15 November 2023 11:59
0 etoile serait plus approprier ne respecte pas les allergies, wt ne refle pas le probleme non plus, ne perdez ni votre temps ni votre argent
03 November 2023 18:03
I tired their cookies because of the recent hype online! I was very disappointed with the quality. It didn’t taste like a cookie but more like a muffin. Unfortunately, I had to throw them away because they weren’t baked properly! It was like eating a raw cookie dough.
21 October 2023 1:01
Meilleure biscuit pour quand on a un craving! Les biscuits restent mou même après plusieurs jours de les avoirs achetés (mais ils sont meilleures quand on les mets au four/micro-onde) ;)
18 June 2023 10:25
Absolutely delicious cookies - sooooo rich and every bite is so satisfying. First time buying but definitely not the last! Also makes for a beautiful dessert to offer to someone who is receiving you for a dinner etc.
Vegan cookies available as well!
12 June 2023 14:03
Very good cookies. A little too sweet for my taste, I ate them over a week. The best one is definitely the lemon one!
09 April 2023 17:03
J'ai adoré leurs biscuits. Quelques secondes au micro-ondes comme suggéré et c'était délicieux.
15 March 2023 15:43
Délicieux! Coup de coeur pour bueno, red velvet et biscuits et crème Je vais y retourner, c'est certain!
09 March 2023 18:07
I also order from them throught UberEats love the cookies, one of the best the only issue is they never put the the flavor you ask.everytime i ordered I always get random ones.why put a note when they don't even respect it.
28 January 2023 10:45
Odeur Tellllllllllement trop alléchante dès l'entrée! Service cordiale, biscuits très appétissants! Je vais y retourner c certain
14 January 2023 6:39
J'ai été deux fois chez Blonde biscuiterie. J'y suis allée une deuxième foisparce qu'ils avaient sorti les saveurs "automne". Mais finalement, je suis revenue à la même impression que la première fois: à part le topping "pour faire la saveur du biscuit", ils sont tous pareils, soient une biscuit avec des pépites de chocolats qui goûtent tous la même chose. Ironiquement, la deuxième fois que j'ai pris le biscuit funketti, il n'y avait pas le fameux crémage dans le biscuit comme sur les photos. Problème de constance? En bref, à part 2-3 saveurs bonnes tel que funketti, barbe à papa.tous les biscuits se ressemblent si on enlève le topping. Parfois, je me questionne si le boscuit est assez cuit? P.s. Celui au brownie est le pire. Ça et une bouchée dans la poudre de cacao est la même chose. Peut-être à revoir la recette?
Originle. Bonne idée derrière tout ça. Prix un peu dispendieux. Somme tout, il y a du potentielle.
08 December 2022 2:26
Ce sont probablement les meilleurs biscuits que j'ai mangés dans ma vie. Denses, moelleux, goûteux.complètement décadents! Grande variété aussi. Attention au tour de taille.
07 December 2022 22:17
Bon potentiel, mais:

- Biscuits vraiment trop sucrés, je suis d'accord avec d'autres reviews disant que des choix en conséquence serait peut-être de mise
- Pas beaucoup de différences entre leurs pâtes à biscuits, alors de saveur en saveur, ça goûte sensiblement similaire dans plusieurs cas
- Pas si moelleux à l'intérieur

- Beau visuel
- Service de livraison très rapide
- Bonne quantité/prix
- Beau marketing

Finalement, je n'en rachèterais pas, à moins qu'ils améliorent les saveurs
25 November 2022 18:36
Les points positifs:
- le branding et le design intérieur
- la variété des saveurs de biscuits et leur aspect visuel

Les points à améliorer:
- le service à la clientèle *vraiment important*
- offrir des saveurs moins sucrées parce que étant des « bibittes à sucre », on les a trouvé beaucoup trop sucrés. Faut prévoir une bouteille d’eau pour couper réduire le goût du sucre en bouche.

Le branding et les reviews à attiré notre attention, mais nous ne serons pas des clients réguliers malheureusement.

Bonne chance tout de même pour la suite! L’entreprise aurait un beau potentiel notamment dans des épiceries et dans les centres commerciaux.:)
28 October 2022 8:48
Taste very good and friendly staff! One suggestion.some milkshake on that menu would be very good with cookies:)
28 September 2022 13:23
Great cookies and such a cute local small business! It was great meeting the owner as well! A definite must try!
22 August 2022 20:54
Ca fait quelques fois que je vais au blonde biscuiterie et je fais litteralement la route pour y aller j'adore les biscuits tres moelleux rapport qualité prix excellent! Je recommande
03 August 2022 19:18
Sans intérêt. On croirait manger de la pâte à cookies cru. C'est ultra chère pour ce que c'est. Un attrape touriste. Allez manger des vrai cookies ailleurs
28 July 2022 5:21
If you haven't tried these cookies yet, you don't know what you're missing! Always fresh and delicious. Their boxes are also beautiful and make for a great presentation when bringing them to someone. Definitely recommend!
01 July 2022 11:52
I just ordered the mixed box and asked for a few flavors that I would like. They went beyond my expectations! The presentation was gorgeous, the taste was amazing! And so rich. What a find! I would highly recommend to everyone.
09 June 2022 5:57
What a wonderful little spot. We got a box of a dozen and shared the wonderful flavors. If I were to recommend any of them, the Kinder egg and the Birthday cake were tasty.

I would highly suggest giving this place a try!
26 May 2022 5:50
I’ve been to both beautiful locations and can say that these cookies have become a non-negotiable part of our grocery list! They are fantastic. The flavours are creative and innovative and the cookies are moist and generously stuffed. We look forward to every new season as they release new flavours to choose from, and it’s been a tradition for me to add their cookies to every celebratory event we host.
Well done to the team! You always exceed our expectations in both quality and service. You have a customer for life!
23 May 2022 8:11
Just amazing ️, I had been driving by the place always wanting to give them a shot, WOW they didn't disappoint. I took a variety to try them out and they were all amazing. I now have a new addiction. I will update this review with our favourites as we descend down this decadent journey.
24 April 2022 19:46
Je salive chaque fois que je vois des photos de leurs biscuits. J'ai la dent (très) sucrée et pour moi, c'est le paradis à chaque bouchée. Ca fait un beau cadeau aux gourmants et c'est local. En gros, je CAPOTE sur leurs biscuits!
20 April 2022 9:49
Les biscuits sont délicieux mais le service est vraiment compliqué! Il n’y a pas de numéro de téléphone pour des questions ou commandes spéciales et ça prend des jours avant d’avoir un retour sur leurs médias sociaux… le site internet est plus ou moins facile pour les commandes.il n’y a pas d’options véganes si ce n’est pas commandé 24h d’avance et pour ce faire, c’est une commande de minimum 6. Vraiment décevant!
08 April 2022 8:14
Upon arriving and placing my order, I did have to wait a few minutes as the cookies were just coming out of the oven. Great customer service and it smelled so good inside the bakery.

I got a mixed box of cookies, which were chocolate chip, red velvet, peanut butter, cookies & cream and all the cookies were delicious!

These cookies were soft, moist and full of flavor! These aren’t small cookies, so if you’re expecting to devour 5-6 of them in one sitting, you’re gonna want to take a pause!
28 December 2021 7:41
Les biscuits sont vraiment délicieux! J’ai commandé à l’avance plusieurs fois et mes commandes étaient toujours prêtes à l’heure. J’adore la variété offerte et les spéciaux de la saison. Je recommande fortement cet endroit! Ce sont mes biscuits préférés!
06 December 2021 11:37
I mean. Those cookies were good to try once or twice but the second time, I ordered red velvet & there was no cream cheese frosting on it! As a company, you MUST have all the ingredients! ‍️ It was really deceiving since it was the flavor that I wanted to try the most! I even paid for delivery which is really expensive! The delay of response was hours apart! They were probably not sure if they could deliver it to me. Talking about it, now that they have a store, they didn’t even write the price of delivery and they most likely will never. I saw so many compagnies that are/were home-based do that probably so that they can talk to the client personally & try to get income! That’s a very bad marketing strategy. If the client doesn’t want to pay for the delivery, that’s even more awkward to refuse in private message! The prices of the cookies got up very high so I won’t even be surprised if the delivery is too! The cookies were good for the time they lasted but I don’t think that you will go back to it. As others said, it has a raw feeling to it. I liked the soft texture the very first time I tried these but I already felt like the baking time was not long enough. The second time, the cookies had a even more raw sensation to it. Also, I thought of visiting the store one day just out of curiosity but knowing that it is in a basement, I don’t think that this cold? Environment (since all basements are pretty much cold) would attract anyone. The experience is COMPLETELY ruined for me!
UPDATE: I checked and I actually ordered from you three times! People can say the truth (positive or negative reviews) & post whatever they desire on their own social media. CAUTIOUS, they watch people’s Instagram stories just so that you buy from them! Plus, the second time, there was only an Instagram "like" on my e-transfer message, you didn’t even take the time to say a simple THANK YOU! Telling your fiancé to stalk me is VERY unprofessional & exposing clients with screenshots on Instagram lying that they didn’t pay you just because you cannot accept people’s real opinion is CHILDISH! Telling your “fans" to attack someone on social media because of their honest opinion. The owner of this rookie business thinks she is someone so she will expose you to her followers if you disapprove of her! Have you ever seen a REAL PROFESSIONAL COMPANY react like that to a review? ! Be careful & think if you really want to buy from this ROOKIE cookie company. She will tell the little girls to backlash you if you don’t like her cookies & if you don’t approve her way of doing her business like not saying "thank you" and not writing prices to try to get people that are overhyped of cookies’ money! Then, telling all those people to write FAKE good reviews in the same day for free cookies is IMMORAL! Look at all the good reviews, it is all five stars and it was exactly when she responded to my review! She told people to compliment her for free cookies afterward! Do you really want to support someone that blame clients instead of assuming her own wrongdoings?
23 November 2021 15:49
J'ai fait une commande de biscuit sur Uber et jai pris la boite mix puisque sinon cest 12 de la même saveur. Pour finir avec 4 sorte pareil qui semblant être peut-etre ceux que les gens ne prefaire pas. Les biscuits sont bon je ne vais pas dire le contraire mais il doute pomal tout comme celui au biscuit au chocolat. Alors pour un bon biscuit au chocolat apsolument oui, les boites mix malheuresement c'est un non.
22 November 2021 4:02
Je suis allée 3 fois.

Les 2 premières fois, les biscuits etaient parfaits, avec beaucoup de crémage, moileux et chaud.

La 3 ème fois par contre, les biscuits étaient secs, sans crémage (ou sèché sur le dessus) et froid. La qualité a facilement diminuée malheureusement.
14 October 2021 6:17
Excellent dessert! L’option avec la crème glacée est bien sucrée.

Service: Moyen, il n’y avait personne à la caisse quand je suis entrée et j’ai du attendre un bon moment avant qu’on vienne prendre ma commande.

Présentation du produit: Les biscuits sont très denses et en forme de dôme. L’apparence n’est pas égale pour chaque et ça donne une allure très “homemade” au produit. Ça rajoute un certain charme!
03 September 2021 19:40
L'endroit est très propre et beau j'ai beaucoup aimé le prix est élevé mais le service est rapide et c'est les meilleurs cookies que j'ai jamais goûté!
02 September 2021 10:51
Very cute little biscuiterie! Love the cookies and the staff was super nice! I drove all the way from west island to get these cookies it was soo worth it!
04 August 2021 17:49
J'adore les biscuits, mais cette place se démarque de ce que l'on peut trouver. La pâte est tendre et mouelleuse, c'est frais, c'est bon! C'est plus que bon, c'est incroyablement bon!
Ne vous faites pas avoir par la forme des biscuits, ils en valent la peine!
29 July 2021 22:37
Honnêtement les biscuits sont corrects pour le prix, au moins ils sont super frais! Par contre, vraiment déçue par le service j'avais commandé d'avance pour être sûre que ma commande soit prête à l'heure et on m'a fait patienter plus d'une demi-heure sur place. Quand j'ai reçu ma commande, il y avait des erreurs dans les saveurs reçues, on m'a obstiné que c'était moi qui avais fait une erreur, alors que c'était la commande à la main qui avait été mal écrite. C'est vraiment dommage et ça ne me donne pas le goût de revenir!
07 July 2021 15:30
Blonde Biscuiterie where have you been my whole life? My family and I visited for the first time today and it definitely won't be our last. The cookies taste like they came straight out of the oven. The batch we received were warm and super soft. They are very sweet, so one or two cookies are probably enough for an adult. It would be awesome if they had a glass of cold milk to offer along with the cookies. It Would help balance out all of the sweetness.
07 June 2021 21:41
Very bad organisation and service. You wait so long for your order even though you placed an order to pick up. They really need to improve the flow and service. 30 minutes for a pick up is unacceptable.
22 May 2021 14:56
I just went today to buy some cookies for the first time because I heard they’re really good and I found a hair in one of my cookies. I went back and told them and they switched and gave me a new box of cookies. Overall the cookies were good.
13 May 2021 3:11
The cookies look way too good and the owner is really awesome and sweet! Love love love the cookies and will definitely be going there on a regular basis!
11 May 2021 9:01
Had a hard time believing this spot was in Laval! So glad to have such a business in the area. Don’t have to drive too far to pick up cute desserts. Unlike anything else around, Blonde biscuiterie cookies are impressive and mouth-watering! Very professional service too.
10 May 2021 15:34
Who knew cookies can taste so good. Im not really a cookie fan but when I tried blonde biscuiterie It was really good. It’s literally the best desert that you can eat. They have a lot of selection like cookies in a form of pizza, they have different flavours, chocolate, brownies and so much more. She’s really creative, I really loved their autumn cookies.
09 May 2021 7:31
Une super belle expérience client! Les biscuits sont tous aussi beaux que bons! Je recommande fortement ils ont une très belles variétés:)
05 May 2021 5:04
Had a 4 flavour box a few months and it was absolutely delicious! And it's something so unique! Great for birthdays even for people who don't like cake. Yea they exist. -. -. My wife is one of them!
04 May 2021 14:28
The cookies are so delicious for an affordable price! Its a beautiful place with great service.
02 May 2021 22:58
Received a box of these amazing cookies after I gave birth in May and ever since they are the only cookies I ever purchase! My whole family is hooked - I even got the frozen cookies to make sure we always have some on hand! They are the bomb - the flavours cannot be compared and they are always fresh! Keep up the great work:)
02 May 2021 7:42
Je ne suis pas une fan de biscuits, mais ceux de blonde biscuiterie sont divins, succulent et réconfortant, une jeune entreprise qui deviendra internationale j'en suis sûr
28 April 2021 15:49
Hands down the best cookies around. So happy to have them in Laval. We’ve ordered from several different cookie places and these are literally amazing. Cookies/cream and salted caramel are the best by far
28 April 2021 8:01
I absolutely love these cookies, they're so soft and gooey there's so much variety, there's literally something for everybody! Would highly recommend!
24 April 2021 22:06
This is the best cookie place in Montreal/Laval! So delicious and tender I love absolutely every kind they have! Definitely going back for more!
24 April 2021 15:21
I love their cookies! I used to buy them when they sold at boule boule. Their brownie and Nutella one are my absolute favourite!
23 April 2021 22:21
Cute shop for the best cookies in town! The cookies are delicious and fresh. Great service and an overall great experience!
19 April 2021 19:42
Je commande depuis les tous débuts et blonde biscuiterie ne m’a jamais déçu! Les biscuits sont toujours frais et livrés avec amour et passion. Je recommande à tous ceux qui aime ce régaler avec des petits délices sucrés. 5/5
18 April 2021 19:58
Meilleure endroit pour avoir une collation sucré. J’y suis allé à quelques reprises et l’accueil était très chaleureuse. Les biscuits était très succulent et chaud. Je suis fan!
16 April 2021 22:45
I ordered cookies just before she opened her store and oh my god! Simply amazing I could not stop eating that night (consequently, I gained 2 kgs that week, but totally worth it). P. -s. The Kinder flavour is heaven on earth
14 April 2021 16:25
C’est vraiment les meilleurs biscuits que j’ai mangé de tout ma vie. Ils sont moelleux et frais. Le service a la clientèle est impeccable, répond vite et toujours poli. JE RECOMMANDE.
11 April 2021 10:28
I recently ordered these cookies for the first time, they were honestly the best cookies I ever ate! I would definitively recommend!
09 April 2021 5:44
So many amazing flavours and all sooooo delicious. Every time I've been the cookies were hot and fresh. So good!
06 April 2021 16:20
My wife has been following for a while on instagram. She finally placed and order for today (Wednesday 19th) we were excited to try them. Drove all the way from South Shore to Laval, and wow what a disappointment.
They were NOT as big as on Instagram, we ordered all the flavors and they seem to be made from the same dough with the same chocolate - white or milk or black.
The look was 1/10. THEY WERE HARD AS A ROCK
The only cookie we liked was the salted caramel, we were wondering what the other flavors were because they all taste the same.and absolutely didnt know which one the Kinder was.
I dont get where all the hype is.bad taste.maybe before you opened that store they were good.
Im sorry but wont buy again.
05 April 2021 19:26
A cute cookie place with such delicious cookies that are worth the wait! So close to home. So many different cookies with many flavours to offer.
31 March 2021 10:23
Meilleurs biscuits que j'ai mangé jusqu'à maintenant! Tellement moelleux et savoureux! Mon préféré était le smores!
30 March 2021 10:21
If you have a big sweet tooth the cookies here will be perfect for you! The service was honestly pretty awesome too.
25 March 2021 19:52
Je n’ai pas vraiment la dent sucrée mais je pourrais manger une douzaine de ses biscuits sans me tanner. Vraiment chapeau
20 March 2021 23:26
Très souriante, très gentille, les biscuits sont juste énormément délicieux. Plus tu manges, plus que tu veux manger encore. Nous sommes allés chercher des biscuits et le service est juste excellent. Elle a eu beaucoup de succès si rapidement très impressionnant pour une entreprise locale. SUPPORT LOCAL!

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