03 November 2023 6:19
Unpleasant miserable looking employees who converse loudly as though in a bar and not a library. What happened to the concept of a library being a place of study and tranquility?
I could not concentrate on choosing a book, particularly because of a very loud female employee who was talking at the top of her lungs. I guess i should not be surprised that they never tell people to be quiet either, yet they do in fact have security, someone who sits there looking bored who does nothing, at least he's not yelling across the room like his colleague. Furthermore, they don't bother to dress in a professional manner. They look shabby and miserable, and it is quite demoralizing to witness their behavior and be in their presence.
04 August 2023 5:46
Le système informatique pour l'enregistrement, le retour et la réservation des livres est exceptionnel de simplicité et d'efficacité. Le personnel est attentif et agréable.
Merci à toute cette équipe.
07 July 2023 10:46
Great library. Great location. Clean and not noisy. So far no one has gone out of their way to act superior or sneer and some of the staff actually acted friendly and polite.

Like in any place there will be one person who could be prejudicial, tries to trigger a reaction and puts off negative vibes by dismissing a person with their hand as if you were a bug, but when there is another person who balances this energy out with being kind and apologetic, it changes everything, IMO, especially your frame of mind and experience at this place.

My guess is one great threat to French language is drop-out/push-out rate. Make it unpleasant to go to school and go to libraries, what do they think will happen? Refuse to speak English or refuse to treat Anglophones as equals doesn’t appear to be saving the French language, does it? What might save French, if it needs saving at all? Does using a soft form of brutal force and exclusion help get French participation to the next level or hamper it, while enforcing a possible, logical fallacy derived by a mediocre skilled power structure? Reading French and bilingual literature, IMO is proven to work, and is not just a social experiment that could damage economy and source of funding for libraries. And this place has lots of books to choose from, but I think I own more bilingual books, where both English and French are in same book, than I could find in this library. I am a big fan of bilingual books and wish there were more. Not a great fan of poor mocking/paralyzing more poor at taxpayer’s expense.

Sometimes the security guard, IMO, can feel intimidating, unfriendly and intrusive as he arranges empty seats then stands behind you, looking at your screen you can feel stigmatized, which makes it hard to concentrate, IMO, and it feels very public-high schoolish where drop-out/push-out/rate might even be encouraged, IMO, and possibly another reason why quasi-socialism can feel quasi-authoritarian at times, even when not intended to, IMO, because the right to privacy at times seems to not be recognized in this place, IMO, and if you are using a public computer to do tax/immigration related stuff, caution is probably advised.

Do ordinary people have less civil rights under Quebec’s civil law than under Canadian common law?
29 June 2023 10:47
Cozy place to do homework or just read for a while. It has many interesting things besides books.
I recommend it.
20 June 2023 11:51
J'ai reçu une aide bienveillante et le service est très efficace. Tous les documents que je cherchais s'y trouvent et j'ai pu les emprunter et les renouveler aisément. Merci à tous les bibliothécaires.
16 April 2023 9:40
Love this place-it's so serene and well lit, and everybody is incredibly helpful. I wish they had more cookbooks and language books, though. Really up on the new stuff, and there are very few Anglo subscribers, I think, because I can always get the new English books without competition or waiting time.

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