge after years of lack of motivation and weight gain. Suffering from PCOS, loosing weight is always a little harder. I can proudly say in the 6 weeks I’ve lost 20 pounds! I haven’t lost weight in years. The coaches and staff are amazing & they communicate really well. They are always so motivating and I would have never been able to push myself without them. I re signed up for the 12 week challenge and can’t wait! I really think if you’re thinking of signing up you should! My PCOS symptoms have lowered and is continuing to get better! Xx
14 November 2022 19:30
The staff is engaged which makes me want to be engaged. Atmosphere is inviting no judgements it makes fun to workout. All around I feel very comfortable and motivated!
15 October 2022 12:22
I've been training here for a month already and I love it. I've already lost some weight, my friends are actually starting to notice it. I have more energy, and i love the classes. The 30 min fat loss session is intense and goes by super quick. And the 1 hour personal training is amazing as well. You really work every part of your body. I love all the coaches and everyone just motivates one another which makes the atmosphere very nice. Can't wait to keep going on my new health journey with you guys!
30 September 2022 15:42
I am so thankful and grateful for finding Beyond Physical. All of the trainer's are super qualified, motivating, and courteous. It's been a great experience thus far. I'm super happy to be part of this amazing team and to realistically see rapid changes in my body.
17 September 2022 9:01
J’aime vraiment mon expérience jusqu’à maintenant. J’ai un mois de fait, déjà 8lbs de perdu, mais je me sens surtout bien et motivée à continuer. Les fat loss session sont variés et les cours avec le coach nous enseigne à bien exécuter les exercices afin de bien cibler les muscles.
15 September 2022 16:55
Je n'ai pas de commentaires négatifs à émettre sur leur programme. Je leur accorde un 1/2 car il fonctionne à court terme. Cependant, lorsqu'il s'agit de se faire rembourser son argent ou de la divulgation de leurs politiques. Ils ne sont pas très coopératifs. Je vous recommande de bien lire votre contrat avant de le signer et de bien comprendre leurs conditions de remboursements en cas de suspension/annulation de l'abonnement. À cause de ma mauvaise expérience avec leur service client et après-vente, je leur donne un 0/3.

I have no negative comments to make on their program. I give them a 1/2. The program does work on the short term. However, when it comes to getting your money back or disclosing their policies. They are not very cooperative. I recommend that you read your contract carefully before signing it and understand their refund policies in the event of suspension/cancellation of the subscription. Due to my bad experience with their customer and after-sales service, I give them a 0/3.
01 September 2022 4:18
I have lost so much weight than I thought I could loss in just 3 months and am not even done yet. I would highly recommend this
28 August 2022 17:34
Great staff very motivating fat loss sessions and private training are awesome highly recommend
23 August 2022 15:30
Si vous voulez reprendre votre santé en mains mais vous n'avez pas assez de motivation, vous serez entre de bonnes mains. Les meilleurs en ville. Ils nous suivent de près, nous conseillent, nous encadrent. En un mois à peine, je me sens revivre. Faites le pas. Vous n'allez pas regretter.
23 August 2022 0:57
I have never been so motivated to workout, I love working out but it has always been difficult for me cause sometimes I would loose interest, so for someone who’s been struggling like me beyond Physical is the right place, good coaches and friendly staff members. I like the place and would recommend!
20 July 2022 4:30
My wife and I have been coming to BP for 6 years now and we are beyond happy with the staff and programs we have received over the years. The coaches are very encouraging and cater to our specific needs.
12 July 2022 11:54
The entire beyond physical team is amazing. Coaches are attentive to everyone to make sure that your effort is done the right way. This gym makes me want to work out and get me into the habit of going to gym. I like the way the private group is set up, so it is not overcrowded. Absolutely recommend to everyone!
11 July 2022 5:03
The trainers are extremely supportive and helpful! Always a great workout and they help you get the results you want!
02 July 2022 7:01
Been coming to this gym for 6 years and counting! I’m 37 weeks pregnant now and I’m still coming to the gym The staff is very dedicated and provide a great service to all!
24 June 2022 14:45
Beyond Physical is the best place to get in shape! The programs are personalized, the staff is amazing, and the clients that go there are so friendly, and non judgemental. If you are someone who has never worked out, or needs motivating I HIGHLY recommend joining. Beyond Physical understands that we all need that push no matter our goal, and shows us all that anyone can do it. This is our getaway for the day, and it's SO MUCH FUN!
18 June 2022 9:59
If you need more gym guidance this is the place to sign up great workouts and meal plans. Staff is great also!
09 June 2022 16:30
Best experience ever, le service est exceptionel, les coach sont super, ils sont tout le temps présent et à notre écoute c’est vraiment génial, le plan nutritionnel est impeccable et il ya des suivis reguliers pour nous conseiller et donner des astuces. Ce que j adore est que nous ne sommes pas laissé a nous même. Keep up the good work guys.
05 June 2022 23:11
Can't speak for their actual fitness service but so unprofessional in their communication. Have literally promised to call (regarding signing up) on at least 7 or 8 occasions via email and fb and have never actually called. Very poor customer service.
21 May 2022 1:41
They owe me money nwayz they was good before covid after not the same vibe.
Hopefully i find better in another gym with a coach and not a TV for the price.
24 April 2022 14:24
My name is Angeline I just started to go to Beyond Physical, Best coach ever, call you if they don't see you, follow up with you, give you a meal plan. Everyone is super nice, they start the class on time woww. They motivated people to get their results I'm glad I made the choice to go their. Thank you Everyone.
20 March 2022 19:35
Not just a gym! The coaches go above and beyond. They are supportive, professional and always make sure that the training is adapted to your goals and abilities. Never liked to workout until I started at Beyond Physical!
09 March 2022 22:48
Great gym, great coach. They follow up on you, they push you, they don’t let you down. I recommend this place if you want results!?
26 February 2022 14:27
This is an amazing gym. They truly care and push me to be the best version of myself. It’s super motivating and this is the only place where I’m seeing real result! The staff are amazing and feels like a family.
06 February 2022 10:28
I love Beyond Physical, they are very good and very professional, they make you always feel at home, they cater to you and what you need or want and from there they do their best to make it happen. Going there makes me happy and it pushes you to want to be better.
31 December 2021 2:29
Excellente salle de sport les entraîneurs sont magnifiques, ils font de leur mieux pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. Il y a un environnement chaleureux où ils vous font vous sentir avec la meilleure énergie. Je le recommande à 100 pour cent
24 December 2021 15:06
Amazing and friendly staff that motivates you to be your best! Always a blast and a great workout ️
11 October 2021 1:42
I have never been part of such an amazing organization.
The team here is extremely caring and supportive. They are here to get everyone to reach their goals!
They can and have adapted the center for it to be safe for all of us. Here we can be physically and mentally in shape! Keep up the awesomeness Beyond Physical!
06 September 2021 13:45
Place is very nice and really clean. Everyone is super nice.
Trainers are very helpful and encouraging.
Had an amazing experience
01 September 2021 17:44
The best gym, if you aren’t sweating like this than you aren’t getting a good work out! You want to see improvements come to beyond physical, you won’t regret it!
29 August 2021 5:49
Je me cherche un gym mais avec un nom de gym unilingue anglais c'est certain que je vais regarder ailleurs. On est au Québec et la seule langue officielle est le français au cas ou tu ne le savais pas. Tu as tout le reste de l'Amérique du Nord.
24 August 2021 1:15
Amazing gym, amazing coaches, amazing service.and delicious shakes. Private trainings are a must for anyone looking for an extra push to reach their fitness goals.
05 August 2021 11:10
Been going there for quite a while and I can honestly say it's the best experience I ever have. The training is fulling and the coaches are no joke. They're really there for you and your goal.
Best team ever!
19 July 2021 6:15
Beyond Physical changed my life! I thought I won't be able to lose weight in such a short period of time. The coaches were really nice too. The programs are not that hard as well. Great results!
19 July 2021 3:03
Very disorganized. Poor communication. NO customer service. I was expecting follow up once a month, and that didn’t even happen. $25 a week for absolutely nothing. They offered virtual classes during the pandemic, coaches were late more often than not. Before I cancelled they had decreased the availability of online classes significantly. The menus/meal plans were inaccurate and if you had questions you had to wait 24 to 48 hours for a response. If you emailed on a Friday you wouldn’t hear back from anyone before late Monday. There was absolutely no support. No one ever answered the phones. I would save my money. You get better support from beach body
31 May 2021 19:01
Over 4 years at this gym and still loving it. They have the best coaches, group classes and semi-private trainings!
26 May 2021 14:12
I highly recommend this gym. The staff is very professional and knowledgeable and they have great and amazing energy
17 May 2021 21:59
Pire Gym que j'ai jamais vu, service à la clientèle laisser à désirer! Et la propriétaire est bêtes comme ses pieds! C’est pour cette raison que je ne vais jamais être membre de votre gym!
02 May 2021 10:36
Beyond Physical is an amazing atmosphere fostering wellness, health and fitness. With a great team and truly inspirational opportunities to make positive and effective change; Beyond Physical is NUMBER 1!
23 April 2021 12:24
Excellent gym privé, l'equipe est toujours la pour te motiver! L'ambiance quand on s'entraîne avec les autres membres eat formidable! Leurs cours et plan de nutrition au top! Keep it on guys!
31 January 2021 10:21
I am 50 years old and have lost 31 lbs so far. I am in the best shape of my life! The trainers motivate you to help you reach your goal. Amazing experience!
29 October 2020 3:07
Amazing team! I couldn't have gotten the results or reach my goal without their help and support. Thank you Bp team
12 September 2020 19:29
Fantastic workout! Very well organized!
Good job on making us feel safe during this pandemic.
19 March 2020 5:47
If you lack motivation, in this gym, you will find it and you will discover the strong person in you.
15 October 2019 2:59
Excellent physical training facility!
It is not your standard gym where you can just get in and use the equipment, but a place focused in personalized training that really give you results for your fit improvement goals.
The 6 weeks challenge is amazing! You get unlimited access to group classes, a meal plan with grocery lists and recipes that absolutely help you in improving your eating habits.
07 October 2019 20:23
Beyond Physical and the 21 weight loss challenge as been a awesome experience and beyond all expectations. The personal trainers and the staff are crying and dedicated team. They help you and noticed you to achieve your goals. The meal plan are easy to fallow. The training session provide a full body workout and help you to increase your fitness, strength and self confidence whether you are a beginner or are ready for a new challenge that will change your life.
16 September 2019 8:04
I loved my experience with the 21 days challenge, it was less hard than I thought and I’m so happy to have lost weight, I’m feeling it and my friends are telling me also that they’re noticing it.
I love the group training, it’s so motivating and the trainers are awesome, they help you and encourages you.
Thank you BP!
14 July 2019 7:07
Want to start training but are not motivated or not sure where to start OR you just want an intense group training class then this is an excellent gym for well thought out group training classes and personalized training in a semi-private environment.
06 January 2019 3:02
Prenez un rendez vous pour un essai gratuit. C'est un gym pour tout le monde et les entraîneurs sont motivants.
Essayez-le! Une visite vous convaincra.

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